Why did she " Divorce Me "

Chapter - 51

Chapter - 51

Amoli's Pov.:-

It took me a complete minute to understand what he said .. and I look infront of me he is not here


' where is he ? ' I asked to myself .. and looked around but he is not here .. I heard car's engine roar ...

' is he leaving me ? ' I asked and walk out and end up running in staircase ..

' God .. why this house is so big .. ' I cursed the architecture of this house .. because it's really big

house .. and I got late to reach on time .. because now his car is not even in my sight.

" What happened dii (sister) , why were you running like that ? " Advaith asked with mouth full with


" Nothing happened .. you just eat ! " I said sarcastically ... And in irritation because why his

disappearance is affecting me .

Why I am feeling hurt and pain in my heart for him .. ' maybe because you are used to his annoying

presence around you ' my brain reasoned .

And I hummed in agreement .

I started to walk back with several thoughts in my head .. ' I have forgiven Varun because now I

believes that he won't hurt me again and he is truly sorry for his deeds .. in all these past months he

haven't touch me in any inappropriate way ..

I had thought that he will live with me whole life .. from where ... Amoli .. you love him ... Oh my my .. '


I came back ... In hall .. where one maid informed me that everyone is waiting for me , advaith and

Varun ...

Soon advaith also came in while talking in his phone . ... He disconnected it ..

And we both went in dining room ... Everyone passed me welcome smile and I too react back with

same smile .. although there is bomb blasting is happening between my heart and head ..

I served myself and took one bite .. .. yum it's so tasty ...

" Dinner is really delicious ! " My mother said and soon everyone also give according to their point of

view complements ..

" Really Amoli ... You cooked so well .. ! " Said Varun's mother .. while looking around for Varun ...

" This food is cooked by Varun .. not me " I said and here .. table danced in complete silence ..

I looked at Varun's mother .. she is looking time to time at door .. for Varun .. ' mother will be mother ' ..

I said in my head ..

I cleared my throat way to loud which took everyone's attention on me ...

" Varun has left from here ... So maa I mean aunty please eat your food " I said to Varun's mother little

rudely without my knowledge..

Why I am feeling angry .. ????

" So coward ran away good .. now we can breath in peace " said my father ...

And soon everyone started to say their point of view for Varun ..

Like .. he is shit in the name of human or on their family ... His parents haven't raised him well .. if they

had put their attention on him so maybe today he is not this ... Etc etc ...

Their every word irk angry in me ... Adrenaline rush in my brain cells .. to make me more mad at all of

them ..

I slapped my spoon down and stood up forcefully to make my chair fall back ..

Everyone looked at me with surprise .. I took deep breaths while tears of frustration slide down my both

eyes at the same time .

" Stop cursing him .. if he had done wrong and you are cursing him for that .. than you should praise

him for what he has done for me ..

Because if you can curse someone for his bad deeds than you should also praise him for his good

deeds ..

But no .. you all won't do it .. as pointing finger on someone's deed is quite easy than praising their

good works ..

He did my treatment .. at the time when I had lost hope of becoming a normal that time he was with me

... I was in depression no one couldn't see it but he saw it and treat me ..

Whatever he had done wrong.. he has done it to me .. so only I have the right to say him whatever if

feel like .. no one among you holds any right to curse him for what he had done to me ..

You don't know ... How down broken he was feeling when you all malediction him and attack on him

before entering in house ... " I shout on them .. there face frowned in humiliation ..

" Today I am happy confidential only because of him .. now tell me .. will you praise him for it. . no ! ...

Right ! .. why ? .. because he is not a good man and can't be .. according to you all .. although he had

asked forgiveness from you all .. in which no one of you had faced his cruelty ... I am the one who had

faced it alone ...

But let me tell you one thing .. maybe he is not good for you or to you but he changed hisself in good

person for me because I worth it .. his love and care ... " I said all of what I felt ...

Because when he was saying me goodbye .. I had seen pain , longing , brokenness in his eyes ..

" And I respect him not because he is my ex-husband .. and he give me treatment .. helped me to be

normal ... Not because of under any sympathy or thanking him for his efforts ...

I respect him .. the true he is .. his care .. this dinner *chuckle* .. this dinner he has made it .. he even

has already made Quasar's milk bottle ready for her .. .. he used to play with me no matter how busy or

important his work was ! But still he put his work aside why ? Only to entertain me so that , I won't feel

bore ...

He used to give me massage whenever my body cried in soreness due to yoga's hard postures ..

He treat me like his our self .. although he is sex addicted man but he never touched anyone in these

months from the time we are staying here in this island..

Every promise which he has made to me .. he complete them ..

He heard my thoughts, my worry .. in the middle of night .. whenever I got up from my sleep due to

nightmares ..

He give me support and cheer me up whenever I felt like I can't do it anymore ..

He was all time in patience when I gave him hard time in my treatment by my stubbornness ..

He loves me alot .. and he changed for me .. it's itself made me to forgive him .. .. ...

And I am not ashamed of forgiving him because he is not that Varun who had torture me .. he is mine

Varun who loves me " I said and cleaned my face ..

I am not sorry for my rude behaviour .. it was needed because .. if I haven't said that to them .. then

they will always taunt Varun with it ..or used it as a weapon against him to make him face humiliation

infront of them .. and I don't appreciate it .

" I am going back right now .. if anyone of you want to come with me can come .. I have no problem " I

said in mono tone ..

I went inside my room and as maid has already packed my things with Quasar's ..

I carried my baby in my arms who is in her cry mode .. because at every night time .. Varun spends his

time with her ..in this time he talk with her , plays with her , feed her milk with her milk bottle .. , and told

her good night story .. although she couldn't understand what he is saying in story but still he read her

story .. sometime he even has song lullaby to her .. to which she never fall asleep reather then this she

woke up all night and make him her partner in waking all night thing ...

She is missing him .. and I am too ... I put her milk bottle over her mouth but she slapped it away from

her hands while moving her face side to side with closed eyes ...

' She is going to cry ' my brain said ...

" Awwwee.. aweee " here she started to cry for her father ...

After my several attempts she finally accept her milk .. and soon she finished it .. and moved her head

around.. in search of him .. but she didn't find him ..

Then She looked at my face .. with her big eyes .. I rubbed my nose over her cheeks .. as Varun used

to do with her while playing ...

But she pushed my face back .. but with Varun she used to laugh ...



*Knock**knock* ...

I looked at the door to see everyone is there ... They apologized to me to which I said them .. that it's

not needed .. and please try to forgive him .. he has changed ..

" Amoli .. I know my child .. that I am stepping in your personal life .. but please can you tell us .. do you

love Varun " Varun's mother asked me nervously .. and I laughed on myself ...

Hahahahaha ....

" Yes " I aid and broke down in sobs .. because I love him .. I was going to talk about it today night but

he left us here alone with his and mine family ..

Why ? Only because his and my family didn't appreciate his presence in this house ...

" Awwww dear don't cry .. " my mother said and hugged me ...

" Aww moo .. so you love .. Jiju ? " Vahini asked me while jumping up and down and when I nod my

head with red cheeks .. she than started to shout .. ' moo loves Jiju .. Jiju loves moo ' ...

" Okay Amoli .. then you want to marry him or not ? " My father asked me ... I nod my head as yes ...

And here both the family mingled like they are childhood friends ..

They said that they are happy and going to spend a week here .. so , no one is going back not even ..

me ..as it's good for Varun also to realise that he can't live without us .. no matter how hard he tries.




After a week ... We all got ready to go ... And me all trained by my mother-in-law ... How to seduce a

man .

Yes she has trained me .. this .. at first I dripped in shame and shyness .. but as she is doctor .. so ,

you can expect how bluntly nature she could have ..

' you just wait Varun .. I will make you to lick my foot for your this stunt .. ' I said in my head ..

' I have missed him in this whole week and .. Vahini .. she full time teased me with Varun's name ..

You have hurt me Varun and I will punish you for that. . .. after our marriage you will sleep on couch for

whole month ' I planned in my head ...

Soon we reached at airport area .. I sit on my seat and opened it to make it large and more comfortable

so that I can sleep on it .. as it's night time ..

Pilot greet us and other staff members too .. I give them my command to take us where Varun has

gone ..

And here they exchanged looks .. I narrowed my eyes on them and give them challenging look which

dare them to disobey me ...

They nervously nod their head ... Soon flight took off.. and I woke up half of the night all thanks to my

baby because she is not at all sleepy .. and the fun fact in it is that .. she faked cry whenever she saw

my eyes closed ..

She is such a attention seeker .. Varun has spoiled her .. I played with her while swinging in sleep ...

" Sleep my baby ...*pat* ... sleep ...*pat*.... sleep my baby.. .*pat*.... sleep " I sang in my dry voice and

sleepy one while patting her back ... But she is not at all near her sleep ..

I huffed and she laughed seeing my puffed cheeks ..




" Finally " I said .. and closed my eyes to sleep when I saw that my baby is in deep sleep...




I woke up by one airhostess .. she told me that we have arrived .. I came out from it ...

While other members also followed me while yawing .. so I was also doing the same ..

We sit in separate cars .. they took us in one new villa .. which is unknown to me ..

Obviously it will because .. we are in main city of our town ...

My family members went back to their house after saying me by and said me to take care and they are

with me .. while me and Varun's parents .. we went inside his villa ..

Varun's grandparents, kashvi and Kabir they are at home they hadn't come at island because kashvi is

in her pregnancy period so she can't travel .. so other stopped there to take care of her . This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

Silence welcomed us .. staff members greet us .. and I nod my head in accepting their greetings..

" Where is your boss ? " I asked to one maid politely ..

" Sir .. he is in his office " she said and I nod my head ..

And i give quasar to my going to be in-laws ...

I walked in Varun's bedroom by one helper who escort me to his bedroom...

I opened his room's door .. to gasped in shock .. because infront of me .. there are several pictures of

mine and Quasar's .. some are mine alone .. in some quasar with me ...

I turned my head to see bed .. and behind the bed . ... The whole wall is hidden behind mine , Varun's

and quasar's pic together ...

It's beautiful ...

I changed my clothes .. and put out a long cotton cardigan to hide my sexy look under it ..




I arrived at his office ... I walk inside his office ... Strange .. because guards didn't stop me from going

inside .. reather to it they looked at me in surprise and with curiosity ..

I walked to receptionist chamber ..

" Hello .. I am here to meet Mr. Varun Arora .. " I said and receptionist who is typing something in her

computer ..

Without looking at me , still concentrating on her work .. she said to me politely " please show me your

appointment letter or email copy of appointment confirmation .. or other document which shows that

you have appointment to meet him "

After completing her words .. she looked at my face after good 2-3 seconds ..

She gasped like I had chocked her by throating her neck .. .. she stood up from her seat and stood

infront of me with a nervous smile ..

" Come mam .. I will escort you to him .. " she said with nervously wiping her hands over one another ..

I nod my head still feeling something is suspicious ..

We arrived at his cabin floor .. I walked and here are two doors .. yes only two doors .. while other area

is opened.. there are some desks with chair .... Same designed chamber like receptionist chamber ..

Maybe it's for his secretary and PA ...

" Mam sir is in meeting .. " that same receptionist said moving her hand towards the one closed door ..

and I nod my head and she walk away saying me to wait in his office .

' let's surprise him ' my brain said ...

' ya let's see if he gets angry or happy or surprised or will shout on me ' my evil brain said to me ..

I pushed the door while pushing the nervousness of doing wrong at the meantime ..

One man was saying something .. and everyone was listening to him .. but their head with eyes turned

to me with irritation dripping face ... When they heard .. door opening sound .

But there face filled with surprise and Varun who haven't looked at me yet .. looked at my direction

when one man said " mam " .. I think that man is Varun's PA .

Without any word everyone walked out .. and Varun he just continued to sit there on his place with his

eyes .. blinking to see me properly ..

" Are you really here or its allusion ? " He said while rubbing his hands over his face and he combed his

beard in the process ..

I nod my head as no ..

" Why did you left us alone there ? " I asked ..

" Than what should I do ... No girl will live with me ... As I am a horrible man .. and I have hurt you alot

.. I don't have heart to ask you to be with me .. while knowing that you haven't forgive me yet ... And

your and my family members feel uncomfortable in my presence as they didn't appreciate me living in

same house with them ... So I thought it's good to give you all your privacy " He said in his emotionless

face ...

" Ohhhh .. that's good " I said and his face frowned in confusion..

' you wait .. Varun let me teach you a good lesson ' I said in my mind ....

I pulled out the decorated envelope and give it to him ...

" It's my marriage invitation card .. i am marrying to the love of my life .. and you have to come " I said ..

I saw hurt and brokenness on his face but he hide it under his fake smile ...

" Okay I will be there .. " he said ...

' what ? ... I had thought that he will say .. no .. Amoli I won't let you to marry him ... You are mine .. and

always be mine .. then he will kiss me but .. he said something which I couldn't even thought ' I said to

myself ...

" Okay than bye " I said with neutral face .. and passed him a smile .. I turned around with sad face but

I bumped on his PA ... Who was behind me coming with a female lady who has serving tea trey in her

hands ..

I closed my eyes .. when I saw that I am going to fall down and pulled my hands over my chest while

clenching my fists tightly ..

But someone hold me tightly before my body could touch group ... I opened my eyes to expect Varun

but .. here comes my poor fate .. because Varun's PA is the one who have saved me from falling ...

I looked at him to say him .. free me but He is looking at my chest not at my face .. I too followed his

eyes .. oh my !!!!

The cardigan which I had worn to hide my sexy clothes under it is not anymore around my body .. it's

hanging over my shoulder and flying in air from the lower region ..

My front body is on display ... I cleared my throat but he is still looking at my moving chest in breathing

rhythm ...

Before I could say he to leave me ..

" Leave her you bastard before I ripe your these fucking eyes out .. and kill you " I heard Varun's roar ..

and at meantime my body flight back and engulfed in Varun's strong embrace.

He hold me by my waist snacking his hards around it .. while his front body is stuck to my back ... .. I

covered my body with cardigan ..

His fast breathing is fanning my upper head hairs .. his chest is banging my back with his deep fast

intakes of air ... His body is trembling to show how angry he is ! ...

' see couldn't watch me in anyone's hold .. and he think that he can let me marry someone .. or let me

live my whole life with other man ... He himself doesn't know how much he love me .. and more to that

he is possessive for me ' I said in my brain ...

Both the employees left the room singing sorry sorry ..

Varun make me turned around to come face to face with him ..

He hold my biceps in his hands .. and said " what is this Amoli ? "

" What ?... What is this ? .. I am not understanding you " I said innocently patting my eyes with a smile


He mumbled pretty curses .. and sighed ..

" Go Amoli .. before I lost my sense and do something to you which I shouldn't ! " he said with tight

teeth .. and dark eyes .. in desire , lust , love , possessiveness .

He pushed me back and made good distance between us ..

I this process the covering clothe fall down .. and here I stood infront of him in black sexy short dress ...

His mouth opened in drooling mover my body .. as his eyes moved down from my face to chest then

waist then legs ...

" Fuck " he again cursed and came to me .. he had my hand and pushed me out from the meeting

room with my cardigan in my hands ..

" Go back to your home Amoli and before that cover yourself properly " he said and pushed me inside

the bathroom .. while he himself disappeared god knows where ..

And here he proved that he cares me more than his desires .. because I had seen his eyes filled in

need and lust but he pushed them back and didn't touch me ..

I am falling for him .. and why won't I .. because you couldn't get a man like him which he is today ..




Varun's Pov.:-

I looked at the envelope of amoli's marriage invitation card ... I called my PA .. to come inside my office


*Knock* *knock*

After my reply he came inside and he started to apologise to me .. and plead to me not to fire him ..

I want to fire him but I will be cruel if I do so .. because he is the only one who is earning money to run

his family .. he have four younger sisters and they all are depended on his income ... As they are

school students can't do any job .. while his father is not anymore... His mother is simple lady .. holding

house holds ..

" I am not firing you .. here it's a address .. go and took that parcel for me " I said him ..

I had missed her alot .. and also my daughter .. but what I can't live with them it's my helplessness ..

She truly has surprised me with her sudden appearance in my office .. I can't explain in words when I

saw her in my office ..

When I saw her here I had thought that she has came to confess her love to me .. but I was wrong ..

She doesn't love me ..



I made myself busy in my work .. because my mind is running around amoli's and quasar's thoughts ...

' is she missing me or not ... ' my mind asked to me for my daughter ..

Stop it Varun .. you don't deserve them .. they deserves a batter person than you .



After half an hour .. My PA came and handover me my parcel ..

I dismissed him and took the parcel bag .. it's Amoli's wedding gift .. nothing special and experience ..

it's some books .. I know she loves reading so .. I thought it will be a best wedding gift for her ..

I came back in my house .. and it's as always silent .. ... I directly walk in my room and came down in

hall after freshing up ..

I got shocked seeing my parents and Amoli in hall drinking tea .. and with Amoli someone is also

seated ..

I greet them .. and also sit on one couch ..

" Varun meet my fiance Rohit .. and Rohit he is Varun my good friend " Amoli said happily ..

Her words burnt my heart but still I showed my politeness and welcoming gesture .. and talk with them

putting fake happy smile .

I looked beside her .. quasar is moving and rolling on couch as she is now 5 month and some days old

baby .. she is looking cute in her baby blue frock ... I went to her .. and here she clapped her hands ..

seeing me .. she laughed in her baby way and pulled her hands high to say me ... To hold her in my

arms ..

I quickly hold in my arms .. peace .. this is what is felt first in my heart after holding her in my arms ... I

kissed her forehead and played with her .. still my ears on amoli's romantic talk with her fiance ..



Soon it's dinner time .. as I didn't had any appetite .. so I played cricket with my food and spoon ... And

time to time kill this Rohit Mohit .. in my head ..

He is talking with her continuously .. and throwing his lame dead jokes on which joker itself can't smile

.. but this innocent lady .. love of my life she is laughing at his every joke .. even my parents are also

enjoying his presence ..

' I don't like it ! ' I said in my head .. and hit the broccoli with my spoon to run it from one side to the

other side in my plate .



Soon dinner torture is also come to an end ..

My parents said us goodnight and went to their room .. while I walk ahead , with them following me .. to

show them their room ..



After showing them their room I started to take steps away from them .. when I heard " come baby ..

give me good night kiss " this voice is Rohit's ..

" Yes of course my love " I heard amoli's cheerful voice ... I turned with clenched jaw and fist ..

' Varun see you can't live without her .. you can't see her with other man .. these is still time .. make her

your before you loose her ' my brain suggest me ..

I run to them and carried Amoli in my arms ... She chuckled and waved bye to Rohit ..

I was not in my sense another wise I would have asked her questions and I took her in my bedroom ..

I gently placed her on bed .. and literally pulled my hairs .. because I am in debate with myself .. I also

wants to live with her but at the same time the guilt inside me stopping me saying that I don't deserve

her ..

" I am sorry Amoli .. I know I am again repeating my mistakes like I am forcing you to be with me .. but

please don't marry anyone ... Please give me second chance .. " I said while kneeling before her and

hid my face in her lap ...

" It hurts when I saw you happily talking to him .. and when he was playing with Quasar .. .. I didn't liked

it " I said to her .. like a small baby complaining to his mumma ...

" Varun .. I am ready to give you second chance .. but promise me .. you won't hurt me again .. " Amoli

said to me while cleaning my tears away from my face ..

" No .. no .. Amoli I think it's not good .. I am sorry you go back to your room and sleep ..

Rohit is good for you .. I am sorry I won't came in your life again " I apologise to her .. and ran out from

my room ..

I can't live with her .... Because I don't trust myself .. what if I hurt her .. then what I will do .. i can't

came back in her life ..

I love you Amoli but I am sorry Amoli ..




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