Wolf’s Bane


“Ugh, what just happened… Damn, fell asleep when I should have been fixing my stuff…”

Eron wasn’t at all happy when he woke up and it’s not just that he lost precious time because he slept. To his horror, he realized that the mess he made with his “release” had now steeped into the blanket, the bed sheet, and his jeans.

It had even dried into hardened patches here and there.

“Shit, I would need to wash this off myself. No way am I letting Diwana or any of the kids see this in the laundry.”

He stood up from the bed and started to get naked, deciding that he should take a bath first to clean himself up and clear his head. However, as he slowly moved towards his private bathroom, he suddenly had an idea…

“Hell yeah, that could work! Two birds with one stone…”This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

He then picked up his soiled clothes and dumped them in the shower stall. Running back to the bed stark naked, he stripped the bed sheets and blanket off the mattress, rolled them up together and threw them on top of his pants.

As a finishing touch to his plan, he rummaged through his campsite things – which were still a cluttered mess in one corner of the room – and found a travel soap along with some shampoo sachets from one of the many roadside motels that he stayed in on his way to the village.

“Yeah, I think this might work.”

Armed with one of the clean towels left by the girls on top of a tall antique dresser earlier that day, Eron then went into the glass-lined stall and turned the shower on, not bothering with heating. He let the cold water flow down his body, which ended up being absorbed by the linen under his heels. As the water slightly pooled below, he then started to shampoo his hair.

Then he started to stomp on the clothes and bed linen with his feet.

He then continued to soap his well-defined abs and muscular chest, letting the water rinse the suds off him and onto the blanket, bed sheet, and pants below.

“Haha, it IS working. Congrats to me, for being such a genius,” Eron said to himself as he continued to lather up the soap that he had just used all over his tanned, hairy and sinewy body.

“I’ll have to hang these things up to dry somewhere. I believe there are a couple of clotheslines at the side of the house. Need to be careful though that no one sees me hanging these up in the middle of the night or I might have some explaining to do. Good thing that everyone is sure to be asleep now.”

Just at that moment, he suddenly caught the scent of something he didn’t expect. He’s not even really sure of it, since he did just finish himself off because of a certain woman taking a bath in the shower just opposite his.

However, what he was smelling underneath the mild soap and shampoo scent was very real to his mind.

“Is that… her cum? What the… It can’t be…”

Then, at the same moment, he had another surprising revelation even while he was still wet and slippery…

His room and hers were identical.

In size… the position of the beds… the number of windows… the furnishings of the bathroom…

When he entered her room a while back to get his first rental receipt from her, he was able to see her bedroom’s size and layout then. He was able to see everything…

Well, not really everything…

But he did see that her bathroom’s placement was just parallel to his, with just the bedroom wall between them. And based on what he sensed a while back, his bathroom was the photo-negative of hers.

The old claw foot bathtub in the other corner… the john near the door… The antique copper sink and tiled vanity lining one wall…

And her shower was just right in front of his…

Yin and yang…

This made absolute sense when you consider that this layout would make it easier to install plumbing and drainage if you placed bathrooms opposite each other when on the same floor. The same principle applied when they were placed one on top of the other when on separate floors.

He would know since he was a natural tinkerer.

And what he was smelling was coming from the drainage of his shower room, which was basically connected to hers.

“She masturbated while she was showering? It would make sense but…” he muttered, then shook his head spraying the booth’s wall with shower water. “Eron, stop it! It’s normal that she would… After all, she had lost her husband and must be very hard for her to… OK, stop thinking that it’s all about you… It’s not, you jerk and you’re so full of yourself to even think that. JUST. STOP. IT!”

Hurriedly, he continued his ‘foot laundering’ and finished his bath. Stepping out of the glass cubicle, he toweled himself off, wrapped the slightly wet towel around his waist then started twisting the linens in the shower room to remove their excess water.

After checking everything to make sure that the hardened patches were gone, he gave everything a last strong wringing then rolled them tightly to make them easier to carry.

“Have to make sure that everybody is asleep first before I go out to the yard. Now do I dress up or just go like this?”

He decided to just tighten the towel around his waist and then just step out of his room as is. Of course, he did sniff the air from behind his door before he peeked into the corridor.

The coast is clear…

Stepping into the large hallway, he used his enhanced hearing along with his sharp sense of smell to find the kids’ current locations. The girls’ soft breathing he could hear from their bedroom while Macky’s snoring could also be heard coming from another room next to his sisters’.

And his sense of smell confirmed all this but then he realized he couldn’t hear Diwana…

“Maaaan, she’s not in her room. I was so engrossed in smelling her heat in the bathroom that I didn’t even notice it. Geez Eron, priorities! How the hell can you be her protector when you can’t even tell if she’s safe in her bedroom or not? You’re useless, you know that?”

Even while The Charmer was angrily berating himself, he was already creeping towards the stairs, his muscled thighs bulging to make sure he was tiptoeing quietly. That’s when he suddenly heard the sharp sound of hot bubbling canola oil and the smell of frying meat.

“Cooking? At this hour? Well, at least she’s safe inside the house. And she better not see me right now… Not like this…”

He moved back into his room in a blur, expertly using his wolfspeed silently and stealthily. It took him just a minute to dress up in a black wife beater and his favorite dark blue running shorts since he never did use underwear. He didn’t even bother putting on shoes this time since it wasn’t needed.

Speaking of dressing up, our male protagonist was so focused on trying to hide from Diwana, while putting on clothes to go out, that he didn’t realize he had left something lying on the hallway.

His towel…

Still unaware of his “loss”, Eron decided to use one of the large and long glazed glass windows in his room as a means to exit the house to avoid being detected.

Upon standing on the window’s ledge, the three wet rolls of freshly washed items under his arm, he stealthily leapt from the second floor and smoothly landed on the ground, superhero style. The grass and soil easily muffled his descent and the clotheslines were now just a few feet away from him, too.

“Bingo!” he muttered as he rushed towards the tight and taut nylon lines hanging high above the ground. “Oh, and they even have clothespins here on the lines. Nice! Better make this quick…”

He was already hanging the last of his laundered things – which were his pants – when he heard movement from the backdoor. Knowing who was the only other person that was still awake at that time, and suddenly realizing that she might possibly see him if she stepped onto the patio that circled the house, he finished his task quickly.

Then jumped up high with a mighty leap so he could get back to his window’s ledge while avoiding the first-floor ledge altogether…

It only took him a few seconds to find a new set of bed covers and blankets in the same dresser drawer, fix up his bed, wash his feet in the bathroom, go naked – since he slept in the nude – and finally rest.

Not sleeping yet, though…

He wanted to be sure that Diwana would be back in her bedroom by the time he got some shut-eye.

Willing all his senses to be on maximum level, he focused his attention on the corridor outside his room and on her bedroom. Soon enough, he heard her going up the stairs, pausing midway to her room in the hallway, then walking to her door.

Within a few minutes, he could hear her soft and slow breathing showing him that she was finally asleep.

He then allowed himself to fall into a deep slumber, unaware of two incidents that had just happened outside his room…

First: Diwana was indeed asleep on her bed but she was hugging a slightly wet bath towel. Obviously, she dozed into dreamland with the fantasy of how that towel got lost in the hallway and wanted to be there when it happened.

Second: There was someone who did see the former assassin exiting the house and hanging his laundry up and this mystery man had taken pictures silently in the dark. Too bad for him, there was not enough light for his mobile camera to work, since he didn’t dare use a flash at that time.

But he was definitely sure of what he saw, and his suspicions were now being proven to be true.

He just needed to find and record more proof…

And he intended to do that as soon as possible.

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