You’re Mine

Chapter 127

Chapter 127

Chapter 127

Harper Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

"Oh my God, I cannot wait until finals are over,”

Sadie says to me as we make our way down the hall at school. "Same,’ I agree, completely distracted as I look for Easton.

He texted me only a few minutes ago saying he didn't wake up with his alarm and now he's running late.

I know that's because we were studying last night at the library, trying to prepare for our history final.

It was the only place I could get my parents to let me go.

They believed I was studying with Sadie, which at first, I was. Sadie and Ryan were there with us, but they eventually took off. Leaving Easton and I alone. We tried to study, we really did.

But we ended up getting distracted. Too much smiling at each other. Hands bumping, fingers tangling.Kissing.

Lots and lots of kissing... ".and on top of everything else I've got going on, my cramps are freaking awful today. Like, the worst. I'm gonna need to mainline some Midol to make it through,’ Sadie says, just before she starts to laugh.

"I mentioned to Ryan how orgasms help ease cramps but he says he doesn't want to bathe his dick in the Red Sea.”

“Oh my God, TMI, my friend,”

I practically groan, shoving her shoulder. The last thing I want to hear about is my brother having sex with my best friend when she's on her— Yeah. Can't even finish the thought. Sadie's laughter grows as she nearly goes toppling over. "Sorry. Couldn't resist."

Her gaze snags on the girls’ bathroom door up ahead. "Speaking of cramps, let's make a stop in the bathroom real quick before class starts."


“Have you started yet?"

Sadie asks me. "You usually do before me.”

"No.... haven't.”

I frown as I follow her into the bathroom, mentally calculating the last time I had my period. Last month like usual. I open my phone—got that back from my mom yesterday thank God—and check my period app to see that I should most definitely be on it right now. So why am I not?

“What the hell—”

I run right into the back of Sadie, who's come to a complete stop in the middle of the bathroom. “What's wrong?"

I ask, completely distracted as I stare at my phone screen. A text comes through from my boyfriend.

Easton: Hey just got here. Where are you?

Me: In the bathroom. Will come see you in a sec. “Look at the mirror, Harper. Just—holy shit! I'm gonna go off and kill a blonde bitch right now, I swear to God! You know Aisha is behind this."

Sadie points at the mirror above the sinks and I glance up, staring at it, not comprehending at first. Until the letters come into focus and I read the words spray painted big and bold across the glass. Harper loves to suck big dick! “Oooh, I need to document this."

Sadie's phone is out and she's taking endless photos from every angle possible while I just stand there, too shocked to move. "We need to report this Harp. Now.”

A toilet flushes and both our heads whip in the direction of the closed stall door. I thought we were alone in here. Sadie sends me a look, her eyes wide. I can only shrug in return. Whos in here with us?

The stall door suddenly smacks open and out walks... Julia.

With a giant smirk on her face. We're silent as she walks to the sink and turns on the water, dumping a bunch of soap in her hands before she starts washing them vigorously.

Her gaze meets ours in the mirror, right below the spray painted message.

"Why are people always talking mad shit about you, hmmm, Harper?"

she asks me, her expression one of pure innocence. "I don't get it."

“Who did this?"

Sadie marches right up to her, her entire body tense. "Did Aisha put you up to this?”

Julia calmly turns off the water and pulls a couple of paper towels from the dispenser, wiping her hands before tossing the crumpled paper in the trash. "Are you accusing me of writing that?”

She points at the words written on the mirror. "Fucking DUH, bitch.”

Sadie takes a step closer, practically getting in Julia's face. "Who did this?"

“It wasn't me,”

Julia says, her voice firm. “Then it was Aisha.”

"She's not even here.”

Julia crosses her arms in front of her chest. "She's sick today."

Sadie takes a step back, her confused gaze going to mine. "L call bullshit,”

I say, finally coming to life. I can't let Sadie fight all of my battles. “It's finals week. She wouldn't miss school."

“She's got like, mono or something. I don't know. But she's really sick. She'll have to take her finals after winter break."

Julia sends us both a withering stare. "Not that it's any of your goddamn business.”

“Who else would do this then?"

Sadie throws her hands up in the air, clearly frustrated. "No one else has the motive. Just Aisha. Or you."

“You really think all the girls in this school are thrilled for Harper that she snagged the hottest guy on campus?

The unattainable Easton?


Julia rolls her eyes.

"There are girls who would probably kill for a chance at him. You're lucky all they're doing is writing crude messages about you on bathroom mirrors."

And with that last statement, Julia walks out of the bathroom, never once looking back. Sadie growls the moment she's gone. "She's so annoying.”

I grab a bunch of paper towels and run water over them in the sink before I start scrubbing at the mirror. “Let's get rid of this."

Sadie tries to stop me. "Don't do that. It's evidence."

“Evidence of what?

That people hate me because I'm dating Easton?

I don't need the reminder.”

Turns out it wasn't spray paint but the washable stuff the cheer team always uses. It comes off pretty easy and I keep up the task. Eventually, Sadie joins me, her expression like stone. She's mad.

Well guess what?

I'm mad too. But I don't know what to do about it.

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