Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 995: Chapter 52 : The Treacherous Sea

Chapter 995: Chapter 52 : The Treacherous Sea


I couldn't believe it… I lost her. I lost Sasha in the waves. With powerful strokes, I pushed toward the nearest shore. She couldn't have gotten far, and she probably got washed up on the shore.

I ignored the waves as they crashed on my head, salt water pouring into my mouth. I spit it out and kept swimming.

The moment I felt sand beneath my hands, I jumped up and tore my clothes off like they were on fire. I shifted and stuck my nose in the air, searching for a familiar scent, searching for Sasha.

From what I could tell, this sandy beach was the only land in any direction for miles. She had to be here.

My wolf and I searched all over the beach. When I couldn't find a trace of her in the sand, I headed into the tropical forest.

The warm air and the heat from the sun dried my fur quickly. Grass tickled my legs and paws as I raced through the underbrush, searching for a hair, a scrap of clothing, anything.

When the sun finally set, my wolf and I were exhausted. I found a place to sleep. It was hard to give up the search but I needed to rest. Otherwise, I wouldn't be of any use to Sasha.

On the second day of searching, I finally caught her scent. Immediately, the matebond flared and my heart swelled in my chest. I could feel it pulling me toward her.

Her sweet scent and the connection between us got stronger the closer I got to her. It was like a lighthouse, guiding me through the fog and keeping me away from treacherous rocks, bringing me straight to her.

I heard some voices in the distance. Immediately, I tucked myself behind a tree and shifted back to human form. Straining my ears, I focused on who was talking and what was being said.

The forest was pretty quiet. Some insects buzzed, but I hadn't heard any birds at all and I hadn't seen any bigger animals.

The voices were the first sign of shifters I'd come across. They were getting further away, the wind carrying their words out of earshot.

“Damn," I muttered.

Shaking my head, I scouted the area. I didn't see any guards on duty but there was an obvious path through the forest. I followed them down the path, at a safe distance, sticking to the trees, bushes, and shadows.

The path opened up into a clearing. I didn't see any other shifters, but the hotel-like house at the other side of the clearing, and the scent, told me that this was a pack territory and packhouse.

I pressed myself against the hedge fence and listened for those voices. They were close by but I still couldn't hear them.

Crouching down in the bushes, I crawled closer, careful to avoid crunchy leaves and fallen sticks.

“Alpha wants us to keep searching. He says her mate can't be too far...."

I froze when the first words became clear.

They were talking about a woman and her mate. That could be Sasha....

“Plucked her right out of the ocean, like she was delivered by the Moon Goddess herself…" the second speaker's voice was gruffer and annoyed.

He didn't sound like he appreciated this new woman.

Hearing that she'd been pulled from the ocean made me certain that they were talking about Sasha.

Was she in the packhouse?

My wolf whined in my head, urging me toward the packhouse. He felt her presence there. I needed to find a way to get to her.

Scanning the area, I took in the gardens, the hedge fence, and what I could see of the packhouse. Soon, the sun would set and I could get closer to the packhouse and figure out their guard schedule and the best ways to get in and out. Right now, it was too risky.

When the guards spoke again, my ears perked up.

“Alpha Michael sent patrols out into the forest and over the beach. Their orders are to kill the dream dancer's mate when they capture him."

My heart clenched. That had to be Sasha.

I chuckled under my breath. They wanted to find me and kill me? Like I was going to let that happen.

Patiently, I waited for the sun to set. I clenched and unclenched my fists, fidgeting from side to side. It was the slowest sunset ever. I felt like days passed as I waited for darkness to cover the packhouse.

When the dark, shadowy fingers of night reached out and covered the landscape in a blanket of black, I made my move. I slipped through the hedge fence but stayed at their bases, crouched down. I used their shadows to help hide my movements.

Those guards had been very helpful. They told me without knowing it that the packhouse security was stretched thin because of the patrols in the forest and on the beach. It would be much easier to get to the packhouse.

Suddenly, a patrol of two guards appeared ahead of me, walking right in my direction. I looked for a way to get out of sight, but short of launching myself through the hedge fence, there was nowhere to hide. Causing a ruckus would draw too much attention.


I glanced from side to side, thinking fast. I knew what to do.

I ruffled my hair, messing it up as much as possible, and I threw myself flat on the ground, moaning loudly.

“What was that?" one of the guards asked.

“It came from up ahead!"

Their footsteps pounded toward me and I lay still, groaning and writhing like I was in pain.

“Hey, you, what are you doing here?" the first guard asked, pointing a spear at me.

Slowly, I held my hands up in surrender.

“P-please… help me...."

I saw the look the guards exchanged. They lowered their weapons and one held a hand out to me.

“What happened to you?" he asked.

I grabbed his hand and he helped me up.

“There was a storm. My boat sank." I came up with a lie, thinking fast, and trying to use a believable story that wouldn't link me directly to Sasha.

If they found out I was her mate, they'd kill me on the spot.

“Man, that was a bad storm. Stay with him, I'll get some supplies." One of the guards ran off.

“You crawled all the way here from the beach?" the guard that stayed with me asked. He arched an eyebrow and I noted the suspicious look in his eye.

I nodded slowly and sighed heavily, sagging. I needed to make this look real.

“I wanted to get as far away from that wretched sea as possible. I collapsed here from exhaustion and… hunger...."

The second guard returned and gave me a fresh pair of clothes. He also handed me a protein bar.

“Thank you!" I snatched the bar from him and devoured it, selling the “starving" angle I was going for.

“Come with us. We have a few questions for you."

I nodded, mouth full, but when I took a step toward the packhouse, the guard shook his head.

“This way."

He motioned to a break in the hedge fence that led back into the woods.

I masked my surprise, swallowing the large chunk of food in my mouth. This wasn't what I'd expected. I needed to be on guard here.

“So, what kind of boat were you on?" the first guard asked.

“A little sailing rig." I shrugged and popped the remainder of the protein bar into my mouth.

“And you say a storm sank the ship. It must not have been very sturdy."

“It was a family boat. Been in the family for generations. The old girl wasn't built for a storm like that."

They walked me deeper into the woods, farther from the packhouse.

“And where were you sailing from?" the second guard asked.

I glanced at the guards. Neither of them looked at me. They didn't seem particularly interested in what I had to say.

“I came from my home up the coast."

“And where were you going?" This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Nowhere." I shrugged again. “Sometimes, it is nice to just go for a sail."

The guards walked me to another small clearing. It was far enough from the packhouse that I could barely feel the matebond anymore. There were other guards spaced around the clearing.

This was bad. It looked like the kind of place they took people for executions.

In the center of the field was a tall, wiry shifter with a big smile.

“Hello, I'm Alpha Michael. My guards tell me you were caught in the storm a few nights ago and your boat sank," he said, his grin widening creepily.

An uneasy feeling settled in my stomach. This guy was a snake, someone who couldn't be trusted.

“It's true. I came from Mirage and got lost in the storm."

“Mirage? Is that where you're trying to get back to?"

I nodded. “Yes."

“Well, that is easy enough. I will have one of my guards mark a map for you and you can make your way back. It isn't too far of a journey on foot." The Alpha snapped to one of his guards.

The guard promptly pulled out a map and began marking it with a pen.

“My thanks." I nodded again.

“So, you'll be on your way?"

I sighed and looked up at the night sky. Stars were blinking into view. “It's late. I haven't had a good meal or a good rest since the storm. Do you have a spare bed for the night?"

“Of course. How rude of me. You can shower, have a meal, and rest. However, you must leave first thing in the morning. We are not in a position to offer long-term assistance."

I noticed his smile tightened, a clear display of asserting control over his anger.

“My thanks."

Two guards escorted me back through the forest, but they didn't take me to the pack mansion. They brought me to an outbuilding where the matebond was still too weak. I needed to find out where Sasha was being kept.

As soon as I was alone, I grabbed some fresh clothes and went into the bathroom. I locked the door and turned the water on full force. I let the water run for a few minutes without getting into the shower.

Looking out the window, I made sure there were no guards below. I threw the window open and pulled myself onto the ledge. Carefully, I grabbed the rooftop and pulled myself up, my arm muscles tensing and bulging under my full weight.

From the roof, I could see several other buildings, including the pack mansion.

Smirking to myself, I hopped from roof to roof. The closer I got to the pack mansion, the more I felt Sasha. She had to be there.

The matebond guided me to the opposite side of the pack mansion roof. I looked down over the edge and saw several private balconies. Only one had closed doors. It had to be where Sasha was being kept, as a prisoner.

I hopped down on the balcony and saw Sasha throw open the window. My heart swelled and I smiled, seeing that she was safe and well dressed.

My smile faded when I noticed she wasn't alone. There were guards escorting her out of the room.

“No!" I tried the balcony door and snapped the lock. The room was empty when I got inside.

I slipped into the hallway, intent on following them.

I stopped dead when a dark figure stepped onto the path. I froze ready to fight.

“Well, well, you look like s**t," Oliver said. Relief flushed over me as I recognized his voice and he stepped into the moonlight.

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