Caro was now a full scholar again. She had been attending school for months and was even preparing to sit for her final junior exams, all thanks to Trisha.

Evenings on some weekdays and afternoons on weekends were the periods she spent working and further improving her tailoring skills at Immaculate’s. Today being Sunday, she had gone early and also closed early.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

As she walked through the shortcuts heading back home, she could not help but put a palm to her stomach to feel its constant quivering. It disgusted her that she had so much excess fat in most parts of her body and she was desperate to burn them all off, starting today. That was why she had decided to take shortcuts instead of boarding a cab as she had always done in the past.

From now onwards, she would walk all the way home and ‘by fire by force’, all the fat would vanish. But wait! If she jogged, wouldn’t that be best? If Trisa could notice all this, she would simply go out of her mind!

Just as Caro was about to break into a jog, she heard a sharp whistle from behind, making her turn around immediately. Some ugly, gaunt, rough and filthy-looking young men were seated in a nearby abandoned construction site and staring at her with hungry eyes. One of them who looked like their leader gestured for her to come, but Caro narrowed her eyes and shook her head in pity, thinking perhaps too much weed had gotten to the wrong part of their brains.

With a hiss, she turned around, ready to continue her journey. But she was stopped short almost immediately. Her heart skipped a beat when she noticed something huge blocking her way. She had to take a step back to really identify what it was. And it was a human! A giant to be exact.

Caro had to look far above her line of sight to see his cruel face. Then she swallowed. To say she was in big trouble was the understatement of the century. If only she had not taken shortcuts.

“You no hear when dem call you?”, the giant’s voiced boomed at her in what Caro imagined was one of its lowest tones. She was too overwhelmed to formulate words, so she simply nodded to confirm that she had indeed heard the call.

“Oya, dey go,” the giant said, waving her toward his ruffian pals. Caro knew that running away was a stupid idea. The guy’s hand could easily reach her from more than a metre away not to mention his legs. The only option she had was to obey. She had to do everything possible to not give him a reason to hold her, because if he did, she would be finished. No miracle would make her escape from the grasp of such gigantic hands. So taking a deep breath, she turned around and began walking toward the construction site with the giant following closely behind.

She tried to increase her speed as subtly as she could. The goal was to put some, but not much distance between them and make him feel as relaxed as possible.

As she walked, she kept her eyes on the ground and prayed inwardly. She knew that the giant’s pals and the giant himself couldn’t wait to start work on their next gang rape victim. Her heart was pounding wildly, but she willed herself to remain calm. She didn’t know exactly how far behind or how relaxed the giant was, but if God was really her shepherd, it would not matter.

Suddenly, she whirled round to face the giant without taking her eyes from the desired level. Before he could say Jack, she lashed out with her left foot and delivered her best kick ever to where she knew his balls would be. It was a good strike!

“Haaaaa!”, he howled in pain, grabbing his crotch with both hands. Caro did not wait to mock him. Veering to the left, she took to her heels immediately!

Caro ran hard and fast like a madwoman. She could hear shouts from behind her and she realized that the giant’s friends were after her! In a few seconds, both shoes had left her feet and she had the chance to run the fastest she had ever run. She could feel her heel touching the back of her head and she could hardly see the road ahead. She didn’t know where she was headed and she didn’t care!

After running for God knows how many hundred metres, she came to a stop when she was totally exhausted. She could no longer hear shouts behind her and the adrenaline powering her had run out. If they were to come after her now, they would surely get her. She was just out of breath, strength and everything else.

She slumped down on the ground and lay flat on her back. Every part of her body hurt. Her heart was one exertion away from exploding and her lungs… she was just filling them up with air since they were first filled when she was created.

She would never forget what just happened. The whole episode wasn’t really a bad thing, rather it was a big eye opener. She had known that she was a fat piece of trash, but she never realized how bad it was. When she was still slim, she could run twice the distance she had just run without feeling a millionth of the exhaustion she was currently feeling. What if those guys had followed her all the way? She really needed to go back to her old self… fast!

When Caro got back home, she opened the gate as quietly as she could and stole into the compound. She really did not know why Trisha never had a gateman, but it was a blessing for her today. Nobody would notice that she was shoeless and disheveled. Her bag had also been lost during the race.

Like a thief, she tiptoed her way into the building and managed to sneak into her room without attracting any undue attention. She breathed a sigh of relief when she had accomplished this feat, but she was also worried about their security. If she could get in so easily, what stopped someone with an evil intention from doing the same? Yes, there were soldiers stationed at one end of the street, but was that really enough? She would have to discuss it with Trisha sometime soon. The sooner the better.


Caro had been in her room for the past few hours, reading and watching TV. She had totally forgotten about the race incident that had happened earlier in the day and was now focused on being “over-prepared” for her upcoming exams. But a few minutes before supper time, she heard a knock on her door.

“Come in.”

The door was opened slightly and Rennie’s head peeked in.

“Madam Trisha wants to see you in the sitting room.”

And then she shut the door. With a sigh, Caro got off her sofa and put on her slippers and then stepped out of her room. It never crossed her mind to guess or even think about why Trisha would want to see her, she just padded down the stairs to go answer the summons.

She was only a few steps from the foot of the stairs when she froze. She had just heard a voice coming from the sitting room. A voice she could never fail to recognize! But could it be someone else who just had a similar voice? No. Trisha wanted to see her and then, this voice. It was no coincidence. But just then, another familiar voice spoke, a female voice. That did it for Caro. A cold shiver ran down her spine. This was it! Her parents were here!

Without thinking, Caro took off her slippers and quietly ran back up the stairs. When she got to the top, she put on the slippers and hurried on.

“Have you seen her?”, an approaching Rennie asked.

“Yes,” Caro nodded enthusiastically, sporting a fake smile. “She wants me to get something for her.”

Something must have looked off to Rennie because Caro could notice the surprised and doubtful look on her face, but she didn’t wait to find out why it was there. She simply hurried to the back door and let herself out. Then she ran to the gate and slipped out of the compound as quietly as she could. Clothed in an evening gown and a pair of slippers, Caro ran into the night.

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