Unfaithful: Web Of Betrayal


When Olivia Harmon entered a room, heads turned. Dressed in red nonetheless. Sometimes he wondered if she really meant it when she said she didn’t like to be the center of attention.

He watched from the corner of his father’s house as she walked in with her arm looped around Declan’s. Her husband’s adoring eyes look at her with a proud smile. Parading her around like she was his most prized possession. Maybe she was, there’s nothing wrong with that. But it made his stomach turn.

“Hey … there you are,” Selma tugged his shirt from behind. “What are you doing here?”

He turned and sipped on his drink. He didn’t want her to see he was watching Declan Hunt’s wife like a hawk from the moment she stepped into the dining hall. “Nothing,” he lied.

“I was looking for you everywhere … you could’ve at least pretended to care a little bit about your date?” she protested.

He smiled, “You’re right … sorry … I was wandering and found the cocktail waiter,” he chuckled, “Let’s go find something to eat.”

“That’s a great idea, I’m famished … can we get some seafood on that table?”

He looked to where Selma pointed, it was the table where Declan and Olivia stood talking to other guests.

“The food outside is better, let’s go to the back,” he took her hand and walked around the back to avoid meeting the guests of honor.

He avoided the couple like the plague. At that point, he was unable to hide his true feelings toward them anymore. Seeing them together was like poison he had to swallow and pretend it didn’t kill him. How Declan kissed her hand now and again, wrapped his arm around her waist, telling everybody how beautiful his wife looked that night as if the world was blind.

He could’ve tried to enjoy the food but all he could think about was how Declan would go home with her and took that blood-red dress off of her. He put his plate down and took another glass of cocktail instead and another, and another. Until his dad called out for everyone to gather around for the main event.

He leaned on the doorway facing the huge cake where his dad, his stepmom, Declan and Olivia stood encircled by the guests. All the sounds were muffled in his ears. Selma was talking non-stop next to him, he seemed to find a way to block all the noise while his focus was solely on the woman in the red dress. He hadn’t said a word to her since the party started, but she was never out of his sight.

A great success. Merge of giants. Bringing change to society. Making a difference in the world. The richest man on the Forbes list. Yadda yadda yadda. That much Roman could capture with his drunken ears. Then finally, Declan announced that he will be taking a leave of absence for a few months because he was going to buy a house in London for his lovely wife.

Roman grimaced. That was not what he wanted to hear. She never said anything about leaving for London for a few months. He saw Olivia glance at him for a split second and averted back to Declan. She was all smiles and agreeing to his every word. She didn’t act like someone who was going to tell her husband that she wanted a divorce, she was the exact opposite. He was buying a house for her, and she looked grateful. She was leaning to her husband like they were going on a second honeymoon and it nearly drove him mad.

“Wow … congratulations!” he said out loud and caught everyone’s attention.

He walked towards the couple with a drink still in his hand, and Selma in the other.

“Please … let me congratulate everyone here for this wonderful success, truly deserving a celebration,” he lifted his glass to face the crowd and everyone joined him.

Olivia felt the tension, she had to play along.

“Why thank you, Roman, we haven’t seen you all night … we totally appreciate it,” Declan replied.

Roman had a smile on his face that Olivia knew wasn’t sincere, “And to my business partner whom I have had the pleasure to work with for all these months … congratulations … this is also your achievement … and a house in London, I hope that doesn’t mean our work here is done,” he chuckled. The crowd murmurs in light laughter.

“Thank you … of course not, it’s a pleasure working with you too,” Olivia said.

“Well … not unless we finally get pregnant,” Declan interrupted and held his wife’s arm in a loving way that Olivia couldn’t possibly reject him.

Roman raised his brows, “Even more good news,” he raised his glass again to the crowd, “Let’s cheers to that shall we? The Hunts are going to welcome a new heir to the throne,” he grinned widely.

Brian was looking at his son’s behavior and feared it might go somewhere unpleasant. “What about you, Roman? You have something to announce too, don’t you?”

He looked at his dad for a brief second, “Oh yes … I was too distracted by the series of good news, I too have something to celebrate … I’m happy to announce that this lovely lady here,” he pulled Selma closer to him, “We are getting engaged.”

The crowd gasped in surprise. The most surprised was Selma, she couldn’t close her mouth. For a brief moment, Roman and Olivia were staring at each other like the world didn’t exist.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Everyone here will be invited of course … the date is yet to be discussed,” Roman chuckled and looked at Selma who was grinning from ear to ear. “I will leave all the details up to you, my lady … and if you don’t mind let’s complete this announcement with a great big kiss,” he put his arm around her waist and pulled her in for a kiss.

Right there in front of Declan and Olivia, Roman kissed his future ‘fiance’ in a long passionate kiss like he was going to suck the life out of that poor girl. The smooch lasted long enough to make everyone uncomfortable and was finally interrupted by Brian’s voice, “Here’s to the happy couple!” he raised his glass to the guests and they all cheered.

After the smooch, Roman’s eyes went straight to Olivia although he was the one who looked more disappointed than her. With Selma still, in his arm, he smiled at Olivia and raised his glass.

“Congratulations,” Olivia said.

“Yes, congratulations, very happy news indeed,” Declan added.

“Thank you,” Roman simply said and pulled Selma away from the crowd as quickly as he entered it.

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