Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 51(s2)

“Mothers are like superheroes, they have the power to make everything better with just a hug and a kiss’ ~ Unknown One Week Later.

Lacey's POV “So it's agreed, I'l pick you up tomorrow night at seven” “Yeah” “Good girl"

Urghi! I groaned feeling like I was gonna barf “You're doing the right thing, Lacey" “Am 7" “For the millionth time, yes” Eddie says being dramatic I've asked him this question once maybe twice, not a million times like he claims

“I promise you, Lacey, you giving yourself up to Trevor is what's best for everyone”

Eddie says earning angry groans from Klayton and Logan who were listening in to the phone call via the loudspeaker I glared at the pair of idiots and mouthed to them to be quiet Eddie believes Klayton and I aren't on speaking terms and he also

Chapter 51 - Not All Heroes Wea. ae I'm keeping this little decision between just him and me, if he hears these two groaning because they're incapable of controlling their anger then it's gonna ruin our plans "Don't you want your loved ones to be safe, Lace?" "You know I do, Eddie, nothing means more to me than keeping the ones I love safe and alive" "Then what's the issue?" Eddie asked me as my eyes narrowed to the tiny human coming down the stairs Logan Junior was wearing his ear defenders and carrying his art box which made me think his siblings have stressed

him out to the point he needs some alone time

When he got to the last few steps, he looked up and locked eyes with mine as he smiled brightly at me which reciprocated “lace...” “I'll see you tomorrow at seven” “Ok, see you tomorrow night" “Byer 1 quickly ended the call and ran a hand through my hair as my eyes remained firmly fixed on my son's retreating figure “I can't wait to get my hands on that bastard..I can't believe the nerve of him to even think he can manipulate

my principessa” “Well, you'd better save me a piece of him, Klay, it doesn't sit well with me that this fucker is manipulating my wife and using us to guilt trip her into giving herself up to that bastard” “Oh trust me, my brother, you'll get your fair share of them all, I promise you" Chapter 51 - Not All Heroes Wea. a Klayton and Logan talk amongst each other as my eyes remain focused on the spot where my son previously was

Am 1 doing the right thing? This question has continuously been running through my mind ever since I came up with this plan to trap and kill Trevor, not because I'm not confident in us or our ability to successfully pull this off but because of my children I know I'm doing this to protect them and keep them safe but I'm afraid that something bad will happen to either myself, Logan or the both of us leaving them all alone “Are you ok, Lace?"

Cassie asks me "I'm fine, I erm...excuse me" I'say as I briskly leave the living room and head towards the kitchen where I thought I'd find my son sitting at the kitchen table drawing but instead, all I found was our head maid Loretta doing some cleaning “Can I help you, Mrs Black?" Loretta asks me

"Yeah, I'm looking for Logan Junior, have you seen him?" ask her and she smiles brightly at the mention of my son “Yes, the young master is in the den, he said he wanted some peace and quiet away from Master Dayton and Miss Teddy who he says and I quote are being loud and obnoxious” She says with a chuckle while I mentally roll my eyes at what she said

Of course, Lo would want some peace away from those two “Thank you, Loretta” Chapter 51 - Not All Heroes Wea. oa "You're welcome, honey” She says with a smile and I smile back at her before heading towards the den When I got close enough to the den and I could see through the glass door, I smiled and my heart warmed when I saw my baby boy sitting down on the floor next to the coffee table

opened up the door instantly gaining Logan Junior's attention and he smiled at me, the same smile he inherited from his father “Hi, mummy" “Hey baby, what are you doing?" "Drawing" He says and I nod my head slightly as I walk over to the couch next to LJ. and sit down We sat in a comfortable silence for a couple of minutes as the sound of scribbles coming from the table filled the room “Logan baby...Loretta told me you wanted some peace away from Dayton and Teddy"

I'say and he nods his head “Ido” “Are they being loud again?" Task him and he sighs “They're always loud, mummy but they get extra loud whenever they play a certain video game of ours which always brings out their competitive side and I don't like it, so came down here to get away from them” Logan Junior says with frustration in his tone

Logan and I need to have a serious chat with our eldest three kids, Chapter 51 - Not All Heroes Wea. Fg specifically Dayton and Teddy about spending so much time on their computers because it's not healthy for them “What are you drawing, Lo?" “I'm drawing a picture for you, mummy” “That's so sweet of you, baby, you know mommy loves your pictures”

I say with a smile but LL's next words quickly turned my smile into a frown “I wanna make you smile, mummy, you've been so sad lately" “What makes you think mommy's been sad, Lo?" Lask confused “Because of what happened with auntie Carm" Logan Junior says as he stops colouring and looks up at me

"You look sad all of the time, mummy and I don't like it, I want you to smile again” “Sweetheart, mommy's just.." I gulped as I felt my throat constrict from the emotions I was feeling "Mommy's just got a lot on her plate at the moment" “Including us and auntie Carm" "Yes"

I said hesitantly and Logan Junior looked away with a look of guilt on his face "What's wrong, son?" “Mummy...mummy, are you angry with us because we lied to you about the bad men?” Logan Junior asks and I smile sadly at himContent provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“No baby, mommy's not angry with you guys, I mean...I don't like that you guys lied to your daddy and me and kept something so serious from us but that's over and done with now" "We just wanted to protect you, mum" "I know, sweetheart and I appreciate that but it's not your job to protect me, it's my job to protect you" I'tell LJ. who looks away sadly He then stood up with his picture in his hand and embraced me in a hug

“You're the best mummy in the whole world, mum" “Am 7" I ask barely above a whisper I don't feel like the best mom in the world Don't get me wrong, I don't think I'm a bad mom and [ know I've done a pretty good job with all of my kids but lately, some of my old insecurities have been resurfacing and making me doubt my abilities I mean, look at my eldest three children, they're not even in their double digits and I feel like I've let them down and done them wrong in so many ways and now I'm planning

on taking on an evil who could potentially kill me If that doesn't scream badmom or selfishmom then! don't know what does "Yes, you are, I love you so much, mummy" “Ilove you too, my baby" Iheld LJ. close to me as I nuzzled my face in his neck The faint sound of a throat clearing caught my attention and when I narrowed my eyes at the door, I saw my husband standing there with his

"LJ. can you give mommy and me a minute, please?” Logan asks our son LJ. pulled away from me and looked at his dad with a smile “Yes, daddy” Logan Junior kissed my cheek and handed me the picture in his hand before leaving the room Ilooked down at the paper in my hands and tears filled my eyes when I saw a drawing of myself dressed as a superhero with supermom written at the top of it and words such as strong, caring, fearless, independent, courageous and loving written all around the drawing

"Baby, are you ok?" “I'm a bad mom" whimpered "No, you're not, Lace” "Yes, lam, Logan" Ilooked up at my husband who was now sitting next to me “From the moment I found out [ was pregnant with the triplets to now,

I've done nothing but make one bad decision after the other..except this time, my bad decision making could get one or both of us killed" “Babe, we're not gonna die” Logan says as he wraps one of his arms around my shoulders and kisses my temple “You don't know that, Logan..Trevor's an emotionless psycho who will do anything and everything to get what he wants including killing us” “Lacey, you need to have faith in us and our plans, we've planned

Chapter 51 - Not All Heroes Wea. ho everything out perfectly down to the last detail..we're not gonna fail, I promise you" “How can you be so sure?" Task Logan who smirks at me as he grabs hold of the picture in my hand “Because my wife is a superhero even our son thinks so" Logan says and I smile as I look down at the drawing in his hand “You can do this, Lacey me, any woman who can push out multiple babies at once and do it not once but three times can do almost anything including taking on

a pair of morons like Trevor and Antonio” He says and we both chuckle Maybe I can do this Surely defeating Trevor and his minions will be a piece of cake compared to pushing out seven kids with big heads like their father

My anxiety is running at an all time high right now but I can't work out what's making me feel so anxious, the thought of what I'm gonna have to do tonight or the way I look right now For the past couple of hours, Cassidy's glam squad have been working their magic on me to turn me into a quote- on-quote s*x goddess and they were given a specific look from Cassie who said that this look would make Trevor feel even weaker at the knees I had faith in my cousin-in-law and when she told me to trust her and her team, I did but now as I stand here in front of my mirror looking at myself, I regret not speaking up earlier because I look like a demonic prostitute

I'm wearing a black sparkly, off the shoulder, long ruched sleeved mini dress and when I say it's mini, I mean that literally as in the bottom of my dress stops maybe an inch or two below my ass and I've paired this dress with my usual jewellery, a pair of silver diamond strappy heels and a silver clutch bag For some strange reason known only to Cassidy, she insisted that I wear a wig tonight instead of styling my natural hair which I was very apprehensive about because I didn't think it would look natural and I didn't think I'd suit it but it does and I do The style she chose for me is a long, wine red coloured wavy wig with a fringe which inmy opinion, ruins it because I don't like fringes

Don't get me wrong, I've got nothing against fringes and I think a lot of people actually suit them, it's just that I'm not one of those people and I swore from the moment I turned sixteen and I stopped my mom from cutting my hair that I'd never have a fringe again for as long as I lived As for my make-up, my eyes have been done in a dark black and gold smokey eye style, a little red blush and some highlight on my cheeks and on my lips is an ombre mixture of dark red on the outside and bright red in the middle My nails are also an ombre coffin style set in the colours black and

red “fr, Took like a w***e" I mutter to myself as the door opens “Hey baby, are you...holy f**k" Iturn around and look at my husband who was looking at me with wide eyes “You're not planning on going out dressed like that, are you?" Chapter 51 - Not All Heroes Wea. wo "I wish I wasn't but Donna Cassidy planned this look and I couldn't exactly say no to her, could 12"

I'mean, I could but to be fair to myself, I didn't exactly know about Cassie's plans for me until it was too late "Tlook like a trashy w***e, don't I?" Tasked in frustration and Logan smiles “No, absolutely not" “Are you sure? because I feel like one" Tsay with a sigh as Logan makes his way over to me "You look beautiful and sexy, Lacey, you just don't look like yourself, that's all"

Logan says while kissing my lips and I smile My smile didn't last for long though when I heard my cousin and his wife arguing downstairs "CASSIDY ANTONELLI, YOU ARE NOT GOING OUT DRESSED LIKE THAT!" "YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO, ASSHOLE, YOU'RE NOT MY DADDY!" “NO, YOU'RE RIGHT, I'M NOT BUT I AM YOUR DON AND ‘YOUR HUSBAND, CASSIDY!!..."


AN EMBOLISM!" "WHAT?" Thanks Cassidy, you b***h,

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