Wild Epic Desires

Pizza delivery 2

Pizza delivery 2

Ruth forced herself to walk out of the door. She got to the door and the door opened. She knew she will not come inside again if she stepped out and she won't be able to get what she want.

She turned only to find Kennedy behind her. She froze immediately.

"I'm waiting for you. I have somewhere to go." Kennedy said with a sweet calm voice.

Ruth summoned the courage to look at him and said, "Thank you Mr. Kennedy."

Kennedy could notice something in her eyes and voice. And as she turned to leave, her wrist blushed against his groin in a way that could be seen as an accident. She felt his dick and a flow of blood rushed down her crotch. She took a step and stop.

"Miss." Kennedy said.

"Ruth." She replied.

"Miss Ruth, I think you should hold on a moment." He said and Ruth turned to face him. He smiled at her and stared at the open door before he pressed a red button and the door closed and locked up.

"Now that the door is close. Tell me, is there something else you need?" He asked with a smirk.

At that moment, Ruth was already wet. Kennedy leaned close to her, so close that they were inches away from each other. Ruth heart started racing more, beating so hard as if it was trying to jump out of her heart. She felt a ripple of excitement she hadn't felt for a very long time. She could barely breathe well.

"Sir." She asked which sounded like a whisper.

"I guess you want something else before you leave. But, if you want to go without having it, I can still open the door for you. You are free to leave," He said with a deep quiet voice. "Do you really want to do? I will press the green button and you will leave."

"No, I don't want to leave now." Ruth replied.

"That's nice. Without wasting much of my time. why don't you tell me what you want?" He asked and Ruth swallowed. She could feel herself blushing hard. Kennedy could smell her scent already. She had soaked her pantie.

"I.." Ruth couldn't say anything.

"You are wasting my time, Miss Ruth." He said. "I want to hear you ask for it."

Ruth tried to control herself and changed her mind but she couldn't. It was too much for her to endure. She wanted him to touch her. She wanted to feel his strong arm around her. She was horny and hungry to have as

taste of what he had between his leg which she assumed would be long and thick.

"I want to be naked for you." She said, her voice was shaking and her legs was trembling. Her voice was sounding barely above a whisper. She was shy to say that but she couldn't avoid it.

"I guess it will be better to say, 'I want to be naked for you, sir." Kennedy said with a sudden stern calmness in his voice.

"I want to be naked for you sir." Ruth repeated shamelessly and just then Kennedy's phone rang.

Mike checked his phone and it was Lucy.

"Sir, your meeting with Sylvester is in ten minutes. He is waiting in the foyer." Lucy said.

"Tell him that I'm dealing with a personal emergency, something that is very important and I may be a little bit rate" As he talk on phone, he mouthed to Ruth, "Go on"

"Its alright Mr. Kennedy. I will offer him a drink while he wait for you." Lucy said through the phone and he smiled at Ruth as she started undoing her buttons from up to down with a trembling hand. She knew its humiliating but she couldn't stop.

"Don't give him alcohol, he may get drunk because it seems I will take much time." Kennedy said, watching Ruth as she was slowly undressing herself, "Give him tea, brandy or coffee."

Ruth undid the last button and removed it. Now she was standing with her pink bra which barely covered her breast.

Without further instruction, she zipped down the side of her skirt and left it to fell on the floor and she stepped out of it. Now she was standing naked only on her undies.

At that moment, she could see Kennedy's bulge hardening, building an obvious tent. He walked towards her and lifted her chin up with his fingers. He looked deep into her eyes. She was looking at his neck instead of his eyes.

He leaned forward and kisses her on the lips. Ruth responded immediately and sucked on his lips. He kissed her deep, and moved his left hand to her ass while the other hand was busy smooching her breast through the bra.

Ruth proceed to unhook her bra while their lips were locked. She removed her hand from the strap and let it fall off. Kennedy grabbed her breast and fondled it. His other hand was still smooching her ass. He fondled her breast roughly and twisted her nipple until she broke up the kiss to catch some air. He raised her chin again. He can see the lust in her eyes.

"What did you want now?

"I....I want... I." Ruth stammered , "I want you to fuck me. Bend me over your desk and fuck me."

"Gosh! I love the way you say it. You look so sexy and beautiful." He said, smooching Ruth's body with his smooth hands. She could feel the coldness of his silver watchband grazing and rubbing her ass cheek where her pants did not cover as his hand trailed down to grab her full ass.

With his hand on her ass, he pulled her closer to her, closing the small gap between them. She could feel his hardness though his trouser.

Ruth couldRuth was in her room, removing her clothes to take her bath. Suddenly, an incoming call popped up from her phone. It was Sandra. They were workingworking in the same restaurant, just that they have different days and today, Ruth was off.

" Ruth, please I need your help." Sandra said over the phone. NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

"Help in what?" Ruth asked, thinking it might be a personal thing.

"I want you to come to workshop. I have much delivery, 231 pies of pizza . I need you to deliver 50 pies to my kennedy at Zagon company on 17th floor."

"You know today is my off day." Ruth reminded her. She doesn't need anything that will stress her. She just need to take her bath and rest.

"I will give you 50 bucks for it." She said and Ruth started to rethink on the offer.

"I'm sure they are going to tip you as well." Sandra added.

"I'm coming right away." Ruth said quickly and cut the call. She took her bath, and wore one of her good clothes. She have never made delivery at zagon's company.

She applied some light makeup and zoom off. She received the package from Sandra and that was how Ruth found herself in an elevator, trailing up to the 17th floor, carrying ten stacks of pizza.

The elevator opened at the 17th floor and she stepped out into a hall way. The walls were decorated with live marine wallpaper. She did not even know the particular office to deliver the package.

As she was walking, she looked up to a door written "Zagon consultant" and knocked on the door. The door opened immediately and she stepped in. One of the three ladies sitting at every corner stood up and took the package from her.

" Mr. Kennedy would have signed but I will sign on his behalf." The lady said and signed the delivery receipt.

She was expecting a tip from the lady but was disappointed. she wanted to ask her but changed her mind. She don' t want to be seen like a begger.

As she was about to turn and leave, she nearly collided with a man.

"Sorry sir, sorry sir." She mumbled in fear and the man stared at her. He was wearing a black suit . A very handsome guy, tall and muscular.

His eyes flashed to the package before glancing at Ruth.

"Are you from Sundry foods?" The man asked and Ruth could feel herself blushing.

"Yes, that's me." Ruth replied, keeping her head down. She could not look up to the man's face. She was busy glancing at the tile .

"Can I see that receipt?" The man requested and she handed it over to him with the tiny tip.

The man frowned as he read through the receipt and asked her, "Who signed it?"

"It's me sir." The lady that signed it signified and walked up to where they were standing.

"How will you feel if you are sent to deliver this big stacks of pizza to a company like this, only to get no tip?" The man asked the lady.

" I'm sorry sir," The lady replied and ducked away.

The man smiled at Ruth and said, "I'm Kennedy. Come with me let me give you some bucks"

Ruth couldn't control herself. She followed him and as they got to the door, it opened by itself.

The first thing Ruth noticed was the wall. It was as if she was in another world. She walked up to the window. The only window at the four corners of his office. She could see the whole down and uptown of the big city and far off in the distance, the amazing glittering pacific. She was delighted and felt astonished as she suppressed a gasp.

"It's a great view from that side," said Kennedy, "Take your time to look if you want."

She walked closer to the window, careful not to smudge it. The view was amazing and breathtaking. Kennedy swept past her and sat down on his office seat and she caught a whiff of his perfume. There was no doubt that the perfume would cost a thousands bucks. Just like everything in his office, Kennedy looked sounded, even his smile was very expensive.

She heard kennedy sighed and she twirled her head towards him. He was trying to get something through his drawer. It seemed he couldn't find what he was looking for as he kept checking his drawers. Ruth was busy, staring at him.

She doesn't know if she was looking and waiting to receive the check or staring lustily at Kennedy.

"I cannot see my check book. It seems I left it at home." He mumbled and took his office telephone and half yelled ,"Lucy!"

"Sir." Said a feminine shaky voice on the other side of the telephone.

"Bring a fresh check book in my office now!." Kennedy said in a commanding voice.

"Right away, sir." The voice replied and Ruth could hear a sound clattering through the phone as Kennedy kept scanning his desk and surroundings.

"Lucy!" Kennedy said.

"Yes, My. Kennedy?"

"What are you waiting for before you hang up the phone?"

"Sorry sir." She replied and hang up immediately.

Kennedy dropped the phone and walked up to Ruth's side and took a quick gaze out the window. Ruth didn't dare look at him.

"I'm sorry for wasting your time. I hope they won' t be waiting for you." Kennedy asked.

"No, don't worry about that. I'm actually off today," She replied, looking at the buildings and busy roads. "I just helped my colleague to deliver the pizza. I will be going home from here." Ruth explained even when she doesn't need to.

"That's nice." Kennedy said as he stood some inches away from Ruth. She glanced over to him and saw him smiling while looking out the window. She could clearly see how handsome and manly he look.

He look so handsome but not to compare to Mike. Moments later, she realized that her palms were sweating. She could feel her body reacting. She tried to think of something to say to start up a conversation.

"This painting is so beautiful, Just like Josephine hopper amazing paintings." Ruth said,looking at the picture at the other side of the wall.

"Yeah, you are correct. It's one of her painting." He replied immediately and she looked at him and he looked back at her and let out a cute smile.

"I like all the decorations in your office." Ruth commented.

" Sure?" Kennedy asked.

"Yeah," She smiled at him.

"I like the fact that you like it." He replied and left his palm dropped on her bare shoulder. At that moment, she felt goose bumps rising on her arm and her heart started racing.

Just then, the door opened and Lucy walked in with the check book.

"You can drop it on the table." Kennedy said and took some steps to his office seat.

The lady dropped the check book and left immediately. Kennedy sat down on his seat and pulled a fountain pen out of its pack and signed the check. Ruth was still at the window, staring at him as he write.

"You can have this. " He stretched his hand with the cheek and Ruth walked up and collected it. She glanced at the letter and saw some zeroes but she didn't know the exact amount before snuffing it in her side pocket.

"I once work as an errand boy in a big restaurant when I was young," Kennedy said. "Terrible boss, terrible hours. So I normally tip any one that delivers food packages to me."

"Thank you very much sir," Ruth said.

"Well, if that's all, then I think you should be on your way."Kennedy replied and snuff the check book into his drawers.

"Right." Ruth said in a shaky voice but she couldn't go. Kennedy looked at her, frozen as she stood. He smirked and asked, "Is there something else you need?" not take it again. All the wanted at the moment was his dick. She could not control herself again. She was ready to be a sex slave just to have his dick in her.

"Please I want to feel you inside me." She shamelessly asked.

"Sir," Kennedy corrected her and gave her a spank which stung her a little bit.

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