
Chapter 3: It's time to leave

Chapter 3: It's time to leave

Damon POV:

I was sitting in my office chair when my wolf began to stir, giving me a massive headache. He began to

growl and snarl at me, urging me to go to our mate. He continued pacing around in circles, acting as if

something was worrying him. A feeling of nausea washed over me as I felt that something was wrong

with her, with my mate.

I decided to go and check on her, to calm myself and my wolf. I entered the cells and heard her

screams and whimpers, then her pleading for help and to be released. I quickened my pace and

reached her cell within seconds. Only to witness a pack member assaulting my mate.

Fury washed over me as my wolf began to surface, with the need to tear this man’s flesh apart for

touching her, for hurting her, she’s mine! She’s ours!

I stormed into the cell and ripped him from her, and began beating him to a pulp. He was almost dead

when I heard her let out a small whimper, bringing me out of my angered state. I threw him across the

room and rushed to her side to ensure she was ok.

I gripped her arms as softly as I could and helped her to her feet. She stood shakily, trying to gain her

balance. Amelia flinched harshly at my touch, causing my heart to ache. She tried to pull away and was

fighting me. “Stop! You’re going to hurt yourself.” I said softly or tried, too, at least.

She peeked around her shoulder and glanced at me; the expression on her face was difficult to read; it

was a mixture between fear and desire?

“I am not going to hurt you, ok?” I said, trying to soothe her nerves. I turned her around to face me and

looked over her body to see if she had any injuries. Her body had a few scrapes and bruises, one right

on her cheek. I reached up and rang my thumb across it. The anger started to return, and my wolf

wanted blood. A growl rumbled up from my chest, my wolf struggling to come out.

Amelia brought me out of my murderous thoughts when I noticed her looking around me at Jordan’s

limp and beaten body. Terror was etched onto her beautiful face as she looked up at me and started to

struggle again.

It took everything in me to not show any emotion and maintain a neutral expression. “Stop, now! I

assure you; he is still alive, just badly injured. I do not condone that behaviour. It is strictly forbidden,

and he deserved what he got.” I meant every word, and, in my opinion, he deserves worse!

She hesitantly nodded her head and then started to look around the floor and at herself frantically. I

looked down and noticed her shredded clothes scattered around. I removed my shirt and wrapped it

around her body. It gave me a sense of great pride, seeing her wear my clothes and also made my

cock twitch.

“I imagine you are feeling exposed and uncomfortable. So you may wear this, for the time being.” I

said, trying to be a gentleman.

She looked up at me. “Thank you.” A small smile spread across her face.

Reluctantly, I let go of her and opened the cell door. “Follow me.”

She remained still, refusing to even look at me. “Would you prefer to stay here?” I asked.

Her eyes locked with mine. “No!” She bellowed out.

“Then let’s go,” I said shortly, becoming irritated with her stubbornness now.

We left the cell and walked down the hall. I watched her, glancing between the other cells. Finally, we

reached the door, and she stopped in front of the door, blocking me from opening it.

“Excuse me,” I said, and she flinched. I tried to ignore her reaction.

Her brows furrowed. “Sorry?” She was confused, and it was apparent.

I was becoming a bit frustrated now. “I need to unlock the door.” I tilted my head up and nodded in the

direction of the door she was still standing before, blocking me from opening it.

Her eyes flickered between me and the door, then she moved, her back now against the wall. “Oh,

sorry.” She said, embarrassed.

I walked past her, and my arm brushed against her soft skin, causing an eruption of sparks to shoot

throughout my body. I pushed those feelings back down and continued to open the door, gesturing for

her to walk out before closing the door behind us.

As we exited the cells, I watched her eyeing the forest; it was clear to me that she was contemplating

the idea of running.

I closed the distance between us. “Don’t even think about it. I would catch you before you even

reached the tree lines and.” I leaned down, closing the slight distance that remained between us.

“Believe me; you don’t want that.” I grinned wickedly at the thought of her running and me catching her.

I secretly wished she would run, so I could chase my little mate and fuck the shit out of her. I noticed

her eyeing my body, and I smirked, thankful I had the same effect on her as she had on me.

I led her into the house quickly, not wanting anyone to have the chance to ask questions. It was bad

enough they were all watching us closely. But I had decided that it was best to give her a room within

the house, choosing the one next to mine so that I could keep a close eye on her, making sure no one

would ever touch her again, except for me.

I opened the room door and nudged her inside. “You will stay in here for now. My room is next door, so

if you try anything, I will know.” I said in a firm tone.

“I won’t, thank you.” She said dryly. I closed and locked the door, even though I just wanted to be with

her, be there for her.

I stood outside her door for a moment, wanting to walk back in there and make her mine. As I stood

there, I heard the faint sound of crying. I gently pressed my forehead against the door, frustrated at the

fact that I couldn’t comfort her and hold her within my arms.

“This is just as painful for me as it is for you, baby,” I whispered through the door.

Before I did something that I honestly wouldn’t regret, I walked away, knowing it would ultimately put

Amelia in danger.

Amelia POV:

I don’t know when I had fallen asleep, but I was out long enough that it was now nighttime and the

room was almost pitch black, except for the small amount of moonlight shining through the small


I carefully got up from the bed and tried to navigate the room, using the moonlight as my guide. After

fumbling for a few minutes, I finally found the light switch. The light hurt my eyes for a second, and as

they adjusted, I took in the room.

Black carpeting covered the floor; the walls painted a dark blue, and the dark wood furniture tied

everything together beautifully. There were three other doors in the room; I walked over to the closest

one to me, and as I had suspected, the door was locked. So, I turned around, made my way over to the

next one, and opened the door, revealing a large, empty closet. It was the kind of closet I had only ever

seen in magazines. The walls and flooring matched the bedroom. The shelves and drawers were white,

a large vanity sat along the back wall, and a large white sofa was in the middle of the room.

I walked out of the closet and went over to the last door. It was a bathroom, the bathroom I always

dreamed of, with black honeycomb flooring, a large stand-up shower, with multiple heads and white

subway tiles: a large dark grey tub, double sinks, and a dark wood vanity. Maybe I’ll sleep in here, I

thought to myself.

I decided to take a scorching shower to try and wash away that disgusting man’s touch from my body. I

removed what bit of clothing I had on and stepped into the shower. I let the water wrap my body in its

warmth, calming my frazzled nerves. I honestly didn’t understand what was going on; why was I being

kept here? How am I going to get away from this place? First, I washed my hair and then my body. As I

was washing my body, I could have sworn I saw the shadow of a person standing outside the shower


I quickly finished and slowly opened the glass door, looking all around the room, but no one was there.

Was I imaging it? I hesitantly stepped out of the shower and swiftly threw on a towel. I looked down at

my tattered clothes, the bra, and the underwear he had touched. I wanted to burn them! The only other

thing was that man’s shirt, but it too was filthy and had blood on it. I picked it up and smelled it, wanting

to flood my senses with his aroma again. His smell was comforting and enticing. He smelled like a

sweet, cool summer morning, with a hint of vanilla, it was delicious and a scent I could get used to

indefinitely. I put the clothes in a nearby basket and looked around the bathroom to put on something.

Luckily some bathrobes were hanging on the back of the door. I grabbed one and replaced my towel

with it.

I returned to the bedroom, only to find a tray with some food on it. Thank god, I was starving, and my

stomach agreed. It was linguine, with alfredo sauce and some garlic bread. I sat down and damned

near inhaled the food. It was so delicious, the best I had ever eaten. After finishing my meal, I walked

over to the window and gazed out at the scenery. It was so beautiful up here at night, the stars shined

so brightly, and they went on as far as the eye could see. I leaned against the window and took it all in

for a moment before exhaustion consumed me.

I snuggled deep into the large, comfortable, plush bed, and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was

out. I was slightly woken in the night by what felt like someone climbing into the bed with me and

touching me, but I was so exhausted and fell right back to sleep.

The sun entered the room, waking me from my sleep. I stretched and sat up, glancing at the other side

of the bed, and it was empty. I looked around the room, and I was still alone. I must have been

dreaming that someone was in bed with me.

Getting up from the bed, I went into the bathroom to do my morning ritual. After coming out of the

bathroom, I checked the bedroom door and found it was still locked. Great! I’m stuck in here. So I

walked over to the window and inspected it; there was a small lock on the top of the window, I flicked it

to the other side, and the window unlocked.

I lifted the glass and opened the window, a little shocked that it wasn’t more secure. I stuck my head

out and looked around; it was quite a drop to the ground, but not far enough that I would break

something; this is my way out; this is how I could make my escape. So tonight, when it's dark, I’m out

of here; they will have a more challenging time finding me in the dark.

Satisfied with my plan, I closed the window and locked it back up. I need to get better clothes first and

some shoes; running through the forest in a robe and bare feet wasn’t a good idea. I also need to eat

something before I leave.

I walked over to the small bookshelf in the room and browsed the choices. There were a few different

options, but I decided to go with the astronomy book. Maybe I’ll find something here that will help me

get out of the forest faster.

I sat on the bed and began reading. I delved so deep into what I was reading; I almost didn’t notice the

person standing within the room now, with their eyes fixated on me.

I gasped loudly and put my hand to my chest. “Omg, you scared me.”

He just stood there silently; his eyes were near black as he stared at my chest. I looked down and

noticed my robe was open enough to expose my breasts, causing me to cover myself up quickly.

He closed his eyes and shook his head. “I brought you some clean clothes, and breakfast will be

brought up to you shortly.” He casually said as he placed the clothing onto the bed.

“Thank you…sorry, I don’t know your name.” I admitted. All this time, he had never told me his name.

He straightened himself. “Damon.”

“Thank you, Damon.” I smiled.

“How are you feeling? Are you in any pain?” He asked me, concern lacing his tone.

“I’m fine and no.” I was a bit sore, but nothing I couldn’t deal with for the time being.

His eyes narrowed on me as if he was trying to see through me. “Good. If you need anything, let me

know.” He said as he began to make his way out of the room.

I pursed my lips and nodded my head. “Will do,” I replied shortly and went back to reading my book. RêAd lat𝙚St chapters at Novel(D)ra/ma.Org Only

I peeked up from my book and noticed that he had paused at the door and was looking back at me

now, a longing expression on his face. He then quickly left, locking the door behind him.

After he left, I wasted no time getting dressed. He gave me a pair of black leggings, a white top, socks,

and running shoes. His taste wasn’t too bad; I wondered where he got the clothes from and how he

knew my size? As they fit me perfectly.

Just as I finished getting dressed, a knock came at the door before a middle-aged woman walked in.

She had red hair that reached the middle of her back and green eyes.

“Hello, my name is Anna, and I have brought you some breakfast.” She was very cheery, with a bright


“Thank you.” I smiled. Anna seemed to be a genuinely lovely person.

She placed the tray onto the bedside table and quickly left the room without saying another word. So

much for having someone to talk to while I am being held here. The tray was overflowing with delicious-

looking food, eggs, bacon, toast, sausage, and some apple juice to wash everything down. My stomach

growled loudly at the plate of food before me, and I took my time eating, enjoying the meal.

After finishing my meal, I continued reading for a while until my eyes began to hurt. That was my cue to

have a nice nap; this way, I would be well rested for my journey tonight.

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