
Chapter 4: A tender moment

Chapter 4: A tender moment

Damon POV:

It was nighttime now, and I couldn’t stop thinking about her as I paced around in my bedroom. I

wondered if she was ok? If she was in any pain? The desire to be near her and touch her was so

intense that it made my skin ache. The bond was driving me and my wolf mad! Finally, I couldn’t take it

anymore and decided to check on her.

I walked over to the adjoining door and quietly opened it, slipping into her bedroom. Amelia was sound

asleep; she looked so beautiful and peaceful. She was wearing a petite, white robe, and the moon

shined in slightly, capturing her perfect body for me to see. I wanted more than anything to rip that robe

off her, then kiss and lick every inch of her body, giving her orgasm, after orgasm, as I fucked her into

oblivion. But I was going to behave or at least try my hardest to, in hopes that I wouldn’t scare her off.

I walked closer to her and just stared down at her, playing with a small piece of her hair. Then, I crept

over to the other side of the room, softly climbing in next to her, touching her ever so lightly, so I didn’t

wake her. Within minutes, I was out.

I woke to the sun coming in and realized I was still in bed with her. Shit! I quickly bolted from the room

before she woke up and caught me.

After I returned to my room, I jumped in the shower, wanting to rid myself of her scent, hoping that if I

did, I would be able to get through the day without going insane.

I went to my office and called for my Beta, Luca, to come in.

He strode in, like the jackass he is. “You rang, Alpha?” He smirked.

I pinched the bridge of my nose. “Seriously? Cut the shit, Luca.” I growled at him, not in the mood for

his games.

He rolled his eyes and flopped in the chair opposite my desk. “Whatever!” He said in a childlike

manner, “What would you like, Damon? Better?” He arched an eyebrow.

This man drives me fucking insane. If he weren’t my best friend, I would have killed him long ago.

I sighed. “The girl you captured yesterday has been moved into the bedroom next to mine,” I said,

acting like it was no big deal.

He tilted his head to the side. “Yes, I’m aware. I meant to ask you about that. Why the fuck, is she in

the packhouse, Damon?” He raised his voice slightly with his last words.

I stood to my feet, growling at him, “Watch your Fucking tone.”

He raised his hands in surrender. “Calm down, dick head. People are asking questions and want to

know why; a prisoner is now residing within the pack walls, and I would like to know as well?” He

crossed his arms across his chest.

I sat back down and sucked in a deep breath. “Amelia’s, my mate.”

His eyes widened. “You have got to be fucking joking me! She’s a human, Damon.” He shouted.

I threw my hands in the air in frustration. “You don’t think I know that, Luca! But I can’t let her go, and I

can’t reject her; the pull is too fucking strong. So I don’t know what the fuck to do, and I had her moved

here because yesterday, I went to check on her and found Jordan assaulting her! He beat her and

nearly raped her.” My body began to tremble with anger at the memory. “I want her close to me, so I

can watch over her better until I can figure out what to do about all of this shit.”

His expression changed from anger to sympathy. “Holy fuck, man! I’m sorry about Jordan. That little

fuck will pay for what he did! And I don’t know what to tell you, man, you know me, I have nothing

against humans, mostly, but I know your dad will never allow for you to mate with her; he despises

humans.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “I don’t envy you right now, man.” He chuckled lightly, the

fucking dick!

“Thanks for the vote of confidence.” I glared at him. “She can’t stay here for long, or dad will find out,

and I can’t mate with her, or he will kill us both; I’m completely fucked!” I slammed my fists down on my

desk, cracking the wood upon impact.

Luca sighed heavily. “I’ll take care of the others, so no suspicions arise, and the questions are

answered for now, just enough to keep the whispers to a dull minimum. But Damon, you have to deal

with this and fast; there are people within the pack that are very loyal to your father and won’t hesitate

to inform him of what’s going on.”

I rubbed my hands down my face. “I know, I’ll figure shit out, one way or another.” I wasn’t sure how I

would figure this out or what exactly I would do, but I had to do something before my father found out

and tried to harm her because I would fight him to the death if he dared to lay a finger on her. Luca

nodded hesitantly and then left the room.

After my talk with Luca, I went to the laundry room and grabbed Amelia some clean clothes,

remembering hers were destroyed and brought them up to her room. I walked into the room and froze

in my tracks. She was laying there on the bed reading, still wearing that fucking robe, and it was

partially open, revealing those supple, perky breasts of hers. I couldn’t move or speak; the urge to take All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

her and make her mine was consuming me. She gasped, finally realizing that I was in the room with


“Omg, you scared me.” She said, her hand resting on her chest.

I remained still and unmoving, entirely spellbound by her beauty. Low growls vibrated from my chest as

my wolf rose to the surface, wanting to break free. Her brows scrunched together in confusion before

she looked down at herself, noticing that she was exposed, and quickly covered herself up.

I gave my head a shake to clear my thoughts. “I brought you some clean clothes, and breakfast will be

brought up to you shortly.” I tried to say as casual as possible while staying composed, but the ever-

growing bulge in my pants made that problematic.

“Thank you…sorry, I don’t know your name.” She admitted a little embarrassed, and her cheeks turned

a light shade of pink.

I clenched my fists together, trying to fight the urges “Damon.” I said shortly, as my composure was

slipping, fast!

“Thank you, Damon.” She gave me a sweet smile, and I closed my eyes, trying to keep my shit


I inhaled and exhaled slowly, focusing on my breathing. “How are you feeling? Are you in any pain?” I

asked, trying to distract myself.

“I’m fine and no.” She said as she shook her head. But I could tell she was in pain; I could smell it, and

I could feel her pain. So she is either modest or stubborn.

“Good. If you need anything, let me know.” I needed to get out of this room and away from her before

something happened.

She nodded and pursed her lips. “Will do.”

I paused at the door and looked back at her; that was an odd response! And her heart skipped a beat

when she said that, is she hiding something?

After leaving her room, I went straight into mine and had the world's coldest shower!

Amelia POV:

I woke to the sound of someone knocking on my door; I looked around and noticed it was now evening

and the sun was starting to go down. Anna entered the room with another tray of food.

“Hello dearie, I brought you your dinner. I also brought you lunch but noticed you were sleeping, and I

didn’t want to bother you. So, I brought up a little extra for you to eat.” She said with a wink.

“Thank you so much, Anna. I appreciate you doing that for me.” I genuinely smiled at her. She was

such a sweet woman, and I couldn’t begin to comprehend why she worked here.

She set the tray down on the table next to my bed. “Is there anything else you need?”

I shook my head. “No, I am fine. Thank you.” In some ways, Anna reminded me of my mother, making

me miss her even more.

Anna nodded and left the room, closing and locking the door behind her.

I was thankful she had brought me extra to eat; I’ll need all the energy I can get for tonight. After I had

finished eating, I walked over to the window and observed my surroundings, trying to see if I could spot

anything I would recognize. I had studied the map for Killarney park quite a bit.

I noticed a clearing at the edge of the property, and it appeared to become a bit dense further in, which

would be good to conceal myself. Then, within the far distance, I spotted the Killarney Crack, and the

clearing I had just noticed seemed to be a straight shot to it. The only thing that will be tricky is I don’t

have any of my gear, which could cause a big problem for me, but I have to do this, equipment or not.

I browsed the room for anything I could take with me that might be useful, but the space was damn

near empty, aside from the furniture. I bent down to rummage through the one dresser when I heard a

loud growl come from behind me, startling me.

I jumped and turned around, only to find Damon in my room once again. “Fuck! You have got to stop

scaring me like that.” I chuckled a bit.

He didn’t say anything, just walked closer to me, and with each step he took, I took a step back. He

seemed off; his eyes looked so entranced and almost pitch black. Finally, my back collided with the

wall, and he was now mere inches from me. Damon raised his hand and brushed my hair away, then

traced his finger down my face and across my lips as he stared into my eyes.

My breath hitched as tingles shot down my body and straight to my core. This man could make me

have an orgasm with just a simple expression, and I think that was one of the things that scared me the

most about him, my attraction to him, the cravings I felt for him.

I swallowed hard. “Can I help you with something,” I asked, my voice a bit shaky.

Damon grinned mischievously. “I can think of a few things.” He said, low and huskily.

His eyes were dark now but also held a playfulness to them, and his grin deepened. My thighs

squeezed together, tightly and my pussy began to throb with the need. “What’s that?” I asked, and my

heart started to pound in my chest from being anxious and excited. Was he flirting with me? Is he as

turned on as I am? His hand came up and cupped my face before sliding his fingers into my hair,

holding my head firmly in place now. He bent his head down slightly, bringing his face closer to mine.

My breathing quickened, and the anticipation was killing me. Then, he stopped suddenly, our lips so

close, yet so far.

Damon zoned out for a beat and then looked away from me, closing his eyes tightly. He took a step

back, removed his hand from my hair, and breathed in profoundly. “I just came in to see how you are

doing and if there is anything you need?” His tone was clipped and strained.

I was confused now, it seemed as though he would kiss me, but something had changed suddenly. “I’m

doing good, thank you, and no, I’m fine.” Was that really the reason he came into my room? I didn’t

understand how he could be so hot one minute and the next minute so cold.

“Good.” He smiled down at me. It wasn’t until this moment that I realized just how much taller he was

than me as I craned my neck up to look at him.

He bent down and kissed my cheek, his lips lingering there for a moment. My eyes widened, and shock

took over me as my body stilled. He surprised me with this, especially after the emotions he gave off

just seconds ago.

“Good night, Amelia.” He smiled and then left the room.

That was bizarre; why did he kiss my cheek? He was nothing but an asshole before when I was in the

cell, and now, he is being all sweet and concerning. Maybe he is just trying to butter me up so I don’t

have his ass thrown in jail for kidnapping me.

I shook my head of those thoughts and that moment with him and began to prepare myself for the

journey ahead mentally.

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