THREE DOORS: Chapter 19

Later that night, after giving sensual goodbye kisses to the guys and lingering seconds longer on his lips, I crashed in my messy bed with only the wall to keep me company. My thighs clenched with memories of the moment he sucked on my soaking fingers between my legs. Instead of floating off into my usual fantasies, I was still on fire for only him.

My confused heart found it difficult to tread these rocky waters alone, so I enlisted my mind to assist. I recalled something he’d said when he surprised me after the laundry lie. This did begin as only physical attraction. Over the months since we met, I couldn’t deny my warm rush of lust whenever he peeked over his laptop, but my eyes were on the other prizes at the time, too.

I sighed against my pillow and twisted restlessly to my other side. Little by little, I found myself more interested, but not enough to act on it for all the obvious reasons. Our friendship had taken precedent, but since we’d embraced the sexual plunge, I wanted Three Doors just as much. We were both living this life of fantasy with our best friends, so who would I be to wreak havoc over infatuation that may not be mutual?

And, let’s be honest, I just loved to fuck. Period.

Over time, I’d developed preference, then hope, and then need. When considering the bigger picture, I likely never would’ve shared my secret, but something nudged him to take the leap. I couldn’t read the map he used to deliver his heart on his sleeve this morning, but our parallel paths unexpectedly crossed the moment his confession left his lips. What did all this mean? And what would happen now?

My brain busied itself with making a mental list of our options. We could acknowledge that the damage to our group relationship may not be worth the risk and try to return things to as they were. Blah. I crinkled my nose just considering that possibility and quickly stashed it at the bottom of the stack. I preferred telling the crew right away, accepting the guilt, and betting the bank on this spark between us, all while hoping that our friends would find our situation endearing or comical. Lastly, we could wait it out as we developed a safer strategy, maybe sneaking in some discreet fucks along the way.

I curled into a ball and sought deeper reasoning under my sheets. That last prospect may be the only path for now. After all, I wanted to be with him again, but how? We’d already cheated at Three Doors once, and I couldn’t bring myself to hide the lie for much longer, not from any member of our sixsome, but especially from Mia and Shay. But I also wasn’t prepared to play roulette again with my cooch…

…or with his cock.

Not after tonight’s sultry scene. No fuckin’ way did I want him spilling those skills into someone else. As feared, wretched jealousy had entered the arena, and it would slaughter Three Doors as we knew it. The only question now was when. Even if our refreshing romance never blossomed beyond a bud, this game wouldn’t continue.

Why the fuck was I dealing with this alone? I scooped up my phone from the bedside table.

Callie: hey

  Guy: hi

Callie: I can’t sleep

  Guy: I can’t either

Callie: When are we telling them?

  Guy: Why don’t we give it a day or two?

Callie: why wait? convince me

  Guy: I’ll be there in five minutes

Callie: I fuckin’ wish

  Guy: How mad will the girls be?

Callie: idk. maybe happy for me

Callie: maybe ready to throat punch me

  Guy: big spread there

Callie: hence our dilemma

  Guy: the guys will be fine

  Guy: sad they can’t fuck you anymore, but fine

Callie: but they’ll all stop when we tell them

  Guy: meet tomorrow and talk about it together?

Callie: message me when you wake up

  Guy: dream of me inside you

Callie: that’s a given

~ • ~

“Good morning, girls!” Shay beamed with bright eyes as we gathered in the kitchen the next day. I had no clue when to expect his incoming text, but I kept my phone on a virtual leash at my side.

“Smoothies and toast?” Mia offered as she rounded the bar.

“I’m good, thanks.” I shuffled directly to the coffeemaker. My cluttered mind had curbed my usual morning hunger, for food anyway, so I settled on a caffeinated fix instead. I loaded the black grounds and filled the water chamber, then faked scrolling through my cell as I waited for his name to appear.

“Smoothies sound great,” Shay said. “I’ll help.”

I was vaguely listening to them discuss our study schedule when my phone brightened with a notification a few minutes later .

  Guy: I miss you already

  Guy: laundry in 5

Be still my fuckin’ heart.

I swallowed a swoonful sigh to avoid alerting my babbling besties, grateful that he’d left me an obvious opening to slip away. “Not to sound nasty, but I think I’m gonna toss my comforter in the wash again while you guys are eating.”

Mia whistled over the hum of the blender, her fruity concoction creating a swirl of pink and white. “Damn, Callie. Was it that good?”

“Yes, it was that good,” I laughed, the natural blush warming my cheeks. Hell, I wasn’t lying in that case.

“Will you throw in the lingerie, too?” Shay asked over her shoulder as she fished fresh slices from our bag of wheat bread. “We won’t have to worry about it for quickies this week.”

My stomach tumbled several flights as I nodded. Fuck, I had forgotten about the Wednesday romps. Our time to sort this situation was even more limited than I’d realized.

~ • ~

After freshening up far too much for a lazy laundry room visit, blissful bubbles of joy popped around my heart as I rode the elevator to my basement rendezvous. I slow-danced with my full basket, swaying my comforter in the small space like a lovesick schoolgirl. Despite all the uncertainty surrounding our situation, seeing him would provide the perfect start to my Sunday.

A few of the washers hummed in use, reminding me of our Back Door beauty getting railed, but the room was free of other residents. I shoved my fluffy cover in the front loader, then tossed our sexy satin and soap on top. Just as I tapped the start button, greedy fingers grabbed my ass cheeks and scared the fuck out of me. I yelped with surprise at his stealthy ways, then whipped around to find him man-giggling behind me. Those groggy morning eyes made me fuckin’ melt and I found myself craving a sleepover. Hell, maybe we could all crash together one night.

If we make it through this drama, that is…

“Come with me.” He grinned and gestured with a nod to the hall.

I followed him around the corner to an unlabeled door, noticing a few shelves of office gear and cleaning supplies when he switched on the light. Hmm. I lifted a curious brow. “And just how do you know about this closet?”

He shot me a naughty grin and slipped palms on the sliver of my bare waist. “I just scoped it out this morning. I promise.”

“But someone could catch us,” I whispered.

“Well, we’re just talking, aren’t we?” His gaze landed on my lips, then his wandering hands drifted over my ass as we scooted closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck and softly kissed his warm, minty mouth. His sleep-stiff shaft was ready for me as it rocked against my running shorts.

“I can think of things I’d rather do.” I scowled as his heavy length teased my downtown.

“Same,” he sighed. “You good, though?”

“I’m feeling hella guilty this morning. I’m not sure what to do.”

“I feel guilty, too,” he admitted, then he cracked a bashful smile and lowered his voice. “But you were worth every fucking second.”

This man.

“I’m just nervous,” I explained. “What if one of the girls is crushing on you? Or what if they get pissed that the game has to end?”

“We can’t control how the girls react, Callie. Or the guys. We just need to be honest. If we’re all as close as we say, then we’ll get through this.”

“They’re my best friends,” I continued as I stared into his assuring eyes. “We agreed that if this interfered with our friendship, we would end it. And now I’ve basically lied to them, not just about last night, but about these new feelings for you.”

He raised his eyebrows with amusement. “You have feelings for me?” I laughed and shoved his solid chest, but he tugged me in closer. “Okay, seriously,” he consoled me, “we’ll talk to them together. They love you. They’ll understand.”

I took a deep breath against his broad muscles and blinked up at him, feeling wrapped in a fresh layer of security between his arms. I hesitated to drift off topic, but I couldn’t resist as our eyes lingered on each other. “I don’t know what this is between us,” I quietly confessed.

He brushed soft lips over my forehead. “I don’t know either, but let’s find out together.”

I offered a sassy shrug. “At least I can get some good oral while we figure it out.”

Good oral?” he scoffed. “Just good?” He rubbed light, long strokes over my pussy with those tempting fingers. “Sounds like I have some work to do,” he whispered seductively.

I initially rocked into his tease, allowing the moist ache to gather strength under his tortuous touch, then I shifted my hips away. “You know we don’t have time to fuck. Stop that.”

“Okay, okay,” he laughed and tossed palms. “We need a plan of attack.”

“Our exam is Tuesday, so we’ll probably hit quickies on Wednesday.”

“So, we wait until after the exam,” he proposed with a shrug. “We’ll study tomorrow like normal, then tell them Tuesday night.”

I chewed my bottom lip with consideration. It would be an agonizing two days of keeping this lie locked behind my lips, especially when facing my best friends, but our studies were far more important than my self-induced shame. Although none of this was ideal, at least we had a time and date arranged to confess our sins. “Okay. I feel better,” I conceded with a weak smile.

“Are you sure you wanna stop?” he asked with quiet sincerity, searching my face for hesitation. “If we don’t tell them, the game doesn’t have to end.”

I took a slow breath to soak up the moment, fondling his broad muscles beneath his worn, wrinkled tee and remembering how our bare bodies blended in the dark heat. “Yeah, it does. I can’t go back after last night. I just can’t.”

“Good. I feel the same way,” he said, then a smug smile stretched his lips. “Now, back to these feelings you’re having…”

~ • ~

“I’m over this section,” I whined, slumping my shoulders over my handwritten notes. I’m pretty sure this digestive stuff will be the death of me.” I’d spent the entire morning behind closed doors pouring over the material again, juggling in a few of my other classes, too, then I joined my girls in the afternoon to make index cards for the upcoming study session. Mia hopped up during our bitchfest and rummaged through the cabinets for reinforcements.

“And gastro on top of that,” Shay groaned beside me and closed her laptop.

“Fuck food. You guys want a beer?” Mia offered from behind the bar.

I tossed my pencil and nodded, feeling desperate for a mental break but also praying that the pause didn’t set me up for failure. The heavy lesson had been a blessing in disguise and distracted me from my deceitful deeds, but I hoped that my overworked mind wouldn’t search for escape elsewhere.

Mia returned with three frosty bottles, then we mused over memories of less complicated times. I admired both gorgeous smiles and hearty laughs over the rim of my beer.

‘I can’t believe we were trying to ride the same football player,” Shay said. “The fuckin’ irony.”

“Hell, that’s how we met.” I grinned with a head nod to Mia. “All thanks to our girl over here.”

She giggled and dribbled beer over her chin. “Look, I may have technically won, but it was the worst lay of my fuckin’ life.”

“And you had to tell us all about it,” Shay sassed, gesturing between our trio with her amber bottle. “I remember getting this weird text with two random numbers in it.”

“Me, too!” I laughed and sat up straighter. “I didn’t know many people, so I was like, what the fuck?”

“Well, I knew he’d been working up other girls on the down-low as I tried to land him.” Mia rolled her eyes. “Christ, he was such a prick.”

“So, you went through his phone,” I recalled, shaking my head with amusement.

Mia tossed a casual palm. “I mean, after he flopped his dead fish dick around inside me, I figured it was only fair to warn you.”

This girl.

“I still can’t fuckin’ believe you did that,” Shay said. Knowing Mia now, though, I could totally believe it.

“Me?” Our feisty friend laughed and palmed her chest. “I’m still shocked that you two met up with my crazy ass! That took balls.”

I smiled at the memory and fingered the label of my beer. “I strolled into that restaurant expecting one hell of a catfight. Found my best friends instead.”

Mia tucked a throw blanket up over her bare legs. “You girls cracked me up. We definitely bonded.”

“Yeah, bonded over comparing cock notes!” I laughed.

Shay tilted her head with emotion. “Aww, we saved each other that night, girls.”

“And look at us now!” Mia beamed beside me and raised her drink.

My heart dropped in my chest.

~ • ~

The next day’s lectures provided required relief from that nagging voice inside. We discussed bacterial infections of the heart in patho and, since I was mildly interested in cardiology as a career, the guilt took a natural backseat as I listened eagerly to the lesson. I left the class feeling a little lighter, still determined not to let my confession conversation interfere with tomorrow’s exam.

My phone buzzed in my jacket pocket as I filed into the busy hallway, so I stepped from the path of my classmates to check the notification. My day brightened even more as soon as I read his text.

  Guy: hey sexy

Callie: hi

  Guy: are you okay?

Callie: I’m better, had a great class

Callie: you?

  Guy: I’m good

  Guy: want to meet up?

Yes. Yes, I did.

Callie: when are you free?

  Guy: now, but not for long

Callie: I’m off for lunch

  Guy: where?

Callie: are we talking or eating?

Callie: or something else?

  Guy: definitely something else

Fuck. An exhilarating wave of excitement rushed through my body at the thought of being in his arms again. I glanced out the window and considered the possible locations for an afternoon railing.

Callie: I’m closest to SunriseContent is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

  Guy: on my way

I pushed through the glass doors of the science center, the brisk wind energizing my spirit as it whipped my hair into a frenzy. I fruitlessly tried to calm my strays as I strolled to the corner, laughing over the acceptable excuse for my post-sex appearance later. My conscience may have been crushing me more with each step, but my amped pussy assumed control, figuring that the damage was already done. Why not take advantage of one final, forbidden fuck?

The Sunrise Bakery buzzed with students needing midday fuel. I scanned the room and didn’t find that gorgeous face yet, so I hovered near the counter and pretended to read the menu. A few minutes later, I felt a bold hand squeeze my hip as he whispered against my neck.

“Men’s restroom.”


He copped a cocky feel of my ass as his hand slid away, my heart rate already launching as I watched him maneuver to the back of the eatery. I sucked in a few control breaths and waited for about thirty seconds, then I followed his footsteps to the brightly lit yellow hallway. At least our local café was immaculately clean, so I wouldn’t be needing a trash bag today.

Like that would’ve mattered.

I paused at the cracked bathroom door, then nudged it open as my pulse hammered in my ears. He abruptly grabbed my fingers, urged me inside, and swiftly clicked the lock behind me. Our eager eyes met for only a glance before we lunged for each other.

“I saw you in the hallway this morning when I left class,” he rasped, shoving my jacket aside and grabbing my tits through my tight tee shirt. He buried his scruff under my jaw, tickling and nibbling against my soft skin. “You looked so fuckin’ cute.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?” I snaked hands under his loose sweatshirt and down the waist of his athletic pants, finding his heavy shaft thickening between my palms. He was almost ready to rumble.

“You were busy talking to the professor.”

I jerked his bottoms down over his chiseled pelvis and pumped his full length with firm strokes. “You could’ve—mmm, fuck that feels good,” I moaned as his thick fingers dipped inside my panties and slid through my sticky folds. “You could’ve at least said hi.”

“You’re so wet for me already,” he growled against my skin.

I felt unhinged with primal fuckin’ lust for his cock as he touched me and teased me. I turned in his arms, bent forward over the black bathroom counter in front of the mirror, and propped my pussy for the taking. My windblown hair dangled over my eyes as I peeked over my shoulder. “Fuck me like this so I can watch.”

Damn,” he mumbled under his breath, positioning behind me with purpose. His dominant fingers ripped my leggings to my ankles, then I inched my feet apart just enough for him to tuck in between. He braced with a wide palm flattened against my bare ass, his other hand teasing my warm, wet slit with his throbbing tip. My core burned as I watched his moves in the bright mirror, his lowered eyes locked on his stiff shaft as he twisted through my wetness. He hadn’t yet hardened to full strength, but I felt his thickness swelling as I squeezed.

“You’re so fucking tight,” he whispered through gritted teeth. “Christ, you make me feel so big.”

He pushed deeper, filling and stretching my snug walls until his cock was buried inside. My body hitched against the sink as he eased back and thrust forward, dragging over my sweetest spot with his stiff rim. My pussy throbbed harder with every pump, tightening and clinging with each quick tap.

I stared at his bulky frame hovering from behind, his white teeth gnawing intensely at his bottom lip as he squeezed my bare waist. I clawed at the edge of the counter as he drove that thick cock over and over, my tits bouncing near the faucet as he picked up his pace. Fuck, he knew just how to rock those hips.

“Right there,” I whimpered, a peak pending as I squirmed beneath him. “Please.”

Fingers suddenly tangled in my messy blond locks and jerked my face north as he watched me unwind in the mirror. A hurried, hot climax sparked between my legs, my wet pussy gripping his every inch as I moaned his name to our reflection.

He fuckin’ exploded inside me minutes later, crushing me against the counter as his thick juice emptied with one tight pump. I instinctively snatched my jacket collar between my teeth, choking on the desperation to cry out in this public space.

We held a breathless gaze in the mirror before he pulled out. Sudden shyness spread over our smiles as we straightened our appearances back to presentable. “So, same time tomorrow?” He smirked as I adjusted my waistband.

I cracked up laughing. “If I didn’t need last-minute cramming during my break, I would.” I turned to him and leaned against our makeshift mattress, feeling empowered as his wet spill stirred inside me. “After tomorrow night, though, I’m hoping we can do this without hiding.”

He scanned my face, my sincere words sinking in, then he palmed the countertop on either side and trapped me against the sink between his muscles. “I know it may not seem like it right now, but I want the other stuff, too,” he confessed, his heartfelt eyes locking on mine. “This is exciting, but I wanna take you to dinner and hold your hand and spend late nights laughing in bed.”

His soft words spilled warmth over my racing heart. Although we’d both admitted to wanting more, we hadn’t defined what “more” actually meant at this stage. In our jacked-up sequence, friendship and fucking had both taken shape before romance, but damn, he was making up for lost time.

I answered with a kiss of confirmation, sliding my nails along his jawline and coaxing his sweet lips to mine. We poured passion into each other, exchanging both clarity about our intentions and uncertainty of our circumstances, as we savored the little privacy left before returning to the demands of the day. Our twisting tongues danced again as we forgot the clock, but an abrupt knock on the door interrupted our indulgence.

“Just a second!” I called out.

“I bet that confused him.”

“Hell, let’s have a little fun with it,” I giggled. After one final peck, we opened the door to find a guy around our age scrolling through his phone. He glanced up and back to his cell, then returned to check me from tits to toes, whistling under his breath as a fresh blush reddened my cheeks.

“I know, man.” My partner in crime beamed with pride, snaking a possessive arm over my hip. “I know.”

“Sorry to keep you waiting,” I offered with a bright smile. “I wanted it hard and fast, but he just insisted on taking his time.” I hooked a thumb at my cohort and laughed as he defensively pinched my ass on the down-low. Our third wheel stared blankly at my implication.

“Is the coffee good here?” my guy asked. “We’ve never tried it.”

“C-coffee?” the stranger stuttered. “Uh, yeah. It’s good.”

We thanked him, then stepped to the back of the line with a serious case of the giggles. I peeked over my shoulder to find the customer shaking his head as he closed the door to our fuck room. “So, study session tonight,” I said, returning my attention to the stud beside me. “I need a good grade.”

“We’ll just work like normal,” he whispered as he hovered behind me, his hot breath leaving a moist tease behind my ear, “but I’ll be watching when the other guys touch you and kiss you. God, I love that.”

I could’ve fucked him again with no hesitation, right there against the muffin display.

~ • ~

Shay scrolled through her cell for dinner options later that night. “Are subs okay? I’m over the usuals.”

Evan whipped his laptop from his bag and smiled. “I’m good with subs.”

Oh, my dirty mind.

Mia slumped into her seat on the sofa and tangled her brown locks into the perfect messy bun. “I hate the gastro system. Why can’t we just skip this shit? Literally.”

“If we all focus, it won’t take long,” Shay encouraged us.

Decker booted up his laptop, then stretched into a yawn. “That’s the one positive, I guess. We’re in this together.”

I arranged our index cards and distributed piles to my study partners for the last cram session before this killer exam. “I just really wanna get an A in this class.”

Judge smiled with warm sympathy in my direction. “Well, let’s get at it.”

I assumed my regular position on the floor, but nobody joined to keep me company, which was quite the blessing in disguise after my midday peen distraction. Judge parked next to Mia on the couch, and Evan flipped through his textbook on the loveseat with Shay. Decker was already clicking away from his spot in the big blue chair. Hell, I needed to focus and the group obliged, as usual.

~ • ~

Our sixsome had conquered about a third of the study cards before the food delivery arrived, so we took a break to stuff our famished faces and silence our congested brains. We stood and stretched, our muscles cramped from slumping over our materials, then we migrated to the kitchen to sort our shares. I grabbed part of a turkey club and a fresh bottle of tea, then I returned to the living room and crashed on one end of the couch.

Shay smiled as she unwrapped her veggie selection. “Let’s talk about anything but school.”

“Amen to that,” Judge agreed before tearing into his sandwich.

“Are your meatballs good?” I asked as Mia swallowed a giant bite.

She smirked and licked a dribble of red sauce from her bottom lip. “Not as good as Evan’s.” He choked beside her and we fuckin’ lost it.

“That was a crazy night.” Deck settled in with his loaded Italian option and flashed me an arrogant grin. “I barely remember the movie.”

“I, um, tried to watch,” I said with a slight blush, “but it was kinda boring.”

“Hell, you picked it!” Shay laughed.

“Well, I wanted to see ‘Anal at the Aquarium,’ but Callie shot me down.” Deck shamelessly threw me right under the Mia bus and shoved in a giant bite of sandwich. I rolled my eyes and waited for the wrath.

“Fuck off, Callie! You passed on an anal movie?”

I tossed my palms with an innocent shrug. “Hey, you could’ve picked yourself if you weren’t dry humping Evan in the lobby.”

“You could always see it at lunch on Wednesday,” Shay offered with a giggle. “Stop by The Basement. Grab some of Joe’s new ass beads. Make a day of it.”

“Hmm. Maybe.”

This girl.

Decker took a drink of tea and scanned the space. “What did we even talk about before we all started banging each other?”

“We talked about how much we wanted to bang each other,” Evan chuckled. “Hell, Three Doors changed everything.”

Fuck, that was an understatement.

“We were so worried about risking our friendship,” Judge offered with a casual shrug. “Turns out we had no reason to.”

“Think anything could break us up?” Evan asked with a glance around the room.

Deck waved him off. “Nah.”

“Hell, I hope not!” Mia said.

Shay shook her head. “No way.”

I swallowed a lump of sudden emotion, then lowered my face to hide my shameful blush.

~ • ~

After the next round of gastro cards, we collectively decided that the need for caffeine had kicked in. My eyes burned with fatigue and my hips ached from my earlier adventures. The heavy hand of guilt pressed hard on my heart. I just wanted to sleep so we could get this drama over with sooner, but tonight, my grade mattered more. I stood like a zombie in the kitchen, making fresh fuel for the crew as the others scattered around the apartment to stretch. Decker strolled in with a sultry grin and squeezed next to me at the counter.

“Need some help with that?” he asked, palming the hip of my pajama pants and peeking over my shoulder.

“Hey, now. I can’t cook, but I can make some killer coffee,” I bragged with a laugh.

“Oh, I know. You looked lonely, though.”


“I’m just running on empty,” I sighed with a forced smile and blinked up at his groggy brown eyes. I filled the line of six mugs before me and shivered under my sweatshirt as he stroked my lower back.

“I’ll help however I can,” Deck offered quietly, “but I can’t promise that my intentions are honorable. You look adorable when you’re tired.”

Heat rushed between my ribs and warmed my aroused chills. Christ, he was sex on legs. “Aren’t you just a sweet talker tonight?” I flirted.

Deck scoffed with a smug smirk. “Oh, you think it’s just talk?”

Oh my.

After I distributed our cups of addiction, we gathered around for another cycle of hell. As the others were settling back over the books, Evan unexpectedly parked behind me on the couch without his laptop. I yawned absentmindedly and slumped back between his thighs, staring at my handwritten notes blanketing the coffee table.

“You look exhausted,” he whispered above me, his hands slipping over my shoulders into a sensual massage. His strong fingers kneaded through my tense muscles, and I rolled my neck through the pleasing pain. I whimpered under my breath as his soft tongue tickled my ear, his fingertips rubbing deep circles above my collarbones.

“If you wanna sneak to bed early, I’ll escort you,” he taunted. “I’ll even do all the work.”


~ • ~

Under Shay’s stern eye, we curbed the sexual tension and finally finished the lesson with each friend fighting loud yawns and droopy smiles. I offered to share the index cards for more cramming in the morning, but the others waved me off, so I tucked the stack neatly into my backpack pocket. Judge hadn’t approached me all evening, and I felt myself missing those luscious lips, so I motioned him over as he loaded his laptop.

He flashed those sexy dimples as he strolled across the space. “Hey, sleepyhead.”

I danced my fingertips over his beefy chest and tugged him closer for a slow, soft smooch. “I needed that,” I whispered against his smile.

“Oh, is that so?”

“I kinda missed you tonight,” I flirted.

“Well, I didn’t wanna distract you.” Aww. He was unbelievably sweet under that arrogant exterior.

“I mean, I can handle a little distraction,” I teased with a suggestive shrug.

He propped a cocky brow and slid his hands lower to cup my round ass. “Like this much?”

“That’s better, but I think I could take more. I’m tough.”

Judge swept in with that sensual mouth and twirled his coffee-flavored tongue over mine, squeezing my cheeks and hugging me against his lightly grinding groin. My burdened brain bypassed the lingering stress as my body melted into his steamy embrace.

Shay called our selfish asses out from across the room. “Hey! Are you tonguing on a weeknight?”

Judge pulled back with a guilty giggle and tossed a palm. “I’ll take the blame for the tongue. And don’t worry, I’ll share.”

Evan piped up and palmed his hips. “Fuck, I want a good kiss, too.”

These guys.

Shay tucked a shiny strand behind her ears with a flirtatious smile, suddenly willing to bend the rules. “Okay, okay. I guess we all deserve it.”

“Well, come get it,” Evan offered with outstretched arms.

Judge left me with a final, sultry peck and approached an impatient Mia, so Decker cruised over to fill my void. He palmed the back of my neck and swept his fingers into my blond hair, frenching me with wet lust and palpable passion before backing to his steady pace. As tingles rushed downtown, I realized that we needed to ax this fuckin’ weeknight tongue rule.

“Damn, Deck,” I whimpered.

“Just wanted to say thanks for making the coffee,” he offered over me with a sexy smirk.

I planted my hands on my hips and laughed. “I’ve been making your coffee for months, mister. You’re behind on your tab.”

He wetted his bottom lip, those deep brown eyes locking in. “Name the time and place,” he whispered, “and I’d be happy to work it off.”

Christ, was I sweating?

When Evan claimed his turn to tease me, I stood on my tiptoes and swept my soft tongue across his, my panties already warm and moist at the hands of his friends. “Thanks for the massage,” I mumbled as he licked and nibbled my jaw with restrained aggression.

He rubbed circling thumbs under the hem of my shirt. “There’s much more where that came from, Callie.”


Warmth rushed to my cheeks under his blue gaze. “Can I schedule an appointment?” I flirted.

His sexy lips curled into an irresistible smile. “Sure. My bed. Fifteen minutes.”

After the guys waved final goodnights and slipped downstairs to their apartment, Mia, Shay, and I offered little more than dazed, depleted smiles as we completed our bedtime moves together. Our traditional hug held a different meaning as we gathered before my bedroom door, the collective weight of both my classes and my conscience sinking my cheerful ship. When I finally snuggled deep under my comforter and burrowed into my pillow, I found myself entirely too exhausted to think, so I drifted away and relied on my dreams instead.

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