Twisted Fate

Chapter 16: Married

Alex arrived at the registry five minutes to the time they were going to be joined. He was dressed in a blue suit, the colour of it matched with his eyes.

Festus and Jane arrived next. They will be the witnesses to the union. It wasn’t like it was real but Alex wanted it to appear real as much as he could so that his grandfather wouldn’t detect any abnormality.

Jane gave Alex a hug and he in turn, planted a featherlight kiss on her temple. She seemed to be happy that Alex was finally going to settle down.

“I’m so happy for you Alex” Jane chimed, she went back and stood by Festus’ side, and the two lovers linked their fingers together.

“Thank you Jane,” Alex responded. He glanced at Festus and he later winked at him, indicating Jane Knows nothing about his marriage was a contract one.

Alex kept glancing at his wristwatch. Two minutes left, Ella arrived dressed in a white wedding dress.

She was brought to the registry by Alex chauffeur. He had met with Ella an hour earlier and drove her to a boutique where wedding accessories are sold.

Ella got dressed and had her hair styled into a beautiful bun. She looked splendid and gorgeous with her bouquet of flowers in her hand.

The diamond earrings she had on were glittering and her white beautiful skin was looking attractive and sweet.

Ella had sobbed on her way to the registry. Thank goodness, her makeup was waterproof.

As she arrived at the registry, she sobered up. That’s enough, she’s not going to sob again, at least not before anyone.

When she’s in the comfort of her bedroom, she can sob as much as she can and Clean her tears, then step out with a smile.

She took a few steps to where Alex stood, waiting for her. She saw Festus and didn’t look in his direction.

He knew about her recent breakup. Seeing her getting married to Alex, he would see her through the eyes of an indecent woman or better still a gold digger.

No one knows exactly why she was getting married to this arrogant brat. But she knows, her mother was the reason.

She was doing it for her mother. She was doing it and in exchange, to see her healthy again.

Alex took her hand, with a poker face. He must admit that Ella looked different in her looks that morning.

She looked like a fairy Princess going to be married to her charming prince. He felt attracted to her. He had always known she was a beautiful woman.

But he had never thought she looked like a beauty goddess. Even Lisa, his most favoured girlfriend cannot be compared to her in terms of beauty and attractiveness.

Together, they both walked into the registry and we’re joined as man and wife. The documents were signed and from that moment, they were pronounced husband and wife.

Jane was not comfortable with the looks on the face of the bride. She had always known, all her life, that a woman is happiest on her wedding.

The smiles, excitement and happiness cannot be hidden and it will reflect on everyone around her, her smiles would be contagious.

But Ella, Alex’s wife , looked moody. She seemed to have sobbed, considering her slightly puffy face.

Isn’t she happy to be married to Alex? The latter is a man many women would happily want to be married to, they will be eager to have their last name as Foster.

“Why is Alex’s wife looking unhappy?” Jane whispered. She cannot hide her curiosity to herself and Festus should be able to explain since he and Alex are best of friends.

“How am I supposed to know?” Festus whispered back. He hadn’t told Jane the reason for his friend’s sudden marriage.Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

Jane fell silent.

As the couple were going to walk out of the registry, Alex whispered beneath his breath “Can you at least put on some smiles? It wasn’t like I dragged you like a horse to the river”

Ella became furious. Put on a smile huh, what right does he have to tell her that? She wasn’t going to smile and there’s nothing he can do about it.

“I will not smile. If you are not comfortable with it, let’s get back and divorced now” Ella snapped at him.

Alex glanced at her in rage. What kind of stubborn idiot had he married? His facial expression was cold. He felt like yelling at her but he decided to be quiet.

Festus had seen the expression on Alex’s face and knew they both had argued. He sighed, how will these two people cope with each other for another 365 days?

Alex is arrogant and always thinks he is right. Ella is stubborn and wouldn’t let anyone trample on her right and dignity.

“Congratulations Mrs Foster” Jane chimed, walking over to Ella and hugged her.

That was when Ella just realised that she was going to be referred to as Mrs Foster henceforth till one year will roll by.

She smiled for the first time since she arrived at the registry and hugged Jane. She had seen the woman with Festus and knew she was his woman.

“Thank you so much” she responded but as quickly as the smile came, it disappeared.

There were a few snapshots and before everyone, Alex withdrew his hand and placed it in his pants pocket. The action appeared violent as if he was angry.

Festus and Jane followed Ella to the car that conveyed her while Alex returned to his white Lexus and his chauffeur drove him away.

Ella left also as Festus and Jane got into the black Lexus and zoomed off. There were many questions in Jane’s mind, but wouldn’t Festus say she’s too inquisitive?

“Is Ella pregnant?” She asked. It is clear that they both don’t love each other. Why did they decide to be married?

“No. Alex hadn’t even had sex with her” Festus replied simply. He doesn’t know how to cope with these two people for another one year.

Alex is his best friend and Ella is like a friend as well. He finds himself in the middle, he doesn’t want Ella to be cheated and he doesn’t want Ella to disrespect Alex.

“Then why…” Jane was going to ask another question when Festus interrupted her “can we talk about something else please?”

Ella was driven to Alex Mansion. When she got there, she stepped into the house and wondered if she’s in paradise.

The exquisite cushion, the light filled chandelier, the glittering floor and the sophisticated ceiling which has an inbuilt light.

The spiral stairs that appeared as if she was in a presidential suite. It’s not like she hadn’t tasted wealth in the past, it’s just that she hadn’t tasted something so classical.

Ms. Cooker came forward and bowed slightly before the madam. Mr Foster had told her that his wife would be coming to the Mansion from the registry.

She should make everything in order. Her bedroom should be made ready for her and all the servants should be introduced to her.

Ella looked at the time of servants before her. She didn’t look hostile but smiled when she saw the servants bow respectfully before her.

“Welcome madam. And congratulations on your wedding”Ms Cooker greeted, with respect.

“Thank you,” Ella replied.

She looked at her wristwatch. It appears she is impatient. She needed to proceed to the hospital to see her mother at once.

She has to be there. And besides, she’s yet to confirm if Alex was going through with his own part of the contract.

“I am Ms Cooker….” The cook introduced herself and so did the other servants. Ella smiled, her name is Cooker and she’s a cook, with a coincidence.

The introduction was soon over and Ms Cooker said she would take Ella to her bedroom.

Ella was taken to the guest room and told, the boss had instructed that she would be staying there as her bedroom.

Ella thanked her. She soon pulled off the wedding dress and checked through the closet, she saw some dresses in the closet.

They are expensive clothes. She knew Alex had ordered it for her. Well, she doesn’t have any clothes to put on.

She would just put it on and go bring her clothes from her home. She is not interested in Alex buying her clothes or putting in the clothes he bought.

In less than thirty minutes, the servants saw the madam stepped out of the room. She seemed to be in a hurry to go somewhere.

She was dressed in a plain but classic gown. Her hair that was in a bun had been released, as it cascaded down her shoulders.

She walked out of the mansion and started walking towards the road to get a cab. She got a cab and slides into it, taking her to the hospital.

By the time Ella arrived at the hospital, she was surprised to find Father Kaitano and Miss Kampala seated opposite the theatre.

Without asking, Ella knew her mother was already in the theatre, she’s having the surgery. Her kidneys were going to be translated.

How did Alex get a donor that is compatible within the shortest time? She felt like screaming for joy.

But whatever, she would wait until the surgery is over and successful. Only after then can she be filled with so much excitement.

“Ella my child” father Kaitano called, beckoning to her to come over. Ella quickly changed her happy mood and looked pitiful.

When she heard father kaitano’s words, Miss Kampala looked sideways and saw Ella standing a few distance from them.

“Ella” Miss Kampala also called. Ella walked closer to them. They both felt sympathy for Ella.

They knew Ella had deposited some money that is why the doctors proceeded to go ahead with the surgery. Such a responsible daughter that Sarah has got.

They stood up and gave Ella a hug. Ella’s eyes became moist. She found so much love coming from the hug she got from them both.

“I know you will definitely do whatever you can to save Sarah. You are such a sweet girl Ella” Miss Kampala commended her.

“Thank you for standing by my mom at such a critical time of her life” Ella appreciated in return.

She had thought it would be just her and her mother alone. But Miss Kampala had been standing by them right from the previous day when the incident happened.

“How are you doing, my child?” Father Kaitano inquired, holding Ella by her shoulders.

The father felt so much pain that this child had to suffer so much at such a tender age. She is a good child and that’s the only reason Sarah had survived till that day.

From what he could guess, she must have gone around sorting for money to pay the deposit for the surgery.

“I’m doing fine, father,” Ella replied.

Ella lied. They all know she isn’t doing fine. At Least not with what she is currently going through.

“May the Lord save Sarah’s life and grant you both a happy long life” Father blessed Ella.

“Amen” Ella appreciated.

Soon father Kaitano said he had to return to the parish. If Ella needs his presence again, she should feel free to call him at once.

Ella appreciated his kind gesture and prayers. Father Kaitano soon left, leaving Ella and Miss Kampala behind.

Ella sat and fixed her eyes on the red light of the theatre. She wished she could walk through the door and find her mother on the surgery couch.

Her mother would survive, yes, she would scale through. This is the greatest battle of her life and she believes her mother will win.

Yes, she will definitely win in this battle and she will come out strong. Ella’s thoughts were all fixed on her mother.


Bill waited all night and till the next morning, he was still waiting for Ella to call him, to compromise and give him a chance to be with her for one night.

But it’s two days now and Ella didn’t call her. Is she stupid, does she want her mother to die?

What kind of a woman was Ella? What use would her virginity do to her when her mother’s life was at stake?

She’s so dumb.

And yet, she would go about, proclaiming so much love for her mother. How can she say she loved her mother when she cannot make any sacrifice for her?

He can’t call her and he is never going to give her the money. She must be willing to let him have his way with her.

There’s nothing like free lunch.

Oh Ella, just one night is all he wanted, just one night.

In the hospital, Few hours later, the theatre light suddenly went off….

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