
Chapter 52

Chapter 52

Chapter 52 — The Collision

“If someone pushes you, you push right back.“— Sara Farizan Kiya

+10% Bonus


Sounds of hits to nylon resonated through the noiseless air of the gym. My fists hit the red coating of the punching bag, grains of sand rippling with each impact. Alternating, my feet hit the bag in rapid succession. The corner digital clock read 4:35 A.M. in bold red. Most of the pack was asleep and here | was, beating the crap out of the gym bag because | couldn’t sleep.

How could I, knowing that my ex—mate was hunting for my heart?

I'm pissed as hell. Does the ol‘ bastard think he could have me? He had another thing coming! Every time | punch the red, | see Neron’s face. That stupid smirk refused to leave my mind. His expression alone told me he was up to the challenge, oozing self- assurance that he’ll emerge as the winner.

Not by a long shot!

Fucking mate bond! | hate that thing! | thought once you accept the rejection, the initial bond should be gone for good. But now that Neron didn’t mark Odessa and withdrew his rejection, it put me in a tough spot. How long until | feel it? Can | weather this crap for the entire summer?

| roared, fury hammering the punching bag faster than my eyes could track. No matter, that Alpha is still the monster who ruined my life. He gave me a permanent scar on my shoulder blade! | cannot lose sight of the clear—cut truth, Neron was my abuser and lll never mate with him.

| rather see him suffer than kiss those damn lips.

My vision flashed. Wisps of white spiraled around my wrists, dancing across my digits. Tiny explosions of white emitted from the contact between the nylon and my flesh like tiny fireworks, lighting up around me. My power had come out to play, and it was having fun. It dances the tango with my anger, my vision flashing redder than the punching bag.Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

If Neron wanted a fight, I'll give him a war.

With a final yell, | punched as hard as | could. The big bag flew off its hinges, landing on the gym floor in a pathetic thud with sand dribbling out of its lesions. Sweat amassed my body, dripping from my temples. The white around my finger disappeared, bathing me in darkness with only a dim light shining behind me.

“No one will use that again.” Artemis chuckled in our mind-link.

“Hilarious.” | rolled my eyes while walking to the gym bleachers, grabbing my phone. “I’m beyond frustrated.

Who the hell does Neron think he is?”

“He is a pompous jerk, and so is his wolf.” She grumbled, her anger matching mine. “They won't stop until they mark us.”

“That won't happen!” | snapped, holding my sweaty head in my hands. “Neron doesn’t deserve me, and Onyx does not deserve you. | don’t care what destiny says.”

“As will |. When you fight, | will fight right beside you. The pain they caused us cannot be forgotten.. Ww


e’re fighting this together and we will emerge victorious in this war.”

“You're my ride—or—die Artemis. You’re stuck with me, no matter what.”

“| wouldn't have it any other way.”




The noises of the gym opening cut our conversation short. | turned to see Sapphire walking in with two crisp water bottles in her hands. She was still dressed in her warm orange capri pajamas, sporting two braids in her hair.

“| figured you'd be here.” She handed me the bottles. With much appreciation, | chugged down the first one. pleasurable cool washing over me like an ocean wave.

“| couldn’t sleep.” “Is it Neron?” She asked. | nodded. “I can’t believe he took back his rejection. | didn’t know wolves could do that.” “They can, apparently.” | opened the second bottle. “He’s on the pursuit for my heart.”

Sapphire grimaced, disapproval warping her face. “He must be very desperate if he thinks he could win you back. And now, we have a deranged she-wolf blaming our arrival for the fall of her relationship.”

“Did Jackie try to toss her in the trees?”

“Almost, but Abi calmed her down.” My friend chortled, folding one leg over the other. “Something tells me this summer will be one we'll remember for a long time.”

“These next three months are going to be hell.” | groaned, chugging down my second bottle. “How can | concentrate on my job when | have a fucking Alpha breathing down my neck?”

...We could always poison him with wolfsbane.” My eyes widened in shock at Sapphire’s cool, unwavering. tone. Seconds later, she burst out laughing. “I’m kidding! | wouldn’t do such a thing! But we do need to do something about him.”

| shake my head. “Neron is my problem, I'll deal with him.”

“Are you sure? He won't leave you alone, Kiki. Alphas don’t give up easily. They’re possessive, demanding, and will fight to the end for their other halves. | mean, you saw how Anthony is with Alesia, and your Dad with

your Mom.”

Oh, how true that statement is. Alphas were formidable for a good reason. Dad is possessive and very protective of Mom. When the rogues attacked Garnet Moon last year, he was a war machine. He slaughtered every rogue that made the momentous offense of looking at Mom. Mom was an excellent fighter in her rights, but Dad was merciless against enemies. So was Anthony. When Alesia was pregnant with Ximena and rogues dared to intrude again, he cut them down swiftly. I’ve seen it firsthand how Alphas would stop at nothing to

protect their mates.

| couldn't imagine how they were when they first found them.

And here | am, the trophy that Neron intends on getting by any means necessary. I'm in deep shit.



“There has to be a way to make Neron look elsewhere,” | mumbled, “He has to get back with Odessa or with another she—-wolf. It is the only way to end this for good.”


Sapphire was silent, eyes pointed to the side. | could smell her doubt intermingled with her apple pie scent. My confidence suddenly depleted when my friend didn’t offer any words of advice. It was like she could see how hopeless this situation is.

Well, | wasn’t giving up. The bastard could bark and howl all he wants. He deserves to suffer from the broken mate bond. | won't be his victim again. I'll put a silver bullet in my head before that happens.

Cracking my knuckles, 1 eavesdropped on the echoes of battle from behind me. My friends and | split our batch of warriors into groups of three to work on a specific war specialty. A smile slinks on my face as | watched Darien bark out orders to his group in their wolf forms. He looked better this morning, ready to buckle down and deliver. Galen and Sapphire worked together with their group in weaponry while Jacqueline and Abigail oversaw the hand-to-hand combat regimen.

| oversaw the training the young wolves to get their feet wet in warfare. I’ve met some morning during breakfast. They voiced their eagerness for their start. It made me happy to see fervent young pups ready to become stronger for the good of their pack. The youngsters would make mighty fine warriors.

As | walked to the training grounds separate from the adults, that accursed scent drifted in my nose. His scent. The scent | wished to rid for good.

| watched Neron lead the group of the newly shifted pups towards me, many of them sporting exercise gear, hopping with untamed excitement. | spotted Adama in the crowd, trailing next to his Alpha with springs in his step. The older man’s oceanic blue eyes met mine, a gleam of desire shining in them as he marched closer.


“Good morning, Kiya.” He spoke, a slight purr pervaded his voice. Neron’s eyes raked my body up and down.. flickering to black. “You look good.”

“Why are you here?” | got straight to the point, fists on my hips.

“An Alpha is not allowed on his training grounds?” Neron grinned. “I’ve collected the pups for you.” He gestures to the 30— something children behind him. “All are ready to learn from a renowned Delta.”

Young echoes of cheers resounded between us. | smiled warmly at the youngsters but frowned when my eyes flickered back to my ex—mate. “I could have done it myself, Neron.”

“A little “thank you‘ would suffice, my dear.”

“Not going to happen.” | gagged at one of his probable pet names for me. | wanted to shed my skin and smack him with the molt. “All of you, line up in rows of six!”

Ignoring the heated gaze and deep chuckles from the Alpha, | get straight to work. The pups obeyed, lining up in rows of six with five wolves behind the first six children. | study them, trying to spot any falters or fear in the sea of colorful eyes, but | see none. They all were ready to learn.

Tee your training indefinitely until we find your new Delta +10-

| beamed, crossing my arms. “Um happy to see that this bunch of young wolves are up to the challenge Bonu all will refer to me as Cola Ron will 04:51 have a long imumes altusuti af ans, little ones. Training for battle and war is not for the faint of heart. each of you and | see unitumped potential. I'll be the one who will help you let it out. We'll start be strengthening your human selves, and then we will slowly move to wolves and weaponry. Underston

“Yes, Delta!” All shouted munism. My heart thudded in excitement, cracking a bigger smile on my hair. Jutt as | was about an art. | felt a tap on my bare shoulder. Tiny, yet noticeable sparks erupted from that single touch. My umilie matantly fell as | turned to the bastard, smiling smugly.

“Mind if | affer a suggestion. Delta Kiya?” “It's for the pups tell myself. Swallowing down my anger, | give Neron a strained smilie: “What the wou want to say Ali Weron

“The pups deserve a demonstration of what they are about to learn.” He grinned, his fume shieitling any detection al mischievousness. “They'll work harder if they see what their Delta is made off. Sputting would get their hearts pumping.”

“That dinesn’t sound like a bad idea,” | mutter, rubbing my chin.

The pups could get a glimpse of what is coming, to set goals to reach the levell the others and | are on. Maybe if | could pull Jackie away from her teaching for a second to spar with me in front of the kids...?

Yeah, can we see it, Delta Kiya?” Adama asked me, his red—brown lips curling into a grin. | could see the anticipation on his face as the other students mumbled in agreement. God, children were my weakness. They always know how to warm my heart.

“Alright, alright.” | nodded. “But just this once. After that, we are to start your official training.”

| was about to mind-link Jackie until Neron spoke again. “Why don’t you spar with me?” look at him in frank disbelief, a scoff escaping my mouth. The game he was trying to play is abvious. It was an attempt to get closer to me. Our spar would involve a lot of touching, something multin Lavoid.

“No way. Don’t you have work to do?”

“Come on, Kiv

Kiya.” Neron chuckled. “Afraid that | might beut your Tho scared to fight an Alpha?” “| fought a better Alpha.” The pups ooed in a roaring unison, enjoying the little spi

“You wound me.” The werewolf faked hurt, his hand over his heart. “Why interrupt your friends amid their teaching when you have an available and willing participant right here?”

“It's a trap,” Artemis growled. “He’s trying to rille you up

“| want nothing more but to beat him, Artemis. Min one mukes a fool out of me, not even Neron.”

“| know, but | feel it. Even Onyx is excited about the fight, more of an excuse to strengthen his connection with me.. We can't do this.”

“Forget it, Neron.” | snapped. “I’m not sparing with you.”

+10- Bonu

“Very well.” He shrugged his

milliers calmly. “It's a shame that a warrior of Garnet Moon ran from a digit The last time | cherkori Pa itum Hoe een hattie| Seer and ready. They ‘are the best fighters for 04:49 and you're denying a sinpile request al sparring, and from an Alpha, nonetheless. Not a wonderfu you're giving to win studimits, Liva” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Deep, guttural grils rumbled deep in my chest, spilling out into the balmy air. Neron casts his game down at me, knowing willitut his words of snarkiness got to me. His smile and power stance were triumphant, pearly smile glittering uilerneath the sun’s rays. The fool thinks he has won, but goddamnit, he was right

My presentation nutttered. Deltas don’t run. We were the vanguards in all battles, whether it be against one o fifty. It was mutta title to take for granted. If | walk away now, what does that say to the paps? They will never take me sermusly again, and that was a problem | needed to avoid.

The thought of Neron touching me infuriated me. His touches, until now, have been violent. And now, he wanteed to change things, to rectify all his wrongs.

I'll beat his pathetic ass to the ground.

great him, my eyes burning with the fire of my willpower. “If | spar with you willl you leave me the hell Probably not.” He laughed. “But | want to see how strong my little mate has gotten. | love a woman who nutt kick my DSS.”

And an ass-kicking is what you're about to get!

Fine. Get in position.” The kids hurriedly backed up a safe distance from us, but not without forming a semicircle with the shorter pups peeking through the gaps. We both stepped back until we were about six feet from one another. | stretched my arms and legs briefly before going into my fighting stance.

This man was built like a building, but he is going down just like one- His hands went to the hem of his shirt and peeled it off. Holy bell.

The sun kissed his muscled torso, his six-pack abs showing of themselves proudly to me. His muscles flexed and rippled with every@overhent he made, Als {Rick bite veins protruding under his tan skin. My sight followed the thick indentations of his physique from his arms to his chest, right down to the forbidden V-line that disappeared beneath the hem of his dark jeans. The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!

My eyes widened like plates. Oh, dear Goddess. Why did he have to be so gorgeous? “Like what you see?” His eyebrow quirked, satisfied with the reaction he got from me. “Shut the fuck up!”

“Watch your language around the little ones.”

He finally got into his fighting stance, eyes tracking my movements. Both of us have advantages and disadvantages. | w pryallerand \

| ner that)! Wave peed on my side. Neron was taller, and bulkier, which means his strength was his best asset. Using my powers to my advantage was something | didn't like. | wanted to fight my opponents on equal ground, and powers were only to be used when necessary. The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Chapter 12 — The Coll Thus, began our war the moment our fists collided.

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