A Night With The King

Chapter 75

Lance already knew he was going to get an earful from Patrick before he even opened the door to his office. He touched his ears with both hands like a kid ready to face his dad after doing something wrong, the crazy man can be scary sometimes. Once he opened the door, the first thing that greeted him was a dead glare.

“Look who finally showed up,”

Patrick said as he got up and clapped.

“Why are you acting like I did something wrong?”

He asked and went to take his seat, he was so tired. He imagined and more tried Sophie would be, she was the one who went through all the emotional stress.

“You didn’t do anything wrong?”

“No, I didn’t, I took my woman to the hospital as she was doing fine. How is that doing something wrong,”

He asked.

“Right, I wish that was all you did, I gave a simple and clear instruction and you just had to do what you wanted at the moment without thinking, I am sure if you listened to me, your woman would still have gotten the medical aid that she needed. I made the mistake of letting you in that car,”

Patrick lamented.

“Patrick, you already knew what I would do in a situation like that, stop acting like it is something new, I don’t care what happened, I did what I did and there is nothing wrong with that, finish your long talk because I have to go back to Sophie, I only came because I know you will have a lot to say and letting wait till tomorrow will make it worse,”

Lance said unapologetically. He watched Patrick lose his mind in real-time, if he wasn’t so drained, he would have laughed at his best friend.

“Oh God, for fuck, sake! What were you thinking? God, I wish you had let the guards be the ones to take her in, we would have avoided a lot of troubles, now we have to deal with the press because the people will want to know who their king’s woman is because you were supposed to be married to someone else and now you are out with another woman. The elders too, aha,”

Patrick let out. The man was stressing himself over what happened a little too much.

“It is my private life, I don’t have to answer to the press,”

Lance told him.

“Are you for real right now or are you kidding me? Lancelot, you are the king, not some celebrity that can pull the it is my private life line, you are the king, the people want to know who you are with, they need to know if she is worthy of being the queen, you can’t just it is my private life your way out of this,”

Patrick pointed out. he was telling the truth but Lance didn’t want to answer to anyone right now.

“You can just tell them that when I am ready, I will introduce her to the public, right now isn’t a good time,”

He said. Patrick looked at him wordlessly for a moment.

“Okay, let’s say I tell the press that and they take it, what about the elders? What are you going to tell the elders? Did you even think about all these at all? Because if you had listened, Sophie would have gotten the care she wanted and the fact that you both are together would have remained within the palace and we would not be dealing with this right now,”

Patrick let out.

“Patrick, I didn’t have time to think of how it would all look like, Sophie was hurt and scared and I couldn’t let her go on her own knowing how scared she had been, if the elders want to speak to me, put then on the phone, I will talk to them, no; actually, I don’t want to speak with them. I didn’t select their spouse for them and I won’t have them try to decide for me,”

He concluded. Patrick just stood there staring at him and visibly disappointed but that wasn’t going to make Lance go back on his words, he didn’t have to explain his relation to anyone, he never asked them to do the same so why would anyone expect him to always comment on things concerning his?

“You know, before Sophie, I used to think you were hard to handle, now you have her and you are ready to break all the rules for her, I won’t be surprised if one day you wake up and decide to make her queen, in fact, color me a clown if that doesn’t happen, I have lost sleep thinking about what kind of troubles that will bring, see,”

He said, showing him his hair.

“I am starting to lose my hair and I am not even forty yet, that’s because I am always pulling at my hair, not just hair, I am losing brain cells too, Lancelot, and you are to blame,”

Patrick pointed at him.

“You can’t blame me for that, I mean, I know I am a handful sometimes but you always tend to take things a little too far, like right now, there is absolutely no reason for you to be so worked up, you can give a no comment to the press and let them speculate, and to the elders, you can tell them I said I will talk to them when I can, and they won’t eat you up or something, you don’t even have to speak to them face to face, just send them the message or send someone to deliver what I said, it is as easy as that,”

Lance commented. He would rather be with Sophie right now, she was still too shaken to be left on her own for long.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“You make it sound so easy, you know what, I am just going to go by what you said and tell the press you will introduce her once it is time, as for the elders, if they come for me, I will direct them to you, your relationship is not part of my job description anymore and as your best friend, I am saying go or it, bye,”

Patrick said and walked away from the office. Lance didn’t expect to get his support but he was glad that his friend was on his side even though he knew the crazy man would probably switch up again. He turned around and walked out of the office.

“I don’t need anyone around me, I am not unsafe here,”

He said to the guards who followed him when he left his office. He walked to the kitchen, met with the cooks, and requested that they give him some soup for dinner. He waited in the kitchen till the soup was ready. He knew they were all anxious with him in the kitchen with them but he didn’t care much and he told them to act as if he wasn’t there.

“Thank you,”

He said when they handed him the soup and some freshly cooked rice. He walked out of the kitchen with the food in hand and was stopped multiple times by guards trying to carry it from him. He gave them dead glares and told everyone to back off, he finally got to his chamber, let out a sigh of relief and set the food he brought on the table in his room. He looked towards his bed, expecting to see Sophie there but she wasn’t.

“Did she go there?”

He asked, listening for a sound but there was nothing. He walked around his huge room to make sure. “Sophie? Where are you?”

Lance asked. He got déjà vu and for a moment he was scared until he saw her lying on the couch, she was sleeping. He walked to where she was and squatted in front of her, he stared at her beautiful face. She looked peaceful sleeping like that. He lifted his hand to her face and pushed away the hair that settled there. She leaned into his touch. Yeah, she was all that mattered, he didn’t care what anyone else said, he wanted to be with her and he was going to be with her.

“Let’s get you to bed baby,”

He said and lifted her into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

“You look so tired, how did your meeting go?”

She asked, opening her eyes, instead of taking her to bed, he walked with her to the table where he set the food that he brought for her and dropped her on the chair.

“Patrick, and told me off a lot, finally approved of our relationship as my best friend but he still doesn’t as my special advisor, I will tell you about it after you finish eating,”

He told her as he gave her a spoon.

“The soup will help a lot, I brought rice too, just in case you want some,”

he added. She smiled and ate out of the food. Not much but enough so that she wasn’t starving, he then gave her the drugs as the doctor had said.

“Thank you,”

She said after she was done and he took the dishes out for the guard close by to take back to the kitchen, he came back into the room and carried her into his arms again.

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