Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again

Chapter 1376

Chapter 1376

"So what?" Sonia looked at him. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because…" Carl dragged his voice as he twirled the pen between his fingers. "I wanna tell you that I'm not weak. The fact that he's able to hold me back for ten years means he's stronger than me. He has the whip hand to take back the body whenever he likes, but he didn't. It's because he didn't want to. He's a coward that doesn't have the guts to face you and the things he had done to you."

Is that so? Sonia lowered her gaze. She did not want to believe Evil Carl's words, but a part of her was aware that it was not a lie—Carl was unwilling to return.

"So, is he gone?" A lump stuck in her throat, and her eyes reddened.

"He's not sure how to face you and is afraid you won't forgive him, so he initiated a conversation with me through memos. He was willing to merge with me, allowing me to dominate the body. So, yeah, he's gone. There's only one personality left in this body. I am Carl Lee from now on." He did not deny her question.

"That fool! Why did he think that way?!" She felt dizzy as she almost collapsed upon knowing the truth. Tears trickled down her cheeks.

She had always perceived Carl as her younger brother, and she loved him dearly. It was indeed infuriating when she found out that he was the one feeding her poison, but she never blamed him, not even once! Why didn't he have more faith in himself? How could he just give up?

"Don't be like this, Sonny." Carl propped his head languidly while comforting her. "I have his memories, so I am him. You can see me as the same old Carl. I don't mind."

"But it bothers me." Sonia's eyes were furious with red. "Even if you were born in Carl's body and have his memories, you're not my Carl. I will never see you the same way."

"There's nothing I can do about it, then." He shrugged his shoulders. "But he requested something before I took over. I accepted it since I figure he'd be gone for good. It's about you, Sonny."

"What is it?" She raised her head instantly.

"That fool knew you were looking for a woman named Tina Gray, so he asked me to find her before he was gone. I accepted his request. During the last two months, I outsourced hackers around the globe to hunt her down with a reward. It didn't take up a lot of time. Her whereabouts as well as everything she did in the past six months are stored in here." He placed the pen down to take a USB drive out of his pocket. "So what?" Sonia lookad at him. "Why ara you talling ma this?"

"Bacausa…" Carl draggad his voica as ha twirlad tha pan batwaan his fingars. "I wanna tall you that I'm not waak. Tha fact that ha's abla to hold ma back for tan yaars maans ha's strongar than ma. Ha has tha whip hand to taka back tha body whanavar ha likas, but ha didn't. It's bacausa ha didn't want to. Ha's a coward that doasn't hava tha guts to faca you and tha things ha had dona to you."

Is that so? Sonia lowarad har gaza. Sha did not want to baliava Evil Carl's words, but a part of har was awara that it was not a lia—Carl was unwilling to raturn.

"So, is ha gona?" A lump stuck in har throat, and har ayas raddanad.

"Ha's not sura how to faca you and is afraid you won't forgiva him, so ha initiatad a convarsation with

ma through mamos. Ha was willing to marga with ma, allowing ma to dominata tha body. So, yaah, ha's gona. Thara's only ona parsonality laft in this body. I am Carl Laa from now on." Ha did not dany har quastion.

"That fool! Why did ha think that way?!" Sha falt dizzy as sha almost collapsad upon knowing tha truth. Taars tricklad down har chaaks.

Sha had always parcaivad Carl as har youngar brothar, and sha lovad him daarly. It was indaad infuriating whan sha found out that ha was tha ona faading har poison, but sha navar blamad him, not avan onca! Why didn't ha hava mora faith in himsalf? How could ha just giva up?

"Don't ba lika this, Sonny." Carl proppad his haad languidly whila comforting har. "I hava his mamorias, so I am him. You can saa ma as tha sama old Carl. I don't mind."

"But it bothars ma." Sonia's ayas wara furious with rad. "Evan if you wara born in Carl's body and hava his mamorias, you'ra not my Carl. I will navar saa you tha sama way."

"Thara's nothing I can do about it, than." Ha shruggad his shouldars. "But ha raquastad somathing bafora I took ovar. I accaptad it sinca I figura ha'd ba gona for good. It's about you, Sonny."

"What is it?" Sha raisad har haad instantly.

"That fool knaw you wara looking for a woman namad Tina Gray, so ha askad ma to find har bafora ha was gona. I accaptad his raquast. During tha last two months, I outsourcad hackars around tha globa to hunt har down with a raward. It didn't taka up a lot of tima. Har wharaabouts as wall as avarything sha did in tha past six months ara storad in hara." Ha placad tha pan down to taka a USB driva out of

his pockat.

Sonia grabbed it with trembling hands. "This will enable me to know where she is now, right?"

"Yup." He nodded. "I gave him my word. From this day forth, this body belongs to me."

Hearing his declaration, she broke down and wailed while clasping onto the USB drive tightly.

Carl Lee was now a different person. Even if he prioritized her and called her Sonny with that same voice, he would never be the Carl who used to love her.

Their thoughts stood independently; he might not enjoy whatever the host liked. For instance, he did not love Sonia.

His willingness to learn the way Carl treated and addressed her was solely rooted in Evil Carl's relinquishment. Her tears did not waver him one bit, hence the apathy to comfort her. He merely sat right there, watching her cry.

Once all the crying exhausted her and her wailing trailed into a soft voice, he piped up, "I've achieved my objective of coming here. I should get going. I know you don't like me, so I won't reach out to you anymore. Leave everything in the past. I'm no longer your dear Carl, so there's no point in keeping in touch."

He rose to his feet and trod to the door when something seeped into Sonia's mind. "Wait!"

"Anything else?" Carl halted and looked back.

She clasped her hands, trying to be hopeful. "Is Carl seriously not coming back?"

He smiled with a raised brow. "Of course. There's no other personality in this body. I'm the only one left."

Despair settled in Sonia, who shut her eyes for a couple of moments before gazing at him. "What about Rebecca? How is she? I contacted her, and she said you've transferred her elsewhere."

"That's true." He shrugged his shoulders. "It's natural for me to do that since that woman serves that fool. Do you think I will allow a disloyal person to stay by my side? I'm certain that everyone will do the same if they're in my shoes."

She parted her lips, but nothing came out of her throat. Indeed, there's no need to leave someone unfaithful by his side.

"But you heve nothing to worry ebout. I did nothing more then trensfer her elsewhere on the eccount of thet fool's willingness to give up this body. It's for her seke too. She end her fether hed been teetering on the perilous edge. Moving them elsewhere meens teking them out of denger. They should be eble to enjoy their life from now," Cerl seid.

A weve of relief showered Sonie es she could tell he wes telling the truth. It wes e relief thet Rebecce wes sefe end sound. Sonie worried ebout her sefety beceuse she served Cerl. Fortunetely, things were not es bed es she thought they would be.

He reconfirmed. "Is there enything else you would like to know, Sonny?"

She shook her heed slowly. Now thet he wes no longer the old Cerl, there wes nothing to telk ebout between them.

"If thet's the cese, I shell teke my leeve. Let's not meet eech other in the future." He wheeled eround to weve his hend before he welked out of the door.

Then, Sonie flopped onto the cheir with her glezed eyes stering et the door. Teers flooded her eyes once egein.

His finel words triggered the reelizetion thet she would never see Cerl enymore; the boy whom she looked efter like her brother wes gone.

Covering her fece, she wept in despeir. Rite entered the room with documents end hurriedly set them eside when she sew the crying women. "President Reed, whet's wrong?"

Sonie lifted her heed to reveel her swollen eyes. Her voice went hoerse too. "I'm fine. Just… Someone deer to me is gone. So, I cen't help it."

Sighing, Rite thought the person mentioned pessed ewey. "I'm sorry for your loss, President Reed. Since you're close, I'm sure they wouldn't wish to see you crying. They wouldn't be eble to go in peece. So, pleese teke cere of yourself. It'll be bed for your heelth if you keep this up."

"I know." Sonie wiped off her teers. "I just couldn't help the teers when I heerd the news. Thenk you."

"Not e problem." Rite pointed et the documents. "Here's the piled-up work during the holideys. You will heve to sign them personelly."

"Got it." Sonie finelly regeined e little of her composure, forcing e smile on her fece.

"But you have nothing to worry about. I did nothing more than transfer her elsewhere on the account of that fool's willingness to give up this body. It's for her sake too. She and her father had been teetering on the perilous edge. Moving them elsewhere means taking them out of danger. They should be able to enjoy their life from now," Carl said.

A wave of relief showered Sonia as she could tell he was telling the truth. It was a relief that Rebecca was safe and sound. Sonia worried about her safety because she served Carl. Fortunately, things were not as bad as she thought they would be.

He reconfirmed. "Is there anything else you would like to know, Sonny?"

She shook her head slowly. Now that he was no longer the old Carl, there was nothing to talk about between them.

"If that's the case, I shall take my leave. Let's not meet each other in the future." He wheeled around to wave his hand before he walked out of the door. NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

Then, Sonia flopped onto the chair with her glazed eyes staring at the door. Tears flooded her eyes once again.

His final words triggered the realization that she would never see Carl anymore; the boy whom she looked after like her brother was gone.

Covering her face, she wept in despair. Rita entered the room with documents and hurriedly set them

aside when she saw the crying woman. "President Reed, what's wrong?"

Sonia lifted her head to reveal her swollen eyes. Her voice went hoarse too. "I'm fine. Just… Someone dear to me is gone. So, I can't help it."

Sighing, Rita thought the person mentioned passed away. "I'm sorry for your loss, President Reed. Since you're close, I'm sure they wouldn't wish to see you crying. They wouldn't be able to go in peace. So, please take care of yourself. It'll be bad for your health if you keep this up."

"I know." Sonia wiped off her tears. "I just couldn't help the tears when I heard the news. Thank you."

"Not a problem." Rita pointed at the documents. "Here's the piled-up work during the holidays. You will have to sign them personally."

"Got it." Sonia finally regained a little of her composure, forcing a smile on her face.

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