Married To My Sister's Husband

Chapter 35 Unveiling, Resetting

Chapter 35 Unveiling, Resetting


One Week Ago

As soon as Livy confirmed that it was really Sophia I saw that day at the market, things slowly began to

fall into place.

Until a week ago I believed my Sophia was dead, but that turned out to be false. So what really

happened that night? Why is there an evidence implicating Livy in that incident roaming about?

Whatever went down that evening, I need to get to the bottom of it fast before more damages are done.

Livy can be very naive and oblivious to pending threats or dangers. Which is why I have to protect her

in anyway I can, in case Sophia decides to do something cynical with those photographs of Livy when

or if she eventually gets her hands on them.

These was my intention, but I had no plans in place of how to achieve it before I receive a nerve-

wrecking call from Markian.

Yes- Markian.

I've thought about him too during this time, and I wondered what his reaction would be like if he finds

out. What would he do when he finds out his beloved Sophia is still alive?

"Hello Markian, it's been a while. I hope all is well?" I asked nervously.

"Not at all, Mrs Luthel. I'm afraid I've got some chilling news that would change our lives forever," he

stated straight away.

I've always admired that straightforwardness of his, but this time it got me a bit rattled. This can't be


"You found out, didn't you? That Sophia is alive" I questioned sadly.

It's no denying that Sophia wasn't a good wife to Markian when they were both married, but he loved

her so much so he was willing to overlook all her shortcomings. Which is why i'm a bit anxious and

worried about Olivia place in Markian's life now her sister is back.

I'm afraid of what would happen to Olivia if Markian were to choose Sophia. I don't think she'll ever be

able to regain from such heartbreak, and it would all be because of my negligence.

"Yes... Yes, I found out she's still alive- but that's not all I found. Mrs Luthel, before I tell you all I've

discovered about Sophia, I need you to promise me that no matter what, you'll help me find a way to

protect Olivia," he requested earnestly.

I was shocked. He wants to protect Olivia? Does this mean he has made his choice, and he chose

Olivia? I couldn't tell if I was grateful, proud or relieved. Maybe it's all of it.

"I promise. Whatever makes you think Olivia's life is in danger, I'll help you find a way to protect her." I

assured sternly.

With a sigh of slight relief, he told me everything he had just found out from that Carlos Guillian kid. He

told me about Livy's pregnancy and the role Sophia and Carlos played in straining her mental and

physical health for the past 5months.

I was shocked to my core at the reality of the kind of person my Sophia had turned out to be. I tried to

wrap my head around the fact that ever since my girls were little, I've always protected Sophia more

hoping she doesn't feel lack of my attention or motherly affection. So, when did all these happen?

"Mrs Luthel, I'm afraid Olivia might chose to protect Sophia and get hurt while doing so. Please, I need

your help in finding out exactly how Sophia was able to pull off faking her own death. Once she sees

me, I know it won't be long before she approaches me with her demand. And even though I'm not

certain what she'll ask for, I know she'll try to blackmail me with something that would either threaten

my marriage or Olivia's wellbeing." He stated to my dismay.

Of course she will. If everything Carlos Guillian had told Markian is for sure the truth- and Sophia have

been with him for the past 6months, that means she has access to that photo of Livy on the night of the


"Don't worry Markian, I'll do everthing in my power to make sure that Sophia doesn't cause more harm

to your family or do something stupid she'll regret." I assured confidently.

This is all my fault in the first place, I took lightly the situation at hand at that time. If I had been more

attentive, I would have been able to pick up on the little signs.

Why did Sophia need to go through all these stress? Why is she after her sister who have done nothing

but love her all their lives?

If I don't find a way to stop her soon- with the undeniable photo evidence she has, Olivia might just end

up behind bars. But I won't let that happen, not on my watch.

"Thank you, Mrs Luthel. Even though I had told you never to meddle in our lives again, you're still

willing to help. I will never forget such kindness even if I'll never be able to repay you." Markian

confessed honestly before ending the call.

I didn't even get the chance to reply and let him know just how proud I was of him. If one good thing

came out of all of these, it should be the fact that Markian and Livy found each other in the end. I

should be the one thanking Markian for being so considerate and loving towards my poor Olivia.

I had feared the worst for her sake when I got his call earlier, but it's so nice to know that they both

share a deeper relationship now than they did when they had no choice but to get married to each


I immediately called in my secretary- Stacy, to cancel all of my works and meetings for the next few

days while I'll be busy with finding out exactly what happened the evening of Sophia's supposed


The next day, I set out to find out the truth. The first place I went was the hospital that handled the

forensic analysis of Sophia's body 6months ago.

I put a call through to the Head of Directors of the hospital to let him know I was visiting. So, when I

arrived, I was given access to the labs as well as documents on my daughter's corpse.

Since the hair, toenails and fingernails of the body was completely burned, I hadn't requested for

further DNA test. So, I had only used the fingerprint identification which was of course fabricated to

appear as Sophia's.

"...although, I did find something strange. The reason for the hair and nails loss might not have been

due to the fire. But, when you asked for no further test to be done, I couldn't confirm my theory." Dr

Blake stated, gaining my full attention.

"What do you mean by that exactly, Dr Blake?" I asked impatiently.

"From my personal observation, it seemed that the body was already missing those properties before

the fire." he plainly replied.

"So, what you're trying to say is that the body was already dead and missing its hair and nails before

the fire?" I asked again for clarity.

"Exactly ma'am. Your daughter was long dead before her body was burned." he replied


Oh, if only he knew that Sophia was still alive, scheming for her sister's downfall.

"Thank you for your help doctor, I'm very grateful." I stated politely before leaving the hospital.

It doesn't seem like finding out how Sophia plotted her death was going to be easy.

As I entered the car and my driver took me out of the hospital driveway, I thought long and hard how

Sophia could have possibly pull all of this off- unless she didn't do it alone.

It couldn't have been Carlos, at that time he was on the run from the Feds and wouldn't risk being seen

in public. So, she must have had help from someone else- maybe someone so desperate to get her out

of the way, and hates the fact that I still had my claws on the company they wished was only theirs.

But I won't stop- not until if find out who the anonymous person is, and how they were able to pull off a

fake accident and set up Olivia while doing so. I have someone in mind, but I'll have to set a trap they

will surely fall for in order to be a hundred percent sure.

I searched every hospital and morgues in all of Minneapolis, records of missing dead persons that their

owners were yet claim from the morgues- but nothing.

There was only one hospital left, but the moment I put a call to the Head of Directors of the hospital, I

was immediately denied access into the hospital for some unknown reason.

That wasn't normal, so I immediately asked Stacy to search for the list of directors and board-members

of the hospital- including sponsors. When I went through the list, a name stood out in bold letters under

sponsors. So, I asked Stacy to get her hands on all the employees file of the hospital, both medical

staffs and non-medical staffs down to the janitors.

Few days later, I went to the abandoned factory where I had held that police officer and people who I

perceived to have crossed the line with me and make them pay. I'm not a fan of that environment, but

the messier and awful it looked and smelled the more terrifying it usually was to my victims.

I took my seat in front of my recent offender as I watched him try to wiggle out of his bondage for a

while. He was sweating from whatever it was that Pope and Jack had been doing to him all day. I

ordered for his blindfold and gag to be removed and I was immediately obeyed.

The man tied up in front of me is a morgue attendant at the hospital I was denied access into, and his

name is Finn Hanson. His profile, background, bank account details, and alibi on the date of Sophia's

supposed accident seemed too slick, so I suspected he knew more than he was telling.

"What is this about? Are you the one in charge of this criminal act? This is kidnapping and I'll make

sure you all regret these." He ranted referring to Pope and the other guys.

I scoffed in displeasure as I glared at him ranting on and on.

"I can also explain to the cops how you illegally sell dead bodies to rich people for money. I'm pretty

sure both you and the hospital you work for will be shut down for life once I make this allegation." I

replied while glaring at him angrily.

That didn't get him to humble himself but it sure got his attention.

"Who the fuck are you? What is it that you want?" he asked disrespectfully and paid for his insolence

immediately- courtesy of Jack.

I watched him groan in pain with a vacant expression.

"Who I am doesn't matter, what matters is the kind of power I possess. What I want is simple. A single

name. Give me the name of the person who contracted you on the 9th of February. It's that simple." I

replied plainly.

"Go fu'k yourself b'tch, I'm not saying a word." Finn blurted out confidently, but got another jaw

wrecking punch to the face.

"Put Baron through." I ordered calmly and I was obeyed.

I was immediately handed the phone as soon as Baron answered the video call.

"Baron?" I called out.

"Yes ma'am?" He replied politely with his deep voice.

"Be a darling and show Mr Hanson his family," I request before facing the phone to Finn as he watched


"Daddy?... Daddy, mummy is on the floor, and there are 2 strange men here. (Sobs)...Please, daddy

help us," I heard a teenage girl's voice from the phone before I ended the call.

I glared at Finn as he began to struggle violently towards me. Now that's more like it. Of course he is

mad, who wouldn't be if their family is held at gun point, but so was my own family at the moment.

"If you touch them, I swear on my life, I'll kill you!" he yelled in anger and fear.

"Relax Mr Hanson, they did nothing wrong to me. Eventually they might have to suffer the loss of

loosing you, because my issue is truly with you and not them. But sometimes, my patience runs very

thin very fast and the second time I call my guy- Baron, it'll be to finish off your family. And trust me

when I say I'll make you watch as they are being killed, and there'll be absolutely nothing you can do

about it. So, lets not try my patience. Give me the name I ask for." I ordered calmly.

"You promise to let my family go if I give you a name?" he asked shakily.

"If you give me the right name, yes... I'll let them be. But if you try to lie to me, I'll know and I'll surely

make you pay dearly for it." I stated sternly, leaving no room for any funny business.

I already have an idea who it might be that aided Sophia, I just need this man to confirm it, that's all.

"I saw her only once but the Director told me to grant her request anytime she asks for one. She is a

well-known sponsor of the hospital, and her name is Mrs. Winfrey- Barbra Winfrey. She transferred the

money to my account but she didn't come herself to get the body, she sent someone else." Finn

confessed in fear, and my guess was right.

"This woman, did she make any odd request to the body?" I asked for clarity.

"Yes she did. She asked me to make sure I erase all traces of the body's physical identification." he

answered without hesitation.

So Barbra aided Sophia, got her the body and helped her fake her death. Did she force Sophia into

doing it? Was it all Barbras plan?

I really want to confront her about these, but that's not wise at all. I'll first need a concrete evidence and

wait for Markian to initiate the rest of his plan.

"You'll be allowed to return to your family with your life, only after you've sent me a copy of whatever

signed document that Barbra had signed before claiming to the body you sold her, also your bank

statement of the day she transferred the money to your account. Do this and you're a free man again." I

ordered and he nodded slightly in agreement.

I looked at Jack and gave a nod expressing that I was done here. They'll keep an eye on him until he

delivers to them what I've asked for.

I walked out of the building, got into my car before I gave out an angry growl. Barbra Winfrey has

chosen to make an enemy of me even though I've tried to avoid all of her snares towards me, but this

time I'll retaliate in a way that she'll never be able to recover from.


After Penelope refused my proposal with the worse kind of excuse ever, I knew I had to do something.

In order not to get rejected for the second time, I have to put an end to all her uncertainties.

So, I found myself at Ager Automated few days ago. Yes. That's Penelope's family company. And even

though it was my first meeting with her father- Mr. Xiang Li Chan and her oldest brother- Xiang Lei, it

wasn't very pleasant.

Of course, I would be furious too if a stranger walks into my office and demands that I sell off my

shares to a company I built with my sweat and blood.

"Who does this kid think he is?... waltzing in here and demanding for my shares and expecting that I

just hand it over to him without a thought." Mr Xiang asked his son calmly in Mandarin.

"Pa... These white kids sometimes eats the wrong food once and suddenly think they've joined the big

leagues in the Shanghai market. He is the white punk that have been creating commotions with our

board members." Lei replied his father in Mandarin.

It's obvious they don't realize that I understand Mandarin as well, but I still kept quiet and let them think

I can't understand them.

Lei then rudely scanned me up and down with so much detest and disapproval in his eyes, he wasn't

even trying to hide it.

"Mr Winfrey, we thought you've come to talk about business. And since you were highly recommended

we thought we should give you a chance, even though we don't do business with foreigners. But you've

not only disrespected our attempt of friendship, you've also insulted our good intents. So, I kindly

suggest you take your leave now." Lei cited directly at me.

This family is so stiff, no wonder they're willing to sacrifice their daughter to an animal like Zhin Feng.

It was starting to seem like a battle I can't win, but giving up before it's over was never an option for me.

So, I'll just have to straight forward with them. Fear sometimes clouds people's sense of reasoning, but

if I can offer them hope, then they might just see the light.

"There is a leech I'm tryin to fight off. And from what I see, he has his teeth deep in Ager Automated. If

he's not fought off now, you'll never recover from it. We have a common enemy even though he

threatens you more than he threatens me. But believe it or not, I want to see him fall by all means

possible." I stated sternly.

"The Zhins are not our enemies as you presume- they are our allies. We won't let you drag us into your

personal vendetta with them, that's your problem alone." Lei stated instantly.

My personal vendetta? Wow, ok.

"I know the reason why it seems the Xiangs and Zhins have been allies for few years now, and it has

nothing to do with solidarity or mutual understanding. The Zhins have you on a leash and tug you

around helplessly because you dont want your secret getting out. So, don't seat there with a placid

smile and defend Zhin Feng while dying in silence." I cooed unfeelingly.

It's not like I don't mind their feelings, but these people have become very adamant and comfortable

with their situation they aren't looking for a solution whatsoever.

And who gets the short end of the stick? Who gets scarred for life- married to a monster like Zhin

Feng? Penelope does!

"Mr Winfrey, please take your leave." Lei repels in calm anger on hearing what I just said.

But I was not done. If I don't have their support, I'll have to go with plan B which is more tedious and

time consuming than plan A.

"Forgive me. I really didn't mean to rile you or sound threatening in any way. I just need your help to

stop Feng since his defeat would also benefit you and Ager Automated too." I stated calmly.

Even though things don't work out and I don't get their support, I just had to let them know my stance

with the Zhins.

"You've only been here for few months and may not yet understand fully how things work around here.

But, picking a fight with Feng is a battle you won't win. So, whatever reason that made you think you

can just come in here and make ridiculous demands that make no sense at all- and expect us to join

forces with you, should be discarded immediately." Lei adviced cowardly.

"I'm sorry, but I can discard my reason so easily. Because I'm fighting for my Love's happiness. So, I'll

fight with or without your help."

"What do you wish to gain by getting on Feng's bad side?" Lei asked curiously.

He doesn't have that disapproving look in his eyes anymore. They've been replaced by reasoning and

curiosity, and I liked it.

His father on the otherhand shot a mean disapproving look towards the both of us. But there's hope,

and slowly but surely they'll all come to their senses.

"Penelope's happiness. Mr Xiang, all I want is for your daughter to be happy. I want to end the Zhins

tyranny and bullying so Penelope can be happy without feeling guilty." I cited sternly towards Mr. Xiang.

Her happiness is my priority at the moment and I needed her family to know that.

Lei was about to speak, but was abstrusely stopped by his father with the lift of his hand signalling him

to shut up.

"Ma dauter is happi, an Zhin Feng woud make her happier. Zhin Feng is my future son-in-law an siding

wit yo will not look good for ma dauter's future as their soon-to-be dauter-in-law. So, I ask yo to leave

immedately." Mr Xiang ordered in English.

Penelope is happy? Does he even know what that poor kid is going through? She is anything but

happy and that drains me, how can't they see that?!

"With all due respect Sir, I thought the first time I was going to meet you would be to ask for your

blessing to marry your daughter. But, I won't be able to do that yet because, I first have to proof myself

to you as her father that I would go through hell and high waters for her..." I confess boldly in Mandarin

and continued. Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

"...I know the Zhin Feng have something on you but, I'm also aware that you love your daughter

immensely, which maybe the reason why my request feels quite strange. But I'm determined to find a

way to rid your family of Zhin Feng's threats- and when I put my mind to do something, I always

succeed. I'll take my leave, Sir- but when we meet again, it'll be to ask for your daughter's hand in

marriage." I concluded confidently, before I stood up and quietly left the room.

Even though I'm slightly disappointed that I wasn't able to get Mr Xiang's help, I wasnt going to let that

stop me.

I just have to work with plan B, which is to find a way to trap Zhin Feng in all his illegalities.

The next day at the office, Penelope walked angrily into my office- pissed off about god-knows-what.

"Hello to you too, Ms Xiang. How may I help you?" I asked curiously but calmly.

She looked quite upset as she scanned me thoroughly with so much regret and disbelief, making me


"Penelope. What's wrong?" I asked, feeling harassed.

"Mr Winfrey, it's so strange how someone can be very wrong about another person and mistake them

to be kind and considerate. Unfortunately, I seem to have made such mistake too." She stated

detestably .

"Penelope, did something happen? You need to be a bit clearer, I don't understand what you're saying.

Do you want to talk about it?" I inquired, very confused.

Whatever in the world is she talking about? She's making no sense. Did Zhin Feng do something to her

or what? I thought.

"Yes. Yes, I want to talk about it." She replied furious.

And then she sudden served me an envelope. I looked at what she had presented before me and I felt

my heart sink.

The envelope had a heading with the words; Letter of Resignation. I couldn't believe it. What in the

world was going at the moment?

I looked up from the envelope and stared at her in disbelief.

"What the fu'k is this? Whose resignation letter is this?" I asked furiously and upset.

What exactly is going on? It feels like the letter belongs to Penelope, but why? Why would she

suddenly want to resign? Is this about Zhin Feng again? I thought.

"It belongs to me Sir. As of today, I'm resigning from S.Group." she plainly stated like it was no big deal,

and I was shocked.


"Why? Because, I never thought you would be so petty as to go and blackmail my father and brother

into selling their shares to you. Why did you do it? Was it because I rejected your confession of love?

Even if that is the case, it was my fault and if you needed to punish someone, it should have been me-

not my family. Damn! It's like Zhin Feng all over again.' She stated in comparison.

What the hell? Did she just compare me to that asshole- Zhin Feng in a split second?

"Do you really think I'm capable of doing something like that? Do you honestly think I would try to hurt

your family or their company in any way?" I asked disheartened and sad.

Even if everyone doubts my intention, I thought she would at least ask me why I did what I did.

"I...I don't know, ok? All I know is that my father came home very stressed yesterday and said you

asked him to sell over his shares in the company to you. I've sacrificed so much to make sure my

family don't get to beg for Zhin Feng's mercy, but I feel like all my efforts might go to waste because of

you. So, I'm resigning before my unrequited feelings act as my family's downfall." She confessed sadly,

and I hated that.

Why would she say that? Why does she think her feelings are unrequited?

Maybe it's because she has only experienced the worse side of me. She first loved my worse side, so

she doesn't understand when I try to show her my best side.

"I didn't ask your father to sell his shares of the company to me because I want to buy Ager Automated

off him, all I wanted was just to have a leverage over Zhin Feng's strengths in the company. It's just part

of my plan to try and end his tranny and terror, that's all..." I answered honestly.

But she looked at me with a raised brow doubtfully, so I continued.

"...I would have given back what was your father's...and maybe become an investor- but only after I've

gotten Zhin Feng out of your lives. I promise, I was not planning on hurting your family in any way. Your

father and brother just misunderstood my intensions, but I won't stop- not until I make everything

right..." I paused when I noticed her eyes have gone soft, then continued.

"...I plan to set you free from Zhin Feng and his family because, you are mine. You belong with me- and

me alone. I don't want anyone else to think of you as theirs ever again." I stated boldly and a bit


I didn't intend to sound so possessive, but it was in deed upsetting hearing her father call her the Zhin's


I was as well hurt by her reaction, but I understood her situation. She's protective of her family and I

can't possibly hold that against her, but I wish her family cared about her as much and help me put an

end to her problems.

"I'm so sorry, forgive me. I just... can't help seeing my family in any kind of situation that demands they

have to beg for anything. Thank you for being so considerate and willing to help me and my family out.

I don't think I've done anything to deserve such kindness from you." she confessed relieved, completely

ignoring my last statement.

But it was still satisfying knowing that she wasn't upset any more. And I like how she says what she's

feeling at the moment without pretence. I love that the most about her.

"Well, the day you thoughtlessly saved my life was the day I decided I belonged to you. That was all

you had to do to get me fighting all your battles and wars. But I would have fallen for you regardless,

because you are incredible in every way." I cited with much pleasure.

And she smiled. God! I love that breathtaking smile of hers, it always gladdens my heart. I want her to

smiling genuinely more often, and I want to be the one to bring that smile back to her face.

She soon noticed me staring at her and blushed as she cleared her throat to ask casually,

"So, what's the plan? I want to help out in any way I can."

I was a bit surprised by her sudden interest, but I expected nothing less from Penelope Xiang. She is a

fighter who won't go down without a fight.

"You're really amazing, you know that right? But before I reveal my awesome plan to you, may I rip to

shreds this resignation letter of yours? It's still freaking me out." I requested honestly, but she quickly

dragged it away from my hand.

"I think I should keep it. Who knows when I might need it again?" she teased, but I smiled slyly.

"The only time I'll accept a resignation letter from you is when I know I'll always come home to see you

everytime- when I see my ring resting on your finger, and know that my vows are resting in your heart

as well" I cited.

I noticed her face getting even redder as she turned away and walked out of my office hastily.

I couldn't help the laughter that escaped my mouth. For some reason, seeing Penelope shy away from

me in embarrassment made me happy and totally satisfied.

My feelings for he keeps me going, and at this point I doynt think there's anything I wouldn't do for her

to be happy.


When Markian burst through my door, I really thought he was coming to hurt me even more with his


But he kissed me instead with so much pain- so much fear and a hint of hopefulness? like he was

betting everything he had to give just this one kiss.

So, I couldn't resist- I didn't want to, I just let our feelings flow through the kiss.

When he released me from the kiss, I dreaded the emptiness that filled me again when I noticed a faint

smile tugging his lips.

At first I thought he just teased me with the kiss, so the normal reaction for me was to try and explain


"Markian, I..." I started but he shut up.

"You've suffered enough my Love, but I promise you I'll put an end to all these- soonest." He assured

confidently before kissing me again.

This time was with a whole different feeling of hunger and passion. My husband is the only man that

can send me into a panic one minute and in the next, he is rescuing me from my damnation.

After everything that had happened, I really thought Markian hated me again like before. I feared he

had gone back to his old mean self and wouldn't give a damn about me since Sophia was back, but I

was wrong.

The fact that he's right here with me meant the entire world to me. I couldn't possibly handle all the

emotions I was feeling alone and I needed answers- some clarity at least. So, I pulled away from the


"I thought you hated me so much you didn't even want to see me? You even refused to eat anything

since yesterday, I was so worried. Why would you do that to me?" I asked shamelessly as I stared into

his eyes.

And for the very first time, Markian's eyes were reflecting the bareness of his soul. He hid no emotion,

he was completely open and I saw my mistakes.

"I was hurt that you don't trust me enough to share any of your pain or sadness with me. I was

devastated when I found out I was the last to know about all you've been going through. I was mad with

anger because no matters to how much I showed that I'm capable of protecting what's mine, you never

once thought to put your trust in me... You made me feel like an incompetent man and husband." he

replied sadly and I was baffled.

I had no idea what concerned me mattered to him this much. I didn't know keeping him in the dark was

going to hurt him that much. I only wanted to protect him from worrying about me and my problems.

", Markian. You are far from incompetent. I thought I was protecting you from my problems, but I

was wrong. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you things I should've told you about. And for lying to you about

everything, I'm very sorry." I cited in tears as I cupped his face with shaky hands.

But he moved away from me and sat on the bed tiredly. He brushed his hair away from his forehead

backwards with his fingers, frustrated.

"And about when you wanted to leave? You were ready to leave me, to just abandon me and disappear

without a single thought of how I would survive without my heart. Damn, Livy. Do you even love

me?...or in the midst of everything you decided I wasn't even worth the trouble?" he asked upset.

I took a step towards him on the bed and countered, "Of course I do. Markian, I Love You. I love you so

much i feel like I might die at the mere thought of not being by your side..."

"But you would have still left me! You would have packed your bags and disappear from my life just like

my mother did! I hate you for making me doubt if my love was worth anything to you at all. You were

going to leave me and I'm not sure I'll ever recover from such insecurity, so I hate it..." he cited bitterly.

Then it dripped on the floor- Markian's tears. I couldn't bear to hear him say he hated me, but his words

were hurting him more.

I moved closer to him furiously in an attempt to stop him from uttering anymore hurtful words.

"Don't say you hate me! Don't you ever say that again... Of course your love is worth everything to me,

it has kept me going till this very minute, so don't say you hate me. I couldn't dream of leaving you,

Markian- but what was I supposed to do? When we first got married, Sophia was in your heart and in

your mind. Like hell you even told me you forgave her infidelity numerous times..."

"I said that because I wanted you to know that I'll love you no matter what you do or say" he

interrupted, clarifying my misunderstanding.

" said you'd never love me so, what was I supposed to think when Sophia returned?! My heart

was breaking with every thought that I've lost you again, and it would've been just a matter of days

before my body breaks down too. I didn't want you to have to choose between my sister and I, so I

thought I'd make it easier for everyone and leave once she was settled. I had the protect the little part

of me I could salvage." I ranted sadly and mad.

I was upset, but not at Markian. I was mad at myself for only thinking and insinuating that Markian

would leave me. Honestly, I had no faith in him and that is wrong of me.

He just sat there and stared at me in disbelief. I would give a penny for his thoughts right now if I could.

"So, you still don't understand how I feel about you?" he asked rhetorically, but I answered anyways.

Right here and now, I let everything melted away but Markian. All of my thoughts and plans that didn't

include him descipated into thin air.

"I know now. I understand exactly how much you love me now. And I'm sorry I didn't notice until now.

Markian I've been too careless with your feelings for the past few months and only thinking just about

mine. But if you give me another chance, I promise to do right by you this time...because I truly and

honestly love you. Always have and always will..." I told him.

As though I had no more battles to fight and all my uncertainties had disappeared, I told Markian what

was truly in my heart.

He loves me dearly and has chosen me, that was all I've ever wanted and I was no longer ashamed to

admit how selfish that might sound.

Tonight, I shamelessly made my first love confession to my husband.

"But if you still hate me so much so you've lost faith me, it doesn't matter. I'll convert you again and

restore your faith in me, because I know I won't stop loving you and neither would you. And you even

promised you'd believe and forgive anything I do or say." I recited the promise he had once made to


When I saw a stubborn smile graze his soft sweet lips, I moved in closer and closed the space between

us with a kiss.

He grabbed me hungrily and pulled me up on his laps as he kissed me with all his might, and I

reciprocated with equal hunger.

I was in the wrong to have made the worse kind of assumptions on how Markian truly felt about me. I

know that now and I'll never make such mistake ever again.

I pushed him on the bed and towered above him. Even though I was blushing from embarrassment, I

began to undress- not taking my eyes off him for even a second .

"I love you Livy. And I'm sorry I made you doubt me, but I promise to be a better husband to you if you'll

still have me" Markian commented, surprising me.

I nodded with a smile, before I went on to remove his shirt, exposing his sexy abs. Damn! I really I'm a

pervert. The rest of the night was... let's just say, all was forgive.

The next morning, I woke up feeling excited with Markian beside me.

We were in a spooning position with him behind me, and I immediately felt hot at the realization that we

were both naked under the cover.

I shivered slightly in excitement as the memories of the night came flood in, accidentally waking


"Goodmorning, Love" he growled smoothly, pulling me closer.

I was already turning red as I felt his member between my buttcheeks. I froze in both surprise of his

mindless action and the lustfulness the sound of his voice spark in me.

"G...g...goodmorning" I forced myself to voice out naturally.

It is hard to reply as his hands trailed my skin, sending me into a pleasurable panic.

Oh. my. world. I need to speak to Markian about Sophia, but at this rate we both might end up getting


"Mar...Markian? I have to tell you something important." I blurted out in a haste.

He immediately stopped and turned me to face him as he stared into my eyes. I swallowed hard as I

met face to face with him. His hair was in a sexy mess, and his biceps contracted showing its bulginess

as his fingers trailed my face to tuck strands of hair falling out of place.

"You still need to leave, don't you?" he asked directly, shocking me.

How did he know what I was thinking about?

But, after the threat I got from Sophia, I don't think my baby and I are safe in this place any longer.

"Sophia won't let us happen, and I fear for our safety." I blurted out sadly.

My eyes went wide with surprise when Markian's hand which once rested on my face had made its way

down to my stomach.

I thought I was imagining things late night when we were...making love, and his hand would just

naturally land on my belly, caressing and kissing there with tender love and care.

He knows I'm pregnant and he didn't say a word about it at all last night and neither did i. This must be

one of the things he was complaining about that I need to share with him. When will I learn?

"I agree... Until I find a way to properly put an end to these Sophia madness, I have to make sure you

and our baby are both safe- far from here and far from her." He stated protectively.

"You knew- you knew everything but acted like you didnt, why?" I asked even though I knew the


"Because, I want to be a major priority in your life. I want be your companion, lover and partner, just like

you are to me. I was willing to wait for as long as that would take to happen if I hadn't found out you

were about to leave me." He answered with a longing that felt familiar to mine.

Markian knew everything that was going on but he was ready to wait patiently for me to trust him

enough to tell him myself.

I can't believe I ever doubted his feelings for me and thought he would go back on the promises he

made to me. I'm indeed grateful to my stars, my destiny, my fate and to God. Meeting Markian is the

greatest miracle in my life.

"I'm so sorry I lied to you, I thought I could handle it all by myself. I should have trusted you..." I started

but Markian stopped me.

"That was yesterday, so let's not go back. Ok? From now on you only need to worry about yourself and

that little warrior inside of you, while I'll handle the rest. I've spoken to your mother, she's expecting

you. So, you'll go over to her house today and stay there for the meantime. It'll be a lot safer there and

I'll come see you as often as I can." He ordered and I nodded in agreement.

He kissed my forehead, my nose, then my lips, before he got out of the bed butt naked. I blushed and

looked away shyly as he tried to put on his clothes that were littered on the floor.

He soon caught me staring at his naked body and smirk evilly before he asked, "You like what you


I shied away and turned to the other side of the bed without giving an answer to his question which is

quite obvious.

"You really are the cutest pervert I've ever seen. I'll send a maid to come help you pack your bags" he

instructed with a playful smile before heading out of the room.

I couldn't help my embarrassment so, I covered my face with my hands smiling to myself even after he

had left.

I stayed a few more minutes on the bed, before I got up and went into the bathroom to wash off and

prepare for the day.

I had forgotten everything, the pain, the fear and doubt- everything was like a distant nightmare that is

rapidly fading. I must have been too happy and excited to have attracted the evil that visited me few

minutes before I could leave to my mother's house.

Markian wanted to drive me to the Luthel Mansion, but he got an urgent call from the office 6mins ago.

He was reluctant to leave me alone but I persuaded him to go, that the driver would go drop me off at

my mother's place.

My bags were already in the car, so I picked up my phone and purse from the dresser to leave, when

an anger-possessed Sophia barged into my room and shut the door.

She launched for the vanity beside my makeup desk and sent it crashing to the ground, shattering the

glass into large pieces. She moved to the broken glass and picked up a piece.

She looked dangerous, so I panic in fear and dialed Markian's phone no. Before I knew what was going

on, she drew closer to me and knocked the phone out from my hand. I flinched in fear and desperation,

and my hands began to shake.

", please calm down and lets talk this out amicably. Let's not do anything we both would

regret later." I pleased to a furious looking Sophia, but she wasn't stopping.

She kept coming closer and closer as I kept moving backwards and away from her. I ran towards the

door and turned the knob, but it didn't bulge. I pulled again and again, but it would'nt and that terrified

me more.

"Is this what you're looking for?" Sophia's asked.

She cooed with so much darkness and evil, it sent me into an even higher panic mode. She had the

keys to the door and I can't get out. If I move close to her and try to drag the key away from her she

might stab me with the broken piece of mirror she held in her hand.

So, I had only one option and that's to avoid her and run into the bathroom. If I can get in there, I can

shut the door and scream for help from inside there.

"What do you want, Sophia? It doesn't matter what it might be I'll give it to you, just let me go... please"

I pleaded helplessly, but I'm not sure she was listening to me.

"Your this point, your life and that of your unborn child is all I want. So, will you give it to me?"

she asked wickedly as she rested beside the bathroom door.

"Help me! Help me please, somebody!" I yelled at the top of my voice, but no one came.

I suddenly heard a crash on the floor as she pushed everything on my makeup table down to the floor.

"You're still the same sh't-face you've always been, you'll never change. You asked me what I wanted

and when I told you, all you thought to do was to scream for help? The same fu'king way you promised

you'd always protect me, but when the time came for you to do as you said, you fu'king bailed on me.

Sorry sis, but nobody will come to save you, not your slutty maids and servants, not your worthless

mother, not even your bastard of a husband- Markian." She cited heartlessly.

"Please let me go Sophia, what have I ever done to you to make you want to hurt my child? I brought

you home, I tried to unite you with Markian but you turned out to be a liar. I tried to protect you the best

I could but you've ever only paid me back with more lies and evil. If you let me go, I promise I'll not hold

these against you and I'll plead on your behalf to Markian to forgive you. You can start a new live

somewhere else and nobody would come looking for you, I promise." I stated but the response I got

told me just how far my sister had gone.

"I don't need your pity b'tch! (scoff)... you have no fu'king idea how I've spent the past 30mins

wondering just how deplorably I could present your lifeless body to Arky. I mean, what better parting gift

would scream 'Screw you, Markian' other than the dead body of his beloved second wife and unborn

child?" she questioned ruthlessly and I felt like tearing her apart.

I could almost feel my heart beating out of my chest.

"Help me Please! Somebody, help!" I yelled again with all my strength.

But all I got back was silence, followed by a loud explosion of glass. Sophia threw a bottle of perfume

towards me, but she missed and it met with the well beside me.

"You worthless piece of trash! I gave up everything because of you, and now your dickhead of a

husband have taken away the last thing that I had. No matter how I look at these, you'll have to be the

punishment I give him, Livy. For me to keep living in this world you'll have to seize to exist." She stated

angrily as she threw another bottle of perfume towards me, but I blocked it with my arms.

I needed a way to draw her away from the bathroom door so I can go in to seek refuge there.

"Sophia, stop it! You're talking about murder here, you want to kill me and my baby? If I've wronged you

and Markian have also wronged you, what have our baby done to you?" I asked panicky and scared for

my baby's life as I slowly moved closer to the bed.

I picked up a pillow and used it as a shield to protect my stomach and chest from whatever she decides

to throw at me next.

"That abomination in your belly is the symbol of your betrayal and Markian's broken promises, and

since it's important to the both of you it's the only thing I can take away from you two that would destroy

all your hopes and dreams." She plainly answered.

She must have thought about these long enough, but I will never let her hurt my child- never.

"Sophia, I'm listening. You don't want to do these; you don't want to end your life this way. I know

Markian hurt you, I hurt you too but you don't have to do whatever you are thinking of. I'll leave- I'll go

away with my child and never return to Markian's live ever again if you let me go now. You can live here

with Markian and take back what was yours, but you have to first be benevolent and let me go in


I tried my hardest to say those words as calmly as I could, but all I got was a villainy laughter from

Sophia and a cold scoff following.

"Oh sister, you really think I'm doing all these because i want Markian back, don't you? That bastard

means nothing to me at all, never have and never will. The only person I've ever loved in my life was

the person that that asshole took from me. So, it's only befitting that I too take away something that he

loves dearly too, don't you agree?" she asked rhetorically with a bitterness that sent shivers down my


I took up courage and moved towards her slowly in hope to get close enough to smack her with the

pillow and run into the bathroom. My heart was beating very fast and my breathing was ragged, but I

kept moving closer.

"Sophy, I'm your sister. We share the same blood and I love you regardless of what you've done in the

past. I'm terribly sorry that Markian hurt you so much but it's not the end. Please, let me help you out of

these." I humbly requested as I got close enough to strike.

But I couldn't. She stood still as I reached her and I stared into her pain stricken eyes, it was as though

my words got to her.

She wants to give me a chance to help her, and I stretched forth my hand slowly towards her

requesting for the key not breaking our eye contact.

But in split seconds something in them changed and it dawned on me that my sister was beyond

redeeming. She grabbed my hand in a flash and pulled me towards herself, but I smack her with the

pillow I held in my other hand as hard as I could, knocking her off balance.

But she was quick on her feet, so before I could open the bathroom door and run in, she grabbed me

by the hair and pushed me against the wall with so much force. My head hit the wall with a great thud,

and that was the last thing I heard as I forced my eyes open but could only see doubles.

I couldn't feel much, just the throbbing pain in my head and blood stain on the palm I used in

supporting my aching head, which I was also seeing double.

I dropped to the ground disoriented and laid there immobile as I briefly saw the door to my room burst

open before I blacked out.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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