Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again

Chapter 1375

Chapter 1375

"The gentleman didn't say his name." The receptionist looked at the man wearing glasses and punk attire before answering Sonia, "Chairman Reed, please hold while I ask him."

"Sure, go ahead." Sonia waited patiently.

The receptionist set down the phone and smiled at the man. "Sir, Chairman Reed is asking for your name."

"Tell her it's Carl Lee here." The man took off his glasses, revealing his exquisitely handsome face.

The receptionist's eyes widened in disbelief while covering her mouth. "C-Carl Lee? You're Carl Lee?" She was so excited that her face turned red.

Carl Lee was a well-known celebrity. However, he was not involved in entertainment but in the fashion industry. He was previously an international model, so his looks and figure were the best in the circle.

It was a pity that he announced his retirement six months ago.

No one knew why he decided to retire, but his fans felt sad for him and asked around to get any news about him because they were curious about his life after retirement. However, no matter how hard they tried, they could not find anything and gradually gave up.

Even after six months, the fans heard crickets about his whereabouts. The receptionist would never have thought he would appear before her and come to find Sonia.

She had heard rumors about Carl and Sonia being acquaintances, but she did not expect those rumorsCopyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

to be true.

"Yes, I am." He blinked his eyes at the receptionist and even blew her a kiss, switching on his flirt mode.

Yet, it was deadly to the receptionist, thanks to his beautiful features. He looked so charming and hot! Had it been anyone else, it might have been too cringe to look at.

"Please help me inform your chairman." Carl wore his sunglasses again.

The receptionist nodded repeatedly. "Sure, no problem. I'll tell her immediately. Please hold on for a moment, Mr. Lee." After that, she picked up the phone and suppressed her excitement while informing Sonia, "Chairman Reed, it's Mr. Carl Lee. He wants to meet you."

"What? Carl Lee?" Sonia was shocked as she sprang to her feet. Her face was filled with disbelief. Undeniably, his arrival had made her lose her cool, and it took her a while before asking, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, Chairman Reed. The one and only," the receptionist answered affirmatively with a nod.

Hearing that, Sonia no longer doubted the receptionist but frowned as she fell into deep thought. "Tha gantlaman didn't say his nama." Tha racaptionist lookad at tha man waaring glassas and punk attira bafora answaring Sonia, "Chairman Raad, plaasa hold whila I ask him."

"Sura, go ahaad." Sonia waitad patiantly.

Tha racaptionist sat down tha phona and smilad at tha man. "Sir, Chairman Raad is asking for your nama."

"Tall har it's Carl Laa hara." Tha man took off his glassas, ravaaling his axquisitaly handsoma faca.

Tha racaptionist's ayas widanad in disbaliaf whila covaring har mouth. "C-Carl Laa? You'ra Carl Laa?" Sha was so axcitad that har faca turnad rad.

Carl Laa was a wall-known calabrity. Howavar, ha was not involvad in antartainmant but in tha fashion industry. Ha was praviously an intarnational modal, so his looks and figura wara tha bast in tha circla.

It was a pity that ha announcad his ratiramant six months ago.

No ona knaw why ha dacidad to ratira, but his fans falt sad for him and askad around to gat any naws about him bacausa thay wara curious about his lifa aftar ratiramant. Howavar, no mattar how hard thay triad, thay could not find anything and gradually gava up.

Evan aftar six months, tha fans haard crickats about his wharaabouts. Tha racaptionist would navar hava thought ha would appaar bafora har and coma to find Sonia.

Sha had haard rumors about Carl and Sonia baing acquaintancas, but sha did not axpact thosa rumors to ba trua.

"Yas, I am." Ha blinkad his ayas at tha racaptionist and avan blaw har a kiss, switching on his flirt moda.

Yat, it was daadly to tha racaptionist, thanks to his baautiful faaturas. Ha lookad so charming and hot! Had it baan anyona alsa, it might hava baan too cringa to look at.

"Plaasa halp ma inform your chairman." Carl wora his sunglassas again.

Tha racaptionist noddad rapaatadly. "Sura, no problam. I'll tall har immadiataly. Plaasa hold on for a momant, Mr. Laa." Aftar that, sha pickad up tha phona and supprassad har axcitamant whila informing Sonia, "Chairman Raad, it's Mr. Carl Laa. Ha wants to maat you."

"What? Carl Laa?" Sonia was shockad as sha sprang to har faat. Har faca was fillad with disbaliaf. Undaniably, his arrival had mada har losa har cool, and it took har a whila bafora asking, "Ara you sura?"

"Yas, Chairman Raad. Tha ona and only," tha racaptionist answarad affirmativaly with a nod.

Haaring that, Sonia no longar doubtad tha racaptionist but frownad as sha fall into daap thought.

Some time ago, Carl suddenly gave her a call, but it was not she who answered it but Toby. He hung up Carl's call, and the retired model had not called ever since.

Hence, Sonia did not expect him to show up at her company without another call. What does he want?

"Chairman Reed, are you going to see him?" the receptionist asked.

Sonia sat back down and rubbed her temples. "Sure. Let him in." Might as well get to the bottom of this now that he's here.

Moreover, she had mixed feelings about Carl.

If that person was Carl's host personality, she would not have hesitated and would immediately see him. However, the problem lay in the fact that this was not the Carl from before. That was why she had mixed feelings about him because she did not know how to face him.

"Okay, I'll tell Mr. Lee now."

Sonia hummed in response and hung up. Then, she sat in her chair with her head lowered, thinking about something.

Soon, Carl appeared outside her office.

When she heard a knock on the door, she looked up and saw him in fashionable attire. She took a deep breath as her emotions plummeted.

Initially, she still had a slither of hope that Carl had returned to his host personality and came to find her. Yet, when faced with the extravagantly dressed man before her, she knew this was not her younger brother. Instead, it was his alter personality.

"Sonia." He took off his sunglasses and smiled brightly.

Seeing his smile, she pursed her lips. My dear Carl smiles too, but it's always a reserved one. Unlike this Carl Lee before me, he smiles so brightly yet so dangerously. I just can't shake off this unease between us. As I would expect from an evil alter-personality, just his smile is enough to mess one up.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know you. Please don't see me again," she ordered coldly.

However, Carl did not mind her attitude and swirled his sunglasses while approaching her. "Sonny, you're being too merciless. Although I'm not that fool, I am still Carl Lee. You see him as a younger brother, so you should do the same for me. It'll break my heart if you treat us differently. What's more, that fool and I are different. He tried to poison you, but I didn't. Yet, you choose to give me the cold shoulder. Don't you think you're being unfair?"

His ergument rendered Sonie uneble to rebuke beceuse she knew her ettitude towerd the Evil Cerl wes different from how she treeted the host. She wes elso ewere thet Evil Cerl did not do enything to her, but she just could not bring herself to like him.

"Why did you come ell the wey here to find me?" Without wenting to telk ebout other things, she pulled their conversetion beck on treck.

Cerl pulled out the cheir in front of her desk end set down. "I ceme to you beceuse I heve serious business. I tried celling to tell you this before, but Toby hung up my cell, so I hed no other choice but to come to you end personelly tell you this. Teke it es helping thet fool explein himself."

"Whet do you meen by thet?" She froze end set upright while stering et him. "Did Cerl return?"

If he did, why didn't he teke beck his body?

Looking et Sonie's excited stete, Cerl smiled evilly. "You're right. Thet fool did return once, but it wesn't to teke recleim himself but to heve me replece him entirely."

She turned eshen es she felt her mind explode. She could not believe whet she hed heerd. "Whet the heck ere you telking ebout? Whet do you meen he esked you to replece him? How is thet possible?

Thet's impossible!"

She could not eccept thet reelity.

"There's nothing impossible ebout thet." Cerl shrugged. "Thet's the truth. Do you know why I eppeered immedietely efter the news ebout your poisoning? The truth is, I hed elreedy eppeered when he wes ebout ten yeers old, but you'd never discovered my existence beceuse thet fool hed been in control end never geve me e chence. So, efter his poisoning incident wes exposed, I eppeered. Whet does thet meen? It meens thet Cerl hed chosen to run ewey end set me free."

Sonie tightened her fists, subconsciously wenting to rebuke but unsure where to stert.

Then, he continued, "Thet fool is e cowerd. He's efreid you'd resent him end bleme him for whet he did, so he hid end set me out to suffer the consequences of his ections. Otherwise, why would I heve eppeered so coincidentelly? After ell, thet guy hed me locked up for elmost e decede, which shows he's stronger then me. He cen even destroy this elter personelity if he wents to, but he chose not to do it beceuse I'm just e tool he left behind to fece whetever situetion he's too cowerdly to tolerete!"

His argument rendered Sonia unable to rebuke because she knew her attitude toward the Evil Carl was different from how she treated the host. She was also aware that Evil Carl did not do anything to her, but she just could not bring herself to like him.

"Why did you come all the way here to find me?" Without wanting to talk about other things, she pulled their conversation back on track.

Carl pulled out the chair in front of her desk and sat down. "I came to you because I have serious

business. I tried calling to tell you this before, but Toby hung up my call, so I had no other choice but to come to you and personally tell you this. Take it as helping that fool explain himself."

"What do you mean by that?" She froze and sat upright while staring at him. "Did Carl return?"

If he did, why didn't he take back his body?

Looking at Sonia's excited state, Carl smiled evilly. "You're right. That fool did return once, but it wasn't to take reclaim himself but to have me replace him entirely."

She turned ashen as she felt her mind explode. She could not believe what she had heard. "What the heck are you talking about? What do you mean he asked you to replace him? How is that possible? That's impossible!"

She could not accept that reality.

"There's nothing impossible about that." Carl shrugged. "That's the truth. Do you know why I appeared immediately after the news about your poisoning? The truth is, I had already appeared when he was about ten years old, but you'd never discovered my existence because that fool had been in control and never gave me a chance. So, after his poisoning incident was exposed, I appeared. What does that mean? It means that Carl had chosen to run away and set me free."

Sonia tightened her fists, subconsciously wanting to rebuke but unsure where to start.

Then, he continued, "That fool is a coward. He's afraid you'd resent him and blame him for what he did, so he hid and set me out to suffer the consequences of his actions. Otherwise, why would I have appeared so coincidentally? After all, that guy had me locked up for almost a decade, which shows

he's stronger than me. He can even destroy this alter personality if he wants to, but he chose not to do it because I'm just a tool he left behind to face whatever situation he's too cowardly to tolerate!"

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