The Wicked Mrs. Gastrell (English version)

Chapter 33 Hatred seeping

“Ma’am, I am sorry but I cannot give you an access to Mr. Cholo’s penthouse. You don’t have permission. That’s against our protocol, ma’am.”

I rolled my eyes at the receptionist and crossed my arms in my chest. It’s early in the morning but it looks like I’ll be needing my temper here. Why do people like her always barred my presence?

“Isn’t the weather nice today? It’s sunny and windy at the same time. Look at the fair blue skies outside. Everybody’s smiling! The birds are chirping!”

Her professional smile turned into a crooked smile that eventually turned into a grimace.

“Ma’am? Come again?”

I took off my sunglasses and smiled sweetly at the woman named Shane based on her nameplate. I rested my elbow on the counter of the receptionist’s area and played with her hair.

“You don’t hear about the latest development of the new series here in Cerro Roca? I heard there’s a wicked scornful wife who’s back in town to get her husband back from his princess mistress. Ah! And I also heard from a very reliable source that this beautiful and wealthy woman is a devil incarnate. She loves to torture poor souls especially when that person is so hard to deal with.”

I flashed my bright smile at the woman who was turning pale and then clapped my hands in jubilee.

“What do you think of the plot? Quite dramatic and nice, right?”

She looked outside the residential condominium.

“The weather is nice but I heard I’ll be nicer if you just give me the key I’m asking for.”

I opened my palms to her.


She bowed to me and apologized several times.

“I’m really sorry ma’am but I just can’t give it to you without Mr. Gastrell’s permission.”

“Why not? I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors. I’m Mrs. Gastrell. I’m Cholo’s wife and I’m asking for my husband’s keys. Oh you’re doubting me?”

I raised my hand to Celeste who was behind me. She immediately gave me an envelope. I opened it in front of Shane.

“Here’s my marriage certificate and my birth certificate. I also have other IDs to prove my identity. What do you need? Passport? Police clearance? Name it and I will produce it for you.”

“Ma’am, I’m really sorry but I cannot really give the keys to you. It’s against our rules.”

I gasped and shook my head. I stuck my tongue in my mouth and put the sunglasses back on.

“Okay, lady. You are seriously irritating me. How about I call Chol-”

“Aren’t you tired of doing this, Karina?” A voice interrupted me.

I smirked and faced Elizabeth who looked like an angel in her white executive suit. I almost laughed when she got closer to me because I looked like a devil wearing a pure black blazer and trousers in front of her.

“Oh! The princess and the CEO are here! Hi Elizabeth! Could you please tell your employee here to have a better understanding of proper etiquette when dealing with guests? Or better yet pay for better training for your staff. They can’t understand simple instructions.”

Elizabeth turned to the woman and smiled at her.

“It’s okay Shane. You can go back to work. I’ll handle it.”

“Thank you, ma’am.”

She gave me a scared look for a moment before returning to the computer.

I grinned. This would be exciting. I felt giddy when I’m in front of Elizabeth. My blood boils in anticipation. My dream was to shatter that innocent and calm persona she evokes. I know she’s only holding it deep inside so I’ll do a perfect job to provoke her.

With raised eyebrows, I crossed my arms over my chest again and faced Elizabeth.

“So? Where’s my key?”

“Correction Karina. It’s Cholo’s key. Not yours. It’s a personal property so I can’t give it to you.”

“What’s his is mine too. I’m his wife,” I said, not letting myself be defeated.

She shook her head.

“No, I can’t. It’s against our policy. I’m sorry but if you keep on insisting, I have to ask you to leave the vicinity. I don’t want you to disturb our other guests,” she said calmly.

“No, I don’t think you understand me, Ely. When I say that you give me my husband’s key to his room, you will give it to me unless you’re ready to face Cholo’s wrath.”

She wasn’t moved by what I said because she just shrugged.

“I don’t think it’s me who needs to prepare for his wrath. Between the two of us, he trusts me more. Why can’t you just ask him for permission. I’m sure it’s not that hard for you since you are his wife unless you are planning something.”

“Trust? You’re talking about that now? Wait ’till he knows who you really are then come tell me again that he trusts you.”

I walked to her and whispered.

“Wait ’till he hears about what you have done on that day, August 24, 10:35 am, in your Cadillac plate number…”

I deliberately hung up on what to say and gave her a silly look. She gasped at what she heard and pushed me away. Her eyes widened and her lips parted in shock. Color fled her face and she immediately raised her hand to her chest to control her breathing. I smiled triumphantly. I finally got the emotion I wanted from her.

“Why? Why are you shocked? Do you really think you can bury everything you did, Ely? Do you really think you can forever hide behind your family?” my chest tightened as I remembered a very painful memory that was killing me every night.

“Karma will catch up on you and the rest of your clan and I’ll be the first one to do that starting with no less than your brother.”

I can see the panic in her eyes and her breathing labored.

“I… didn’t mean it, Karina. I swear, I didn’t mean to do it!” she said while crying.

“Regardless if you mean it or not, it already happened. I’m here to collect all your dues to me but… that would depend on your decision now. Keys or I’ll go straight to Cholo now to tell him everything as in everything. You choose, Ely.”

She shook his head, her eyes brimming with tears.

“Karina, please believe me. I didn’t mean to do it. I can’t do it to you.”

Her voice and whole body were shaking. Her security also approached us but she stopped them from interfering.

“The key, Ma’am Elizabeth,” ulit ko.NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

She swallowed first before slowly nodding, looking only at the floor.

“S-Shane, give her what she wants.”

I smiled.

“Good. Thank you for understanding.”

I looked at Shane and raised my brows at her.

“You heard your boss. Give me the keys.”

The woman opened a drawer and took out the key, then tremblingly placed it in my palm.

“Good,” I said with a raised head. “Celeste, let’s go.”

I walked slowly past Elizabeth who is still struggling to recover herself.

“I’m a crazy and a wicked person. And you of all people should know why I became like this, Ely,” I said in a soft but firm voice.

She turned paler and that made me grin.

“Good. Now you remember it for the rest of your life and I hope that you will never ever forget any scene of it. Live your life forever in guilt. And oh, before I forget, don’t ever tell anyone I came here especially Cholo. If you do then you know what’s at stake.”

‘Cause I’ll live my entire life hating you and your family forever.

We marched out of the lobby and into the elevator. I punched the top floor button and leaned on the cold wall. That’s when I let go of my emotion.

I sighed continuously and fought back my tears until I felt like functioning again. I let myself be in chaos for a while. I breathed in and out as I have always practiced.

When the elevator opened, it was as if nothing had happened as I faced what had to be done. I didn’t have to look for the door because it was alone on the whole floor. An Asturia used to own the penthouse that Cholo bought courtesy of Elizabeth.

“Celeste, stay here and don’t let anyone interfere with me inside, okay?”

She bowed.

“Yes, Ms. Karina.”

I pushed the door open after turning the key and pressing the combination of numbers engraved on the end of the key. The light flooded in automatically and the high-ceiling fully-furnished unit revealed itself to me. I looked around and saw nothing but opulence.

“Now what were you hiding from me, Cholo.”

I went to the kitchen first. All equipment is clean, a proof that every day someone comes here for maintenance. Next, I opened the single room and headed to the bathroom. There were feminine products on the drawers which brought a bitter taste to my tongue. So this is their hideout.

I went out and opened all the drawers and cabinets to get more information but I found nothing. But I didn’t give up easily. I wasn’t born to give it up easily. I took off my sandals and laid down to look under the bed but I still couldn’t find anything.

“Where the fuck did you put it?” I growled.

Just when I was about to quit, I remembered what Vishen told me about the time of arrival of that man. According to him, the man met Cholo in his office before coming here last week.

“Books. He hid it in the books.”

I went back to the drawers where I found books. I leafed through the pages and the things I’m looking for fell on the floor. I gathered the fallen pictures in my hand and just shook my head when I looked at my own pictures.

All taken a week ago. I was at the restaurant with Celeste and Vishen. There are stills of me at the cafe, the mall, and the salon. But the last photo of me made me sigh in finality. It was taken up when I was still living in France five years ago. I sat on the floor and stared at myself in the pictures. How deep has your investigation gone? Is it safe to assume that you haven’t found out everything?

But still, you’re so close in finding out my past, Cholo. In just a few steps you will be able to figure out why I am doing all this but before you can get there, I have to put the plan into action.

I have to do what I came here for even if it means digging up my very painful past which you have been a part of.

This is where my game ends. I know that the time will come when the past will be dug up because our past is the reason for my return.

But the more I think about it, the more I have the urge to delay everything because I love you. I love you that it comes to the point that it hurts. I never stopped loving you which is why I loathe myself.

I was a daughter first before I loved you. I was a sister first before I gave my all to you.

But you made me a mother which is the best thing I experienced in this world.

But that alone cannot compensate for everything I needed to do. I knew for a long time that I would run people. I know I can hurt people, kill if necessary.

Over the years I have prepared myself and forgotten my own conscience. I got drunk with revenge because it was the only thing I was holding onto to survive.

I just didn’t expect that when I came back here, my sleeping love for Cholo would be more alive, even though anger and bitterness separated us. It’s as if I came home into his arms no matter how uninviting he is.

I put everything back in order before leaving the room. I continued to the door and raised my hand to open it. But before I could pull it open, I felt a lingering presence in my back. A man sitting on the couch with a stoic face made me retract my steps. He stood up, put his hands on his pockets, and stared at me.

“It’s been a long time, Karina.”

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