Why did she " Divorce Me "

Chapter - 43

Chapter - 43

Amoli's Pov.:-

I pushed him but all went in vain .. I am trying to wiggle out from his grip but couldn't ..

" Stop moving Amoli .. " Varun said resting his forehead over mine ..

" Let me hold you for a minute " he said making me more angry ..

" For what .. to hurt me more " I chide on him ..

" No .. my love .. I want to hold to believe on my fate that you're really here infront of me " he said ...

" I am not your any love dove .. did you forgot that you hate me .. how you always treat me like a trash ,

cheep thing which was unwanted in your life.. " I shout with my bleeding heart ..

" I never hated you .. I just hate the fact .. being forced in our marriage..

I know I had hurt you .. " I cut his further words with my shout " leave me you cheep bastard .. your

touch and nearness making me dirty .. and disgust " ..

He tried to pushed him away from my body but he not moving an inch away from me ...

Angry tears ran down from side of my eyes and hide inside my hairs or some went in my ears..

He saw me crying and cleaned them away .. while saying " don't cry love .. I won't cross my line again

.. I just want to talk to you .. can we talk " .

I sighed in relief and I nod my head because let's finish it here because I don't want him to follow me

again for his silly questions.

He moved away from me but not before kissing my forehead.. he sit on bed beside my laying body .. I

too sit beside him but with good distance between us.

I calmed my shaking nerves ...

" I don't have whole day for you .. tell whatever you want to tell me " I said fisting bedsheet in my

sweaty hands to clean them . NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

" Were you pregnant with my child Amoli ? " He asked the question which I never had thought that he

will ask this to me ..

Remembering about my pregnancy and how I lost my child brought tears in my eyes ..

I started to weep for my loss .. how unlucky I am .. I didn't got good life partner then I lost my child then

I got ruined .. then divorce.

He hugged me .. and said .. " where is our child Amoli ? " His voice is heavy and it holds fear in it .

" Are you stupid or what can't you see .... I don't have any kid with me .. *sob*.. It's no more *sob* ... I

got miscarriage.. and then .. then " I closed my mouth .. Because I was about to reveal something

unwanted to him ..

He hugged me tight and plant kisses over my head while caressing my back to calm my state .

After coming back to my senses .. I pushed him back away from me and he fall down on floor .

I slapped his face and shout " it all happened only because of you .. you have ruined my whole life ..

why you did it why .. I won't leave you today .. I will kill you "

I started to slap him one after the other .. he welcomed my each slap .. it make me more frustrating ..

why he is not behaving like before .. where is his male ego that dominating behaviour .. because I want

to fight with him to show him that I have changed into new Amoli who is independent and confident ...

And can kick his dominating ass .

" Why are you not reacting .. why are you not behaving like you was before

Don't behave like this innocent person ... Tell me your mean reason for what you are here .. tell me

what do you want ... " I asked while continuously beating him ..

But he just smiled with tears running down from his eyes .. I broke down and hugged him to cry ..

" It's was so small Varun ... I wanted to tell you about my pregnancy but whenever I tried you always

made me shut ..

But soon I realised that you don't deserve to know and with time you will know it by yourself ...

But that time never come ... *Sob* ... " I said while hitting him on his chest , biceps and i got up ..

" Know you got your answers .. go and never come back in my life " I shout on him and looked away

from his face ..

He kneeled infront of me and hugged me while hiding his head in my stomach ...

" I am sorry ... I am sorry love ... Punish me as much as you want .. kill me if it gives happiness to you ..


I am sorry ..

When you left me I started to realise my sins ... I am sinner please punish me ..

You don't know how scared I had felt when I felt that I couldn't meet you and ask forgiveness from you


I am sorry .. I am sorry .. please forgive me .. I won't hurt you again .. just give me one chance please ..

please " he said all the things which I have never expected that he will say this to me in this life .

" My karma is biting me and eating me alive Amoli please forgive .. please " he begged while touching

my feets ..

I also set down and freed my legs from his grip .. my eyes also shining in tears just like his ...

" I am happy that you realise your mistakes and you are guilty for it .. and if you really sorry for your

sins than don't show me your face again . " I said and got up ...

" I am sorry Amoli please.. Don't say like this I can't live without you .. you're my everything Amoli ..

Please don't leave me again ..

I promised you that I won't hurt you again .. I am ready to become your dog , your slave .. but please

don't leave me .... This silence is killing me .. the loneliness is eating me alive... I don't want this fear in

my heart anymore that one day some guy take you away from me ...

Please give a second chance Amoli please ...

Please... " I again begged holding me by my waist and hiding his face in my stomach .

" I can't Varun ... And you should feel shame for asking second chance from me Varun ... Because I

don't think any respectful woman will give a second chance to her life ruiner.. and it's too late Varun ..

Even if I come to you .. you can't make me happy .. because you're too poor in my eyes who can't give

me any happiness other than pain . " I said .. and pushed his body away from mine ...

" Please don't leave me Amoli please... " He said and at the same time door opened by bang ..

someone has broke it ..

Grayson came running inside the room and he holds my hand which I slapped away from my hand ..

I gave him hard look while Varun is weeping ..

" Don't touch me Grayson .. is it true that you had molest Varun's best friend ? " I asked him .. and his

face lost its angry expressions .

" Answer me " I said pulling his collar ... He nods his head ... So , it was really true

" Who is that girl ? " I asked .. and prayed in my head .. please it's not her .. please it's not her .

" Lassya " he whispered ...

" You spineless animal ... " I said and attack on him and hit him with my hard punches ... He didn't said

anything and welcomed them ..

Soon other members also came ... " Leave him Amoli .. what are you doing .. calm down woman "

lassya said ...

" How dare you to touch her ... I will kill you , you shit in the name of human .. " I shout and hit him with

my high heels..

His forehead is bleeding now and my body is shivering ...

Lassya pulled me away .. I looked at her with moist eyes .. and I hugged her and cried .. just cried my

heart out .. because these man species is too cruel to us .. to woman species ...

" Are you okay .. ? " We both asked together to eachother and then nods no ... And hugged again for

one more round of tears .



We both wiped our tears ... I turned to Grayson ..

" I am sorry lassya for my past deeds .. please forgive me " Grayson said with guilt and lassya forgive

him saying " that happened in past .. but still I got nightmares but I forgive you but I won't forgot what

you had done ... " .

" Okay it's not ended yet .. let's finish our hate there in this party and start a fresh life .. " I said and

everyone Shaked their hands for friendship but Wright's brother and Varun .. they didn't make

friendship ..

" He has killed our sister .. I am not going to make any friendship nothing with him .. " Grayson shout

and Varun made his face like he had said in unknown language to him.

" I didn't killed your sister .. and I don't have any idea that you have a sister .. " Varun said .. in


" Ohhhh please stop pretending .. okay .. wait see this in this picture don't you know this girl " Grayson

said showing a pic in his phone ..

I couldn't look at it because I am standing opposite to them.

" I know this girl .. and she is not dead because I didn't killed her " Varun said in mocking way .

God these two are fighting like kids ..

" What do you mean .. here in this pic you are with her and way to close with her " Grayson shout over

Varun to which Varun pushed him away from his body..

" For your kind information .. she is alive living with her husband .. yes husband ..

Her husband name is Mr. Parth .. and her name is rooh .. and she is like a sister to me ..

We knows that she is an orphan and yes she had accident but she didn't died in it ... She survived.. and

now she is living her life with her husband " Varun said and I took phone in my hands to see pic and

yes it's rooh's pic ..

Who used to work as maid in Varun's house ...

" Is it true ... ? " Maverick asked with happy face and question mark on his face .. everyone's face has

smile except Grayson .. his face looking pale and white ..

He is sitting all shocked ...

" Yes it's true .. Okay let me call Parth .. let's do a video call " Varun said

Varun called him and soon he received the call .. " hello bro long time no see " Parth said ..

" Hello ! To you too man .. see who is sitting with me .. " Varun said showing my face to Parth ..

Parth made shocked face and said " finally man you found my sister-in-law .. hello sister-in-law " ..

I greet him back .. passing away the fact being called sister-in-law because I am not anymore as I am

divorced woman .

" Hey where is your wife your life " Varun said and soon screen moved from room to kitchen ..

Where we saw rooh is cooking in kitchen ... What caught my eyes is her big blotted baby bump ..

My eyes shined .. and I said " aww how cute ... She is pregnant " ...

" Her memories are not back yet .. but will do come one day .. so , I can't give her phone to talk to you

because she hates you man .. for what you had done to bhabhi(sister-in-law) " Parth said ...

" Okay then give her phone and let me talk to her " I said while sitting on bed and triplet brothers set

beside me ...

" Hello dii ... Omg how are you ... " Rooh said in her exciting voice ..

We both talked .. for some minutes .. and then I cut the call ...

" Give us her address .. " maverick and Hudson both said at the same time.

Varun give them Parth's address ... And they decide to meet him privately at his office and Varun

happily got ready to help them in it .

Advaith is not there .. me , Varun , lassya and all four Wright's brothers are here in this room .

" So ... I think everything is settled now .. " I said eyeing everyone ... And they nods their head and

hugged Varun making him chock under their wait .

And said " it will took some time to us to replace that hate into friendship " ..

Grayson is introvert type person so , he just shook hand with Varun ....

Everyone left from the room and me also got up to go but Varun hold my hand ..

" Please forgive me .. " he again plead ..

" I have forgive you Varun but I can't forget the things you has done to me .. " I said and one tear

slipped out from my eyes ...

I freed my hand from his grip he is still looking at me with his pleading eyes ... I sighed and said " okay I

will give you second chance Varun only if you give me back my old self,my old happy life and my child

which I had lost .. will you ..

If you give me all this back than .. then only I will give you second chance . "

His hold on my hand loosed saying that he himself knows that he can't give me that ..

" You yourself knows truth Varun ... And I think .. it's time to wake up and stop living in your imagination

that you will get me back in your life " I said and walk out leaving him behind .



I reached out and went to my table where advaith and triplets are talking about .. models ..

To divert my mind from Varun's thoughts I also joined their conversation and learnt that advaith is

asking them about a good model .. for his natural beauty products advertisement...

" Why don't you try lassya .. she is a hardworking model and your product need a natural beauty for

your natural beauty product advertisement " I suggest ...

" True .. she is so beautiful .. " maverick said looking at lassya ..

and Hudson also said " yes .. she is no. 1 best model in idea ... She is quite popular too .. even her

fans circle is quite huge than any celeb "

" Yup .. you should ask her and I think Amoli and lassya .. both are good friends and she won't say no

to you as you are amoli's brother " Theodore too suggest him ...

Advaith just nods his head looking at lassya who is talking to other Businessman .. who is in his quite

handsome too and equal to her age ..

I looked at advaith his eyes are throwing killing look from his eyes on that man who is holding lassya's

hand and saying something to her ..

I sighed .. this boy has got crush .. and his crush is lassya .. ohhhh god advaith she is older than you ..

I got up from my seat and walked towards lassya .. seeing me coming lassya excused herself ..

" Are you okay ? " I asked .. she passed me her fake smile .. to which I squeezed her hand .

" Stop lying.. I can see sadness in your eyes ...

Are you afraid of Grayson ? " I asked ...

" No .. no .. it's not like that .. although I got scared when I saw him with you but I composed myself

because he can't harm me and I know it but still you know when you say the person who is your

nightmare .. suddenly came infront of you and take you by surprise ..

It really took time to come back in reality .. from your horrible memories flashbacks " she said ...

" Yup I can relate it " I whispered but she heard me and hold my hand and give it squeezed which

needed .. to pull me out from my flashbacks .

" So.. you want to ask this only ? " Lassya said with smile ...

" No no .. not only this.. actually I came to ask you a favour ..

You know advaith needs a model as his products brand ambassador ..

So , I was wondering .. that would you like to become " I said what I wanted ...

She looked behind me and I also turned to see she is looking at advaith and he is giving her death

glares ..

" Okay " she said ..

I did a happy dance in my mind ..

It's time for dinner so , we all sit on table to have our dinner ..

After finishing our dinner we moved out to sit in our cars ... But one hand hold me back and stopped me

to go inside my car .

I looked back .. and it's none other than Varun , ...

" Good night and I will miss you " he said and took me in hug.. tight hug .. I didn't hugged him back .

He kissed my forehead and said " sorry I couldn't control myself .. and hugged you .. sorry once again "

Saying this he turned back and disappeared in darkness ...




Varun's Pov.:-

I saw her car moving and disappeared in the main road to go her house ...

Tear slipped out from my eyes .. she was pregnant and I did alot to her on her pregnancy maybe that

was the reason she faced miscarriage .

It was my all fault ...

I took one more gulp from my drink .. it's also not helping me to forgot her ..

I looked beside me and here is sitting Grayson guy beside me ..

I used to hate him alot why ...


(15year old Varun) .

Today I came in High school after passing 9th standard with good marks ..

I am very excited to go in my new class and new branch because now I am in 10th standard my class

building and hostel room is also changed .

Today is first day of my class ... I ran in food area to have my breakfast .. it's new building for me as I

transferred here yesterday ..

I sit on the first row table to have my food ... Every student gave me strange look but I ignored them ..

Soon my food plate flied away from its place and hit the ground .. I opened my mouth to say something

but I moaned in pain ..

Because someone has punched me .. I looked beside me .. here stood a guy who is looking my senior


" Got up you shit .. it's my place .. you can't sit there

Go and have your shit somewhere else where you standard matches " that boy said ...

I also got angry and punched him on his face .. lot of people gasped but no one said anything ..

He also hit me and it turned into huge fight .. his other friends also came and they started to hit me ..

I lost the fight ..

" I hope you learnt your lesson .. " he said and kicked me on my stomach again ..

" Grayson man .. leave him .. it's enough " I heard his name ..

I got up with difficulty and about to fall on ground again when she came and hold me and helped me ..

She helped me to sit on other banch .. and did my first aid .. and took breakfast for me ..

" Eat ... And stay away from them Varun .. you know very well that I don't like these fights and all ..

See what he has done to your face .. " she shout on me .

" What kind of best friend are you .. reather to curse them you are shouting on me .. and let me tell you

lassya .. he was the one who hit me first ..

I just returned him his gift .. " I said ..

" Listen Varun this hostel has some rules .. it's not same as our old hostel .. because this hotel have

Grayson name animal ..

Don't cross his path again okay this is the only rule you have to follow to live in peace in this hostel.. "

she said ..

" Why .. ?? .. is he some king or what .. " I shout ..

" Yes he is king .. don't you know .. his father is richest and Powerful man Varun ..

They have money and with it power also comes ..

So no matter what .. even if they are in fault because no one will punish him .. as he has his father's

protection " she explained putting oil in my bleeding heart ...

He has his father's support for being wrong but here .. leave it ..


I eat my food .. and then left for classes with lassya ..

She is my one and only friend .. she have younger sister but she lives with her parents not in hostel like

her .

We entered in class ..



Days went like this I opposed Grayson's every rule and end fighting with him .. but although I always

loose but still I voiced out my words against him .

At every fight teacher always scold me no one said anything to him .. not even a word .

Soon he passed out from school and I came in 11th standard after passing my high school with good

percentage ..

There I made some more friends all thanks to my fights .. I still do fighting and build my body .. working

hard in gym ..

One day ...

I was going to library for some books ... And Grayson blocked my way .. that day I hit him and broke his

face pretty bad ...

And we made fun of him in whole Campos ..

Days passed and soon we come in 12 standard ..


We were in club where lassya do her part time job as waitress ..

There Grayson crossed his line .. and tried to rape lassya in anger ...

But me and my other friends saved her and beat Grayson likes shit..

We filed case against him but nothing action were taken ..

So, I swear that day to become richer and powerful .. to teach him or like him peoples a very good


So that , they couldn't rule over me .. and I will be the one who rule on them .

End of flashback.

Grayson also looked at me and gulped his drink down from his throat .

" Thanks and sorry " he said at the same time ... while squeezing my left shoulder he went out ..

I stood on my shaking foot and went in one of my hotel room ..

And slept on it while crying for Amoli ..






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