Why did she " Divorce Me "

Chapter - 41

Chapter - 41

Varun's Pov.:-

It's been one month from my accident now I am all fit and fine now ...

As my personal investigator has said that he will give me every detail about Amoli .. he did it well .

She is living with Weights ... It's very strong and powerful family , I maybe a No.1 businessman in this

whole Asia but not as powerful as Wright's because they are ruler in business world from decades ..

I can't take Amoli away from their's house with my power and if I tried to kidnap Amoli then they will kill

me for sure ..

Because records says that once in school .. amoli's colleague male teacher has misbehaved with her

and what Wright's has done to him that was unexpected .. they literally destroyed that man .. well I am

happy that they did it ..

And if I go infront Amoli then she will kick on my face for sure and I don't want this .. so , I called

advaith and give him amoli's address as well as her school address .

I did it because I know he can make her come back and he will convince Wright's to leave Amoli and let

her go to her family .. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

And then it will be easy for me to talk with her ..

I was following Amoli from passed one week like a creep what can I do .. I can't live without her .. the

first day when I had say her in after coming here and after recovering from accident...


(Before the week)

I came out from my private jet and sit inside my car which escort me to my destination ... My Amoli .

Car stopped infront of a school .. I came out from my car after wearing fake white beards .. I have wore

indian kurta pajama dress and faking an old man look so that , Amoli won't caught me .

Soon I saw her coming out from school ... Her one look took away my breath ... I can smell her

fragrance in air .. the cold wind passed over my ears .. and I heard her anklets rings sound .

Beautiful my heart said while beating like a drum for her ..

She is in Indian saree looking hot as hell although her waist is covered my I can see her milky skin by

my imaginary eyes ..

' hold your horses Varun ' I warned myself...

.. she has changed alot ...

I walk towards her and with every step .. nervousness increased making me shiver in her presence ..

I has hide my eyes behind the black glasses..

I am sweating like a pig in fear ... And nervousness .. I have never thought in my whole life that I will

feel such things because of someone ..

But it's true love change everyone ..

I bumped to her intentionally .. and did act like I got hurt ..

She help to in standing properly .. I felt that electric spark and excitement in my whole body when she

touched my cold shivering hands .

" Are you okay uncle ? " she asked to with concern...

I am sorry my love .. I said in my heart and nod yes saying that I am okay by actions because if I

release a single word from my mouth than I am 100 percent sure that she will recognise me by my

voice .

She passed me her beautiful smile and my heart flipped it's heartbeat from chest to my throat ..

Although she is looking happy but her eyes they holds some mystery in them they are looking dead still

shining in happiness.

She walked towards her car and soon she drives away ..



Next day with same old man look ... I watched her talking to some kids who are merely 10 or 12

standard students .

But she felt my eyes on her body she looked around her ...

Her eyes caught me standing across the road looking at her .

She waved her hand to me and shout " hello " ...

I too did the same but instead of saying something , I just nod my head with smile .

Soon her picked her and she again went away ..



Next day ...

Today I have took new avatar .. new look .. today I have wore saree and looking like a giant woman ..

My driver , he is trying hard to suppress his laughter .. when he saw me draped in saree and looking

funny .

I also found myself so hilarious ... And I am doing same .. trying hard not to laugh .

But I laughed and he too .. but he stopped laughing and apologize .

" It's alright man .. I am looking so funny god ... Hahahahaha " I said to him again broke down in

laughter ...

But suddenly I felt like crying ... So I started to weep ...

My driver said " calm down sir .. mam will forgive you .. just don't loose hopes ... "

I am thankful that I have good peoples around and my driver is one of them ...

I thanked him and said yes .

Soon we reached to her school ... As always I got out from the car before her school at silent place

where no one could see me coming out from this experience car .

I covered my face with my pallu ... And went towards her ..

I stood infront of her ... At first she gasped looking at this giant woman ... But she composed herself

and smiled ..

I passed her a paper slip where is written ' some address of random place .. I have change my voice by

inhaling helium gas by my mouth and now it's little smoother than my manly voice .

I asked lift from her and she said me to follow her .

But her stupid and too much protection driver .. booked cab for me and soon cab came to pick me and

after saying goodbye to me Amoli said to cab driver to drop me safe ... And that's how that stupid driver

has washed my all hardwork by his this stupid move.

I had thought that today I will go with her in her car but no that driver said no and booked cab for me .

I cursed him ... Soon cab driver drop me to my address and I came infront of an temple where I saw

some baggers are bagging for food or money .

Idea ...

Next day ...

Today I have become bagger with tearing clothes but before that I has hide my all tattoos behind fake

shin .

My face is hidden behind fake makeup and skin .. I am looking beyond different .

I sit near the school gate for bagging .. and I am not feeling any shame to do this .. because I have

done more shameful sins with feeling shame .

Some people gave me some coins ... And then Amoli came and I moved my hands up and down for

bagging ...

While bagging my heart said to her ' please forgive me Amoli ' ...

She looked inside her purse for money .. and then she gave me 10 rupees note with a smile ..

Next day ...

Same look with same thing but today with 10 rupees note she gave me food and I eat it hungrily ..

And this foods first bit give life to my tastebuds ..

Her food is the best food of this world after my mother's...

' Good give you all happiness Amoli ' this pray came out from my heart ... And I prayed to the god .




End of flashback.

That's how I had spent my whole week doing such things ... Now my heart is at ease that she is fine

and okay .

At first I was happy when I saw her playing with a small boy ... I had thought that he was mine son but

no he wasn't ... According to my personal investigator that boy is some maid's son .

There is still question in my head ... Where is our child Amoli ' did we loose it or did she abort it but it

can't be true because I had saw her happy face in cctv footage .. she was happy with her pregnancy '.

I want answers from her mouth .. and I will get them soon .

Today she is going to her home with her brother and sister ... I looked at her running car , I also

followed them to the airport .

They are going by Wright's private jet ... Fuck ! These Wright's are too over protective for her .

I was burnt in my jealousy when I got to know that she is living with Wright's because Wright's

brothers.. they are all handsome .. and gentlemen .

And that maverick guy .. he always calls my Amoli sweetheart .

When I had got to know about it , I wanted to choke him out till his death ..

How I got to know .. it's simple , the earrings Vahini have wore has Little mike so that , I can hear

everything .

I had danced in happiness when I heard Vahini chiding maverick for calling Amoli sweetheart .

I went inside my jet and soon arrived at my house back .





Amoli's Pov.:-

I got ready in my simple but fashionable clothes for the journey ..

We trio came down the in living hall to say goodbye to everyone .

Ekansh is also there to say me bye bye .. thank god he didn't cry for me .

I said bye to everyone to which all four brothers came with me to escort me to airport.

Soon fight took off and my journey started ..

Soon we arrived my house ... I stepped out from the car and closed the door .

My heart is pounding highly.. my heartbeats are fast showing excitement.

Vahini ringed doorbell .. and it opened by my mother ..

Maa looked at me shockingly .. " surprise " Vahini shout and ran inside the house .

Maa came back with Aarti and did my article then welcome me inside the house .

When I came inside house maa hugged me tight and cried hard .. soon everyone came and engulfed

me in hug .

Everyone is throwing their questions and I answered them one by one .

Vahini don't know anything about my divorce and all , I meet my parents the way a good daughter


" You must be tiered with your journey , go to your room and rest " papa said while caressing my head .

I nod my head went to my room I changed in simple indian suit after bathing .. I lay down on my bed for

nap .




My sleep disturbed by some muffling sounds ... And I can hear them .

I slowly opened my eyes but not fully when I saw my parents siting beside my bed ..

" I can't believe we find her , now I won't let her go anywhere , ... I know we had done wrong to her but

now we are not going to repeat the same mistakes again " papa said ...

" Yes you're right but she doesn't want to live with us , .. " my mom said and dad cut her words by his .

" Yes I know what she has said to him and I respects her decision , let her do what she wants to do

because it's her life and for me her happiness and safety is more important than anything " papa said ...

I got up from my sleeping position and hugged papa .. his words have touched my heart .

Maa also joined me ... And said " please say with us for some more day than 2-3 days .. "

I gave me positive reply ..

" Ummm .. Amoli I know my child that we should have asked you about your life when you were

married to him ..

I am sorry my child , I am the culprit who have ruined your beautiful life and made it ugly ..

That's was my fault please my child forgive me " papa said to me with joined hands ..

Seeing him like this asking forgiveness from me with joined hands .. make me feel humiliated ..

because it's simple no child wants to see their parents bagging to them for forgiveness.

" No papa .. that was not your fault .. in all this the one who should be blamed is me because I should

had said it to you all about it .

When he had first hit me , raped me or tortured me , I should had said it to you and voiced out about

my struggle but I behaved stupidly and endure everything for what ! .. to get more hits and torture ...

I was so stupid ... I suffered in it because I was stupid and not strong to say that I am not good in this

marriage ... *Sob*. " I said to papa ...

" I am sorry my child I was not there to save you ... I am so sorry I was never there whenever you need

us for support ... But why you didn't said to us this if you were had informed us about your misery than I

would have killed that bastard.. " papa said ...

" I don't know papa why I didn't said it to you all .. but do you remember when you had slapped maa for

the mistake she never had done .. I was also there on that time when you had hit her ..

Although that was first and last time when you had hit maa but still ...

And after that everything became okay and good between you both .. you apologized to maa and she

forgiven you after punishing you well ..

In this whole think what I understood is that .. every man do this and then ask sorry and learnt his

lesson from it and never repeat it again in his whole life .

And it's not for only man .. also woman do mistake but they both handle situations, hardships of their

relationship together and correct them by their own without anyone's help.


And when Varun did all the things to me , I also thought that maybe one day he will realise his mistake

and will come to me for asking sorry .. then we both will live our life happily together..

Huh !! how wrong I was ... I behaved stupidly .. I correlate my married life situations with yours ..


And I also thought that what is the need to say to you all because at last you all will say like ' adjust

child ... He is your husband in our culture husband's never apologies and they are equal to god , so

worship him and do as what he says ...

Or endure it because we can't do anything in this as divorce women don't holds respect in societies

eyes .. if you divorced him than you will become shame on our name .. that's why I won't come back to

you all after my divorce.. I thought maybe you will disrespect me and kick me out from your house and

call me names ..


And I thought if I tell his family they will take his side , they won't support me .. and if they did than what

will they do ... They couldn't change him into good husband material because if they were capable to

do it than he won't have behaved in that way with me at first place .. " I explained to my parents.

" From where you learnt all this Amoli we are not some narrow minded people's .. I know , I put my

reputation at my top priority but in reality my family's happiness, safety is my top most priority my child



I am hurt that I failed in becoming a good father " papa said ...

" No papa Don't say like this ... It was my stupidly that I made decisions on my own assuming that you

won't going to support me " I said ..

" Amoli if you want him to punish by law than with are with you .. you can fill case against him " maa

said ...

" No maa I don't it .. (they gave me questioning look) .. because if I do it then things will repeat again

like when his advocate will question me how all this happened and tell it in details and etc etc ... All

those questions will burn my new self which I have build with very difficulty ..

And I now we will win it but after that what .. will I get my purity back , will I be free from all those

nightmares which I still get .. will I be happy by seeing him in pain no .. maa.. no

I want him to realise his mistake and feel shame , regret and suffocation in what he has done to me .

And law can't make him feel that thing until he realises his sin because you don't know what he is maa

.. he is an evil man who never put his ego aside to judge things clearly and equally ..

Law's punishment are small for his sins tell me maa .. suppose he got arrested and kept in jail for years

as punishment but still he is not guilty for his deeds than what is the use punishing him in that way maa


Law gives punishment so that , culprit regret doing that crime and learnt lesson from the punishment

but it's waste if culprit didn't learnt his lesson from suffering in punishment ..

And Varun is one of them ...


And as you know .. he is already famous peoples are crazy for him .. after this case they will make my

life hard and won't let me to live in peace ..

I don't this mental stress maa .. I am good in my life where i feel safe .. .. " I explained ..

" Okay my child .. it's upto you but please if in future you face something like this .. than please share it

with us .. " papa said .. I hugged him and said okay ...



" Ohhhh god .. you both daughter and father made me more emotional .. " maa said and I laughed ...

And I hugged her and thanked her ..

" Let's enjoy this moments .. " I said and we all came down ...

Maa , papa , me and Vahini we all made dinner while my grandparents and advaith made dining table

ready for dinner ..

We eat in not silent moment because we did chit chat and crazy talks like ' some childhood

embarrassing moments , some stupid things which grandpa has done in his teenage etc etc ' ..

Then as my grandparents are aged so they went in their room to sleep after dinner ..

Me and other left peoples of my family planed to have movie night but my phone ringed showing

maverick name on its screen ..

Advaith have informed maa papa about weights and all how met them and all ..

I picked up his call and without hello and nothing he said " I am going to video call you connect it to

your laptop " and just like that he cut the call .

I set with my family and accept the notification for face time in my laptop ..

Everyone is there on the screen .. whole Wright's family ...

" Hello everyone , how are you all ? " I said and turned to introduce them with my family but Mrs. Wright

took my words ..

" Hello Mr. and Mrs. Anand and we have already met with you Mr. Advaith and Miss. Vahini ... And I am

Mrs. Roshani Wright ... It's nice to meet you all " Mrs. Wright said ...

And then after her everyone introduce themselves...

" how you all know about my family ? " I asked them ..

" Obviously.. Amoli we are Wright's .. and we has did background check-up of your family after knowing

advaith " said the great Hudson with smirk .. if I was there I would have punched him on his this pretty

face .

My parents talk to them while I felt outsider in their conversation ..

Soon I said them bye and we all went to sleep after watching english movie..



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