Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 1014: Chapter 71 : Wedding Crasher

Chapter 1014: Chapter 71 : Wedding Crasher


The day of the wedding, I put on a nice suit and checked my reflection in the mirror. I smirked at myself. There was no way Sasha could resist me with these smooth lines.

I hadn't heard from her since the bachelorette party. It was upsetting. I thought she'd try to reach out to me afterward. The Sasha I knew would. The more I thought about it, the more I had to consider that she really wasn't my Sasha.

Still, I wasn't giving up on her any time soon. I put a flower in my breast pocket and grabbed the “save the date" invite her mother gave me.

There was one stop I needed to make before going to the wedding venue to get Sasha. I needed backup.

I went back to the place where I first encountered Morianne in this timeline, just outside the wedding venue. I had a feeling she was keeping close tabs on me since she seemed to think I needed her.

I wasn't about to admit that I needed her, but I was about to crash a high-profile wedding. Maybe I didn't trust her, but I needed backup.

“Alright, Morianne, I'm ready to talk strategy." I turned in a slow circle, waiting for her to show up.

“Finally. You took long enough."

I whipped around and faced her. Where she came from, I had no idea. It didn't matter. She was here


“Look, I need to get to Sasha. She's at the wedding. It is well-guarded and there are a lot of guests. Can you help me with some kind of distraction?"

Morianne narrowed her eyes at me. “You were so sure you didn't need my help."

“Do you want to sit here and argue about it or are you going to help? My only goal here is Sasha. If you can help, great. If not, stop wasting my time."

“Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today." She sniffed at me.

“Does that mean you'll help?"

Morianne nodded. “Go. Save your damsel in distress. I will help, but you will need to bring Sasha to me."

“What, why?"

“You want my help, don't you? Then I will need to see her."

I sighed and nodded. It wasn't a deal I wanted to make. I knew that whatever Morianne wanted with Sasha couldn't be good. I didn't have a choice anymore.

“Fine. But you promise you won't hurt her?"

“I told you, Lucas, I want her alive and safe. Her power is important."

I studied Morianne for a moment, suspicions swirling in my mind. Finally, I nodded. “Alright. I'm going to crash the wedding. Be ready to back me up."

“Of course."

I headed to the venue. There was soft music playing and the wedding guests were still finding their seats. I walked right through them all, completely unnoticed. They all thought I was one of the crowd.

I still couldn't believe how bougie and tacky the wedding was. I blocked out everything around me and focused on finding Sasha. She was probably in the resort, getting ready.

The lobby was filled with guests. I saw a gaggle of girls dressed in similar colored dresses. They were gushing about the wedding and whispering to each other. Those must have been Sasha's bridesmaids.

I slipped by them, and the well-dressed groomsmen across the lobby. There were plenty of beefed-up guards hanging around the resort. They were on high alert, but I somehow made it by all of them.

Either they were looking for someone else or they didn't expect me to show up in a suit.

Based on the extravagance of the wedding, I had a feeling I'd find the bride getting ready in the most luxurious suite, at the top of the resort. I got into an elevator and headed up to the top floor.

As I suspected, the penthouse had a sign on the door saying “Bride."

I pressed my ear to the door and listened. Soft sniffles came through the door. It sounded like Sasha

was crying. Without thinking, I burst into the room.

“What!?" She gasped and jumped to her feet.

“Sasha, what's wrong?"

She stood there in a little white slip, her wedding dress still hanging on the closet door. She sighed and dabbed a tissue at her eyes.

“What are you doing here? How did you get up here?"

When I realized she wasn't in danger, I shut the door behind me and locked it.

“I'm here to crash your wedding and save you from the worst mistake of your life."

She shook her head and tossed her tissue aside. Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

I realized suddenly that her slip was translucent and I could see the distinct outline of her panties over the curves of her hips, and how her breasts bulged out of the top of the cups of her bra. I kept trying to avert my eyes, but I couldn't stop sneaky peeks at her intoxicating figure hidden under such a thin sliver of fabric.

“How did you get in here? Donovan has the whole place covered."

“I'm sneaky. Are you worried about me?" I tilted my head at her.

She scoffed and grabbed a robe. I bit back my protest as she covered herself and I could no longer see

her panties and breast playing peek-a-boo under her slip.

“What are you even doing here? I thought Donovan scared you off."

“No, Sasha, he didn't. I came here to rescue you, to save you from this mistake. I'm not going to run off with my tail between my legs because your fiancé tried to throw his weight around."

A flicker of a smile ghosted across Sasha's lips.

“You're here to save me from my own wedding?"

“Yes." I held my hand out to her.

“I was hoping you'd say that." She took my hand and I pulled her closer.

“You were?" I creased my brow.

Sasha nodded. “I tried to see you after the bachelorette party, but I couldn't get away from Donovan's goons. He had them watch me day and night until the wedding."

“Well, this is a pleasant surprise," I admitted. “I was expecting you to argue and put up a fight."

“I trust you, Lucas. Don't ask me how or why, but I do. So, once we get away from this place, you need to explain everything to me."

I grinned and nodded. “Of course. I will tell you everything as soon as we are safe. Now, do you want to change, or do you want me to run off with you in your bathrobe?"

I let my eyes trail down to the opening of her robe. Her cleavage was still visible. Unconsciously, I licked my lips.

Sasha groaned and pulled the robe closed tight around her. She stepped away from me and got some clothes together.

“You know, we'll never get around Donovan's security. You might have been able to slip by, but they'll recognize me in an instant."

“I know."

She ducked into the suite bathroom to change. I headed to the nearest window and looked out at the guests.

Almost everyone was seated. Any second, Morianne's distraction would need to happen. Otherwise, Sasha and I wouldn't get out of there.

“I've taken care of it."

“So, what's the plan? Are we just going to make a mad dash for it?"

She emerged from the bathroom fully dressed.

“Yes, we'll run, when the time is right."

“AHHHH!" A piercing scream came from outside.

I saw a flood of wild rogues pour into the venue. They attacked the decorations, overturning chairs, shredding the flowers.

Guests screamed and clamored to get away as Donovan's guards raced in to try to protect them.

I turned to Sasha and smirked. “Time to run."

She nodded and took my hand.

We took the elevator down and raced out of the resort. Sounds of fighting filled the air, and I could tell that the guards weren't doing so well against the rogues.

Groaning, I slowed down.

“What are you doing?" Sasha looked at me with wide eyes.

“Do you really want to leave your friends and family behind to get mauled?"

Sasha glanced back at the venue. “No. We can't leave them. But what can we do? I'm not a great fighter."

“It's okay. You have strength and power you don't even know about," I assured.

Sasha shrugged.

“You trust me, right?"


“Then stay close. I won't let anyone hurt you, okay?"

She nodded and moved closer to me. We raced back to the venue. I found a safe corner for her.

“Stay here. I'll keep an eye on you, but I need to get in there and help round up some of the guests to get them to safety."

While Donovan's guards wrestled with the rogues, I ran in and gathered some of the cowering guests. I found all of Sasha's bridesmaids huddled together.

“Come with me. I'll get you out of here," I promised, holding my arms out.

They nodded and followed me. I sent them into the resort where they wouldn't see Sasha.

“Get these guests to safety," I demanded, looking at the resort employees. “I'll bring more in."

They immediately got to work helping get the bridesmaids somewhere safe. The rogues didn't seem to be trying to get into the resort. I doubted that Morianne cared how many people got hurt by her wild rogues.

I went back into the fight, dodging around guards and rogues, jumping back to avoid a body falling on me.

Most of the guests were just terrified, but a few of them had bad injuries from the initial attack. I glanced

to the corner where Sasha was. She was fine and they were leaving her alone, but I could see the terror and concern in her face.

I ran to the injured guests and scooped one of the women up in my arms.

“Can you walk?" I asked the others.

They all nodded, hugging each other and trembling.

“Come with me. I'll get you to safety."

I got them to the resort where an employee had medical supplies. He was already working to patch up the guests as much as possible.

Back out in the venue, it looked like the rogues were getting the upper hand against the guards. I had to get Sasha out of there. It was getting dangerous, and there was no way I could fight off that many rogues, or guards, if they turned on us.

I raced back to Sasha. The guests were safe. We could leave in good conscience. She bounced on the balls of her feet and waved me toward her quickly.

“Hurry, hurry!"

I glanced behind me and saw a ravenous rogue racing toward me, foaming at the mouth. I hurried, ignoring the aching in my calves. If he got his claws into me, I was done....

“Go, Sasha, I'm right behind you!" I motioned for her to take off.

“Come on, Lucas!"

Just before I reached her, something solid hit my back. I groaned and pitched forward.


I looked up and Sasha rushed toward me.

“No, get yourself to safety!"

She wasn't looking at me though. She ran up to me and stood over me protectively. Sasha clapped her hands and a shockwave went out, sending all the rogues and Donovan's guards back.

I smirked and hopped to my feet. “I told you that you had unimaginable power."

Sasha stared at her hands in disbelief. I grabbed her arm and tugged her out of the venue. I knew it wouldn't take long for the rogues to recover.

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