THREE DOORS: Chapter 3

I thumped over in my lonely bed the following morning and fumbled around on my bedside table, the warning signs of a rare hangover already threatening my Sunday. The kink in my neck relaxed after a few seconds of stretching, but the hint of a headache demanded early intervention. I gobbled two ibuprofen pills with gulps of leftover bottled water from last night’s feeble hydration attempt. After a few sighs at my ceiling, I curled into a ball facing the wall and listened for sounds of life from the adjacent bedrooms. Sweet silence settled in, gracing me with additional time to sleep and dream.

What was that old saying from my pre-med days?

The best cure for a hangover is an orgasm.

I fuckin’ wish.

Only minutes later, or so it seemed, the mattress squeaked and shifted near my hip as an intruder crawled into bed with me. I waited with little hope for a stiff peen to brush against my ass. No such luck.

“Callie? Are you up?”

“Well, I am now.”

Shay made herself comfortable against my headboard and released a dramatic sigh. “I can’t stop thinking about last night.”

“What time is it?” I grumbled. “Go talk to Mia.”

Shay continued without breaking stride. “I think we need to get on the same page before we hear from the guys.”

“You’re fuckin’ nuts.”

“Callie!” When I returned no attention, she yanked hard on my bedhead hair.

“I’ll fucking stab you, Shay.”

“Come on. Just wake the fuck up already.” I rolled to my back with an icy glare, but Shay kept pleading against my will. “What are we gonna say to them?”

I rubbed the foggy glaze from my eyes and offered a one-shoulder shrug. Hell, I hadn’t been awake long enough to process any coherent thoughts, but Shay’s uncharacteristic spazzing forced my mind to clock in. “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. I mean, I was all about fucking around last night, but—”

“I want in!” Mia hustled through my open door with a bright smile and hopped on the foot of the bed, then jerked back my white comforter and slid her smooth legs underneath. “What did I miss?”

Shay nodded in my direction. “Callie sounds like she has buyer’s remorse.”

I rolled my eyes. “Oh, stop it.”

“I don’t know what to think either,” Mia said as she examined her split ends. “That shit was wild, though. Sharing and all that? Like a fuckin’ fantasy.”

I sat up and scooted back against the headboard beside my uninvited friend, finally accepting that I was awake for the day. Fuck, one of them could have at least gifted me with fresh coffee in exchange for squatting in my space. “I never expected things to go that far,” I admitted honestly, “but I don’t feel as weird about it as I thought I would.”

“I’m in the same lane,” Shay said. “I had fun, and it seemed like they did, too.”

“So, we’re cool?” Mia asked with raised brows. “Nothing weird to cover between the three of us?”

“Not for me,” I said, and Shay agreed. Hell, I’d enjoyed having the three men draped all over my body, but truth be told? I didn’t mind them entertaining my friends while waiting for a turn with me. We were equals in this equation.

“Good.” Mia shifted to her knees and bounced with giddiness. “Should we just call them?”

Call them? Already? What the fuck had happened to my usual “morning after” girls? This wasn’t our first dance, but both were acting as if we’d frenched our grade school boyfriends for the first time. I admittedly was the resident overthinker of this trio, but even I knew with little contemplation that we should ease up on the effort, at least for now. Guys 101.

“Meh.” I cringed. “I don’t know about all that.”

“Don’t we wanna see them, though?”

“Yes!” Shay sat up straighter and snatched my cell from the nightstand. “Let’s call!”

“No, no, no.” I shook my wild mess of blond hair. “Put that away. We’ll look thirsty as hell.”

She laughed and waved my phone before my eyes. “We are thirsty as hell, Callie.”

“And it’s just the guys,” Mia said with a casual shrug. “I don’t feel the need to fake indifference.”

“I think it will freak them out.”

Shay frowned at me. “Seriously?”

“Let them come to us,” I suggested as I smoothed the blanket over my lap. “You know how desperate they are, especially after they tasted a sample. They won’t be able to help themselves.”

Shay caved with a slump. “You’re right. We shouldn’t do anything that we normally wouldn’t.”

“Exactly.” I grinned and nudged her shoulder. “If we don’t want things to change, we shouldn’t change things.”

“That was hella deep, girl.”

“Except for changing that whole ‘making out’ thing,” Mia added with a giggle. “I hope we mix in more of that.”

Someone suddenly pounded at the front door and scared the fuck out of us, but we hit a full frenzy when we heard Judge yelling for us to open up.  We looked at each other in panic mode, then I assumed control. “Go get dressed, both of you!”

“Just get me something of yours!” Shay whisper-yelled in my face.

“I can’t get up until you leave!” I winced, then my eyes darted low to my bare cooch, resting warm and toasty under the comforter. Screw the jokes that would follow. Last night’s breathless self-satisfaction was worth it.

“Again?” Mia tipped her head back and laughed. “What the fuck, Callie?”

Shay’s jaw dropped. “I’m not sure if I’m repulsed or intrigued.”

Most of the time, the guys would quickly knock and roll right in, but we locked the door while we slept, and the pounding was growing impatient. After our erotic exploration last night, I expected our boys to play it cool for a respectable period, then maybe tease in our group texts or flaunt extra flirting when we studied. This sudden morning visit whipped even more chaos into the already unhinged weekend. Fuck, I hadn’t had time to give any of this thorough thought, aside from the tipsy visions of getting fuckin’ railed as I strummed myself.

“Go! Hurry!” I shoved both of my besties on the shoulder, so they finally bolted from my bed and turned in opposite directions in the hallway. I wiggled into running shorts and a crew neck sweatshirt, then met Mia in the bathroom.

“Hair, face, or teeth?” she squealed. “What’s my priority? Fuck!”

“Teeth!” I insisted.

We brushed quickly side by side, finishing before Shay even joined us, then we hauled ass to the living room where the relentless knocking continued. I heard my phone ringing in the bedroom but decided to leave it. One of them, likely Evan, was obviously getting huffy.

“Okay. Let’s collect ourselves,” I said as I smoothed my wild strays. “I’ll piss around with the dishwasher. You answer the door.”

Mia nodded. “Okay. Act casual.”

“Right.” I loaded last night’s dirty silverware, knowing that Mia would fuck up the whole “casual” plan with some smartass slip.

Judge grinned with that gorgeous smile as soon as he stepped inside. “Good morning!”

“We brought replenishments!” Decker raised two paper bags at his sides, displaying those thick, flexed biceps.

“What took you so long?” Evan complained as he scanned the room for evidence of our delay. “I just tried to call.”

I greeted them with a flirty smile and bumped the dishwasher closed with my hip. “Aww, did you miss us already?”

All three mumbled versions of “maybe” as they unloaded the surprise breakfast delivery. Each appeared bright-eyed, freshly showered, and puffy from a possible morning workout. My mind drifted with memories of hard muscles and hot mouths.

“We were still in bed when you knocked. Callie’s bed, actually.”

Here we go.

Decker raised curious brows for Mia. “Callie’s bed? Nice.” I rolled my eyes and started the dishwasher cycle. I guess this was our version of “acting casual.”

“And she was naked again, as usual,” Mia continued the taunt. “At least on the bottom.”

“As usual?” I laughed. “I think you mean twice.”

“So, you were all in Callie’s bed, and she was naked again?” Evan asked. “Why, exactly?”

Mia shot me a wicked grin. “She’s just naughty like that.”

This fuckin’ girl.

Our prissy Shay, polished perfectly from head to toe, glided from the hallway as if she’d been awake for hours. She batted her made-up lashes at the boys and twirled her pigtails around her fingers. I loved her, but I hated her.

“Hey, guys!”

“Hey! We got a bunch of random stuff at Sunrise Bakery. Donuts, muffins, croissants…” Decker counted off breakfast items.

Judge laughed and pointed to his contribution on the counter. “Don’t forget this cardboard box of coffee, which is just fucking wrong in theory.”

Evan pulled out a dining room chair and gestured like a restaurant host. “Have a seat, girls. We’ll set you up.”

Mia eyed him with skepticism. “Really?”

Decker grabbed the paper bags of baked goodies. “We insist.”


We parked at the small table and waited for service as the guys shot us casual grins and prepared our buffet. Sure, they were sweethearts on an average day, but no way they would plan this without an agenda. What could they possibly have to announce with this elaborate display?

“What the fuck is going on?” Shay mouthed to us. Mia and I offered only shrugs of equal confusion in response.

“Your coffee, ladies.” Judge beamed as he delivered our steamy addiction. Evan emptied a paper bag in the middle of the table, and little creamers of different colors rolled between us. I grabbed a blue French Vanilla.

Mia cocked her head, eyes shifting between our benefactors. “They even got our cups right. Definitely fuckin’ sus.”

Judge had assigned the correct cups. Mia added a caramel creamer, then sipped from her Gemini mug. Shay tapped freshly manicured fingers along her curved replica of the periodic table. I watched ribbons of sweet cream swirl inside my beach scene and traced fingertips over the mantra printed in the warm sand.

The ocean is calling and I must go.

And your breakfast is served.” Deck parked a cookie sheet of various pastries in the center of the table and tossed arms to his sides with pride.

Hell, if they were going through all this trouble, why not eat? I snagged a chocolate chip muffin and relaxed back into my chair. “This is so thoughtful, boys. Thank you!”

Shay smiled. “Just what we needed.”

Evan tugged two bar stools closer to the food. Judge backed into a seat and got right down to the unspoken business.

“So, who wants to talk about last night?”

“Hit it.” Mia smiled over her cherished cup.

Deck slid into the empty chair beside me at the table and sipped. “Well, for starters, did you have fun?”

Shay jumped in on our behalf. “Sure. I think we all did.” Mia and I nodded along as we chewed.

Deck stayed on topic. “Any regrets?”

“I wish you guys would’ve stayed over,” Mia sighed.

“Same, Mia. Same,” Judge agreed under his breath.

I needed the male perspective. “What do you guys think?”

“I’m worried about things being weird,” Evan said as he rubbed the back of his neck. “I just don’t know.”

I let that valid concern settle in my chest. Of course, our first instincts were panic and suspicion when they showed up unannounced, but as our eyes met around the table, I found the same respect that had bonded us from the beginning.

“Do you think this is weird?” Shay asked softly.

“No, but if our crazy nights escalate, we could fuck things up,” Evan challenged her.

“True, I guess.”

Judge’s shoulders sank and he looked down at his coffee cup. “I worried this morning that we’d taken advantage of you,” he confessed. “Made me sick.”


“You didn’t,” I quickly assured him. “I promise, it’s not like that.”

Mia shook her head, too. “No way, Judge. We were drunk, but not that drunk.”

Shay smiled to herself and ripped off another bite of jelly donut. “I remember everything I did…with each of you.”

“Right,” I agreed wholeheartedly. “The beer loosened me up, but I was all in. My choice.”

Relief flooded Judge’s face. “It’s just that nights like that…”

Decker finished the fleeting thought. “Nights like that don’t just happen. Not without jealousy or embarrassment.”

“Well, it happened,” Mia said. “I’m not jealous at all. It was kinda hot watching you fuck around with my girls.” I couldn’t appreciate my free-spirited friend more than I did at that moment. Validation swelled in my chest.

“Come on.” Evan wasn’t buying it. “I just find that impossible to believe.”

I repositioned in my seat as her bold admission encouraged mine. “I’m with Mia. I loved watching you guys grinding on my girls. Super fucking hot.”

Shay laughed and gestured with her mug to the space behind me. “Especially Callie and Deck against that wall. Damn.”

A slight pink rushed to Deck’s cheeks. “You saw that?”

“Hell yes, I did.” She fanned herself with a napkin. “Christ, you two were on fire over there.”

I swallowed a drink and pretended to examine my new pink polish as heat moistened my shorts. I’d been mesmerized by all the other couples in action, but I hadn’t fully processed my instant arousal at being watched myself.

“So, what now?” Mia asked. The guys exchanged mischievous glances, then Decker nodded for Judge to take the mic. 

Uh-huh. I knew it.

“So, we did some talking this morning…” Judge hesitated and looked to his counterparts for reassurance.

Shay blinked up at him on the tall stool. “And?”

“…and we agreed that the three of us wanna sleep with the three of you. For real.”

“Sleep with?” Mia chuckled under her breath. I pressed my lips together to stifle an immature giggle.

Judge smirked down at her before continuing. “But we’re not ready to take it that far and risk the friendship we have.”

Evan nodded and took a quick drink. “We just don’t think it’s worth it.” I sipped my coffee and added another vanilla creamer. This entire speech was quite disappointing.

“So, that’s it?” Shay asked with resignation.

Decker cleared his throat to garner our attention. “Not exactly.”

The guys glanced at each other again as Judge shifted uncomfortably on his stool. Evan shook his head at his lap. “Good luck with that, bro,” he mumbled. “No fucking way.”

Mia threw her hands up. “What’s with all the weird fuckin’ eye contact? Someone spill it, for fuck’s sake!”

“Okay, okay.” Decker shifted forward with authority and interlaced fingers over the table. “Now, we’ve all talked about wanting some casual sex, but that’s the problem. With us, it wouldn’t be casual. Agreed?” My female half nodded along. “But what if we could fuck regularly, within this group, but avoid the awkwardness the next day?”

Shay rolled her pretty eyes across from me. “Impossible.”

“Maybe,” he challenged, grinning with boyish charm, “or maybe we could pull it off.”


Judge jumped in. “What if we planned nights here where we all hooked up, but we didn’t know who we slept with?”

I shook my head with a laugh. “That makes no fuckin’ sense.”

Evan joined the case after we’d absorbed the initial shock. “What if you could be waiting in a bedroom, then one of us rolled in? Boom. Magic.”

Mia doubted the possibility, too. “Um, I think I’d know which of you were on top of me.”

Decker nodded and sipped. “That’s fair. Let’s take it one obstacle at a time.”

“First of all, you look different.” Shay tossed a palm. “Hair, obviously.”

Evan waved it off. “Easily fixed with a trip to the barber.”

“And I know I got my own feel over here,” Judge noted as he rubbed his buzz cut, “but if we’re all tight enough, you won’t notice the difference.”Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Mia’s eyes widened and swerved to Deck’s dark, tousled locks. “You guys would cut your hair like Judge? Get the fuck out.”

“For this chance?” Deck deepened his voice and licked his lips. “In a fucking heartbeat.”

Shay glanced at Evan’s sexy shag. “You can’t be serious.”

“Hair grows back,” Evan assured her. “It’s nothing.”

“Okay, fine,” she continued. ‘You’re different sizes.”

Mia’s mouth dropped in shock. “You’ve seen their cocks?”

This girl.

“No, duh. I mean their bodies.”

Judge shook his head. “Not really. If so, it wouldn’t be obvious to you in a dark room.”

I eyed each guy carefully but decided that I needed visual evidence. “Line up and prove it.”

They hopped right up and stripped off their shirts with no hesitation, revealing hard, muscular chests and trim, tight abs that I hadn’t fully appreciated during the flexing contest last night. Hell, if this didn’t work out, the encore show alone was worth it.

Mia scanned each ripple and ridge. “Hmm.”

Evan gestured to his firm physique, then nodded to the others. “See? And we’re all within an inch of each other height-wise.”

“You measured?”

“We actually did.”

Decker added more support for the cause. “Judge is wider through the shoulders, but only slightly.”

Shay cocked her head with surprise. “You really can’t tell.” She was onto something, for sure. All three guys flexed with stacked abs and puffy pecs. I noticed only scarce chest hair, not nearly enough to distinguish individuals in the dark. Mia teased that they could continue the meeting topless, but they simply laughed and returned to their fully clothed positions.

Shay was buying in. “Okay, so you cut your hair to the same length. Your bodies wouldn’t be discernable. I’m getting it.”

Hold up.

“We’re missing the most obvious giveaway,” I said. “The voices.”

Decker smirked at me and lowered his tone. “No talking. No sound.”

“Come on,” I scoffed with skepticism.

“No way!” Mia laughed and crossed her arms over her tits. “You guys couldn’t do it.”

“The hell I couldn’t,” Deck said.

“Trust me,” Judge added, “we all fuckin’ could.”

“I’m not a big talker in bed,” Evan told us. “No loss there.”

“Wait. So, no background music or anything?” Shay asked, her pretty face scrunched with confusion.

Judge shook his head. “Too many variables with tunes in the rooms. Best to keep it simple.”

“But we could play it from the living room.”

“Sounds like you’re looking for some cover,” Evan said, shooting her an arrogant, amused grin. “You worried about controlling yourself?” Shay rolled her eyes and waved him off, but I noticed the creeping pink on her cheeks. Hell, I had the same concerns. I wasn’t exactly the quiet type once the peen was in place.

“Just fuck noises and sexy breaths?” Mia giggled with a shrug. “I’m up for the challenge.”

As the guys exchanged satisfied smiles, I imagined how each would sound as they railed me, their rugged rasps amplified in the shadowy silence. I shifted in my chair and stretched an aroused ache from my neck.

We sat quietly, staring at our creamy coffee and considering this potential plan, our naturally analytical med school minds likely approaching each scientific and logistical hurdle. Our boys had presented this elaborate scheme so smoothly that it took a couple of minutes for the next round of doubt to play out.

I shook my head at my muffin crumbs. “No. It still won’t work.”

“Why not?” Deck asked, fully prepared to fight for it.

“You’d know which of us you were fucking,” I insisted.


“Your hair is all about the same length,” Evan argued. “Your bodies are practically identical.”

Shay paused us with a palm. “Wait. My boobs are bigger. Just a little, but they are. I borrowed this hot bra from Callie last week, and the girls were pinched.”

“Which bra?” I asked.

She gestured to her nips. “That white one with the silver trim.”

“Oh, I love that one.”

Evan scoffed over our banter. “Shay, you really think we would know your tits from theirs? In the dark?”

“I’d like to think so.”

“We wouldn’t,” Deck laughed. “Trust me.”

Mia offered up the real thing. “Should we show our goods so you can compare?”

Wow, Mia. Wow.

Judge perked right up. “Yeah, you absolutely should, if you feel comfortable, that is.”

“I guess we should be sure,” Evan said with cheesy, acceptable sarcasm. Deck simply raised his open palm with an invitation.

Shay shook her head with a laugh as she stood. “You guys are fucking tools, but I’ll flash my tits for ya anyway.”

Hell, I would’ve let them see much more than that last night. Plus, this fuck-buddy plan was quite intriguing, so I was willing to step it up. I stood along the wall in a sweet little lineup with my girls, and we jerked up our shirts to display our small racks. Mia and Shay had seen my boobs plenty of times over the years as we borrowed clothes and readied ourselves for wild nights, but I wanted the guys to appreciate what I offered underneath. Their eager eyes roamed from nipple to nipple as they evaluated every anatomical detail.

Decker collapsed back in his chair and raked fingers through his dark hair. “Fuck, you’re all so hot.”

“Okay, okay. That’s enough.” I dropped my chin to cover my natural blush after the breathy compliment, then we returned to our seats and waited impatiently for the analysis. 

“You girls are so cool with all this. It’s fuckin’ wild.” Judge shook his head in disbelief. “We thought you’d wanna kill us.”

“And, just to clear it up,” Evan said after a sip, “you’re all similar enough. Perky and round.”

For a moment, the remarkable transparency of this conversation left me shaking my head as I gazed at the scattering of coffee creamers. Christ, do things like this ever happen in real life? Shay’s simple sleepwear suggestion last night had created this alternate universe of fantasy, and I sure as fuck was enjoying my visit.

I drummed my fingertips on the tabletop. “We’d have to mix up the rooms.”

Judge nodded. “Yep. Every time.”

“Right. You couldn’t see what room we entered, and we couldn’t see what room you exited,” Mia reasoned.

Deck gestured with his mug. “Timing would be crucial, for sure.”

Another period of silence passed, our suddenly shy eyes dancing around the table with thoughts of the forbidding fucking. We refilled our coffee quietly, minds cranking through an extra shift to make this work. I surveyed the thoughtful gazes, firm muscles, and confident lips of our appetizing visitors. I couldn’t believe they’d devised this entire blueprint for us, specifically for our pussies, all as an effort to protect our friendship. It was kind of endearing in a slightly fucked up way.

“There is one more thing,” Deck noted, raising his eyebrows between the boys with a slight wince of his shoulders.

“Oh, fuck,” Judge laughed and turned to a cringing Evan. “We almost forgot.”

“Forgot what?” I pried.

Deck took a slow breath of confidence. “We need to talk about how each of you, um, tend to your garden.”

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