Married To My Sister's Husband

Chapter 34 Glass Castle

Chapter 34 Glass Castle


"A...I made breakfast! Pancakes with berry syrup, your favorite!" I called out loud so she would hear me

all the way from her room.

It's been 2weeks since the dinner brawl between she and Heather, but she's still mad at me.

I've done everything I could possibly think of, but nothing have worked to put an end to the cold

treatment I've been getting from her.

I even tried doubling the profits of the company, making the inflation on the statistics skyrocket in just

11days- still I got nothing from her.

She simply gets dressed, grabs her key and leaves the house before 9am every morning- except on a


Soon, I heard her come down the stairs. I knew she would just ignore me and leave again, so I stopped

her. This is going on too long and I had to put a stop to this qualm.

"Sooner or later A, you'll have to talk to me so we can settle these matter between us. Why don't we

talk about these already and make peace, huh?" I asked in anticipation of a positive response, but


I can't handle another day of us living like ghosts in this big mansion. We've never had such a huge

fight like this before and it's beginning to get to me.

It's annoying anytime I see her sad or angry, it disrupts my thinking and rationality.

"I'm going back to New York, Cal. I've already started my transfer application from my Fentrix Academy,

and I've spoken to my boss about transferring me to TNet, New York branch." Ava replied sending me

into shock., she can't do this to me. No! I screamed inside as I vigorously shook my head and took a step


I met with the dining chair behind me and rested on it for support.

"Wh...wh...why?...what do you mean by 'you're going back to New York'? You told me I never have to

worry about you leaving, so what exactly are you saying now? You said you would stay by me always" I

stammered disoriented.

Ava can't leave me, she is all I have.

"I mean I'm leaving you, Cal. Things are no longer how they used to be and it's not my doing. You've

got this mapped out plan in your head and no matter how I look at it, I don't think I fit into that plan. So,

I'm leaving- before someone accuses me of going too far again." She stated coldly.


"I can't... no. You're joking right? Ava, you are all I've got. Why...why are you doing these? Is it because

of the little fight we had? But I said I was sorry, so why are you doing these to me?" I ranted in pain.

"Little fight?! We never use to have any type of fights before- whether big or little, until she came into

our lives. It might have been irrelevant to you, but to me, you showed just how important I was to you

that night. I have to go to work now or I'll be late" she answered plainly before she left the house.

I was finding it hard to breathe- everything became too painful to do. I really didn't mean to hurt her so

bad she wants to leave me, all I just wanted was for both Ava and Heather to get along and get to know

each other.

I would do anything- anything at all to make things better, but what Ava is asking for is just

incomprehensible. She wants me to choose between she and Heather, and that's asking a lot.

I became more disrupt for days and the silence between us grew even more. I used to be very eremitic-

completely introverted, until she came into my life.

Taking Ava in as my ward changed my life, and my worse nightmare would be the day she finally

decides that she doesn't need me anymore.

She was now treating me like a complete stranger and that stings on so many levels. I don't think I can

ever choose between Ava and Heather- there's no choice in the first place.

On a date with Heather one evening after the news, I tried so hard to be cool and act normal, but she

caught me. Few minutes into the date she knew something was up with me.

"Is something wrong at the company?... or is it still about Ava? To be honest, I've never been so nice to

anyone as I was with her that evening. She hates my guts and thinks I'm some bimbo her brother

picked up by mistake. I don't think she and I can ever find a mutual ground, and honestly she's a bit too

much for me to handle" Heather stated discouragingly.

Both Ava and Heather are like two positives of two different magnet, and it's only natural that they

would not get along.

What was I thinking? I've ruined everything.

"Ava decided to return to New York. She's moving everything down there with her- the academy, her

work, everything except me." I lamented unintentionally.

Saying it out loud didn't help at all, in fact it made the pain in my chest hurt even more.

"Oh...oh Jeff, that's...that's just sad. I'm so sorry. What's it about? Certainly something else must have

happened, right?" She questioned curiously, but I couldn't affirm her speculation.

One look at me and she went dead silent, baffled by the realization that she is actually the reason Ava

wants to return to New York.

She dropped the cutlery she was holding and placed her hands on her laps under the table- something

she was used to doing when she's uncertain of a situation.

"It because of me, right? She wants you to choose. (Sighs)...Surely you told her you chose her right?"

She questioned incoherently.

I was silent, trying to understand what she meant by that.

"Ava is the best part of my life, but you are the woman I've given my very heart to. Why do I have to

choose between the two most important people in my life?" I questioned back.

Why can't I have them both?- my sister and my lover.

"Give me your hand" Heather ordered calmly, and I obeyed.

"I'll find a way to stop this. Just you continue to about your day like nothing happened, and I promise

your sister will remain in Minneapolis with you. Trust me, ok?" She assured with sudden confidence.

I want to believe her- I really do, but I fear my sister is very stubborn and it's almost impossible to

change her mind once it's already made up.

"Ava can be very difficult, it's not easy to change her mind once it's been made up" I argued.

"Then it's a good I'm equally stubborn. Babe, I hate it when you're feeling down, so believe me when I

tell you that I'll do everything in my power to see that you still have your sister by your side for as long

as you both will." She proclaimed and I nodded with a faint smile.

I have no idea how she plans to make Ava stay, but I want to trust her- or anyone in that matter who

can make Ava change her mind.

Later that evening when I went home, i sat by Ava's room door.

"A...can you hear me? I hope you are, because it's been pretty lonely without you these past days. I

don't... even know if I should stop you or let you go. Honestly, it's been getting harder and harder letting

you go. You must really hate me to want to leave me..." I confessed hurtfully as I brushed my hair with

my fingers in frustration.

"...At the court room when the judge said I could take you home 8years ago, I was terrified- not

knowing exactly what to do. But you walked up to me, held my hands and you said to me, 'just feed

me, I'll handle the rest'. That's when I knew my life was going to be changed forever. I knew I had to do

right by you- not just feed you, but also to protect you and make you happy. You brought light into my

life A, and that light shined on Heather. Just because I fell in love doesn't mean there's no love left for

you- I just thought we could grow our family..." I paused for a while, but not a sound from Ava.

"...A, are you listening to me? Please don't make me choose between you two, because I can't." I

stated broken-heartedly.

That's when I heard her door open and she came out.

"You chose to see the good in people even when they don't have any, but I see what they really are

capable of from their past actions. So, I won't stay here and encourage you to continue in your

madness- that's why I'm leaving. Can we not talk about this any further? Because, I won't be changing

my mind" she said with gritted teeth before she shut the door.


After Jeffery told me that Ava wanted to go back to New York, I could tell how heart broken he was.

I can be a b'tch, but that evening I had dinner with his sister, I really tried to be nice to her and wished

things had gone differently.

I may have made a mistake I shouldn't have, but I understand that she might just be over protective of

Jeffery and that's why she wants me gone from his life.

But she's breaking his heart by deciding to go back to New York for no apparent reason.

I made a promise to Jeffery that I would get his sister to stay, and that's exactly what I would do.

Heaven knows I want him to be happy. I want to be the one who gives him that happiness, because

ever since he came into my life he has made it better.

So, I put a few calls to Fentrix Robotics Academy. The Director of the academy is a close acquaintance

of mine who has benefited from my generosity in the past, so he invited me over.

Yes, it's the same Academy Ava was attending.

I arrived at the academy at around 1pm when I was certain Ava would be in the campus.

After a brief meeting with the Director, he agreed to hold off Ava's transfer for a little while longer. So, I

left his office and heading for her department.

Not too long, I heard some people laughing and making jest of someone in a video they were watching.

I moved closer to see what they were watching, and unfortunately it was a video of Ava with the caption

'US Best Top hacker, sham or genuine?'.

I could see Ava in the video, disarrayed in an environment with high tech gadgets going haywire.

"I told you all that she only got that title because her brother paid off the judges. She is not as good as

everybody thinks she is and here is prove." a brunette haired girl cited as everyone laughed.

"Well, sooner or later she had to come out of her brother's shadow and money, and look at the

outcome of that" a second girl jarred as everyone laughed again.

Oh poor Ava, does she even know about these? Oh my, could this be the reason why she wants to

leave Jeffery and go back to New York?

I walked away from the group and entered a corridor. I took the stairs that led me to a broad hallway.

There were students clustered everywhere, making my search for Ava quite harder.

I went back down the way I came from and I was back at the corridor, when I heard female voices

coming towards me.

It was those girls from before- the ones with the video and the impolite comments, so I hid behind a


They were talking about the video and I needed to know more about what was going on, so I listened in

on their conversation.

"She's on the roof top, I hope she tries to hurt herself" the first girl cooed unfeelingly.

That girl deserves a slap from an elder, how dare she say that about someone else.

"C'mon Freya, that's too much. Maybe we should stop circulating the video already, it's gone on for far

too long. If the Director finds out about this, he won't take it lightly" the seconds girl stated.

So, they've been the ones circulating the embarrassing video of Ava?

"Oh, grow a spine Julie. The Director would never find out, no one ever will. Only the both of us know

what really happened that day of the presentation, so if you don't tell, no one will ever find out what

happened. And in just few more days, that Ava girl will finally leave Fen-Robo, which means everyone's

attention would then be on just us. It's a perfect plan" Freya replied adamantly.

Freya, so it's you all along? You sabotaged Ava's project and made a video of her epic fail that

somehow you're circulating around the campus, just because you're jealous of her?

It really was the perfect plan, if I hadn't just found out about it.

"C'mon, lets go. Mr Trey's class will be starting in 15mins." Julie replied hastily and they ran along.

Ava is a genius. She doesn't make mistakes when it comes to what she is passionate about- coding

and programming. Those girls envy and jealousy was about to taint her reputation, but I won't let that


I walked back up the staircase and arrived at the hallway again. I began to ask if anyone had seen Ava,

but no one knew where she was.

"Hey, excuse me. I'm looking for Ava Jeffery. Have you seen her?" I asked one handsome young guy

who appeared cool but in a geeky way.

"Yes...yes I have. Why are you looking for her?" He asked sternly.

What are you, her bodyguard?

" name is Heather Winfrey and I'm a friend of her brother. I just need to speak to her briefly,

that's all." I replied honestly.

His attitude suddenly changed as he heard my name, and suddenly he became formal with me.

"Wow, do forgive me Ms. Winfrey. My name is Austin McGrath, I've heard so much about you...You're

actually the main reason I'm here at Fen-Robo, and I would just like to say thank you very much for

your generosity." He stated politely and courteously.

I smiled at his sudden change of attitude and nodded in acceptance. I did say I'm a close acquaintance

of the Director here, and Fentrix Academy have benefitted quite a lot from my generosity a few times in

the past- but that aside.

"You're welcome. I still need to see Ava though, it's quite urgent." I pressed.

"Of course. I can take you to her, but I doubt she would want to speak to you." he stated and I

understood what he meant.

He led me all the way to the roof top and on our way, I suspected maybe he and Ava might both be

good friends.

"Austin? Forgive my intrusion, but are you good friends with Ava?" I asked curiously.

He gave me a weak smile before he replied, "I wish. Ava doesn't have friends, she prefers being alone.

I've tried to be friends with her, but she completely shuts me and everyone out. Then came the tragedy

that happened last week at the Presentation, it's all over the school. If only there was a way for me to

get my hands on her robotic gadget, I can uncouple its threads and know what really happened for it to

go ballistic at the last moment."

He seems to care a lot about Ava and also wants to help find out what happened that day with her


"It seems you like Ava, she's quite lucky" I commented gently.

"It's me who's lucky, she's a brilliant tech genius and I could never catch up to her" he confessed


I like Austin, he reminds me so much of Jeffery with his candidness.

We finally got to the roof top and he led me through the door before he went back down. I scanned the

area for Ava and finally got sight of her.

She was relaxed on the rail, looking at the outlines of the campus which was a beautiful site.

"What are you doing here?" She rudely asked without even letting me get close to her.

"I had a meeting with the Director. You on the other hand are quite popular around here." I said


I know she's mad at me already so what's the point in acting nice?

"I don't feel like speaking to anyone, so please leave."

"That's ok. It's better you don't talk, but I have a lot to say to you that I didn't say the last time we met." I

declared plainly.

"I don't want to listen to anyone either, so get lost." She countered.

"Does it look like I care about what you want to do or don't want to do? I came here to say my piece

and I'll say it before I leave." I stated.

Ava truly is a very stubborn young lady and only an equally stubborn person might be able to get

through to her.

She turned to me and then was about to walk away, before I stopped her.

"Are you also going to run away from a simple conversation with me? Do I threaten you that much? It's

amazing how one can be very wrong about another person, you know? Before I met you, I heard

stories of you from Jeffery. I used to think to myself like, 'wow, she must be incredibly smart, brave and

strong'. But meeting you, I must say I'm highly disappointed." I added coldly.

That stopped her in her track, and she turned back to look at me.

"I know what you're trying to do but it won't work. I'm by far smarter than you'll ever be." She replied.

"Oh yeah? Then proof it. To be smart is to quick, calculative and resourceful. But you? You just run

away when things get tough like a spineless chicken." I insulted.

That last bit got on her nerve as she walked towards me in anger.

"You're getting what you want, isn't that enough? You're so slick it's too obvious, so stop trying too hard

to be the hero who tries to keep my family together. I won't fall for it."

"Keep your family together? I had no intention of doing that, in fact I'm happy you've finally decided to

leave Jeffery alone. What did you think? That by giving your brother an ultimatum he'll leave me?

Sweetie, I'm not going anywhere, and since you're such a chicken who runs away from every fight,

even you can't stop me now from loving your brother" I said scornfully.

She was boiling with anger and I could tell. It's not my intention to hurt her pride, but someone has to

deflate it in other for her to get back to reality.

"I'll stop you! My brother doesn't have to choose anything, we'll both settle this between ourselves. I'll

make sure I send you off in the most unpleasant way possible."

"(Scoffs)...I'll like to see you try. I mean you can't even handle the task of protecting you reputation and

finding out what exactly happened to your project, and now the whole school thinks you're just a fake.

How can you possibly send me off?" I asked slyly.

"48hrs. I'll provide evidence that would prove my gadget was functional until the time of my

presentation in 48hrs. And I f I succeed, you'll accept that you're not good for Callum and you'll leave

our lives for good. But if I don't, I'll accept the fact that you and my brother are truly dating." She


Locked and loaded.

I can be very manipulative when I want to be, and it's good to know I've still go that attribute in me.

Though her suggestion is brilliant, I've got something else in mind. Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

"I have a better idea. How about we both look for proof separately to find out what really happened that

day. The first to gather enough evidence in the next 24hrs is the winner. But you'll have to make your

gadget available for access, how about that? Do you think you're up for it?" I asked confidently.

Whatever happens, I still want Ava's name cleared and those girl- Freya and Julie, get the punishment

they deserve. I hate it when bullies get away with sick pranks like that.

I want Ava to be able to go to these academy with her head held up high, and for every one to know

just how much of a smart ass she really was.

"Fine. You have yourself a deal. There'll be no going back of your word after this is over, so anyone

who wins, the other has to stick to the agreement no matter what." she added.

She truly underestimates me incredibly, but I'm not offended about that.

"Fine by me." I replied as I walked past her.

I was about to leave, but I stopped halfway and said, "I'm in love with Jeffery. I'm greedy and selfish

about him, and that's the kind of woman he needs. So, trust me when I say I don't intend to lose... I

think our time starts now" I concluded before walking through the door.

First thing first, I looked for Austin and when I found him, we quickly went to the lab to inspect Ava's


I then informed the Director about the whole issue and he promised to do some investigations of his

own, also giving us passage access to some unaccessible areas in the school.

Since Austin was a tech guru- knowing algorithm and sh't, he was able to locate the source of

malfunction of the gadget.

Turns out, it was a piece of reprogrammed codes that was tapped into the main program. And since it

was very tiny, Ava didn't notice it on time.

Freya and co must have done it, because Austin recognized the signature code as one belonging to a

guy called Leo, who is in the same major as Austin. But unfortunately, Leo isn't in town and wasn't

going to return until the next day.

It got quite late in the evening, so I had to leave. But I promised Austin that I'd be back the next day

too, so he and I would go to confront Leo together, and ask him why he sabotaged Ava's project?

The next day I went back to the campus, and as I suspected, Leo said he had sold the code to Freya

the night before the presentation day.

So, it was time for the Director to step in and make Freya and her accomplice tell the truth and clear

Ava's name.

Even though Ava later found the code, she couldn't track who it belonged to on time, so I won.

Freya and her friend confessed to their crime, apologized to Ava and were suspended for a month.

They also made a viral video, stating that they were responsible for the malfunction of Ava's project and

that Ava remains the best.

3days later, Jeffery invited me to his father's death anniversary and I accepted.

I was so excited that Ava finally decided to remain in Minnesota with her brother, and she would no

longer be on my neck.

But the moment I arrived- even before Jeff could welcome me in, Ava stormed out of the house angrily,

and I realized that I was still not welcomed.

I rushed out after her and lucky I caught up with her.

"Let me go!" She screamed as she shrugged my hands off her shoulder.

"What is your problem? I thought we had a deal?" I asked breathlessly from the running.

"What do you know? You only care about yourself you don't care about anyone else!" She yelled in


"Is that what you think?" I asked in shock.

"Yes!... it's very obvious"

"Have you thought maybe it's so obvious because I'm pretending to be?! Yes...I agree I don't know

anything, I'm dumb. But I know 2 things for sure, that I love your brother so automatically I love you too,

and there's nothing I wouldn't do to see him happy. I tried so much to like you but you're not making it

easy for me to. I'll leave- I'll leave your brother's life, but before I do that I have something to say to you

Ava. Asking your brother to choose between us was a very foolish move. Putting him in that position

meant you don't love him as much as you say you do. You maybe intelligent but when it comes to your

emotions, you are dumb fu'k. So, when that intelligent and smart lady comes- who fits your description

of the ideal partner for Jeffery, just make sure she loves him, not from her head or just words but from

her heart." I said before I turned to leave.

"I don't want to share him! He loves you so much, I don't want him to love me less. But at the same

time I can't picture him with anyone else who can make him as happy as you do." She confessed sadly.

"I don't want to share him either. But Jeffery has a big heart and that's the best part of it. He'll never let

either one of us fall short of his love, I know it." I encouraged softly.

"Then I want you to stay. You are the dumbest, selfish and the most stubborn person I've ever met, but

you love my brother so much you were even willing to deal with me. So, please stay." She requested.

Oh... wow, is this a dream?


"Yes! I can't promise to always be nice to you, but I'll give it my best." She added cheerfully.

"I'm counting on that" i replied as I went in to give her a hug.

"If it's not too late, may I invite you to stay for dinner tonight?" She made a polite request and I nodded

behind her shoulder.

I can't believe it, I finally got through to her. I'm finally on good terms with Ava Jeffery.

Finally, I'll get to see those heartwarming smiles from Jeffery again, and that made me even happier.

This might just be one of the best days of my life.


Olivia Markian Winfrey is a contradiction.

My wife is both fragile and strong. She cries so she could laugh and she breaks down but is a pillar of

strength. And for such a woman to love me so dearly is almost unbelievable.

Knowing her have been a continuous cycle of happiness and sadness, it's almost overwhelming. So, I

can stand and say that I didn't know what I was getting into when I decided to fall in love with the sister

of my late wife.

10days ago

"You may go in now, Mr. Winfrey" the warden commented and I answered with a nod.

I had cut my trip to New York short after the email I got from Heather. The disturbing truth of all that

Livy have been through in such a short time while in front of me was incomprehensible.

How far was she willing to go? What was she planning to do?

The woman is carrying my child but, never once did she mentioned it to me.

Why do I always have to be the only one kept in the dark, totally oblivious to everything that's going on

around me?

I stepped inside the cell and immediately the unpleasant stench of sweat bore through my nostrils.

There was a clean empty chair placed in front of a table and a raggedy exhausted and half conscious

inmate, sitting at the other end side of the table and cuffed to it.

He was breathing heavily as he slowly raised his head up to look right at me.

"I knew you'd come. You wouldn't want to miss these for the world, would you?" He questioned tiredly.

I took my seat on the empty chair and crossed my legs.

"You're damn right about that, Carlos. I wouldn't have missed this for the world." I replied with so much


"It's been a while, Mr Winfrey" He said with a smirk.

"Yes it has. And I recall the last time we spoke, I warned you never to show your face to me or Sophia

ever again. That if you so much as come even 20meters close or even try to breathe the same air as

she did, I'll make your last days on earth a pure undiluted painful experience. But somehow, you still

managed to let me see you again, why's that?" I asked back.

Just looking at these fool's face I wish I could curve out that stupid smirk on it and feed it to him.

I was boiling with anger, but I didn't let it show. I refuse to give him the satisfaction of the mere thought

that he affects me in any way.

"I tried to, but Soph and I have an unbreakable bond that strengthens with distance. (Laughs)... what

did you think? That I was going to give up that easily? Ahhh...You stole my one reason to live, and you

expect me to be ok with that?! You have no idea what's coming next." He replied insanely, but I didn't


"I don't. Which is why I've come to you so I'll learn of this dire plan of yours. What in hell convinced you

to return to my life, and to even make the mistake of wanting me as an enemy?" I asked plainly.

"Isn't it clear by now that we are both destined to be foes for life?" He asked sarcastically with a smile.

Does this idiot think I'm here to play a game of Q&Q? Does he have any idea that I could rip his

motherfu'king head off, stitch it back and rip it off again?

"You're going to keep acting like a psychopath, causing self-harm to yourself until your court hearing.

The state after seeing that would decide to send you to a mental asylum instead, because your well

paid lawyer would present evidence to the court of your mental instability. On the day of your transfer,

there will be an ambush of which you'll escape. With the sum of $900 million you've stashed away-

$400 million Sophia stole from the company before her demise, and $500 million you stole by hacking

banks and other Big companies- you'll leave the country." I revealed as I watched that stupid smile

slowly disappear from his face.

Foes for Life, right? He has no idea how much I've looked forward to this day, but I'm sure he'll know

soon enough.

"what do you want?" he asked sternly and worried, but I ignored him.

"Your lawyer works for me- I pay his dues, I know the rendezvous point, and i even know all the Swiss

accounts were your $900 million is stashed- so much for untraceable, right? I know everything. I can

make damn sure to frail your plans and make you end up in the worst hands possible..."

"I said, what the hell do you want?!" He yelled in frustration interrupting me.

I smiled when I noticed I've got him right were I wanted him- he's now my prey.

"I...don't want anything. You are here and I've got the power to easily make all your plans, worthless. If

you're convicted for all the charges against you, you'll be sent to Balivard Penitentiary where everyday

for you will be worse than the last. But if eventually you're not and you're sent to Avent Asylum, I'll

make sure I help you meet your worst nightmare at your very own rendezvous point. So, you see

Carlos? I don't want anything from you. I've got you exactly where I want you, and there's absolutely no

escape for you now." I stated with a grin.

He looked away for a moment but later brought his eyes back to mine.

"You need information from me- I'm sure you do, and I can give it all to you. But you must promise not

to stop whatever course of action I take. I swear on my life that I'll leave Minnesota for good and never

return." He replied in a haste with a hint of fear.


For a rat like Carlos Guillian, it's hopeless trying to negotiate with. So, you simply set a trap and wait for

him to fall into it then block all his exits. The fu'ker would be willing to trade even an eyeball for a

chance to escape then.

"No information you give me now would be credible, remember you're a nutcase? This way I get my

sweet overdue revenge on you for stealing from Markian Winfrey and making an accomplice off his

wife. So, do forgive me, but we don't have a deal." I said coldly before I stood up from my chair in an

attempt to leave.

"Sophia is alive!" He yelled, trying to stop me and he succeeded.

All strength left my body, as I slowly turned around to face him.

What did he just say? Sophia is alive? But that's not possible.

Does this mean that I wasn't just paranoid when I thought the body we found after the fire didn't fit her


But the autopsy stated that the fingerprints matched that of Sophia's, and since they couldn't run a hair,

fingernail or toe nail analysis, it was just concluded that it must be her.

But, Sophia is alive? I kept questioning in my head trying to believe the unbelievable, but failing.

"Either you're getting pretty good at portraying yourself to be a insane, or you have finally crossed the

line between sanity and insanity. Sophia is dead and has been for the past 6months." I replied calmly to

the best of my ability.

But the truth was that I was freaking out by Carlos' revelation.

Maybe he's lying. He must be very desperate, so he just spilled out crap by cooking up this outrageous

story to help him gain my attention so he could deceive me.

"Oh, she is very much alive. I wouldn't even be in this stupid place if it wasn't because of her! We've

both been here in Minneapolis together cooking up her brilliant plan." He cited confidently and that

shocked me to the bones.

I blamed Carlos for being the reason I lost Sophia in the first place. The woman I gave my heart and

my entire world to, betrayed me in a heartbeat for an affaire with an old flame. But when she got caught

and begged for forgiveness, I forgave her and gave her a second chance even though I never give

second chances.

Because I loved her, I trusted her again, just for her to go back and betray me- yet again?

"And why should I believe you? You're a rat capable of cooking up whatever story suits you best just so

you can escape from me, so you chose the very one you know I won't easily ignore. But news flash, I'm

not buying your crap" I stated agitated.

Something else to aid this ridiculous claim of his, and if he is as desperate enough to make me believe

him, then he will give me more.

"You've cancelled all of my contact, mahn. So what use is lying to me now? Agent Finn- an FBI agent

was supposed to approach me and get me out of Belivard in a year's time by recruiting me- that was

my last card. But I don't think you'll let me live long enough for that to happen, so you win. Please...I'm

locked in and you have the key, if I'm lying to you, you can easily throw that key away..." he lamented

with pleading eyes and I was baffled.

"...I'll tell you everything, but you've got to promise me that you'd get me out of here" he requested


I nodded my head in agreement as I sat back down on my empty seat, signaling him to continue


"Go on, I'm listening" I ordered in accordance.

He explained everything to me while I just sat there in awe.

He said their plans got thwarted when my adroit wife decided to fight back and won, putting Carlos

behind bars and forcing Sophia to finally reveal herself.

I was baffled to my core to think that Livy have know for more than a week now that Sophia is indeed

alive, but said nothing. There was also the sickening feeling of how on earth I ever fell in love with such

a heartless and evil woman like Sophia.

"I've told you everything I know. I've been here making my own plan ever since it became clear that

Sophia also had other plans besides helping me get out of her. But you've promised me amnesty and I

know you'll keep to your word, because that's the kind of man you are Mr. Winfrey". He completed with

an attached smile, one I've grown used to hate ver much.

"Yes...yes of course, I'm a man of my word. Just like I promised you I'll make your last days on earth a

pure undiluted painful experience if I ever set my eyes on you again. And since I never lie nor do I

break my promises, I've got to stay true to my word." I replied with an evilness that equaled all the pain

my Livy had suffered in the hands of this man and his accomplice.

"No, no, promised me, you gave me your word!" He lashed out at me.

"A nod was all I gave you, not my word. But don't you worry, you've angered someone way worse than

myself, so I'm not the one you should be worried about..." I reassured.

" must have heard of Bernard Gracía, the man whose wife you murdered and frame my wife for

her death. He wishes to have your head and I graciously granted his wish. Goodbye Carlos, and let's

never meet again- even in our next life". I ended before walking out of there, leaving him completely

scared and terrified.

I left Carlos and hurried back home to my Olivia. It's been almost 2hrs since I returned to Minneapolis

from New York, and I've only thought of seeing her.

I needed to hear her tell me she was ok after everything that she had been through. But yet again, I

had no luck in getting that little truth out of her.

There is only so much heart break I could withstand in a lifetime, and even though I don't give my heart

out to just anyone, unfortunately- the two times I've fallen in love, I've been constantly deceived by the

first and constantly lied to by the second.

My aching heart was bleeding from the doubts I receive each time I try to get Livy to trust me, but she

doesn't see that I'm hurting.

Would it be better if I stopped trying?

Present Day

Sophia had been in my home and under my roof for 2weeks now, aided by the very person whom she

hates the most in the world, Livy.

Since I don't know what her plans are yet, I kept silent and waited. Having lived with Sophia for 2years,

I could tell if she has any plans whatsoever, it would come in this format. Deception, Defaming and


She had already started with the first step- deception, so it's just a matter of time before she reveals

herself for the second stage- defaming. And I think I've got an idea how she plans to do that.

Since, Livy's sudden request to stay in her own room, and her constant efforts to avoiding me for the

past week, it was certain to me that Sophia was about to act. She'll definitely try to pick on Livy's delay

to reveal her presence to me.

I'm not a fool, and Sophia falls to realize that I know her plan. I overheard their conversation few days

ago, and she telling Livy how she needs to be mentally prepared for whatever my response to her

resurfacing would be and sh't.

The wench was trying to delay Livy's efforts of being the one to reveal Sophia to me. But Livy doesn't

know she's playing into Sophia's plan.

Olivia on the other hand, tends to avoid me whenever she's hiding something from me, that way not

seeing me lightens the burden of the guilt she feels lying to me about it.

I didn't want her to suffer more since she even went as far as to get rid of all our photographs together

that were hung on the walls of the hallways and the living room. So, I let her be while secretly checking

up on her every single minute, because I don't trust Sophia.

2days ago in my study, Sophia finally revealed herself to me but not her motives. She had the perfect

plan, and I was baffled at how expertly accurate she carried it out.

First, I heard a faint quack of a book shelf. Initially, I had thought it was rodents infestation, but that was

farfetched so I got up from my desk and moved towards the direction of the sound.

Then, I heard the crashing of books on the floor, and immediately i ran towards the noise. The

particular isle the books fell from lead straight to a wall, and there was only a small amount of light

passing through the books on the shelf, so it was dim.

I picked up the books and placed them back on the shelf, but I soon stopped dead in my action when I

noticed a moving silhouette.

"Who's there?" I called out immediately.

It was late at night, and the maids were already gone for the day, so it's not normal for anyone to be

here at this time.

I had also checked in on Livy before coming in here and she was taking a shower at the time, so it

couldn't be her either.

"Show yourself immediately" I ordered sternly this time.

As the imagine materialized from the shadows, i was not so shocked to see that it was Sophia all


When I realized that I was giving off a disappointed look instead of a dramatic surprise, i quickly

changed my reaction- I mean that's what she was expecting after all, right?

"Sophia?, how is this even possible? It can't really... could it?" I asked pretentiously, acting


"Mr. Winfrey, I'm so sorry. I know I'm not supposed to be here...I'll leave now" she replied in a haste

attempting to leave.

I pulled her back gently to face me, then I cupped her face in my hands but I felt nothing. She stared at

me with suprise on her face as I searched her eyes for anything to remind me why I fell in love with her

in the first place, but I found nothing.

I hated this woman in front of me so much, I needed just an ounce of remorse in her eyes, something

that could stop me from having this horrible feeling of complete repulsion, but I got nothing.

The Sophia I once loved and trusted blindly was dead and buried, and so were my feelings for her


I drew her in and locked her in an emotionlessly hug and I hated it.

The fact that I held her in my arms agitated me so much I wanted to squeeze her till she suffocates.

The anger I had felt while watching that video of Livy came rushing back to me and I wanted to


The mere thought that this woman in my arms was responsible for emotionally and mentally torturing

my wife to the point that she almost tried to kill herself, made my blood boil.

"Mr. Winfrey, what are you doing?" She questioned slyly.

Damn you Sophia, damn you! I don't buy any of these- your amnesia display, the smoothness in your

voice, you sure as hell can't sell me that sh't load of crap, I screamed in my head.

I wanted to say all that to her and end this once and for all, but still needed evidence and her personally

revealing her motives of coming here was going to fetch me one.

I pushed her shoulders away from my chest as I released her from my hug.

"What are you doing here? How are you even here? How did these happen?" I asked feigning curiosity.

C'mon Sophia, tell me what exactly you're doing here.

"I...I...I'm afraid you've got the wrong person Sir, I'm just a maid. I must go now." She argued.

(Scoff)... just a maid? Please.

"Sophia, don't you know who I am? It's me, Markian, your husband. Surely you must remember me,

right?" I asked about to lose my patience as I held her shoulder in place.

"Please...please. I don't know any Sophia, my name is Laura! So, please let me go" she insisted.

Not so fast woman, I can't let you slide easily today.

"You are not going anywhere until I get answers. If you're just a maid here, then someone must have

hired you, right?" I asked annoyed, but not for the reason she thinks.

I got out my phone and texted Livy to come to my study immediately. Then I held Sophia's hand and

dragged her to my desk.

"Stay right here and don't move an inch nor say a word" I ordered and she obeyed without delay.

I sat down on my seat with my elbows on my desk and my hands together under my chin. I noticed

Sophia grab a picture frame of Livy on my desk.

This was what she wanted, she planned this meeting and I'm helping her fulfill all her plans, but it's just

for tonight.

Few minutes later I saw the door swing open and Livy was standing in view, but not for long.

Damn! Seeing her on the floor made me even madder than I already was. I wanted more than anything

to end my charade, run to Livy's side and pick her up.

She's my wife- Markian's bride, she shouldn't be on the floor, she shouldn't have to breakdown for any

reason or anybody, whosoever they might be.

I cussed silently when Sophia threw the framed photo she was holding on the ground, even though I

specifically stated that she should stand still and not move a muscle.

I couldn't bear my anger and frustration towards the situation any longer anymore, to I stormed out on

both of them.

It pained me to brush pass Livy in that manner while she was in such a state, but I swore within me that

I'll make Sophia pay for all the tears that she had made my Livy shed.

For the past 2days, every time Livy came to my room door and sat there crying and begging me to

open the door or to eat something, I felt like ripping my heart out for causing her so much pain.

I was helpless, so I thought if I lock myself up in my room and starve for a while, then Sophia would

eventually come to me as herself.

I couldn't do much other than sit there behind the door with Livy, hoping Sophia takes the bait quickly.

She's pretending to have amnesia and the only way to get her to talk is if she thinks I've become so

vulnerable for the second stage of her plan.

So, if I can hold out long enough, I might be able to pull her out of her lies so she may finally reveal

what her true intentions are.

For the very first time in my life, I found myself praying for a miracle and finally tonight, my prayers

were answered.

"You'll starve yourself to death because your wife lied to you?" She asked politely and I detest that so


"She betrayed me and she lied to me about everything. I don't think I'll ever be able to trust her ever

again." I replied back.

I'll tell her anything she's willing to hear for now, as long as she ends her stupid facade soon so I can

finally drop my act.

"She begged me to get you to eat something, she said that I'm the only one that can make that

possible" she cited making me nauseous.

Does Livy really think that? Does she even know me at all?

That doesn't matter, I'm just glad she asked Sophia here. She's quite helpful even though her intention

is misdirected.

"But it's obvious you can't. You said it yourself, you're not who I thought you were." I replied lowly

almost like I was sad.

"Arky, it's me, Sophia. I'm your Sophia and I'm very sorry I had to lie to you back then, I was not certain

you'd accept me. You've gotten quite close to Livy and have even fallen in love with her, so I was

scared you wouldn't care about me." She confessed coolly as she walked up to me and placed her

hands on my shoulders.

Finally, she confessed.

"I was also pretending. So, drop the acting and the lies, and be honest with me for once." I stated

plainly, brushing her hands off my shoulder.

"You were? So, you knew all along? Huh...well, you were never a fool neither did I mistake you for one,

but I was kinda hoping you'd be to mortified to catch up. All the same it's quite a relief, I was getting

tired of that sh'tty facade anyway" she replied with a sigh.

"Why are you here? You changed your identity, you had the money to start over, so why did you

return?" I asked impatiently.

"Because I've still got scores to settle. And I also ran into a bit of a tiff which I really need your help in

handling." She replied plainly as she sat on my bed side me.

"And if I choose to refuse? The thing is I really despise you now, Sophia. I hate you so much I can't

even stand the idea of being next to you let alone help you to do anything" I stated ruthlessly.

"I don't mind you hating me, really. There's a fine line between love and hate, so there's really no crime

in you crossing that line once or twice. I know for a fact that you'll eventually help me and you'll end up

choosing me over Livy too" She replied excitedly.

Oh Sophia, how foolish can you be?

"You can't be more wrong. I'll always choose Livy any time any day, because I love her more than I've

ever loved anything or anyone before. So, just in case you'r misunderstanding what I said before, let

me rephrase it. I don't fall for your bullsh't anymore." I clarified as I moved away from the bed- away

from her.

"Maybe. But my sister on the other hand is as dumb as fu'k. You know, she'll fall for anything I sell her"

she commented rudely and that aggravated my suppressed anger.

"Speak of my wife that way again and I'll make sure you never use those lips of yours ever again" I

warned sternly.

"Relax Honey, technically you both ain't even legally married- at least not now I'm back. Basically, I'm

still your legally married wife, so I'll be careful with me threats if I were you. (Scoffs)...I can't believe you

of all people even fell for her pretense and slyness, in the end it's you who gets to suffer the most. The

trickery, lies, plottings behind your back, my sister is just too much" she cited spitefully.

She was trying to defame Livy but I'm not going to have that.

"Those attributes are evident in only one person and that's you. You've just clearly described yourself

and my Olivia is nothing like you." I countered, boiling with rage.

What's her deal, really? I needed her to spill the real reason why she came back, not stand here and

listen to all her nonsense. My patience was starting to run low and I don't know how long i could hold

up for.

"C'mon Love. You are no fool, so don't let your emotions cloud the very facts that are clearly outlined.

Even though you've given your heart and all to my sister, I know your mind is still very well intact. You

keep hoping that someday my sister dearest would put in you just the same amount of trust and faith

you've put in her, if you keep turning a blind eye to her faults and mistakes. Still, deep down you ask

yourself what if your worst fear actually becomes the reality- what if she never..."

"Shut that hellish rapacious tongue of deceit before I help you lose it" I warned hastily in panic.

I've failed. Somehow I had forgotten to put into consideration the most devilish aspect of Sophia- her

poisonous tongue. Sophia has the potency of picking on ones darkest fears and use it against them,

and she just found mine.

I'm was no longer game master, she is. I've lost this battle. She knows my fear and have just had a

taste of it's effect on me.

For how long have she being observing Livy and I, for her to know our strongholds and frail-grounds.

"...loves you as much." She completed insistently.

"Get out. Get the fu'k out of my house this minute!" I yelled in trembling anger.

How did it miss this major detail? I was so close, never knowing I would be falling into a trap she had


Why isn't she leaving? Why's she still standing there with that accursed smile on her face? I moved

closer towards her in fury, if she isn't going to leave then I'll throw her out.

"I struck a nerve, didn't I? I never would have realized this truth either if I hadn't kept aside my

sentiments for my sister and saw her for what she really was. She used you to get what she wanted, so

you're right all along in thinking she would never truly love you the way you love her..."

"Shut up! Shut the hell up or by god I'll..."

"...shut me up? Go ahead and do as you wish, but it won't change anything." She cited and I stopped in

both my action and words.

Suddenly, I found myself in urgent need off assurance- someone or something that would help remind

me that I'm not in this alone... I needed my little rose cheek.

"Get out Sophia, now!" I growled this time and she knew I was at the break point of my patience.

"She's not at all innocent as you think she is. She's planning on leaving with your unborn child, Arky.

She plans to leave you and everything you've both built together, so wake the hell up already. My

presence may have facilitated this decision of hers but she was planning it for a while now without a

single care in the world about you" she cited evilly and this bit broke my spirit.

I shouldn't be listening to Sophia, she's just picking on my fears. But that's the scary thing about fear, it

corrodes the very late bit of faith you have.

I've been feeling insecure from the very moment Livy had asked me for a divorce few months ago. And

even after everything that had happened and after that video of her narrating everything, the insecurity

only doubled.

I was at my last thread of hope and making this new challenge disappear was my last shot at gaining

Livy's trust- to finally get her to believe in me. But what use is fighting when the one I'm fighting for has

no iota of hope or faith in me.

I finally dragged Sophia out of my room and was about to slam the door at her, when she finally

progressed to the last stage of her plan- entrapment.

"On your bed is the more reason for you to help me because I know you're a very stubborn man. But

after looking at my little present, I hope it'll be enough to make you realize that I plan on getting

everything I want from you. I just have one hiccup I need to disappear so you and I can be a family

again" she stated before walking away, leaving me at the door post completely drained of my life force.

I had no energy to even close the door, I just turned to my bed to see what gift she was referring to.

There was an envelope on the bed so I walked towards it. Opening it tiredly, I was shocked at the

images I saw in the pictures.

They were pictures of Livy at the scene of Sophia's accident- plotted evidence of course, but

undeniable except with contradicting facts which I don't have.

This is Sophia's way of telling me to get in line, or else she'll send this pictures to the authorities.

I fell to the ground, tired and unable to properly calculate my next move so, I just sat there hopelessly

waiting for some kind of strength, help- anything.

That evil manipulative b'tch wants to cost me my love and happiness- my family, and so far she's

succeeding unless I act fast.

Minutes later, I heard footsteps and panting getting closer and closer, and soon Olivia's gentle scent

filled the air around me. She was my strength- she is my strength, and at that moment all I could think

of was to save her, protect her and get her out of this mad house and far away from Sophia.

"Pp...ple...please Markian, let me explain" she pleaded earnestly as she crashed to the ground beside


"Please...honey, just give me a chance to explain everything to you, huh? Please...Markian" she

continued pleading.

I hate this, I hate everything about this.

She shouldn't be upset, she don't want her to be stressing either. I wish I could stop those precious

tears of hers from falling, but I can't- not at this very moment.

Damn! The frustration was killing me, I wanted all these to just stop- I needed every to stop.

"(Chuckles)...You want to explain, really?" I asked, running mad with anger.

I don't need any explanation, I just want to see your face. I want to kissed those soft lips of yours that

makes my whole body warm with passion and love, I thought.

"Yy...yes, I want to" she answered in a haste.

I hate this rule I've been made to abide by, but till I know Livy is safe, I'll have to abide by them

"So, you promise to answer all of my questions truthfully- with a simple yes or a no?" I asked cynically

and she gave a nod.

Forgive me Livy, I'm terribly sorry about this.

"Ok...were you aware that Sophia was indeed alive?" I asked coldly.

I could sense the pain my first question caused her, and I wanted to pull out my own tongue. But I had

to keep going.

Best case scenario, I could make Livy feel like I'm terribly upset with her so much so she'd decide to

leave the mansion and go to Judy's. Once she's safe at her mother's house, I can then properly find a

way to get rid of Sophia.

"Yes, but only..." she tried to explain but I interrupted.

"It's a yes or a no answer, Olivia. It's either one or the other, no buts or because".

Fu'k! Fu'k fu'k fu'k!

The plan is to make her think I'm hurt and upset, not ready to hear her out thereby completely

ostracizing her so she'd feel alone. But this sh't is too painful to pull off.

"But you have to let me explain, please..."

"Apparently, the time for that is long passes now. So, if you really want to clarify things with me, you'll

have to do it with a simple yes or no." I ordered ruthlessly.

I hate these so much! What sort of punishment is this?

"No" she simply answered with new tears already forming in her eyes and ready to fall.

"Did you hide the truth that she was in my home for the past 2weeks?".


This is insane, complete madness.

"The pictures on the bed, that is you, isn't it?"

"Markian... please" she pleaded as the tears fell down her already wet cheeks.

This breaks my heart. Seeing her like these breaks my heart into shreds especially since I'm the one

causing her this much pain.

"Answer the goddamn question, Livy! The pictures on the bed it's you in it, isn't it?"

"Yy...Yes, it is"

"And you knew evidence like these existed, but you hid it from me, right?"

"(Whimpering)... yes"

This is pure torture, I can feel her heart aching with each question.

"So you've been fooling me all these while?" I asked hastily.


"That's a lie- don't fu'king lie to me! That's all you ever do, you lie and use me every time! You can't

even give an honest yes or no answer."

"It's not a lie Markian, I wasn't fooling you I swear..."

Thank you so much Livy, thanks to you I've got the assurance I needed to keep moving on.

"I thought I told you I didn't want your explanations?" I uttered in other to seem furious.

"Then why are you asking these questions when you're not even willing to believe my answers?" She

asked me sadly.

I don't know! Maybe because I'm a fool- an idiot who's trying to find an escape from the web his ex wife

is spinning.

"Because I want you to have a glimpse of how it feels like to be lied to and used. I want you to think

that your answers mean something to me, but they don't. I want you to understand that nothing you'll

ever say to me from this moment on would make me ever trust you again. That's all. So, you can either

answer the damn questions or get the hell out of my room..." i replied careless.

"...last question...Were you planning on leaving me? The reason why you were never able to tell me

you love me, was it because you never planned to stick around?"

I'm not proud of myself at this end. What Sophia had said to me affected me greatly than I choose to

admit, so I couldn't help myself but to ask.


Damn, Livy. Why? For whom was all the fought battles for? For once I just needed you to have faith in

me, and believe in me.

But Sophia was right, my worst fear was being materialized and my might was broken. I never stood a

chance with Livy, I've lost everything.

This is the lowest and most powerless I've ever felt since after my mother's death.

"(Snickers)... I see. I made a mistake falling in love with you- I was such a fool. Well, congratulations

Olivia, you did a great job making a fool out of me...Leave my room, I wish to be alone" I ordered coldly,

eager to put an end to this torturous situation I was in.

"You are not a fool Markian, I'm..." she started but I stopped her.

"Please, leave my room." I urged impatiently.

"Markian please..."

I love Livy, but right now I just need a little space to collect my thoughts and actions.

"Get the fu'k out of my room!..Now, goddamnit!" I cussed angrily and I was thankful she finally obliged.

As she stood up and left my room, I cussed at the sudden loneliness that followed her departure.

I sensed someone enter my room the moment Livy left and I knew just who it was. The evilness and

balefulness that filled the once conducive air could only emit from one person- Sophia.

"Damn, Markian. I almost got chills at the end of that excellent performance of yours. I must say, I've

never seen you this desperate to protect anything other than your reputation and that of your company.

But, it turned out that I was right about Livy and now you see her for who she really was" she cited


"No. It's you I've finally seen for what you truly are, but I'll make you pay for all of these- I swear it. Mark

my words." I replied intensely.

"Oh Arky, I've got nothing to lose. But you honey, you can't touch me, not unless you are prepared to

risk the lives of your beloveth wife and child. (Inhales)... Ark, I don't like these more than you do but

what else can I do? Olivia has so much to pay for. She took all that I had, it's only fitting I get it all back.

So, just keep playing your part in keeping them alive, if not I might just break my own promise. Have a

lovely night my love, do dream of me ok?" She requested with a laughter.

The sound of her villainy laughter resounded even after she left my room and shutting the door behind


Like hell I'll let Sophia win, I'll never let that happen. I may have a lot to lose, but I also have so much to

gain. I'll rather die than let Sophia succeed in hurting my family.

I stood up from the ground and hurried out of my room. I refused to think too much about what I was

feeling right now, I just walked down the hallow hallway all the way to Livy's room. If I go down, I'll go

down fighting for the woman I love- who I want by my side for a very long time.

As I got to Livy's room, I pushed the door open and quickly scanned the room for her. The moment I

found her on the floor at the foot of her bed, I let my heart take control and I hurriedly towards her.

I could see the surprise in her eyes as well as the tears that made their way down to her neck.

It's ok my Love, I know you don't think I can protect you, but I'll or I'll die trying.

So, I fell to the ground where she sat crying and with everything I had, I kissed her so intensely- letting

all my feelings show.

My anger, fear, disappointment as well as the strength she gives me and my undying love for her, I let it

all out.

I could feel her trying to control her own emotions but unsuccessfully, she let them spill as she kissed

me back with equal passion. I couldn't help the smile that tug on my lips at the thought that, Livy

wanted me as much as I wanted her.

I pulled away from the kiss and I cupped her face as I looked into her confused eyes.

"Markian, I..." she started but I stopped her.

"You've suffered enough my Love, but I promise you I'll put an end to all these as soonest." I reassured

confidently before kissing her again with an insatiable hunger.

Forgive me Livy. I may have failed you in not being able to restore your faith in me and in keeping you

close at times, but I won't fail to protect you and our unborn child this time, I swear on life.

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