Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 994: Chapter 51 : You Don't Have a Choice

Chapter 994: Chapter 51 : You Don't Have a Choice


I blinked my eyes open and yawned, rolling onto my knees. Sand clung to my clothes and dusted my skin.


Rubbing my eyes, I looked around at the beach I was on. Waves lapped at my feet. My clothes were a little torn and I was a bit sore and achy, but it was nothing I couldn't handle.

I stretched my arms and rolled my shoulders back.

My hair was still wet and matted to my face. It was sticky and clingy, coated with salt. My clothes were a bit damp and chafed uncomfortably.

The sun was still rising. How long had I been out? The last thing I remembered fighting with that dark mage and then was being tossed around in the ocean. And… was it a dream, or was it a vision of the Moon Goddess?

I tried to remember what she said about me being chosen, but it was fading fast from my memory. NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

Sighing, I bowed my head. I needed to get back to the ship and find Lucas.

I stood up and brushed the sand off my arms and pants. It was coarse and gritty, leaving my skin a little rough and chapped.

Where was I?

I went to the edge of the water, looking out at the horizon. The ocean was still dark. The sun was low on the horizon but I couldn't tell if it was rising or setting. I had no idea which direction I was facing. The world was still cast in a heavy shadow.

The sea was much calmer now than it was when I went into it.

The baby hairs on the back of my neck prickled.

Swallowing hard, I turned toward the tree line behind me. My legs and knees felt stiff and tried to fight me as I turned.

At the edge of the tree line, a pack of wolves emerged. They were close to the beach, their front paws buried in the sand.

The pack stood perfectly still. They weren't growling at me and their eyes weren't narrowed, but they were muscular, large, and tense like rubber bands ready to snap.

I licked my lips, suddenly noticing how dry and cracked they were. My legs wobbled slightly. Maybe it would be better for me to run right back into the water.

“Be still." A strong, firm voice spoke from the trees.

A man appeared, walking between the wolves. He was tall and slender but I could see prominent muscles hidden beneath his clothing. As he walked between the wolves, he nodded to them and they backed off several steps.

The man walked right up to me and took my hand. He raised it to his lips and kissed my knuckles.

My jaw dropped open and I stared at him. Who was this guy? What was he doing?

I snatched my hand back like he'd bit me.

“Who are you?"

He smirked, his devilishly handsome features widening with his smile. His deep eyes brightened humorously as he took me in.

“My name is Michael. And I must ask, are you an angel of the Moon Goddess?"

“Uh...." I creased my brow and leaned away from him. Flashes of my vision with the Moon Goddess crossed my mind.

“We could sense your arrival on our shores because of the power you emanate. It is so very delicious, and feels much like the Moon Goddess."

I smiled tightly and rocked back on my heels, feeling my wolf urging me not to trust him. “I wasn't sent by the Moon Goddess. Actually, I was traveling by ship and there was a storm that knocked me overboard. I really need to get back to my ship."

Michael nodded. “Yes, of course. I can assist you. Come with me, and I will get you fully restored before sending you to your ship."

He held an arm out toward the wolves and the path through the trees.

I glanced back at the water. There were no ships anywhere in sight. It was early in the morning, or was it late in the evening?

“Don't worry, first thing in the morning, I will help you get back to your ship. Right now, you are soaking wet and have been tossed around by waves. You should eat, get fresh clothes, and rest," Michael coerced with another charming smile.

I nodded slowly, still unsure about going along with him.

“I have many ships at my command. I can send them out in every direction to find your ship."

His offer was very enticing and my stomach rumbled a little. I did need to eat, and a warm shower sounded great. Plus, my clothes were a little torn.

He seemed friendly enough but I still wasn't sure if I should trust him. Some stranger out of nowhere promising me everything I needed–it seemed a little suspicious.

Two of the wolves shuddered and I heard the popping sounds of their joints as they shifted back.

I felt my cheeks burn red as two naked men stood there with spears.

From the forest, other armed shifters emerged with swords and other weapons. It didn't seem like I had much of a choice. None of them were threatening toward me or anything. I still didn't want to argue with a bunch of muscley guys with weapons.

“Alright, thank you." I nodded to Michael.

He smiled again and guided me down the path, all his shifters and armed guards close behind us and around us.

The forest path went deeper and deeper, the trees getting larger, leaves thicker. They blocked out the light, but I didn't feel like the forest was dense. It felt light and tropical, with a cool breeze off the ocean. The leaves rustled lightly and I could hear crickets singing happily.

The path let out into a clearing. In the setting sun, I saw the beautiful gardens and several women and children shifters moving about on the grounds. There was a large packhouse at the far end of the clearing. It glinted golden in the setting sun.

There was a swimming pool, several fountains, and all kinds of recreation areas. This packhouse looked more like a resort.

I gaped as I continued down the solar light lined path. This was truly a hidden gem in the middle of nowhere.

Michael escorted me inside to a guest room. The entire packhouse was clean and polished, like a hotel or something.

“This room is prepared for a guest visit. You'll find everything you need inside–a connected bathroom with towels, soaps, hair brushes, and anything else you'd need to clean up. The dresser has clothes of all sizes. Choose whatever you like that most suits you."

“Th-thank you," I muttered, peeking into the room. The bed had a gossamer canopy around it and matching curtains to the private balcony. The balcony doors were open, letting fresh air into the room.

“I'll have a hot meal brought up in the next half hour. These men will be here, should you need anything at all."

Michael pointed to two of his guards. They had long, sharp swords at their sides and stood stiff, at the ready.

They weren't just there for my convenience. They were there as guards.

“You said I'd have whatever I needed, right?" I asked, meeting Michael's eyes. I gave him a warm, friendly smile.

“Yes, of course."

“Could I use a phone?"

For a fleeting moment, I saw the friendliness flicker out of his eyes. I blinked and the next second, he was smiling and his eyes were twinkling again.

“My apologies, but that is one request I cannot grant. Once you're cleaned up and have your meal, I would love the chance to speak with you. Would you grant me an audience?"

I bit my lip and glanced at the guards again.

“I suppose I owe you that much." I nodded.

Michael smiled again and bowed to me as he backed down the hall.

I knew I was a prisoner there, of sorts, but that didn't stop me from taking a warm shower. I lathered my hair and massaged my fingertips down to my scalp, washing away the salt and grime from the sea.

My thoughts drifted to Lucas. I hoped he was alive and okay. The sea had been treacherous, pulling us this way and that, dragging us under. I'd swallowed more than a few mouthfuls of water. But we'd been separated and he hadn't washed up on the same shore as me.

I sighed and shook my head in the water, rinsing all the suds out. A fresh towel awaited me in the bathroom.

My greatest hope was that if I survived the storm, Lucas would too. He had to.

I found some clothes in the dresser. They weren't quite my size–the pants were a little baggy and the shirt a bit tight, bunching up under my arms. It was better than getting back into the sandy, torn clothes of mine that still stank of the salty sea.

A knock on the door pulled me from my thoughts. My stomach growled again and I skipped to the door, excited for that meal I was promised.

Michael stood there with a covered tray in his hands.

“I hope I'm not disturbing you."

“Is that my meal?" I eyed the tray like a ravenous, wild dog. My stomach ached with hunger and I just wanted him to hand that steaming, mouth watering tray over and leave me to devour it in peace.

“While you're enjoying this specially made meal, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity for us to

talk," he said, entering the room and setting the tray on a small table.

“Um… sure...."

I quickly pulled the lid off the tray and inhaled the delectable aroma of mashed potatoes, steamed peas, and a roast chicken breast. I picked up the knife and fork and plopped down in the chair, ready to devour.

“I found it a marvelous surprise that a woman of your… uniqueness arrived on my shores. It was a great gift to receive from the Moon Goddess."

I frowned and glanced sideways at Michael.

“I told you, the Moon Goddess didn't send me."

“Perhaps not directly, but your sudden appearance is certainly divine intervention."

I got the feeling that Michael wanted my help with something or wanted something from me. I swallowed the food in my mouth and sighed.

“Is there something I can help you with?"

Michael's eyes brightened and he clapped his hands together once.

“I was hoping you would ask. You see, I find myself in need of a Luna, and you, with your unique power, would be the perfect candidate." He looked at me hopefully.

I stared at him for a moment, feeling a rug had been pulled out from under me. That was not what I expected....

Who was this guy? We'd just met.

“Oh… well, the thing is, I have a mate already."

Just thinking about Lucas and wondering if he was all right made my heart flutter.

“Hmm." Michael stroked his chin. His eyes darkened and he spoke more to himself than to me. “Well, that can be dealt with."

An uneasy feeling coiled in my stomach. I realized just how dangerous of a situation I was in–lost, in some stranger's pack where everyone was loyal to Michael. No one knew where I was.

Slowly, I put my fork down.

“Michael, I really appreciate the offer but… I'm going to have to decline.

Michael scoffed. “That's going to be a problem, you see. You don't have a choice."

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