Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 1013: Chapter 70 : Just a Smoothie

Chapter 1013: Chapter 70 : Just a Smoothie


“What?" I whispered to myself.

I knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help it. Looking into Lucas's eyes… I'd been a second away from giving in to him until Donovan intervened. It scared me how much I was drawn to him… and with no good reason.

My wolf didn't seem to mind him, despite how he bullied me, but she wasn't salivating over him either, like I'd expect her to do if Lucas was my mate.

Lucas seemed so certain… could it be true?

Frowning, I put my hand on my stomach and sat down heavily on the doorstep.

They were so engrossed in their testosterone-pissing contest, they didn't even notice me.

All the things Donovan said about me… did he really mean them? I kept telling myself that I could marry him because he loved me and cared about me. I wasn't so sure anymore.

Standing up, I brushed myself off.

Well, I couldn't marry Donovan now. He clearly didn't even care about me. From what I could tell, I was just a trophy to him, and I wasn't going to let myself live my life like that.

Even though I didn't feel like it was me, I really liked the way Lucas described me. He was right. I

shouldn't let Donovan degrade me anymore. I deserved more than that.

As I walked back into the bar, I wondered what else Lucas could be right about.

Was he right about us being mates?

I didn't feel it. But I felt something.

My mind wandered back through the years. I hadn't seen him since we were kids, and the last time I did see him, I hated him. As much as I wanted to hate him now, that wasn't the feeling curling in my stomach.

I had no idea what kind of feeling it was.

I did know that Donovan wasn't my mate. One of the reasons I decided to marry him was because I never felt the mate bond with anyone. He was always there and attentive. We could build a life together and I loved him.

I'd given up on finding my mate.

“Sasha, come dance with us!"

One of my friends grabbed my hands and pulled me onto the dance floor. I laughed and started moving to the music.

I definitely needed the distraction. This was supposed to be my party, after all.

While I danced, I couldn't help thinking about the mate bond again.

Was there a reason I never felt it with anyone? Shifters were all taught that we had a fated mate. But if I didn't feel a mate bond, did that mean I didn't have one? Were they dead? Or was it something else?

The world was full of magic, and it was possible something had been done to me to keep me from feeling or finding my mate.

Who would do such a thing?

“Sasha, stop looking so serious! It's your bachelorette party!"

I smiled and nodded, focusing on dancing and hanging with my friends.

I wasn't going to ruin their night by telling them that I wasn't marrying Donovan. They'd done a lot to plan this for me and it was my party, wasn't it?

I danced and danced until Donovan came back inside. His goons settled around the bar, looking very surly.

I got the feeling they were mad that they didn't get to pummel anyone.

Without realizing it, I kept glancing at the back door. Lucas never reappeared.

“I've got to see Donovan."

I broke away from my friends and joined him by the bar. NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

“Is everything okay?"

He nodded shortly. “Yeah, I took care of it, just like I told you I would." He touched my cheek lightly.

In the past, I thought it was a gesture of affection. Now, I wasn't so sure.

A shiver ran through me and I stepped back.

“What's wrong, Love?" Donovan asked.

“Nothing. I'm… getting tired. I think I'm going to call it a night."

“I'll get you home. Don't worry. I won't let that freak anywhere near you."

He gave me a confident, charming smile and I couldn't help but smile back. Donovan could be so sweet when he wanted to be. That's why I loved him and wanted to marry him.

I groaned inwardly. No, I couldn't marry him, not after everything I heard.

He wasn't being sweet....

I had to keep reminding myself of that.


Donovan was already in the kitchen when I woke up the next morning. I put my robe on and went downstairs. He was humming to himself and tossing fruit and vegetables into the blender.

I sat down and absently played with the emerald necklace that still sat on my neck.

“I'm sorry your bachelorette party got crashed." Donovan smiled at me from the counter.

“I'm glad you were there to help." I forced a smile.

Even though he had been nothing but sweet to me for the rest of the night, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had to call off the wedding.

Everything Donovan said about me and our relationship was too much to ignore. I couldn't even convince myself that he was only saying those things to try and get rid of Lucas. He'd been cruel and crude for no reason.

“I'm making your special smoothie."

I bit my lip and nodded. Every couple of days, Donovan always made me a smoothie. He assured me it was just good fruits and vegetables to make sure I was getting the right vitamins.

I felt like I had a balanced diet, but he insisted. In the beginning, I thought it was cute that he looked out for my health like that.

“I'm not really hungry this morning."

“Well, it isn't done yet." He went back to humming to himself, turning the blender on.

The hair on the back of my neck prickled and I sat up straighter. Glancing around, I noticed Donovan's guards lurking around outside the house. I caught a corner of one here and there outside the windows.

“Donovan, are we expecting trouble?" I nodded to the window.

He turned the blender off and poured my smoothie into a cup.

“I just don't want to let my guard down. That Lucas guy came right into the bar last night. What's to stop him from coming here?"

I shrugged. “I don't think he's that obsessive, or dangerous...."

“No? He's a bully, and he's apparently been obsessing over you and following you since you were kids."

My stomach shifted uncomfortably and I nodded. “You're right. I shouldn't try to downplay it."

Donovan smiled and set the smoothie down on the table. “Drink up."

“How about some breakfast?"

I went into the kitchen and started making some pancakes. I knew he liked pancakes and I doubted he made himself breakfast yet.

“Sure. But you'll drink your smoothie right?"

I glanced over my shoulder at him and nodded. “Yeah. Sure."

Normally, I would drink it down without a second thought. Donovan was useless in the kitchen, but he was amazing at making smoothies.

My stomach was so uneasy from everything I heard and everything I had to do, I couldn't think about eating or drinking anything.

I got the pancakes on the stove and tested them with a spatula. I could feel Donovan watching me.

“What's wrong?"

He sighed heavily. “Something's different about you this morning."

“It is?"

“Yeah. Are you sure nothing else happened last night?"

I moved the pancakes to two plates and topped them with fresh-cut fruit and some whipped cream. Donovan grabbed my hips when I set his plate down in front of him.

“What would I do without you?" He beamed at me.

I smiled tightly, hoping he didn't notice my hesitation. “Go hungry."

Donovan chuckled. “Yes, I'm sure I would. You take such good care of me."

“And you take care of me too." I motioned to the smoothie.

I sat down with him and watched as he began devouring his pancakes. I couldn't remember the last time he'd genuinely thanked me for cooking for him. Mostly, I felt like a servant that was expected to wait on him and provide him with meals.

For some reason, I just let him treat me like that. For the first time, I was really, really bothered by the way he treated me.

Maybe it was because of what Lucas said, insisting that I deserved better. Maybe it was because of what Donovan had said about me and our relationship.

How was it that a stranger like Lucas could want more for me than I wanted for myself? He was so passionate about me deserving better than Donovan, and he didn't even know me.

“You're not eating." Donovan's words cut into my thoughts.

“Oh… I'm not really that hungry." I pushed the sliced pancakes around on my plate.

“Sasha, you need to eat. You had a rough night."

“I know. My stomach is just… upset." I looked down and looped my arms around myself.

“Try drinking your smoothie. I bet it will settle things down," Donovan insisted.

I eyed the smoothie, and my stomach grumbled uncomfortably. He kept mentioning the smoothie. Usually, he didn't have to remind me to drink it.

He thought maybe he could be insistent because he was concerned that I wasn't eating or because I was hesitating and that was unusual. I couldn't help but feel like his insistence was for another reason.

“I'll drink it," I assured, nodding.

Donovan looked at me hard, like he didn't believe me.

“You're sure?"

I shrugged. “I told you, I'm really not hungry. Can you make me another one after work?"

Donovan scoffed. “What am I, a smoothie shop now? You'll drink the ones I make you when I make them."

I swallowed hard. “I will?"

“Come on, Sasha! You need to get something in your system. That smoothie is very healthy."

“I'll eat and drink when I'm hungry, how about that?"

Donovan growled under his breath and shook his head. “I've got to get to work. You don't have to be so difficult, Sasha, I'm just looking out for you!"

“I know. I appreciate that. I have some things to take care of in town, but I'll be home before you."

Donovan paused by the front door. “Just in case, I'm leaving my guards here today. They'll make sure

you are safe. I'd prefer you just stay inside today, but if you have to go, they'll go with you."

I bit my lower lip and nodded.

While it might have sounded sweet, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was a prisoner, and that Donovan was keeping a close watch on me.

He was a creep–he was a total, possessive, asshole. I couldn't stay here and let him control me or make me disappear.

Suddenly, I knew that I needed to go see Lucas. I grabbed the emerald pendant and ran to my room to get dressed. I needed to give Donovan's guards the slip and get to Lucas.

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