A Night With The King

Chapter 76

“I can actually walk on my own and I am not in pain,”

She said in protest.


He responded and walked to the bed with her in his arms. He dropped her on the bed and got in next to her. She got out of bed immediately after he got in.

“I got to shower,”

She told him and walked towards his restroom, at least she didn’t try to go back to the emerald house.

“Can I join you?”

He called after her.


She replied firmly. He smiled and let her do her thing. He freshened up too after she was done and before long, they were back together in bed.

“So? What happened? Are we going to be on the news?”

She asked as they laid on the bed.

“Not really, Patrick will fix everything, don’t worry about it,”

He said. he was sure Patrick would make sure none of the photos taken earlier would be published. The press would only be getting a statement and that’s it. Even if someone ends up uploading photos, they will be taken down before they go viral, he had people for those kinds of things so he wasn’t worried. Not like it would have bothered him if their photos were everywhere but it was Sophie, she wasn’t ready for that kind of exposure.

“I am happy to hear that, I really do not want you to go through any kind of backlash because of what happened today,”

She commented. She was worried about him.

“There is nothing like backslash, the only people I need to deal with are the elders and I have chosen to not speak to them if they call for me because I don’t want to hear about no tradition right now,”

He said and reached out for her.

“You know what they say is the truth right? These rules are there for a reason,”

“The so-called rules aren’t written anywhere, the elders made those things up just so that they can get the kings to marry and be with people they choose. I am not going to let that happen, Sophie, I am going to keep you with me, rules or no rules, laws or no laws,”

He stated firmly.

“You are going to marry me?”

She asked and he nodded.


He responded. He didn’t know how he was going to make that happen yet but he would find a way.

“You know that’s not going to happen right? We are not fit, I don’t fit into any of the royalty requirements; the elders are never going to let you do something like that and They have the right to, it is tradition,”

She reminded him what he already knew. The thing is, he wasn’t going to let some unwritten rules stop him from being with Sophie. He already told Patrick and he had every intention of sticking to his words, he wasn’t going to give up Sophie just because of some unwritten laws.

“I am going to keep you with me, Sophie, you make me feel complete, I am at peace when I am with you, I don’t want to lose that,”

He told her his truth. She stared at him wordlessly.

“Don’t look so surprised. I mean, I even went to you in the dungeon, that should say something about how much hold you have on me even before we became a couple,”

he reminded her. Thinking about it now, he has always been drawn to her, he just didn’t admit it to himself.

“You are going to get us in trouble, aren’t you?”

She asked and yawned. She must still be very tired from all the events that happened today, he should let her get some sleep.

“We will talk about it some other time, you need to get some sleep, you look tired,”

He said and pulled her closer to him, patting her shoulders softly. He expected her to protest but she didn’t, instead, she snuggled closer to him.

“Thank you for being there for me today,”

She voiced.

“Always, baby, now go back to sleep,”

He whispered to her and she snuggled even closer to him.


She muttered and he kissed her hair.

“Good night,”

He responded and closed his eyes. Whatever happens, whatever it was that he felt for her, he just wanted to keep her close like this for a long time and he would find a way to make it so.

He woke up the next morning to Sophie watching him with a look that he had seen her give him multiple times but this time, it was a lot more intense, he has told himself times without numbers not to read too much into that look but right now, he couldn’t care less. She looked at him like he was the best person in the world, like he was the only person she sees.

“Good morning, my king,”

She greeted when she realized he was watching her too, she shyly averted her eyes. He smiled at her, happy to see that she was okay.

“Good morning my queen,”

He said in response and her eyes flew open, she stared at him with disapproving eyes.

“Don’t call me that even as a joke, I don’t like it, it puts ideas in my head that aren’t good for me,”

She scolded. Not like he was joking.

“What if I wasn’t joking?”

“Still don’t, okay?”

She asked in all seriousness. He reluctantly agreed because he didn’t want that to cause a riff between them so early in the morning.

“Soph, how are you feeling?”

He asked.

“I am good, thank you for yesterday, I don’t know what I would have done if you had not shown up when you did,”

She said. she must have been reminiscing about what happened because she looked so scared. He held her hand.

“I am glad I did too, I have Patrick to thank because he was the one who said I should come back and talk to you about our disagreement that morning,”

“Wow, never expected that man to be on my side, he acts like he hates me or something,”

She commented.

“Patrick doesn’t hate you, he is just very strict and hates when people break the rules like I always do, he always tries to make sure I don’t do the things my way because he believes most of my ways are not it, aside from being so bossy, he is actually a great friend, you know he is my best friend right? Used to be my only friend too but now the princess is my friend too,”

He told her. He didn’t want to keep his friendship with the princess from her given their history.

“You are friends with the princess?”

She asked.


“I can’t believe she forgave you for ditching her,”

She was brutal with her words.

“She didn’t like me too, she knew we weren’t compatible too and even saw through me before I did, in the end, I didn’t want to be with her because I wanted to be with you, Sophie, only you,”

He gabbed. She only stared at him wordlessly, she didn’t need to say anything because she had her heart out in her eyes, she felt what he did too but was scared to admit it. Maybe he was scared too.


He whispered.

“No, don’t, we can’t Lance, don’t please, we are never going to be together for long, you should remember that, you told me yourself not to ask for more,”

She reminded him. It felt like a long time ago when he told her that he couldn’t give her more, now, things were different. He wanted to give her everything if she let him.

“I am going to find a way to keep us together, bend the rules if I have to,”

He promised.

“The elders are going to come for you, you know that right? How am I the only one speaking about this? Shouldn’t you be the one to tell me to not cross the line or something? Why are you the one trying to cross the line, Lance? It is not fair,”

Sophie said. she looked concerned and he understood her but he wished she would have some faith in him.

“How is it unfair that I want to be with you? Are we going to fight about this too?”

Lance asked. He was offended that not even she was on his side. She should be on his side, he already knew they had a lot holding them back, and he didn’t need her to rob it in even more.

“I do not want us to fight about it, I just don’t want you to have issues with the elders or your people because of me,”

She said and rested her head on his chest. He felt himself calm down with the simple gesture from her.

“I am not going to have issues with anyone, I am simply going to find a way to keep my woman with me,”NôvelDrama.Org content.

He promised and left no room for argument. He was going to find a way, if he required him to change and make new rules, he would do that because he couldn’t picture a life with someone who was not Sophie. She was it for him.

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