Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 50(s2)

I can probably count on one of my hands the number of times I've truly been pissed off and I'm not talking about being angry over menial things, no, I'm talking about being so apoplectic that I could burn the entire f**+**g world because of how angry I was After Benjamin revealed to me that Eddie was Vanessa's older brother and showed me proof to confirm it, I officially lost it, so much so that I immediately headed home and came down to my dungeons to speak to Vanessa who looked like s**t but I don't care and if she continues to beat around the f*****g bush with me then she'll look even worse then what she does right now “Why do you insist on remaining quiet, hmm?" I ask Vanessa who was whimpering in pain as I circled her

“You're here... Trevor isn't, Antonio isn't and your brother isn't yet you're still determined to protect them instead of giving me what I need to know" “I don't know what you want to know" Vanessa whimpered and I banged my hand down on the table next to me several times as I spoke "YES, YOU f+****g DOI" I growled “You do know, Vanessa because I've asked you several times now to give me information on your big brother and you're keeping schtum”

“L.1.1 don't have a big" Chapter 50 - Desperation And M a4 "Are you sure?" I'stand in front of Vanessa who has got her head lowered which I didn't know if it was because she was scared or weak or if it's because she doesn't want me to see the deceit in her eyes “Tell me, Vanessa, what were you hoping to gain by getting me to hire your older brother?” “I don't have a big brother" “Sure you do and this file here proves it"

Vanessa lifted her head slightly and looked at the file in my hand before dropping her head “Did you think I'd never find out, huh? did you think I'd never put the English and Italian together and uncover your sneaky plans to deceive me with your brother?”

“Honestly... thought you'd figure it out sooner since you're fluent in both languages” Vanessa said while sighing and looking up at me “I mean, even that smartass son of yours could've worked out Eddie's surname is the same as my modelling name" “So, you admit you did this to deceive me?" Tasked through gritted teeth "I'm not admitting to anything, I'm just saying that it doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out that Eduardo Leone translates to Eduardo Lion"

“Why did you recommend him to me?" “Because you needed a tech guy who was good at hacking to replace Tommy” “That doesn't answer my question, Vanessa” Chapter 50 - Desperation And M — Task her and she narrows her eyes in confusion at me “Why Eddie? what was your end goal in getting me to hire him?"

“Trevor wanted all hands on deck to defeat you, so he asked me to recommend Eddie to you and hide our relationship from you as well” “So, Kat doesn't even know you guys are related?” ask her and she shakes her head “Kat thinks I'm an only child, she doesn't know about my brothers” “So, you admit Eddie's your brother” “I can't really deny it, can 12"

Vanessa says with a scoff “You've got the proof in front of you that he's my older brother, I bet you know everything from where he was born to his blood type” Vanessa chuckles slightly but it didn't sound like an amused laugh to me

“I bet your little file doesn't tell you about his sexuality, does it?...1 bet it doesn't tell you he's bi-s****] and he's been having a no strings attached relationship with Trevor for just over a year now" She says with bitterness in her tone “He loves men and women and gets treated like a god by our parents because he's a man who can do no wrong but because I'm a woman who loves another woman, I'm disgusting and I deserve to parents are f**g hypocrites” Vanessa sobbed at the end as I let out a huff and placed the file down on the table next to me "Yeah, your parents are hypocrites, they're disgusting,

judgemental, hypocritical, sexist, homophobic assholes and these are the people who Chapter 50 - Desperation And M “4 you chose over us, Vanessa, so there's no point in crying over spilt milk now" I picked up the file and went to leave when Vanessa stopped me

"Help me? help me how?" “I can give you whatever you need to know about Trevor, I can help you defeat him" She says and I scoff while rolling my eyes “And how can you do that?" “Go and look at my laptop, there's a folder under the name Quentin Tarantino movies and it's got everything you'll need to help you bring down Trevor including his strengths and his weaknesses, names of guys he buys his drugs from, there are even passwords and codes for every piece of technology at his club as well as new blueprints for it"

"New blueprints? I don't understand, why would he have new blueprints” Task Vanessa and she lets out a breath before continuing "Trevor gutted the place out after purchasing it, he wants it to be bigger and better than the one he's got in London and he wants to make sure there are dozens of private rooms as well as secret hideouts so that he can do his evil deeds without anyone witnessing it or hearing his victims scream” “Wow, sounds like a place that would make P-Diddy proud”

I say sarcastically “You can say that again, Klay" She says and I narrow my eyes at her “Why are you so eager to help us all of a sudden? you didn't seem to Chapter 50 - Desperation And M. wy care when you were on Trevor's side” “I've never been on Trevor's side, Klayton, I was just scared and acted without thinking which I deeply regret now"

“Why? because we caught you and you're gonna lose your life because of your poor decision making” ask angrily and she whimpers out a weak both “Ijust wanna live my life with Kat and have the family we always wanted and dreamed of having” “Do you seriously think I'm gonna let you anywhere near my cousin after what you've done?” “Please, Klay" She whimpered

“Ilove her, I really do, please don't take her away from me" Vanessa said and I didn't know how to respond to her, so I just walked out of the room and locked it “Nobody enters this room except for me, do you understand me?" "Yes, sir" “Good” I went to walk away but stopped when I remembered something “If Eddie comes down here, stop him from going into the room and let me know instantly”

“Of course Don" I headed out of the dungeons as my phone started ringing “Antonelli..hello" “Hey Eddie, what are you doing here?" Eddie? Chapter 50 - Desperation And M ~~ Oh, Klayton sent me here to check on you and to make sure you're ok” This motherfucker

1 put the phone on mute so that Lacey and Eddie couldn't hear me and I called for my wife and brother-in-law "What? what's up?" “Eddie's at the hospital with Lacey” “How do you know?" Cassie asks me and I hold my phone up “But why would Klayton send you here to see me? why wouldn't he come here himself?" Lacey asked sounding hurt and upset but I knew she was

just acting “don't wanna say, I don't wanna stir up any more trouble between you guys" “Why? what did he say?" "He erm..." Eddie drifted off “He what? what did he say?" “don't wanna say, I don't want to hurt your feelings, Lacey"

"have a right to know, Eddie" There was silence on the other end of the phone for a few seconds until Eddie spoke up again and what he said angered all of us and it made me wanna kill him “He said...Klayton said that he's got more important things to do with his time than beg his bratty little cousin for forgiveness over what happened with hersilly little friend because it's not his fault”

"Oh hell no, let's go guys, we need to sort this motherfucker out" Chapter 50 - Desperation And M 4 Cassie grabbed hold of my car keys from my hand and stormed out of the house followed by myself and Benjamin Hopefully, I can calm my little firecracker down before we get there because we can't alert Eddie to the fact that we're on to him, not yet anyway Lacey's POV

"When is she gonna wake up, doc?" “Mrs Black, your friend has suffered from a traumatic brain injury which means she could be unconscious for days, weeks even months” This can't be happening Carmella can't miss her pregnancy “But the baby, is the baby gonna be ok?" Lask the doctor and he smiles “The baby is fine, Mrs Black, we're doing everything we can

to assure that mother and baby are getting everything they need to survive” “Good” Ilet out a relieved sigh as I gently rubbed Carmella’s protruding stomach If Carmella was awake right now, I can almost guarantee that she'd either be complaining about all of the weight she's gained which isnt a lot if we're being honest with each other or she'd be planning a strict diet and exercise regime to get back into her size ten jeans after she's given birth

“Excuse me, Mrs Black, there's a man out here who would like to talk to you" "A man? what man?" Everyone here knows Carmella's dad, Cade, Logan and even Klayton, Chapter 50 - Desperation And M so it's obviously someone who is either unrelated to us or who has never been here before “He said his name is Eddie Leone" Eddie? What the hell is he doing here?

“Ok, I'l be out now" The nurse smiles at me before leaving the room “Wake up soon stubborn ass or I'l sell your future boo off to the highest bidder" Ikiss Carmella on her forehead before leaving the room where I find a nervous Eddie pacing up and down whilst wringing his hands together I quickly pulled my phone out of my pocket and called Klayton before putting it back in my pocket “Hey Eddie, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, Klayton sent me here to check on you and to make sure you're ok" "Really?" I asked as I looked confused Tknew he was lying to me but I wasn't gonna let him know that "Yeah, he wanted to make sure you were ok after the argument you guys had today at his office" “How do you know about our argument?" I ask as I narrow my eyes at him

Eddie's body immediately stiffens as his eyes widen slightly “Iwas erm..I was called up to the boss's office and I heard you guys arguing” “ont Chapter 50 - Desperation And MT I briefly looked down as I prepared to play the role of the hurt and broken cousin “But why would Klayton send you here to see me? why wouldn't he come here himself?"

Ilooked up at Eddie who looked hesitant to speak “I don't wanna say, I don't wanna stir up any more trouble between you guys" “Why? what did he say?" "He erm..." Eddie drifted off “He what? what did he say?" “I don't wanna say, I don't want to hurt your feelings, Lacey”

"I have a right to know, Eddie” Eddie looked down briefly before looking back at me

"He said..Klayton said that he's got more important things to do with his time than beg his bratty little cousin for forgiveness over what happened with her silly little friend because it's not his fault” “Did he now?..I guess I shouldn't feel guilty about cutting him out of my life then" Isaid with a fake whimper as I sat down in the chair "You've cut Klayton off?" “Yeah, I can't have my loved ones constantly being put in danger because of him and the stupid mafia”

“But what about Trevor? you know he's never gonna stop until either Klayton gives you and the mafia to him or you give yourself up to him" Eddie says while sitting down next to me “What should I do then, Eddie? if Klayton's in my life then my loved Chapter 50 - Desperation And M. — ones are in danger and if he's not then they're still in danger..god, I feel so helpless”NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

I groan in frustration as I rest my elbows on my legs and run my hands through my hair “What if I can help you?" Eddie asks me and I look up at him confused “How can you help me?” “Do you trust me?” “Of course I trust you, you work for my cousin’ Isay and I swear [ saw guilt briefly flash in his eyes

“I can take you to Trevor if you want” “Why would I go to him after everything he's put me and my family through?” “Because if you don't then the ones you love including your husband and your children, maybe even your grandparents will be in danger, do you want that" “Of course not" I growled at him “Then go to him, give yourself up to save your family..look, I've heard Trevor's opening a new club next week and from

what I've heard, it's a private and secluded club and I can get you in there without anyone knowing if you want" "How?" lask him and he smirks “I'm a hacker, remember? I can hack into their systems and get you on the guest list” He says and I smile nervously at him Chapter 50 - Desperation And M ay "Do you really think this is the only way?"

“I think so, I mean, Trevor's already come after your father, your best friend and her baby, who's gonna be next, huh? and do you really think you can live with the guilt if someone else gets seriously hurt or worse killed? I don't think I could if it were me... it were me, I wouldn't be able to live myself knowing I was the reason why someone [ loved was hurt" “What do you mean? it's not my fault Trevor's got this weird obsession with me" I'say with annoyance in my tone as I glared at him “True but Trevor wouldn't be interested in hurting your family and friends if it wasn't for you"

"So, you're saying this is all my fault?" I ask whilst clenching my fists together at my sides I really wanted to hit this motherfucker but I managed to restrain myself from doing so, so that I won't ruin our plans “I think it is, don't you?" Asshole Ithought to myself with anger as I showed guilt and regret on my face “Look, here's my number, give me a call or a text when you've made your mind up, ok" Eddie says while handing me his card

"OK" “Good girl" Eddie smiles at me before getting up and leaving You must be stuck on stupid Eddie if you think you can manipulate an Antonelli Chapter 50 - Desperation And M..

thought to myself as I glared at his retreating figure

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