Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 79

Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 79

Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 79

Her Truth


I almost burst out laughing at the way he struggled . I pressed my lips together to stifle the giggle but I still had a huge smile on my face . He was actually trying ? That was cute … Let’s see how long it lasts . He began speaking again and I ignored all the looks we were getting . More so , Alejandro was receiving . After all , the man listened to no one . I felt a fuzzy warmth inside me .

He was trying , and in return , I wasn’t going to press his buttons just to see how far he would go . We both had a long way to go and just acting on our emotions was not going to be enough . ” I want to go with you . ” I said suddenly . All eyes snapped towards me and I saw both Dad and Alejandro frown .

” Kia , it’s really dangerous . ” Aunty Indy sajd , concerned . ” Doesn’t matter . I’m strong and Alejandro will be with me . ” I said , my heart hammering at the thought of going anywhere alone with him … Shit , maybe this was a bad idea .

” I don’t know if that’s even smart … ” Dad said frowning . ” You’re not going . It’s dangerous . ” Alejandro said firmly . ” I can handle myself . I’m in danger no matter where I am … and I’d rather be away from a pack if I have a target on my back . ” I said quietly .

” She has a point . ” Mom said , crossing her arms . ” We can protect you here . ” Aunty Indy said , concerned . Fred simply frowned , remaining silent . I had half a mind to say she couldn’t even protect herself but I wasn’t going to call her out like that . I looked at her , noticing she looked paler than normal . Was she o k ? I focused on her , letting my aura spread towards her , feeling and sensing her emotions .

Pain . She was in pain ? Was it physical or emotional ? ” It isn’t safe , Angel . ” Dad said , snapping me out of my thoughts . ” That’s an insult to the Lycan King himself , is it not Dad ? ” I replied , trying to focus on the present . Attempting to keep my heart steady just saying that , made me realise exactly how powerful and important Alejandro was . ” Kiara … It’s going to be only the two of you . If you are attacked-

” ” I can handle myself . You all seem to forget that I am not an ordinary wolf . ” I said , frowning . ” Powers you don’t really know how to deal with yet . ” Alejandro added . That was not fair , I was doing pretty well ! ” Hey , I have only let my emotions out of control twice and both of those were instigated . ” I said defiantly . ” Ok , how about we settle this with a vote ?

” Mom said . Rafael looked between my parents , seemingly torn as to who he’d side with if it came down to a vote . Darien and Carmen simply stayed silent , watching . ” You’re ok for her to go ? ” Dad asked Mom .

Their eyes met and I knew they were mind linking . Dad frowned , hesitating . I looked at Alejandro . He had gone quiet , a deep frown on his face . ” Alejandro can decide . ” Dad said after a moment , looking displeased .

Well , seems like Mom at least got through to him somewhat . I turned towards Alejandro , who was frowning deeply . ” Fine . ” He said coldly . I smiled in relief , despite the crazy storm within me . Not only was I able to . contribute … I was also going to be spending time alone with Alejandro … Maybe we could use it to work on stuff … I wasn’t sure … ” We leave in an hour . Pack .

” Alejandro said . Now looking directly at me and sending my heart racing once again . I nodded before he finished off a few smaller things . The meeting was signalled as over and we were all about to leave when Alejandro spoke . ” Indigo . A word . ”

I stopped along with Mom , Dad , Aunty and Fred . ” Everything ok , Alpha ? ” Fred asked , his eyes narrowing . ” ” I’m talking to Indigo , not you . ” Alejandro said coldly . His dark aura swirled around him . ” She’s my mate and I have a right to know why . ” Fred said , as he looked away under his Alpha’s aura . ” Frederick , I’m sure things are going to b e fine . ” Mom said concerned .

“ Indigo . ” Fred said , looking at his mate . I sensed the silent warning in his gaze and frowned . ” Alpha Alejandro is her Alpha . Let’s leave . ” I said suddenly . Fred looked at me and I didn’t miss the irritation rolling off him , making Aunty pale . ” Kiara , please . ” She said . ” Get out . ” Alejandro said , his eyes now flashing red and no one was able to disobey .

Mom and Dad frowned as they walked out and Fred followed . I glanced at Aunty and Alejandro , wondering what that was about . I had seen Alejandro show concern before for Aunty … I still wanted t o know what that was about … ” Kiara , stay with me . ” Aunty Indy said suddenly as I stopped at the door . I turned surprised , not missing the murderous look on Alejandro’s face .

His eyes now flashed as he glared at Aunty . ” Don’t think her presence will stop me . ” H e growled . I looked back at Mom , who was down the hall . She simply nodded , so I closed the door and turned back to Aunty and Alejandro . He looked angry and I knew he was hesitating to say what he wanted . ” Why did you want me here ? ” I asked Aunty instead . Her eyes softened , clearly noticing my annoyance . ” Kia … ” ” Don’t . I’m still upset . ” I said quietly . She knew what I meant . She looked down ,

ashamed , and I shook my head , feeling a spasm of guilt . ” You know you’re pregnant ? ” Alejandro said to Aunty . Taking us both by surprise . Aunty paled and I could feel her fear and worry . ” No … ” ” Thought so . Stop training and take care o f yourself and the pup . I was going to say let Kiara take a look … She’s a healer , if there’s a problem with you , maybe she could fix it . Since she’s here , it seems even more befitting .

” He said quietly . Like always , my name rolled off his tongue sensually , sending my heart racing . Aunty Indy tensed at this , and I looked at her . ” That’s a good idea , I’d be happy to . ” I said smiling . ” No … It’s not necessary , I don’t want you t o feel the pressure if something can’t be fixed . ” Aunty Indy mumbled . Alejandro frowned and our eyes met . ” There’s no harm in getting it checked . ” I said , now looking back at Aunty .

” Good . I’ll leave you two to it . I need to check on something . ” He said , his eyes lingered on me and for a moment I felt he wanted to say something , but instead he turned and left the room . ” Well , shouldn’t you go get packing ? ” Aunty asked . ” I’ll do what Alejandro said first .

” I said . ” Mates huh ? ” She said with a small smile . ” Mates … but there’s a lot to work on before I can consider accepting him . He hurt me …. and I’ve messed up too … ” I said , now crouching down .

She stepped back , her heart thudding . ” Aunty this doesn’t hurt . ” ” Kiara . Please , I’m fine . It’s just- ” My brows furrowed ; something was wrong here . ” Aunty , relax … Is there something else bothering you ? ” ” No , it’s just … I’m fine , really , this isn’t necessary . ” She replied , looking like a cat caught in the headlights . I ignored her placing my hand on her stomach . She jumped back .

” Kiara please ! ” ” What is wrong with me trying to help ?! Don’t you want the child ? ” I asked confused . ” No … Of course I do . ” She said , her eyes looked pained . ” Then … why don’t you want me to check what’s wrong ? ” I asked . A sudden thought struck me and I looked a ther seriously . My stomach sank at the very thought that now crossed my mind . ” IS there anything wrong with you Aunty ?

” … yes of course … but- ” ( MENTIONS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND MISCARRIAGES AHEAD – PLEASE SKIP THE REST OF THE CHAPTER IF THIS CAN DISTRESS YOU ) I remembered the bruise I had seen on her when Raven and I had visited … A bruise that was surprisingly fresh for a day old attack . Was Fred abusing her ? ” Aunty .

Are your miscarriages due to physical injuries rather than natural causes ? ” I asked , my voice so calm and dangerous that it made her heart race and eyes widen . I felt my emotions growing and that fire building within me .

I closed my eyes trying to count to ten . Goddess , if I wasn’t focusing on my emotions I would have snapped under that revelation but I couldn’t afford to let my abilities out . ” And you are allowing it ? ” I asked quietly .

” Kia … The mate bond is strong ” Yes ! But not so much that he can cheat and abuse you ! You shouldn’t just take that shit ! Aunty , after what Grandma has gone through , do not let history repeat itself . Granddad raised you and Mom to become strong women ! We are not weak ! YOU are not weak ! How can you let him kill your children ?! This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

” I wished I hadn’t say the last part , seeing the pain in Auntie’s eyes as she flinched at my words . ” Shit … I’m sorry … but you know what I mean . You are allowing this . ” I said , feeling unsure if I was handling this right , but what more could I do ? How did I get through to her ?

” It’s only when he’s drunk ! He can’t help i t . ” Aunty whispered . ” He can’t ? Fuck , he can stop drinking ! How can you not condone his actions ?! ” I said , with frustration clearly laced in my tone . ” Shush Kia ! Someone will hear .

” She whispered , ” If Fred- ” ” If he touches you , I swear I’ll kill him myself . ” I hissed , my anger burning within me . Calm down Kia … I took deep breaths , trying to calm myself . ” Kia please don’t make this into a big deal ! I am fine ! ” She said , now taking my hands .

” No. Mom and Dad won’t forgive you if you deal with this alone . ” I said . She needed help and she needed to get this out of her system . She was not the spunky , feisty Indigo I knew … She had become a shell of her former self and seeing that hurt . ” Goddess Kia ! Can you just stop ! ” She said , clearly annoyed .

A sudden thought came to my head and I felt my stomach plummet . Oh , Goddess … ” Aunty … Does Alejandro know he’s hurting you ? ” I asked , my stomach sank a t the very thought . Deep down , I felt he didn’t , Alejandro stood for so much and abuse was one thing he didn’t tolerate … But I still wanted to hear it . My heart thumped erratically as I awaited her reply…

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