THREE DOORS: Chapter 12

Monday morning arrived like an evil, tortuous bitch. After hunching over my books hour after hour on Sunday, saving my sexy fantasies for only the bed, I’d wrestled with my sheets all night during dreams of demanding dicks. I woke to my annoying alarm with my modest panties already damp, my thighs clenched with thirst for one of them to slide inside. I glanced at the digits in the corner of my cell and decided to spend a few minutes strumming for relief under my comforter. To hell with hair and makeup today.

The boys lingered in my lustful daydreams as I tried to concentrate in class. Lips, cocks, fingers, tongues. Sure, I was focused on advanced anatomy, just not on the dumbass skeletal system my instructor was rambling about. My heart pounded with panic during embryology lecture when my poised prof returned my most recent struggle exam. He paused at my desk, glared with stern eyes through his wire-rimmed glasses, and dangled my test between two pinched fingertips. I swallowed hard and forced a hesitant, mildly flirtatious smile. Damn, that mascara could’ve helped today.

“I’m not sure what you’ve been doing with your time outside of the classroom, Callie…” he flatly warned.

Oh, sweet baby Jesus. Had I fucking bombed it?

“…but, whatever it is, keep it up. It’s working.”

This motherfucker.

He coyly placed the packet face up in front of me, and I caught the red A-minus boldly scribbled across the top by my name. Relief and pride choked me right there in the middle of the classroom. Embryology had sabotaged my mind from every direction, and this was the first stellar grade I’d secured all semester. A congratulatory fuck from one of the guys would’ve been icing on the cake.

Patience, Callie.

~ • ~

Despite my shaky start, Monday night’s study session with the sixsome was pretty uneventful. We stuck to business like proper students, beginning with burgers and index cards, then ending with yawns and coffee-flavored kisses.

I enjoyed some incognito attention, though, when Judge flashed me a subtle lip lick between questions and Deck stirred my juices with a seductive wink. Evan’s baby blues were buried in the books for most of the night, so that was the extent of Club Callie’s agenda for the evening. Hell, that was perfectly fine with me. I needed nothing deeper to dwell on.

The guys unloaded their junk on the coffee table for round two on Tuesday, claiming their preferred positions as if they lived here. I smiled to myself as they bluntly bickered about basketball as if Mia, Shay, and I didn’t exist.

How would we have paired if they’d sacked up at the beginning and asked us on dates like normal neighbors? Would those initial impressions and attractions still hold true?

I pretended to mess with my school supplies at the dining room table and studied the specifications of each handsome squatter. Evan scoffed with a skeptical head shake as Judge counted off some kinda list on his fingers. Deck stood by with crossed arms over his carved chest, raising dark, amused brows when Evan mimicked a jump shot under duress. I pinched my lips together with a laugh as Judge threw up a mock block, simply enjoying how comfortable each felt being himself around us.

The clattering of cookware interrupted the amateur commentary. The boys dramatically paused mid convo and turned with apprehension to the kitchen.

Oh, here we go.

“So, uh, what’s the plan for food?” Judge asked calmly.

“We’re cooking,” Mia called as she wrestled a frying pan from a lower cabinet.

Record scratch.

“You’re what?” Evan choked on a laugh. All three abandoned their belongings and crept to the dining room to investigate. Shay rolled her eyes beside me.

“Cooking,” Mia repeated, then she smiled like a happy housewife. “Just a quick bite so we can get to it.”

Judge cocked his head with concern. “But why are you doing that?”

“Are we being punished for something?” Deck asked.


Evan tried to backpedal with tossed palms. “It’s not that we don’t appreciate the effort—”

“Right,” Deck quickly added.

Mia pointed at them with a clean spatula as her fiery side made a rare, humorous appearance. “We’re making a taco bar. I’m part Mexican, for fuck’s sake. How hard could it be?”

“Well, in fairness, you did fuck up macaroni and cheese,” Judge laughed under his breath.

“From a box,” Deck chuckled beside him.

“Look, that was one time.”

“And don’t forget those ‘cookies’ you made us for Christmas,” Evan man-giggled with air quotes.

“Hey,” Shay pouted with a weak, whiny defense, “those were edible!”

Decker shook his head. “I think I broke a tooth.”

These fuckin’ guys.

Mia continued with her dinner prep. “I’m tired of the takeout garbage we munch all the time. We’re gonna be up late and I need actual food.”

“So do we, girl,” Judge mumbled. “That’s why we’re concerned.”

Mia laughed with a gasp and frisbee-tossed a tortilla at his head from across the room.

“Okay, okay. You win.” He swerved from the attack and fished his cell from his pocket. “Just give me a second to save the poison control number…”

~ • ~

We bragged over the home-cooked meal about mastering our exams, with the entire group nailing surprising scores despite the challenging material. The guys muttered humble, gruff apologies as they polished off the fresh fare we’d provided, then offered to straighten up the kitchen as repentance. After eventually downing the last of our frosty beer and exchanging the cans for coffee mugs, we transferred to our workspace in the living room, feeling determined to slaughter another lesson.

“Who has the section for renal failure? I need to cover renovascular hypertension again,” Shay asked as she shuffled through our index cards.

“I have it right here.” Evan waved the handwritten material. “I’ll set it off to the side.”

“I gotta cover the standard lab values for that,” Judge noted without looking up from his laptop.

“What about renal artery stenosis?” Deck asked as he thumbed through his stack.

“I have it.” Mia fished a notecard from her established pile. “It’s with renal vein thrombosis.”

After the first hour, I had to admit, we were killing it. I didn’t expect to sharpen my study skills and improve my grades after this Three Doors business, but without realizing it, that’s exactly what was happening. Despite the potential for distractions, the crew remained hardcore about class, providing me with just the discipline I needed. I forced myself to compartmentalize, knowing that we reserved the weekends for fucking, regardless of how my pussy tried to lure my mind from the books to the buff boys before me. Around three in the morning, long after chugging the last few drops of caffeine, we finally called it quits.

Evan crashed back on the sofa and displayed that delicious body. “Just a few more days now, girls. You ready for us?”

“Born ready.” Mia flashed a flirty smile and stretched. “You guys?”

“I’ll show you just how ready I am, Mia,” Judge teased.

“I’m gonna bury myself in my bed,” I moaned through a yawn from my spot on the floor.

“Well, you can’t go to sleep without a goodnight kiss,” Deck mused as he approached with an outstretched hand. Christ, that dark, sleepy grin forced a rejuvenating thump between my ribs.

“Or three.” Evan tugged his lip through his perfect teeth as I stood and straightened my bottoms.

As Mia and Shay nonchalantly gathered their study supplies, Judge’s warm brown eyes landed on me, too, and my cheeks flushed under the weight of all three sinful gazes. We may have saved the salacious intent until after we closed the lessons for the night, but tension thickened with each passing goodbye as we approached the weekend. One by one, each man caressed my soft skin and emptied longing between my lips, tormenting me with hints of the sensations to come.

~ • ~

I woke on Wednesday with pure adrenaline coursing through my veins, desperate to pour my knowledge into the exam before I forgot everything I’d studied. I marched into that fuckin’ classroom, conquered page after page, and felt overly confident in my thorough answers for the first time all semester. After killing the remaining classes of the day, I fled campus in the early evening, already basking in a weekend-level glow. Mia and Shay met me at Sunrise for a fancy coffee to go, and we took the leisurely way home. February had gifted us with unseasonable sun, so we sipped and spilled in the remaining shine of the day.

“I can finally think straight,” Mia groaned.

“I know. I’m so fuckin’ relieved.”

“This may be my best semester ever.” I beamed after a delicious sip of creamy caramel goodness. “Hell, if I’d only known…”

Mia and Shay laughed with agreement on both sides as we strolled. “We haven’t changed methods,” Shay noted, “but there’s something about settling our sex lives that clears the clutter.”

Mia nodded and gestured to a weathered wooden bench around the corner from our complex. We tossed our bags together on one end, then parked hip to hip in the sinking rays to continue the breakdown. “I love how the guys are just as dedicated as we are,” she explained. “They’re all in with school, with our friendship…”

“Right?” I agreed over my warm cup. “Nothing like the fuck boys we used to mess with.”

Shay tucked a black strand behind her ear and shifted to face us. “I gotta admit, though, I still lay in bed at night trying to comprehend how all of this is working.”

Mia bumped me with a giggle. “Hell, I don’t. I just let it ride.”

I cracked a smile. Between Shay’s analytical side and Mia’s carefree vibe, my besties couldn’t be more different. I caught a young woman at the bus stop across the street balancing on one foot as she traded her business heels for some beige ballet flats. I could practically hear her sigh of satisfaction through the light traffic, and I felt an odd, unexpected parallel in the context of this time with my girls. During my freshman year in college, after finally walking away from a relationship that wrecked me, I was left with only a few class acquaintances on the new campus and not nearly enough confidence to expand my horizons. I’d been wallowing in my discomfort and barely breaching the dating world when Mia and Shay unexpectedly appeared in my life to provide the ultimate relief.

They became my own ballet flats.

“Earth to Callie,” Shay laughed and nudged me.

“Sorry! What did I miss?”

“We’re contemplating some trio time,” Mia sighed to the dusky sky. “Maybe a little more play before the big day.”

“We could just text them later,” Shay said. “I know we don’t hang during the week if we’re not studying, but maybe we could make an exception if they want.”

God, that sounded so good. “I’m down. I could use a deep, hard kiss to celebrate.”

Mia laughed. “And I could use a deep, hard dicking to celebrate.”

Well, that, too.

We trashed our empties in a street corner bin and hauled our goods to the complex door. Shay swiped her student ID card through the scanner, and we strolled to our apartment with boys on the brain. I paused when we passed the resident post boxes.

“Wait. Have you checked your mail this week?”

Shay furrowed puzzled brows. “No, why?”

“The test results!” Mia gasped. “How in the fuck did we forget?”

“You know the guys forgot, too,” Shay added with a headshake. “They would’ve already been poking at us.”

Sure enough, we each found results from the campus clinic waiting in our mail cubbies. We ripped open the blue envelopes as we stepped into the elevator and checked the forms line by line for pussy clearance. I didn’t expect any surprises but still felt relieved to see my permission to screw right there in black and white. We lapsed into a ridiculous dance performance to celebrate our negative results, grinding and giggling like we were half-naked at the club. During the joyful chaos, we forgot about the couple holding hands along the back wall. They eyed us with confusion until Mia spilled our success.

“See, we couldn’t have sex with our boyfriends without these papers—”

“And we’ve been waiting so patiently,” I added with a wave of my results.

“Uh, congratulations?” The random girl cringed at our indiscretion.

Shay laughed with a prissy shrug. “Why, thank you!”

As we stepped through the doors into our home hallway, we heard the dejected boyfriend ask, “Why don’t you get that excited about sex with me?”

~ • ~

 Shay: hey

 Evan: helllllo Shay

 Deck: hey

Callie: did you guys check for test results?

 Evan: fuck

  Mia: we’d like to

Judge: nice

 Deck: completely forgot with the exam

 Shay: we’re gonna get comfy

 Shay: grab your results and come up

Judge: consider it done

~ • ~


“Good to go!”


“I’m good, too.”

Our sixsome shuffled the notifications between our eager hands and compared notes, confirming that we were indeed free to get it the fuck on when the weekend finally arrived. We tossed the papers in the air like party confetti and eyed each other with renewed interest.

Mia unexpectedly jumped into Judge’s muscled arms and he swung her around as she cheered, then he lowered her ass on the dining room table. Evan beckoned me with a sexy head nod, then effortlessly parked me on the kitchen side of the bar.

“Happy, Callie?” he asked with that hint of mischief I’d grown to love.

“Oh, you have no idea,” I exhaled as he stepped closer and nudged my knees open wide. Fuck, his big bulge was so close.

Decker scooped Shay up bridal style through her prissy giggles and lowered her over the arm of the cozy couch. Clearly, the girls and I weren’t the only ones craving more contact.

“So, how do we celebrate?” I questioned with shameless excitement.

“I think the guys should rotate. Above the clothes only,” Shay dictated from over the back of the couch. “That means you, Mia.”

“What the fuck?”

“Too much access now and the mystery will be ruined this weekend,” she explained matter-of-factly. “Control yourself.”

“Well, you’re no fuckin’ fun,” Mia giggled.

“But I’m fun,” Judge rasped over her, rubbing his hand near her cooch and demanding her undivided attention.

Mia scooted her ass to the table’s edge and looped her arms around his neck, drawing him closer to her sultry brown eyes and perky tits. Judge tucked her legs around the waist of his gym pants and dove in for a taste. I watched intensely as they twirled tongues between their wet, open lips. She clawed at the back of his shoulders with need as he shifted his pelvis with slow thrusts directly against her center. Christ, they were both so fuckin’ sexy, better than any on-screen combination. My mouth watered as they ravaged each other, my core warming with moist lust underneath my leggings. I imagined his heavy, rigid cock dragging through her wetness, and my chest ached with desperation.

Evan suddenly palmed my flushed cheeks and interrupted my staring, confronting me with curious eyes as he tilted my chin to his. “You like watching them?”

Fuck yes.

“Maybe,” I whispered with a pinch of embarrassment.

Evan scanned my hesitant lips, then growled through gritted teeth as that trademark aggression rushed back to center stage. “God, you make me so fucking hot.”

“Touch me,” I whimpered, my pulse practically cracking my ribs.

Evan slid splayed fingers over my hips and jerked my throbbing folds closer to his groin, then paused over me with heavy breaths. After a few agonizing seconds, he devoured my willing lips with an animalistic kiss. His scorching, demanding tongue choked me with hunger, and I offered full approval, dragging my manicure down his cut biceps and rocking my damp slit close for that sweet friction. As soon as he felt my pussy pleading with permission, he pinched my braless nipples through my skin-tight tee, squeezing both of my small tits and massaging as our tongues continued to dance. My intention to practice silence failed miserably when I moaned passionately into his throat. He nibbled at my cries, scraping his teeth over my lower lip as he crushed my wet clit with his steel.

“I wish I could have this tight pussy tonight,” he snarled.

Jesus Christ.

Evan left those words hanging in the humidity between us as his hands trailed away from my writhing body. I missed his touch within a second of his retreat, but I knew Deck or Judge would be trading places to sample my thirst. I clenched my eyes closed and flattened my palms on the countertop behind me, presenting my panting chest and soaked bottoms for the next joyrider. In this wild world of rotating and sharing, I yearned to feel my partner before I saw him, the mystery amplifying my thrill like nothing I’d ever experienced.

The round-two claimant wanted body play before our lips even brushed. Both heavy hands groped my braless breasts and churned, thumbs sliding back and forth over my trembling nipples. I craved that sweltering sting that would leave my pussy crazed and sticky, so I arched my back sharply and practically begged for him to suck me.

“Goddamn,” Judge groaned over me.

I blinked just in time to watch him lower to my heaving chest. He peered up at me as he rolled my nipple between his thumb and index finger, then he sucked it hard with luscious lips through the thin fabric of my top. Electrifying pulses jolted south to the deepest ache between my legs.

I found nothing safe to squeeze on the counter, so I clenched my eyes closed and cried out to the ceiling, my body reeling in both pleasure and frustration. Judge’s fiery, frolicking kisses swept across my breasts as he feasted, leaving my cotton shirt clinging to my tightened nipples. I wanted him to tear my tee to shreds so I could feel his rough tongue slather over my bare skin.

Although I was expecting Decker to assume control and steal the last minutes of the show, I wasn’t prepared for what happened next. Judge was still caressing both mounds, sucking me and kneading me like a man starving, when a third hand brazenly slid up my thigh. I sucked in a harsh breath of disbelief and fluttered open my eyes.

Judge smirked at me, freeing my breast from his sensuous lips as he continued to stroke my other soaked nipple through my shirt. Deck hovered beside him, his fingers creeping closer to my dripping pussy as he eyed my body’s reaction with dark hunger.

I felt an incredible surge of wetness downtown as the best friends shockingly explored my body together. The closest I’d ever been to a threesome was Evan copping feels during our bottle spinning game, but this contact seemed so much more intense and intentional. Both willingly left space for the other as they stood mesmerized by my squirms and sighs, sharing as they summoned my pending peak. I’d never desired to be objectified, but I found myself more than willing to be used for whatever kink they were conveying.

I caught a flash of movement to my side and glanced, finding Evan grinding against Mia’s ass as he bent her over the dining room table. She scratched at the surface, cheek flattened on the wood facing away from me, as he destroyed her will from all directions. Thick fingers of one hand tangled in her streaky brown locks while the others reached around her slim hip for prime pussy access. I noticed the stretch of his shirt straining over his chiseled biceps as he dragged his cock between her round cheeks.

But Evan was watching me.

His crystal eyes shimmered under our ceiling light, observing every second of his friends manhandling my body.

“Judge, let’s go! I’m dying here,” Shay whined from the sofa.

Christ, I’d selfishly forgotten all about Shay.

I snapped back to reality at the sound of her voice, breaking the lustful blue contact with my fellow blond. Decker’s fingertips tapped lightly over my leggings at the top of my thigh, as if he were now waiting impatiently for his solo ride. Each flutter of his touch sent a ripple of anticipation over my flushed skin.

“I’ll take it from here,” he demanded, dismissing Judge and invoking possession over the last round.


I was barely breathing as Judge stepped away. Deck slipped both chiseled arms behind my arched back and pulled me abruptly to his thick chest. Our hearts bumped together through slam after slam as our lustful eyes aligned.

“You’re all mine now,” he whispered.

Before I could respond, though it was doubtful that I could form words anyway, he curled a firm thumb directly against my throbbing clit and arrogantly watched me unravel as he played. My legs trembled as he circled with deep pressure, the friction from my wet panties sparking swells underneath his skilled strokes. I gasped in broken breaths against his parted lips before he finally smothered my hot mouth with his. I practically strangled his neck and tried to kiss him back, but my tongue slipped in and out with sloppy enthusiasm as he beckoned me to my brink.

I needed air. I couldn’t function. I couldn’t think. I was about to come utterly un-fucking-done in front of Deck. Face to face. Eye to eye. I wrestled away from the passionate embrace and rested my chin on his shoulder, panting as he picked up the pace with my pussy. He urgently tugged at my long strands, never slowing the strums of his thumb, so I shifted back against the strength of his arm. I watched him scan the room, then he fixed his focus back on me.

“The others aren’t finished yet,” Deck mouthed.

I couldn’t look away from his captivating eyes to monitor my friends, so I hung my trust on his every word.

“Do you want me to make you come, Callie?”

God, yes.

I abandoned all sense of logic. Deck’s dirty request enhanced his naughty fingers, and a throb of burning need rocked me to my selfish core as he rubbed some more. There was no chance that I could end this evening without letting this crest spill. Fuck the consequences.

“Please,” I begged under my breath.

Deck cocked an arrogant brow. “Tell me,” he demanded, that raspy voice scraping away at my limited inhibitions.


“Make me come, Deck. Fuck, please.”

He licked his lips with cocky satisfaction and dropped his mouth against my ear. “I wanna watch you get off, but you have to be quiet so nobody knows.” He mercilessly rolled his thumb over my slick clit and let his tongue drift against my earlobe. “If you can’t be quiet, just kiss me.”

I felt like a nasty, seductive slut sharing this secret with him. I nodded weakly, knowing full well that I would fail my mission. He tugged at my blond waves again, tipping my shoulders back and my chin up, then he mercilessly frenched my blushing neck. His hot lips tempted my trigger spots, his tongue twisting behind my ear and dragging over my jawline as he fingered me with rapid bursts. I fucked his strokes with shameless thrusts as the peak gathered strength in my pelvis. Christ, I was about to come.

Hard.Exclusive © material by Nô(/v)elDrama.Org.

With Deck.

In my fuckin’ kitchen.

I palmed his stubble with both hands and jerked his mouth aggressively to mine as moans threatened to creep from my throat. I weakened with pleasure as our tongues drove passionate laps together, but he steadied with me a reassuring hand on my back and quieted me with a punishing kiss. I whimpered into him as the agonizing orgasm flooded my pussy with a hot, wet mess inside my already soaked leggings. Wave after wave pulsed through my entire body, curling my toes and stealing my breath.

When my tensed muscles finally relaxed, and Deck was sure that I’d finished, he shifted both hands to my thighs and softened his control, escorting me down from my high with a soft, comforting kiss. Slow and steady Decker was back, so I let him lead the way until voices in the room alerted us to pull apart.

What the fuck did we just do?

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