Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 78

Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 78

Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 78

. Her Ace ALEJANDRO Last night I had slipped up and said Amore Mio to her face . That was fucking messed up , especially since I was about to fucking mark someone in front of her . I needed to take a step back and see where to go from here . She had given me hope , a hope I didn’t deserve , and one that I didn’t know I couldn’t live without . Seeing her baking those brownies … in my house .

I wanted her here forever . I knew i n that moment she was the one I wanted t o wake up to every morning . The last thing I saw before I fell asleep at night . I wanted her to warm my bed , just how she was fucking warming my heart . Yeah , I knew I cared for her , but accepting her … That part still fucked me up . She was strong and I knew she could handle me … Not to mention I was too fucking weak to live without her . So here the fuck I was , after a long run , thinking all night and day about her … I knew I needed her …

But I needed to work In the shit I fucked up and to trust the fact that I wouldn’t hurt her … It was going to be a fucking nightmare , but I was ready to at least fucking try . 2 I told Claire to bring my food to my room a s I handled the paperwork for some business issues I had to attend . Although I usually had some of my men handle it , there was some shit only I could deal with . © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

I had just finished eating and was headed to my home office . Since all the fuckers were gathered here , I guess we would just hold the meeting here . I opened the door to find Rafael and Darien already inside , both men stopped talking when they saw me . I bet the fuckers were talking about me . ” Alejandro . ” Rafael said with a smile . ” Excuse me , I’ll be back in ten for the meeting . ” Darien said , quickly excusing himself . I gave him a murderous glare as he walked past before I took out a packet of cigarettes and lit one .

” You were out most of the night . ” Rafael said as I leant against the wall , taking a long drag of my cigarette . ” Yeah ? And that’s your fucking business why ? ” ” I didn’t say it was . I’m just concerned

about you , Al . ” He said , coming over to m e as he crossed his arms . ” Don’t be , I don’t need you . ” ” What did I do ? ” He asked quietly . I clenched my jaw as I stared off to the side . I didn’t need this shit . ” What the fuck do you think you did ? ” I asked coldly . ” I wish I knew . No matter how different v e were … We were there for one another . Why did you start pushing me away ? ” ” That’s your fucking assumption .

” I said , now glaring at him . But there it was , the ever so present concern , yet no fucking anger . What happened ? Did the anger gene skip him and I got the full fucking brunt of it ? ” Then why do I anger you ? I see it and sense it . This irritation you feel when I talk to you . ” That’s because I hate your fucking fake sympathy and concern that you have plastered on your damn face , twenty four fucking – seven . ” . ” I said coldly .

My aura swirling around me . Sure , there was a time we looked out for one another and he always supported all my fucking decisions … but that time had long passed . ” It’s not fake , I wish I could show you how I feel inside Al … I love you .

You’re my brother and nothing can change that . ” He said quietly . ” Oh yeah ? Then why is it that you never trusted me ? Tell me Raf ? Didn’t you think I was behind those fucking attacks years ago before the actual fuckers came to light ? ” I asked coldly . I was finally asking the question that always burned at the forefront of my mind . He frowned . ” I did think maybe it was you , but what has that got to do with anything ? I wasn’t locking you up , nor was I trying to get rid of you .

I trusted you , I still trust you and I always will because I know that before anything else , you are my brother . ” He said softly . ” Please Alejandro , know I can never hurt you or betray you . ” I had nothing to say to that … I had never looked at it like that . ” So , you’re saying , the selfless , good hearted , Rafael Rossi didn’t give a shit that people were dying and maybe his brother was the killer ? A brother he wasn’t going to even lock up ?

Wasn’t that nagging at your fucking conscience ? ” He smiled slightly . ” Can’t I be selfish ? I’m human … You were family . ” . ” He said quietly . ” I was willing to let it go . ” I didn’t say anything as I stood there smoking . I didn’t know what the fuck to make of that … Rafael patted my arm , a smile finding its way on his face . ” So … Kiara … ” ” We’re not that fucking close .

” I growled . He smirked . ” You know … She calls me uncle . If you two make it work , I think we will need to 10 change that . ” ” Well , you are fucking old . ” I said mockingly . Somehow , the anger I felt towards him had lessened … Maybe I needed to stop making fucking assumptions and actually believe that there were a few fuckers who actually cared . ” Only six years older than you brother .

” He said , now smiling , ” I would never have made the pairing , but when you see you two now , you look great together . When she fell into your arms at the engagement , I won’t lie , I actually thought you two went well … Who knew that even the Goddess thought the same thing ? ” She had looked fucking perfect … A knock o In the door signalled the end of our conversation so I went and took my seat .

Time to get some shit together … Twenty minutes later , Frederick had finished explaining the odd occurrences , tracks and vanishing auras he picked up o n in the Galloway Forest . Darien , Elijah , Rafael , Frederick , Indigo and Carmen , although I was still fucking pissed at her , were here as well . Adding their input on everything we had gathered .

Not to mention Kiara had said not to go there … I wondered what the extent of her abilities were … ” I’m heading there tonight . Darien will take charge of the pack whilst I’m gone . ” I said , wanting to tell Elijah to take care of Kiara … If I wasn’t around , she was safest with him , although I knew she was strong . I don’t think I’d be at ease if she didn’t have an Alpha around . ” Got it . How long do you think you are going to be ? ” Rafael asked .

” If you want , I can leave Rayhan here to help . ” ” No , I rather that fucker isn’t here . ” I growled . Elijah smirked and I wondered what the fuck his problem was . ” I don’t see anything wrong with that . ”

He said . ” He’s very capable , Alejandro . ” Rafael added . Yeah , I knew exactly what he was capable of and I didn’t fucking want him Alt anywhere near her .

There was a knock on the door and her intoxicating scent invaded my senses . My stomach did a fucking somersault as the door opened and she and Scarlett stepped inside . ” This is a meeting . ” I said , trying not to look at her , but despite my best efforts , I could see her breasts peeping out of her dark green cowl neck top . I tried not to focus on the silk fabric tugging at her breasts . Glaring at Scarlett instead , something that was a lot easier to do .

” We know . It’s to do with these attacks and the obvious target , Kia . ” Scarlett said . ” Your point ? ” I said , trying to keep my irritation at bay . ” Well , just because we don’t have dicks , does that mean we can’t be here ? ” Scarlett said . Making Indigo and Carmen smile .

” That’s not the issue , Red . Alejandro was just sharing his plan . ” Elijah said , looking suspicious . ” Great , do share . ” Kiara now said . I looked at her , the green of her top only Alf made her eyes look greener . ” It’s kind of confidential . You don’t need t o be here .

” I said as calmly as I could . Did I have to be fucking nice ? I mean , I don’t do nice … What the fuck , was I actually considering being nice ? This shit was messed up … ” It’s to do with me , so carry on . ” She said challengingly .

Our eyes met and I swallowed , don’t look down … I could see her breasts peeking out from that fucking tease of a top and I knew every single pair of fucking.eyes were on me . Was this the shit she expected from me ? I’m not the type to fucking back down …

She pouted slightly , before biting her lip and then she fucking pulled the ultimate ace to win this shit . It was subtle , but it fucking did the job …. She pressed her breasts together ever so slightly with her arms and batted those damn lashes at me . Sending a wave of pleasure down fucking south . Fuck . ” Fine . Stay . ” I growled .

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