Touched by Death: (Sins of The Fallen book 3)

Touched by Death: Chapter 32

Whiskey glass in hand, I choke on my drink when my son storms into my office like a thundercloud that’s ready to unleash on a choppy ocean. It’s funny as hell.

Not that he sees the funny side of it.

Such a spoil sport.

Striding up to me, he hauls me up from my chair and tosses me onto the desk. Paperwork goes flying, and a candle crashes to the floor. “You came on her fucking cunt?!”

“In my defense, I didn’t fuck her.”

Daemon is not amused. Teeth bared, he grips my shirt, lifts me off the desk while I hold my hands up placatingly, and slams me back down with enough force to crack the wood. “I will kill you one day!”

“Lighten up, son,” I say with a chuckle. “It was just a bit of fun.”

He snarls loud enough that my temper flares, and I shove him back.

“That’s enough! Don’t forget your place.”

His snarl only intensifies as he flares his wings in an aggressive display of power that would get a lesser man killed. I allow it for all of two seconds before closing the distance between us in a flurry of movement and grabbing him in a chokehold. My own wings unfold to stretch the length of the room. “I am Lucifer, the damn devil. Is that clear? Or are you still mistaking me for a Christian youth leader from the human world? If I want to coat the girl’s pussy in cum, I will. And you should be grateful that I felt generous enough to leave her tight little cunt alone for you to ruin. Behave like a damn immature brat, and I might fuck all her holes next time.”

“Try it,” he snarls before his lips peel back to showcase his sharp, gleaming fangs. “I’ll slaughter you.”

Releasing him, I pat his cheek once. “This is why I always told you to stay detached. Women mess with your head if you let them. This particular female has become your weakness. Not even a fucking week with my best torturer could make you see sense. Nothing short of killing her will solve the problem.”

As predicted, he flies at me, ready to fight me to the death to protect his fire-bonded. Erecting a wall of flames between us, I force him back, smiling at him from across the fire. “Don’t tempt me, son. You know I wouldn’t hesitate to kill her.”

Gnashing his teeth, he tests the flames but jumps back with a hiss.

“Now that you’ve chewed me out for coming on your girl,” I say, rolling up my sleeves. “Why are you really here?”

Shoulders tense, he tosses a livid look in my direction. “We found a room in the passageways.”

“A room? There are plenty of those.”

“Her stalker has used it.”

I freeze, looking over at him. “Excuse me?”

Testing the flames again, he curses under his breath when he burns his arm. “Her stalker set up camp in one of the rooms. I’m talking crazy shit. Countless photographs of her chained up and a notebook with some twisted, scrawled notes. It’s how he got in. Hidden in plain sight in the secret passageways.”

Head cocked, a mixture of emotions bubble to the surface as I mull over his words. “You’re telling me Aurelia’s stalker stayed in my own damn house, under my nose, and I didn’t know about it?” Strangely, I don’t recognize this foreign emotion inside me. The idea that my son’s annoying plaything is unsafe in my house buzzes like an irritating mosquito in my head.

Uncharacteristically annoyed, I suck on my teeth. The seconds tick by. Someone who’s obsessed with my son’s fire-bonded broke into my home and stalked her from the inside. He probably watched her fuck my son too… Mate with my son.

As I look down, I frown. Flames lick a path up my arms, spreading like a blazing wildfire. I rarely lose control of my hellfire, but now I’m pissed. In fact, I’m so fucking pissed that nothing short of murder will soothe this untamed rage inside me. But who should I acquaint with my demon? A servant? A guard? A human?

“Can you put these fucking flames out?” Daemon growls, shattering my destructive thoughts. With a sweep of my hand, they fizzle out.

“I’ll get my best hunters on it,” I say, more to myself than Daemon. While I mess with him to piss him off, no one else gets to threaten my family and the people they care about. Not unless it’s their wish to die a slow and excruciatingly painful death.

“I meant it, Dad,” Daemon says, stopping in front of me and puffing out his chest. “I’ll slaughter you if you touch her again.”

“And I meant it when I said you should stop behaving like a brat unless it’s your goal to make me fuck her like a whore on my desk. What did we learn from Adam and Eve?” I pat his shoulder as I make my way past him. “The forbidden always tastes the sweetest. And your Aurelia, a sweet, innocent angel from Eden, looks more and more like a juicy red apple by the day. How can I not want to sink my teeth into her soft flesh when you tell me that I can eat from all the other trees but hers? Fuck, son. If that’s not a beacon call to the biggest predator in the woods, I don’t know what is.”

Daemon’s fierce glare burns my back as I leave the room, but I don’t wait to hear his reply. Not now when I have bigger prey in mind. Someone had the damn nerve to enter my house uninvited and threaten the innocent little angel, who, much to my dismay, is proving to be quite an entertaining distraction from the mundane.

One day, when my son is my age, he’ll understand why a little chaos is a good thing. But for now, he’s so driven by his protective instincts that he can’t see past his own aching balls and desire to claim the angel.


The cells in the basement leave a lot to be desired. They’re small, reek of torment and death, and the cold, damp air seeps into your bone marrow. Not to mention the rat that scurries across the floor.

“Let me the fuck out,” the little witch growls, pacing the small confines of her barred cell.

Alaric’s yellow yoyo spins out before he pockets it and straightens off the brick wall. The filthy smirk on his lips tells me he’s amused by this turn of events, and I have to admit that I’m not entirely unaffected myself. Daemon never ceases to surprise me when it comes to the little angel.

His sheer creativity.

“We can’t do that,” Alaric drawls as he stops in front of the bars and cocks his head to the side, that sinful smile spreading across his sensual lips.

Aurelia charges the bars and bares her gleaming teeth with a crazed look in her eyes. “Fuck you!”

His hand flies out and grabs her by the throat through the rusty bars. “You do realize that your fighting only excites us more, right? It entices Daemon more. And when Daemon sets his attention on something, he’s not satisfied until it’s in pieces by his feet.”

“I’m fully aware,” she bites out, clawing at his wrist. “Do you like to pretend to be him when he’s not here? Exert your dominance over me the way he does?”

Over by the far wall, Ronan chuckles before lighting up the cigarette between his lips.

“I do like to exert my dominance over you,” Alaric admits darkly. “I like it when you squirm with need.”

The sconces on the walls burn brighter in response to her anger, and we all snap our heads up. The little witch’s powers are slowly returning. It’s about fucking time.

“Would you look at that,” Ronan says, straightening up from the wall.

“What do we think about the stalker?” I ask while pacing the room. I’m restless, and unease twists my insides.

Eyes glued on the spot on Aurelia’s neck where he strokes his thumb back and forth, Alaric replies, “It must be someone we know. Someone who either lives here or who has access to this house.”

“Someone who can go unnoticed amongst the servants,” Ronan agrees, taking a deep drag. White smoke escapes his lips as he shrugs. “Or maybe it’s actually a servant?”

“I don’t like how close he’s been to her this whole time.”

With a hard yank, Alaric pulls the angel closer, and the bars rattle as she crashes into them with a sharp gasp. “What I’d like to know is how Genesis escaped the bindings the first time.”

Ronan walks over and stops beside him. Cigarette back between his lips, he speaks around the filter, “They were secure. She had no way of escaping.”

“Try to escape this prison cell,” Alaric taunts, forcing his thumb between her snarling lips. “I’d love to see you try.”

She bites down hard enough to make him release her with a curse and step back. Eyes burning with fury, he glares at her and points a stern finger in her direction. “You’ll regret that. Just you fucking wait until Daemon shows up.”

Her saccharine smile could melt butter, but there’s something behind it, a vulnerability that’s new. “I’m used to prisons, remember? This”—she waves a hand around the rusty bars—“is just another chain.”

The unease inside me thickens at the slight shake of her voice. Enraptured by her fiery attitude, the boys don’t notice. They’re drawn closer by the promise of trouble in her gaze. They crowd the bars, leaning against them with their shoulders. Alaric steals the cigarette from between Ronan’s lips and takes a deep drag.

“Just think, babe,” Ronan says to the little angel with a smirk. “We’ll soon fill your every hole.”

She flips him off, causing him to chuckle and snatch the cigarette back. Smoking in silence, he watches her through eyes that glint with amusement at her predicament. There’s something enticing about trapped prey.

The door behind me opens, and Daemon enters in a cloud of aftershave and bad intentions. His broad shoulders stretch the fabric of his black T-shirt, and his jeans hang low on his hips. His cocky walk is intentionally slow, as if he enjoys the slight catch in Aurelia’s breath. He circles the cage once, his gaze cruising down Aurelia’s body and lingering on her bare thighs where his father’s cum still coats her skin. “She fucking reeks.” His eyes find mine through the bars. “You didn’t wash her like I asked.”All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

With a shrug of my shoulders, I sink my teeth into my blood-red lip. “I quite like the thought of the devil’s cum on her.”

“The devil is my fucking father,” he growls out, his voice eerily silent yet steady at the same time. “Why don’t you fuck him yourself if you like his cum that much?”

“I don’t want to fuck your dad, Daemon,” I state boldly, my heels clicking on the gritty floor as I walk closer to the cell. “I want to lick his cum off her while making her come around my fingers.”

His winged brow and slight side smirk make my clit tingle.

“Go ahead. Lick her clean.”

Ronan tosses the keys in my direction, the cigarette dangling from his lips. With a wink, he slides it between his middle and pointer and takes another deep drag. As the embers crackle in the tense silence, I walk up to the cell door and reach for the iron lock.

A sharp hiss inside the cage snaps my attention to Aurelia, who’s anything but happy. It’ll take a lot of groveling to make her forgive us for entrapping her like this. But unluckily for her, I quite enjoy the scent of her anger.

“So feisty,” I taunt as the keys jangle in the lock.

“If you think I’ll let you anywhere near me, think again,” she snarls, causing delicious tingles to settle in my core. Behind me, the boys chuckle.

“I think we both know you’ll let me do more than just go near you.” My small side smile has her eyes narrowing. The lock clicks open, and I hand the padlock to Alaric without taking my eyes off the angel. When the door creaks open on its rusty hinges, her wings erupt from her back and press against the sides of the cage.

Amused, Ronan, who’s still leaning against the bars, flicks a feather and turns his head sideways to blow out a cloud of cigarette smoke.

As I enter the cell, the click of my heels on the gritty stone floor silences the vicious, animalistic snarls in her chest. “There’s nowhere to go, little angel. You’re trapped.”

Pressed up against the back of the cell, she peels her lips back over her teeth and hisses like a snake.

Fuck, I love that sound.

“Are you sure you’re up for this?” chuckles Ronan, sending the still-lit cigarette flying to the floor with a flick of his fingers. “She might kill you if you take another step.”

“Don’t you know me at all?” I ask him while letting my eyes roam over the threatened angel cowering against the bars. “I like a challenge.”

Aurelia’s lips twitch viciously, and when I pull the bars closed behind me, the snarl in her chest starts back up. Fierce, dangerous, and tempting as fuck. “Lock us in.”

Daemon’s deep chuckle bounces off the damp brick walls. Soon after, the click of the padlock cements my fate. I’ll either die in here, torn to shreds by Eden’s own angel, or I’ll find myself trapped in her Heaven. “Now, baby,” I whisper, reaching out to drag my fingers along the bars. “It’s just you and me.”

“I don’t want to hurt you,” she replies. “The shadows are close to the surface. If you’re smart, you’ll leave this cell.”

“Interesting,” I muse, counting each step. One. Two. “Why are you so threatened? I only want to touch you. Lick Daddy Lucifer’s cum off your pussy.”

“I’m caged,” she replies, a soft snarl penetrating the haunted notes that caress her vocal cords. “I can’t escape.”

“No, you can’t,” I agree as I stop in front of her. “You can never escape us.” Trapping her with my hands on the bars, I let my heated gaze flick down to her lips. The sight of her gleaming fangs excites me more than she can ever comprehend. If I had my way, they’d be buried deep in my skin while she makes a mess of my hand with her soaked pussy. “Admit that it gets you wet, little angel.” I duck and lick a path from the base of her throat, where her collarbones meet, to her chin and over her soft lips. Her audible gasp and trembling breaths dance over my mouth. I let go of the bars to grip her by the small of her waist. “Admit that some twisted part of you likes this cage. You’re trapped like a fragile little bird with cut wings, and the only way out is through sweet obliteration.” A soft puff of air licks at her supple lips. I chuckle and let go of her waist to dip my fingers between her thighs. “I can offer you the merciful death you long for, little witch.”

“You’re wrong,” she says shakily, gripping the cell’s bars on each side like they’re her lifeline. “There’s nothing merciful about dying at your hands.”

“Or my tongue,” I reply with a wolfish smile as I find her soaked slit, teasing the soft curls. “It’s fucking messy to dance with my reaper. But that’s how you like it, isn’t it? Messy, bloody, and destructive. Unless it hurts in the best fucking way possible”—I shove two fingers inside her—“you don’t want it.”

A tiny whimper slips off her tongue, and I dive in to taste its exquisite, seductive notes. I bite her lip and work a third finger inside her pulsing cunt while she lifts her leg and rests her knee against the bars.

“See, baby,” I whisper, tasting the blood on her swollen lips. “Nothing beats death’s sting. You’ll die at our hands over and over again.”

Swallowing thickly, she chokes out, “Fuck.”

Her soaked pussy clenches around my fingers, the wet sounds luring the male angels in the room closer. Crowding the cage, their hungry eyes watch the little witch roll her hips against my hand like a seductive dance that has them frothing at the mouth.

I like her like this. Pliant, desperate, and willing to sacrifice her own soul for the orgasm I’m coaxing from her sweet body. My thumb sweeps over her swollen clit. I look down at her puffy cunt, the way it welcomes my fingers again and again. Hit with the urge to taste her, I slide my fingers out and suck them clean of her slick arousal, the tangy taste doing filthy things to my body.

Breathing harshly, with her pink pussy on full display, she stares at me from beneath her heavy, wispy lashes. Red mist swirls in the depths of her gaze, and there’s something so alluring about the struggle that plays out before me. I drop to my knees and ram my tongue inside her tight pussy.

“There’s our good little whore,” Daemon drawls somewhere nearby. “Let her feast on your cunt while we watch.”

Aurelia rolls her hips, grinding her sweet pussy against my mouth. I grip her hips. My tongue slides out to circle her swollen clit over and over until she’s quivering and pleading for more. I fucking love the way she grinds that wet slit against my lips, all of her angelic inhibitions evaporating before my eyes.

Easing back, I slap her pussy. “So fucking greedy.” With a naughty smile, I grip the back of her knee and lick a hot, slow path up her thigh, through Lucifer’s dried cum on her skin. The salty taste combined with her tanginess is a heady concoction. I want more. So much more.

I hold her gaze while I lick and nibble on her skin. She watches me with those heavy, seductive eyes that bring me to my damn knees. I’d do anything to get to worship her like this. Marked by the devil himself.

When my tongue drags over her soaked folds again, she throws her head back against the bars with a loud cry of demented pleasure.

Behind me, the click of the lock and the creak of the bars have my lips spreading into a smile against her throbbing clit. The clomp of Daemon’s heavy boots and the scent of his heady aftershave precede his cruel words. “Time to chain her up and show her what happens when her worst nightmares come true.”

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