My Bad Boy's Gang

Chapter 55

Chapter 55

Everyone looked at Ryker, and he said "Busy with work, dealing with Callum and Arena."

That took me back for a second, as I've never heard Ryker address his parents by their first names

before. "How about you Rain?" Craig asked; snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh," I gulped silently as I fidgeted with my fingers "I..I um..-.." Everyone's were on me as they all gave

confused looks, waiting for me to continue.

Taking a deep breath "I'm going to college." Ryker's eyes snapped right up to mine as they went dark

and everyone stated at me in shock.

"You what?" Leah asked, and I blinked slowly a few times before answering "Yeah..I got an acceptance

letter from Columbia University."

"Oh my God," Celeste spoke out "Rain, that's amazing. Congrats." "Yeah, thanks," I nodded slightly

before I looked at Ryker. He stood up from the couch, grabbing his keys, and storming out of the room.

I immediately stood up, starting to follow after him when Ally grabbed my hand "Just let him cool off a

bit." "No," I shook my head. "Ryker!"

I ran out of the warehouse and he was walking towards his truck. "Ryker, wait!" I yelled and he whirled

around to me before snapping "What?"

"Don't do this," I sighed "I already feel guilty about it." He looked back at me with dark eyes that sent

daggers into me "You're not seriously going, are you?" He asked, staring at me with intensity. "I mean, I

don't know" I shrugged "And I need to get out of the house for awhile."

I was really split in the middle about college. Sometimes I think it'd be a great idea then other times I

think it's a nightmare in the making.

Ryker walked up to me and we were inches apart. "Rain, You have your brothers, the gang, me and so

many other fucking Leah and Liz wouldn't have anyone to annoy if you left."

"Well getting an education is better than being someone for Liz and Leah to annoy." I stated, and he

asked with a harsh tone "What field do you even want to go in?"

"I don't know yet..something with kids, maybe a therapist" I shrugged again, not knowing what field I

wanted to go into.

"You shouldn't go" Ryker scoffed, shaking his head, going to walk back to his truck but I grabbed his

hand before he left. "Well it's not really your decision" I said, as his back was towards me.

"It's a waste of time. You go to school for four more years, pay loans, take long-ass boring classes with

annoying professors, then are in debt for the next 15 years," Ryker said with anger rising in his voice.

"I'm not worried about the student loans and if I want a good job besides exploiting myself from

modeling I'm going to have to sit through those 'long-ass boring classes with annoying professors'," I

said getting annoyed at how he was trying to push the idea down.

"Why the hell would you leave?!" He exclaimed as he turned around to face me "You have your family

and friends! People who love you Rain! And you're just going to pack your bags, go to college, and

leave everyone behind?!"

Running a hand through my hair, I exclaimed "It's not up to you!" "I know!" Ryker yelled "Because if it

was you wouldn't be wasting your life away with frat parties and un-important information!"

"Just because you didn't go to college doesn't mean I don't have to!" I yelled, and Ryker glared at me

"Fine. Go to CU, see what I care!"

My heart fell at his words and I blinked slowly a few times. "You knew I would go to college eventually!"

"No Rain! No I didn't! Because I never thought about you leaving!" He yelled "And don't come crying to

me when you're stuck in some fucked-up situation! Cause that's what college does, it fucks things up!"

"Why are you so upset about this?!" I exclaimed with my voice softening from yelling and I stared at

him, waiting for an answer.

"Because I love you!" He yelled "And I don't want you to leave!"

I froze and my body relaxed from being so tense. I took a deep breath and took in what he said. He

shook his head as he looked off to the side "Rain," He sighed.

Ryker looked back at me, and came closer to me. "Ryk-" I began but was cut off by him "Move in."

"W-What?" I stuttered from being taken off guard. "Move in with me. You won't have get a dorm, you'll

be out of your house-" He started.

"Ryker." I stopped him "This is a lot to think about." "Rain, you're practically at my place 24/7 anyways,"

He continued "It just makes sense."

"Ryk..." I trailed off "What happens if we get into a fight? Plus you already have Melanie and Faith that

come over..There's Just not enough space."

* * * * *

"Moving?!" They all exclaimed, shooting up from their seats. "Yes, okay." I sighed "I didn't want to get

into another fight, and maybe this will actually work out."

"Oh my gosh!" Ally and Liz gushed "Congrats! We're looking for apartments now." "What? No!" Leah

and Juliet disagreed.

"Rain is way to young to be moving in with her boyfriend," Leah shook her head as she rested her

hands on her hips "ESPECIALLY my brother."

I buried my face in my hands as they all broke out into an argument. "She is not Leah! This is a good

thing for them!" Liz exclaimed.

"It is not," Juliet popped in "They are moving way too fast. They just got back together, plus she needs

to focus on college." "Oh hush!" Ally rolled her eyes "They'll be married in the next few months."

My head snapped up and I shot up "Whoa! Whoa! I never said anything about marriage." "Exactly!"

Leah exclaimed "You're suppose to do the moving in part after the marriage part."

"And you're suppose to be with someone, married before getting pregnant," Liz snapped and Leah sent

her a glare. "Incase you all haven't noticed, none of us are traditional." Ally rolled her eyes at everyone.

"Rain," Leah sighed, turning to face me "You're making a huge mistake." "No you're not," Liz cut in

"Don't listen to Leah."

"He's my brother! I know him, and I know what is going to happen," Leah continued stern. "Well he's

my best friend," Ally crossed her arms "And I know just as much as you."

Leah; his older sister is telling me no. Ally; his best friend is telling me yes. Not conflicting at all...

"Oh puh-lease," Leah rolled her eyes "Don't even pull that card. You know that Rain is making a huge

mistake by agreeing to this. She's too young." "She's 18! She's a legal adult! She can vote; not that

anyone would want to in this election."

"Guys!" I yelled over all of them, making them become silent and look at me. "It's my decision, not

yours," I breathed "And whether you support it or not, I don't want you all arguing about it."

It was the morning, and I was getting ready to go to school but stopped by the warehouse. The doors

then opened and the guys walked in.

"Rain, let's go." Ryker said grabbing his keys "I have to drop you off then go to work." I quickly slipped

my Convereses on and slung my backpack over my shoulder. I took his hand and he intertwined our

fingers as we walked out of the warehouse.

"I just want school to be over," I sighed and let go of his hand to get in the passenger seat. "You have

one more week," He rolled his eyes at me and I threw my head back against the seat.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Rain," He broke away for a second and managed between kisses "You have school." "That can wait," I

whispered before pressing my lips back to his.

I straddled his lay, and he rested his hands on my hips and they pushed my uniform skirt further and

further up. My tongued slid across his teeth, and my hand slid down his chest as I started to tug at the

bottom of the old stained muscle tee he had on for work.

I came to the last button, and his hands pushed my skirt up completely. The bell then went off, and

Ryker pulled back from me "You're going to be late." I caught my breath and pouted at him.

I crawled out of lap, grabbing my backpack, and getting out of the car. "Love you," I said squeezing his


"Love you too," He replied and let go of my hand.

The second bell went off and I jogged into school before Mrs. Grave; the principal writes me up for

being a second late

~ ~ ~ ~

"Wow Rain, Wow," Shae rolled her eyes at me. "I forgot alright," I said as I forged my dad's signature

onto the paper "Plus it's stupid that I need a signature anyways, I'm 18."

Today was the senior 'field trip' which was only basically a day to 'learn about the history of New York

City,' but honestly we had to sit through an educational tour of the old Library, then they let us go off

and do whatever.

We walked up to the bus and I handed Mrs. Grave our principal my permission slip and she gave me a

fake tight smile. I continued on and walked into the bus as Shailene followed behind me.

"I haven't been on a bus in a forever," I admitted and walked towards the bus where I sat in a seat and

a guy that was in front of Shailene and I pulled Shae down into his seat with a smirk on his lips.

She looked back me with her eyebrows rose. "I'm gonna tell Reece," I winked at her and her eyes went

wide. Apparently Reece and Shae hit off and are suppose to be going on a date again soon.

"Hey Thompson," A voice greeted cockily and I looked up to see Hudson Kai aka my prom date sit

down next to me. "This seat is taking," I glared. "By whom?" He questioned.

"The air," I said and he frowned "Come on, Babe. We're not still mad about prom night, are we?" He

placed a hand on my thigh and pushed my skirt further up, as he went to press his lips to my neck, but I

pushed him off me.

"Fuck off Kai," A voice gritted and my eye's snapped up to Blake "Leave Rain alone or I'm getting

Coach." Hudson rolled his eyes "Cockblock," then getting up and moving to another seat.

"This seat taken?" Blake asked. "Well air is kinda taken up the space..but I guess," I shrugged

sarcastically. He chuckled before sitting down next to me "Look, I'm really sorry about Hudson, he's an


"It's just one more week of school, I think I can make it through without castrating him," I breathed.

"Speaking of which, you and the gang doing anything the 10th?" He asked. "Not that I know of. Why?" I

cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Well my parents are throwing me a graduation party by force, and they told me to invite a lot of people

and I'm not talking to many people I was wondering if you wanted come? But I know

Anderson would not let you go by yourself, so I just figured the whole gang could come," He explained

"Smart," I laughed "Yeah, I'll check with them." "So you and Anderson back together, I heard?"

"Yeah," I nodded "Actually going to find an apartment and move on together once graduations over an

everything." "Oh wow," He said shocked "You sure you're only dating?"

Rolling my eyes at him "Dating Couples or whatever, move in with each other all the time." "Yeah But

not at 18," He narrowed his eyes at me and I smacked his arm "Don't need the lecture, Monroe."

"So when's the baby due?" He asked, and my eyes snapped towards his. "Excuse me?" I choked. "Oh Property belongs to Nôvel(D)r/ama.Org.

come on Rain, 18 and 20 year olds don't move in with each other unless they have too."

"You're right," I sighed "How'd you know I was pregnant?" "Wait, seriously?!" He exclaimed, his eyes

going wide.

"Shh!" I hushed, putting a hand over his mouth "No one knows yet." "You're pregnant?!" He whisper


"Yes! I thought you knew, because you just said you did!" I exclaimed. "I was kidding! Oh my God,

you're seriously pregnant?!" He asked with his eyes as wide as the sinkhole in Manhattan.

"Shh!" I looked around, making sure no one was listening or else it would be an absolute nightmare.

"How far along are you?" He asked, and I sighed, running a hand through my hair "Few weeks."

"I always said you'd be the first to get pregnant right out of High School..well in the end of High

School," Blake admitted and my jaw dropped "What?!" "Just saying," He put his hands up in surrender.

"Well I'm not," I rolled my eyes at him. "You're not pregnant?" He questioned confused, raising an

eyebrow at me. "No!" I scoffed "I was only joking with you. And if you say that I am to anyone, I will slit


"Ok," He nodded and turned straight in his spot, but turned back to face me "Are you sure you're not

pregnant?" "Positive," I stated and he narrowed at his eyes at me "So you are pregnant?"

"I'm not," I narrowed my eyes "I'm on my last day of my period, if you must know." "Ok, didn't need to

know that," Blake stated and flinched at my words in disgust. "Well you asked," I breathed and pulled

out my phone.

"It's not the time or place to be sexting your boyfriend," Blake mimicked one of our teachers in a high

pitch voice and I smacked his arm "It's my brother."

"Tell Reece I said hey," He said casually as he pulled out his phone as well and I looked up at him

confused. "Reece isn't my brother.." I trailed off, furrowing my eyebrows together.

"-In law," Blake finished as he gave me a duh look "You never specified what type of brother." "Yeah

okay," Sarcasm filled my tone as I rolled my eyes at him again. "You're not brightest crayon in the box,

you know that?" He glanced at me then went back to typing on his phone.

"It's 'cray-on' not 'crown'," I corrected as I returned his You're-dumb-as-fuck look. "Fight me Thompson,

it's crayon-" He defended while pronouncing it as 'crown'.

"Listen up!" Principal Grave yelled over the bus we were in, and there was probably about 38 buses

because of how big the senior class was. "As seniors, we are trusting you all too go off by yourself, but

if you use the power to disadvantage-You're going to be big trouble. Now remember you're wearing a

uniform, which means you're representing our school. Don't mess it up."

~ ~ ~

Our tour guide went on and on about some plantation that use to be located in the place we were

standing right now. "Don't you just love learning about a field of grass," Blake whispered to me, as he

stood with his arms crossed. "It's a blast," I commented back sarcastically as I rubbed my hands up

and down my arms.

It was a bit chilly outside today, and I was smart enough to not bring a jacket with me because mines

sitting in my truck. "And that's how New York built up, to be the amazing place it is today," Our tour

guide finished.

"Thank God," Shae groaned "It's over." We all then started walk off our separate ways and I quickly

texted Ryker.

Me: You still in work??

"So where first?" Shae linked her arm through mine as we walked. "Hungry?" I questioned and she

narrowed her eyes at me "I'm always hungry."

My phone buzzed and I looked to see Ryker texted me back.

Ryker Asshole Anderson: 20 minutes. Why?

Me: Want to grab lunch when you get out?

Ryker Awhile Anderson: Yeah, sure.

"I can't believe you're moving in with each other," Shae grinned at me, as we walked over to the street.

"At least you support it, I have his sister on my back about it saying it's a horrible idea, and when the

guys found out..they're going to flip."

"Yikes," She gave me a sympathetic face "You think Craig is going to flip?" My eyebrows shot up just

from thinking about it "Craig takes any chance he has to be mad at me; he's going to flip, because he

already hates that we're together."

"Taxi!" I yelled and waved a hand, which quickly made a taxi pull over to the side. I opened the

backseat door and slid in, with Shae following behind me.

~ ~ ~ ~

Opening the front door of the mechanic's office, I saw Vince talking to a man in a tux with a tie, and a

shiny gold Rolex watch on his wrist that caught my eye.

The man shook his head "I'm calling my lawyer, then will talk." He stormed out of the office, and I asked

"What was that about?"

Vince's eyes snapped up to mine and he looked taken back "Nothing. Why are you here?" "School field

trip. So Shae, Ryker, and I are going out for lunch. Wanna come?"

"Can't. I have a shift till 2, but thanks for the offer," Vince stated and took a wet paper towel and rubbed

off some of the oil on his hands "And Hey Shae."

"Hey," She gave a slight smile. The doors then opened and Ryker came out with black grease and oil

all over him. He was in a black nirvana muscle tee that showed off his biceps, black joggers, with a

grease on his cheek, hands, and clothes.

An older guy was beside him talking as Ryker wiped his hands off with a wet paper towel. Ryker

nodded at the man, "I just need to replace the gasket and tires. You can pick it up tomorrow."

The man said something else before leaving the office, and Ryker came over to me. Placing a peck on

my lips,

he asked "Want to tell me why you're skipping school?" "I'm not skipping," I rolled my eyes at him

"Senior field trip today."

"Mhm, okay Rain," He didn't believe me. "Yes because I love voluntarily wearing my uniform," I

narrowed my eyes at him as I went over to the water dispenser and poured water into a small cup.

"I don't know. You could be into some weird kinky shit," Ryker commented then slapping my ass. I

whirled around and slapped him across the cheek. Vince and Shae laughed in amusement. "I'd believe

it if she started calling you 'daddy'," Vince commented with a smirk.

"Ew!" I scrunched my nose in disgust, before reporting sarcastically "Yes, because I'd definitely call

people 'daddy'."

The doors opened to reveal Reece walk in with Melanie on his hip. Shae became tense and her face

flushed. "Rain," Melanie chirped and she put her hands out to me. I took her from Reece and kissed

her forehead "Hey Kiddo."

"Hey," Reece breathed before sending Shae a small smile and directly saying hi to her. "Hey," She

gave a small smile back, and became less tense. "What are you doing here?" Vince asked Reece as

he fist pounded him.

"Just stopping by, I'm dropping Melanie off at my mom's," Reece shrugged. "Hey, you know what you

should do?" I cut in, making Reece look at me "You should take

Shae to the pizza restaurant down the street, show her what a real New York pizza is."

Reece looked at Shae with an eyebrow raised "What do you say?" "Sounds great," Shae nodded

slightly and I put Melanie down on the ground before she ran over to Reece. Reece picked Melanie up

and took Shae's hand, before they walked out.

"Use protection!" I shouted after them; making Vince and Ryker snicker. "Ready?" I asked Ryker, and

he sighed "Yeah, just let me go throw some different clothes on."

~ ~ ~ ~

"Johnny Cash? Really?" I narrowed my eyes at him and raised an eyebrow. "Yes, Johnny Cash," Ryker

rolled his eyes at me with a glance before turning back to the road.

"No, no, He's a legend. I grew up listening to him, you just didn't strike me as a Johnny Cash fan," I

corrected, because no one hates on Johnny Cash. "Metallica, Led Zeppelin, ACDC, GNR, Nirvana.." I

trailed off as I went through all of the old CD's I found in Ryker's truck.

We pulled up to the restaurant that was an old coffee shop diner that I use to come to with my mom.

Ryker parked, and we both got out and walked inside.

I tightened my leather jacket around me and we were greeted by a waitress. "How many?" She asked,

and I stated "Two." She nodded slightly as she grabbed menus and led us to a booth.

I slid in one side and Ryker slid into the other. "I'm Brooke, I'll be your waitress for day. Can I start you

off with something to drink?" "I'll have a Samuel Adams beer-" Ryker started, but I kicked him from

underneath the table and sent him a warning look.

"Will take two cokes," I gave the girl a tight smile. She nodded before walking away, and I turned to

Ryker "You're under-aged dipshit." "I've been drinking since I was 14 maybe 13 Rain," He narrowed his

eyes at me.

"Yeah, Craig did a great job raising you," I muttered under my breath as I scanned through the menu.

"You know what you're getting?" I asked, closing my menu.

"Not yet. You?" He raised an eyebrow. "Pizza and fries, my mom and I would always get it when we

came here. Kind of a ritual," I shrugged.

"Your mom's name is Hale, right?" He asked and I nodded "Yep, Hale Elizabeth." Ryker chuckled under

his breath, before his eyes met mine.

"What?" I asked confused. "Nothing, it's just that your mom's name is Hale Elizabeth, and yours is Rain

Eliza," Ryker explained. "Congratulations, you figured out how I got my name,"I said in a fake

overjoyed tone.

I glanced over to see a man with dark brown eyes to the point where they looked black, salt and pepper

hair, a built structure, and was about his late 50's. He sat alone and he was staring directly into me,

with his hands crossed in a grip and elbows resting on the table. He wore a army green jacket, jeans,

with a white t-shirt that had a badge on it, but I couldn't see what it said.

"Rain," Ryker snapped his fingers in front of me, making me snap out of my gaze and look at Ryker.

"Something's wrong," I breathed "There's something about that man." "Rain, he's just an old guy

eating. You're worrying again," Ryker shook his head at me.

"No Ryk-" I started but he reached across the table and grabbed my hands in his. "Rain," He stopped

me with his eyes boring into mine "Nothing's going to happen."

You know that feeling in the bottom of your stomach where it feels like a pit, or the back of your head

with the voice telling you something's wrong, or your muscles becoming tense and telling you to leave?

Well I had that right now, and there was definitely something about that man.

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