My Bad Boy's Gang

Chapter 56

Chapter 56

"No Ryk-" I started but he reached across the table and grabbed my hands in his. "Rain," He stopped

me with his eyes boring into mine "Nothing's going to happen."

You know that feeling in the bottom of your stomach where it feels like a pit, or the back of your head

with the voice telling you something's wrong, or your muscles becoming tense and telling you to leave?

Well I had that right now, and there was definitely something about that man.

The waitress came back with our drinks, and took our orders quickly. "You'd tell your dad about the

whole moving out thing?" Ryker asked.

"Well.." I trailed off, spinning my drink around with my straw "Not exactly.." "Not exactly?" He

questioned, cocking an eyebrow at me. "We talked about me moving out and getting an apartment with

Liz..but I didn't exactly tell him about us yet.."

Ryker rolled his eyes at me and I defended "Hey! It's kinda hard to tell your dad that at 18 and still in

High School you're moving in with your 20 year old boyfriend, who has a prison record and whom he


"Oh come on," Ryker leaned back in the booth "Your dad loves me." "Yeah, loves the idea of shooting

you," I narrowed my eyes. Ryker rolled his eyes again and sent me a look "Well I don't really care

about being worthy enough for an abusive Bastard."

"He hasn't laid a hand on me in months, he's trying Ryk," I admitted "He really is." "Good because he

lays one goddamn finger on you, and I swear to God Rain-I'll shoot him," Ryker warned.

"Speaking of shooting people.." I trailed off "Faith has a date with this guy and I bought her this it's not exactly something you'd approve up, but just let her live a little."

"Rain-" Ryker started, but was quickly cut off when the door bursted open and a man yelled "Everybody

get down!" With a gun pointed out in his hands, and a mask over his face but he had the body structure

of maybe 40's or 50's.

My eyes snapped over to Ryker and he quickly pushed me down to the ground and under the booth as

he got down and so did everyone else. He quickly took out a glock he had on his side and my eyes

widened as he slapped a mag into the gun, as a bullet loaded into the chamber.

"Ha, you really got something coming if you think you're getting up right now," I commented as I sent

him a look. "Rain," He warned "I can handle myself."

"He has a gun!" I exclaimed in a whisper. "And so do I," Ryker retorted and the guy walked up to the

man that was staring at me from earlier. Ryker went to get up, but I grabbed his hand.

"Ryk Please," I whispered with my grip tightening on his hand in fear my boyfriend could be killed at

this very moment. He sighed and pressed his lips to mine, cupping my cheek with his free hand.

"I love you," He whispered and my forehead rested his forehead against mine. "Everyone stay down!"

The man yelled again, and he pointed the gun out at a little crying girl. "Stand up," He ordered her and I

saw the little girl with long blond hair and hazel eyes stand up.

My eyes went wide, and I froze "Phoenix." My head snapped back to Ryker "That's Jame's daughter;

Phoenix. Ryker we have to get her."

"Where's your parents?" The man asked her as he knelt down to her height. "I-I don't know," She

whispered with tears in her eyes. The man's lips tugged up into smirk as he raised the gun from his

side and pointed it at Phoenix.

I grabbed a sharp kitchen knife from the top of the table and quickly got out from underneath the table.

"Back away from kid!" I yelled, make all attention go towards me.

The man slowly stood up, before walking up to me. "I don't know who you think you are sweetheart,"

He said, and quickly pushed me back up against a wall and turned the knife around on my neck "But

you better learn your place."

The knife dug into my skin, and the man raised the gun to the side of my head "Looks like you're going

to be the first to go." I kept his glare, when Ryker quickly pulled him off me and slammed him into the

counter before throwing a punch into his jaw, and pushing him so far he went over the counter and

knocked down a bunch of glasses.

I quickly ran over to Phoenix where she was crying in between a group of strangers sobbing her eyes

out. I knelt down to her and said to the lady that was comforting Phoenix. "Phoenix," I spoke and she

looked up at me with tears streaming down her face "Come with me, will find your daddy."

Phoenix started to get up when the lady stopped her "We can't just let her go to you. You're a stranger."

"I'm a friend of her dad, I'm not a stranger and I can't keep her with you either because that's exactly

what you are."

"Sweetie, do you know her?" The lady asked Phoenix and I heard a gunshot go off. I turned around to

see and the man pulled the trigger as everyone started to scream and run in panic. I grabbed Phoenix

and picked her up as Ryker aimed the gun at the guy as the gun stood up from the ground.

Ryker pulled the trigger once and it hit the man in the chest. He clutched his chest before he fell back

against the counter and I quickly ran out of the restaurant with Phoenix in my arms. Ryker came

running behind me as we all evacuated the area.

I came running down an alleyway where I stopped when I saw a gang coming towards and recognized

it was a gang that was allies of Rhett's gang. "Shit," Ryker muttered under his breath as people

scattered the streets in panic while screaming.

"Ryk, we have to go now," I blurted and Ryker turned to me "Take Phoenix to the truck, I'll meet up with

you." Ryker shoved the truck keys into my hands and I shook my head "Ryker no, you're not just going

to take them on by yourself."

A gunshot went off and Ryker quickly pushed me off to the side and shielded me and Phoenix. "Rain,

I'll be fine. Take Phoenix," He ordered and another gun shot went off as Phoenix held onto me tightly


I took the keys and quickly ran down the sidewalk with Phoenix clinging onto me for dear life. I took a

turn down an alley and ran out into the middle of the street, making cars slam on their breaks.

I ran down the streets and came to Ryker's truck. I quickly opened the driver's seat and placed Phoenix

in the passenger side. Placing the keys in, I tried to turn on the engine but it wouldn't start.

I continued to try and I sighed "You've got to be kidding me." "Where's my daddy?" Phoenix cried, and I

looked at her "Phoe, we're going to find him. I promise." Hearing a gunshot go off, I quickly grabbed a

gun that Ryker had in the glove department. Before taking Phoenix to get out of the truck and walked

over to a motorcycle that was parked on the side of a street.

I placed Phoenix on the ground and got down under the motorcycle to mess with the wires only to hot

wire it. My grandfather had taught me a thing or two about hot wiring when I went to visit him in Maine

during the summer.

Red wire...

After a few minutes I got it to work, not really being able to remember or explain what I exactly did. I

lifted Phoenix onto the motorcycle, and placed her on my lap. "Phoenix, you need to hold on tight,

okay?" I demanded and she nodded shyly before placing her hands on the handles.

I hit the gas and quickly caught the balance before I pulled out and swerving in and out of cars. Cars

and taxi's were coming to a stop at a red lights, but I took a deep breath before pushing on the clutch

and speeding up to run a red light.

I went down an alleyway and saw Ryker beating up some guy in a fight and the guy slammed Ryker up

against a wall and put a gun up to his head. I got off the motorcycle quickly and raised the gun before I

pressed the trigger down.

The bullet hit the guy and he stumbled back against the brick wall of a building. Ryker came up to me

and pecked my lips "Thanks, babe." "Always saving you from being shot, I see," I chuckled and walked

back to the motorcycle.

Phoenix came running up to me and hugged my legs tightly. "It's alright, sweetie," I reassured her as

Ryker came up "Tell me you hot wired the motorcycle."

"Well..the truck was dead.." I trailed off, biting my lip nervously. "God, you're hot," He whispered into my

ear before taking the keys and getting on the motorcycle. I placed Phoenix on my lap and I wrapped my

arms around her and Ryker's torso, so she couldn't fall off.

"Hold on," Ryker said, before pulling out onto the street. He swerved in and out of people as he landed

to certain sides to keep the balance even. Phoenix buried her face into Ryker's back out of fear and I

pressed her back up against me so she would be more secure.

We pulled onto the bridge and Ryker went close to the edge to avoid traffic, making Phoenix clutch her

grip on Ryker tighter. "Hold on Phoenix," Ryker reassured as he sped up.

My phone then started to ring and I pulled it out of my back pocket quickly before seeing Craig's

number flash on my screen. I swiped to answer the call before placing it up to my ear "Uh hey Craig..."

"Where the hell are you?!" Craig yelled through the phone "Gang rivals are showing up everywhere!"

"Yeah, I know. We were at a pizza restaurant and there was a bunch of gangs coming."

"Where are you now?" He asked. "About to get off the bridge," I answered, tightening my grip on

Phoenix. "Don't go to the warehouse. We all had to evacuate because Rhett's gang was sending us

threats," Craig stated.

"Alright. How about we all meet at my house?" I questioned. "Ok, will see you there Thompson," Craig

approved before hanging up. I wrapped my arms around Ryker's torso again "Go to my house, whole

gang is meeting there."

Ryker got off the bridge and took a turn to start heading towards my house.

* * * * * *

Running inside my house, Ryker carried Phoenix behind me and I opened the door only to walk in to

see the whole gang along with my brothers.

"Rain Eliza!" Jax shouted as he approached me "What the hell is going on?!" "Jax, please," I dropped

my keys on the side table "Just keep calm. I'll explain later."

I pointed at Reece before throwing him my phone "Call Shae and tell her to come to my house with

Blake." "Blake?!" Peter exclaimed "You mean the one that tried to kill Ryker and get in your pants all


"Yeah, Rain-" Ryker started, but I stopped him "Blake's not like that. Plus he saved me at Prom from Exclusive © material by Nô(/v)elDrama.Org.

Hudson, I promise he'll help." "Uh..Rain..who's the kid?" Will trailed off, pointing back at Ryker with


"Guys! We told you to use protection!" Aaron accused, earning a smack upside the head from Andre

and Valentino. "This is Phoenix..Jame's daughter.." I introduced and Phoenix buried her head into the

crook of Ryker's next because she was obviously shy.

"Aww," Liz, Celeste, Ally, Juliet, and Leah all said in harmony "She's so cute." I ran a hand through my

hair, sighing "Alright, you guys figure everything out. I'm going to call James and let him know I have


Ryker placed Phoenix down and she came running up to me. I took her hand, leading her up the grand

staircase and to my room. I pushed the doors to my room open and Phoenix's jaw dropped "You're

room is so pretty. Like a princess's."

"Thanks," I chuckled "You can go play with what you want. I'm gonna call your daddy." Phoenix nodded

before she ran over to my bed and jumped up and started out of my window wall.

I scrolled through my contacts before landing on James's contact. I tapped the call button before

placing it up to my ear and it rang a few times before he answered.

"Hey Porter-..James," I corrected myself "Sorry, force of habit." "It's fine," James sighed and I could

hear the worry in his voice "Rain I can't talk right now-"

"James, I have Phoenix," I stopped him. "Wait, what?!" His voice perked up, and didn't sound as

drained. "I was at a restaurant with Ryker, a guy from some gang came in with a gun and pointed it at

Phoenix. She just seemed to be there by herself, so I grabbed her and I have her at my house. She's

perfectly fine," I explained.

"Oh my God," Relief filled his tone "I was so worried, I had a police search sent out. I thought I lost her."

"Well you can come get her if you want," I bit my lip, looking over to see Phoenix stare out the window.

"I'll be right over," He breathed before hanging up. Placing my phone down on my desk, I walked over

to my closet and grabbed my clothes to change out of my uniform. "Phoe, I'm going to change really

quickly, I'll be right back."

Phoenix's eyes snapped over to mine and she nodded innocently in agreement "Okay." I walked into

my bathroom and my feet touched the cold marble floor, as I shut the door behind me.

Untying my Convereses, I slipped them off my feet before pulling of my ugly ass knee high uniform

socks. There was a knock at the door followed by Ryker's voice.

He opened the door and I pushed my uniform kilt/skirt off. "Ryk, you're all beaten up. Why don't we to

to the hospital?" I offered, feeling bad because he was beaten up with cuts all over him.

"I'm fine. Rain," He rolled his eyes at me. I grabbed the end of my shirt before pulling it over my head

"God, I really wish you weren't so stubborn."

Ryker grabbed me by the waist before picking me up and setting me on the bathroom counter "Says

you, Miss I'm not going to do that because I don't want to." "I don't say that," I scoffed, smacking his


He laced his fingers with mine and played with them "You know I love you no matter what, right?"

"Yeah.." I trailed off, looking up at him "Is there something wrong?"

"No, everything's fine. I just wanted you to know," He said, letting go of my hand "You should get

changed, Craig wants everyone downstairs soon." Watching him in confusion, he walked out and shut

my bathroom door behind him.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Rain!" Celeste yelled from the bottom of the steps "Someone's at the door!" Pulling on my leather

jacket, I walked downstairs and to the front doors before opening one side.

"Hey James," I gave him a slight smile and he immediately pulled me into a hug. I was taken back for a

minute and stayed frozen before returning the hug back.

"Oh my God, thank you so much for taking her," James breathed, hugging me tightly. "No problem," I

said and glanced over to see Ryker walk in and his jaw clenched. I pulled back from James and tucked

a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Her mom took her from her daycare and they somehow didn't realize she just stole Phoenix. She must

of taken her to a restaurant and left when she didn't want to handle her anymore," James sighed. "Are

you doing something to the daycare?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"I was talking to my sister and she said to sue them, but I don't have that money for a lawyer," James

shrugged. "Well you don't need a lawyer," I shoved my hands in my pockets "I mean, my dad use to be

the best of the best lawyers before he became sheriff. I'm sure he'd be glad to give you a few tips, he

loves arguing over anything."

James chuckled with a small smile tugging at his lips "I'll think about it." Liz then came downstairs with

Phoenix at her side. "Daddy!" Phoenix's eyes lit up as she ran up to him and James picked her up and

grinned "Hey Phoe."

I smiled gently and Phoenix looked back at me "Thanks for watching me Rain." "No problem,

sweetheart," I bounced on the heels of my feet. "Give Rain a kiss," James said to Phoenix as she put

her down on the ground as she walked up to me.

I knelt down to her height and she wrapped her arms around me while I was in a squatting position,

and she pecked pecked my lips. "Aww," Celeste grinned "She's so adorable. I want one."

Dawson looked over at Celeste "No, we already have a pregnant women. We don't need two at once."

Phoenix went back over to James and he took her hand as he looked back at me "Thanks again Rain,"

then nodding at Ryker "You too Anderson."

Ryker nodded slightly as he leaned up against the wall. James walked out with Phoenix, shutting the

door behind him. "Well isn't she the cutest thing," Juliet awed, and I turned around to see Joel come

running upstairs from the 5th floor.

"You gotta see this," Joel said in shock before going into the living room and turning on the TV and

going to tell news. I crossed my arms and leaned up against the wall.

Everyone was silent, as it opened to a news reported standing on the streets of New York in front of the

pizza shop. "Today, gangs are taking over New York City, with evidence reporting to be after the known

local gang 'Crusades'."

I looked over at the Liz and Ally, and we exchanged worried looks. I turned my attention back to the TV,

as the reporter continued "Gangs originated from all over are coming, and we have uncertain reasons

as to why. Today in the local pizza shop off 23rd street, people reported seeing Rain Eliza Thompson;

18 year old teenage model and Ryker Xavier Anderson; 20 year old Crusades gang member in the

restaurant, and when a man who hasn't been identified came in Anderson was reported to hold the

man at gunpoint to shoot him while Thompson took a child."

My eyes went wide, and I looked back at Ryker. The front doors bursted open, and my dad came

storming in, with anger filling his expression as he came into the living room. "What the fuck is wrong

with you?!" My dad shouted at me as he came in.

"Dad, I swear-" I started, but he cut me off "Do You understand how much fucking trouble you're in?!

This is going to ruin everything, you could get fucking jail time, Rain!"

"Dad that wasn't just some kid!" I exclaimed, and my dad chucked his keys into the wall out of anger

and it knocked down a painting that was hanging "Oh really Rain?! Then who's is it?!"

"Porter's!" I exclaimed, and my dad became still "What?" "Well..James. Remember Porter from when I

was 13, we were best friends..Well when I was kidnapped he was part of that gang, his real name is

James Porter Landlock; that was his daughter...I guess his daughter's mom doesn't have custody rights

so she kidnapped Phoenix and dumped her at the I grabbed her before she got hurt," I


My dad rubbed his face in his hands and sighed "Alright, I'll talk to the police and get everything cleared

up. But you're grounded."

"Fine," I put my hands up in surrender and my dad shoved some envelops into my hands "Maybe you

should start thinking about colleges away from New York, because Stanford accepted you."

I looked up from the envelopes in shock as I blinked slowly "But-," I couldn't finish when my dad cut me

off "You'd be by your mom too."

My dad headed out and my eyes snapped up to Ryker's. He shook his head in disgrace as he mutter

"Unbelievable," and grabbed his keys before walking out.

I dropped the envelopes and ran out after him, "Ryker!" I yelled, and he stopped before throwing his

head back. "Ryk can't just walk out like this," I pleaded.

He turned around to face me "No Rain, you can't keep doing this to me. You keep hiding all these

things behind my back, and have me thinking that you're just going to get up one day; pack yourself,

get on a plane, and that'll be the end of us."

"Don't ever say that," I shook my head while walking up to him "You know I love, I wouldn't ever just

walk out you." "Then why did you apply for Stanford?"

"I applied before we were even together..I never thought I would want to actually stay here, there was

nothing in New York for me until I met you and the gang," I explained.

Clutching his shirt in my hands, I sighed "Ryk, what's been going On? You've been so off Especially

earlier, in the bathroom."

"It's nothing Rain," He took my hands in his as he stared down at them "I've just been thinking about us

a lot lately.." My lips pursed "Good things, I hope?"

"Why don't you wear rings?" He asked out of the blue, while staring at my fingers then looking up at

me. Taken back by his question, I blinked slowly "Guess I just never had rings..never really thought

about it. Why?"

"No reason," He shrugged, letting go of my hands "Just curious." "You sure you're okay?" I questioned,

cocking an eyebrow at him.

"Everything's fine," He rolled his eyes at me. "You know, I've heard 'Fine' probably over 57 times today,"

I pointed out and he kissed more forehead.

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