The Were CEO’s Secret

Chapter Thirty-Two After You

Chapter Thirty-Two – After you.

A man in a tuxedo jacket and black trousers threw a knife at a girl and she barely missed it by back flipping. The girl was Cherry.

She ran across the walls and caught the rooftop, flinging herself unto the roof by doing so, she dodged another knife thrown at her.

Her breathing was becoming more irregular as there was a bomb attached to her leg that was going off in four minutes. She had to get home before then.

“Argghh!” She fell, a knife stabbing into her legs. Nevertheless she got back on her legs and jumped down the roof, rolling on the ground.

The fall wasn’t smooth and she felt something else break. The man jumped down with her.

“What do you want!” she roared at him. She didn’t know who he was. But with his speed, she doubted it was anyone she had offended, she knew better than to offend someone stronger than her and crazy enough to kill her.

“Obviously your life. But I need this answer first then I’d let you go.” The man said.

Cherry was more sure she didn’t know the man, she didn’t know any man with a female voice. She wasn’t sure of his gender anymore.

“What question is that? I have a bomb on my leg, you know.” Cherry voice held panic.

“Not my business. But I’d like to ask how many guards watch your cousin’s mansion, I’d like to pay a visit and need to know how many bombs I’d be sharing.” The man came closer to Cherry.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

He was wearing a mask, she couldn’t see who.

Cherry gulped. “My cousin doesn’t need guards. You’re welcome to come by.” She got to her feet.

“Bye.” She dragged her feet along with her, hoping he won’t stop her.

The man didn’t follow and ran off in a flash. If Cherry hadn’t watch him, she wouldn’t have believed he ran but disappeared.

She ran the rest of the way home and made it in time before the bomb time elapsed.

Johnson glared at the injury at his cousin’s legs, he glared back at her again. “You said you didn’t get into a fight and was nearly assassinated?”

Cherry insisted, “I wasn’t fighting with the guy. I had noticed him following me. I ran, he chased me and then it turned to something else.”

Johnson breathed out slowly.

The man who took the bomb out returned to them. “I think I know where the bomb was made. I’d get the person and know why he was after your little girl.”

Johnson nodded to him.

“I am not little!” Cherry retorted, they both looked at her.

She continued. “Wasn’t I able to come back home? I can handle myself. He asked about your home protection. He is after you not me.”

Johnson sat besides Cherry. “Thank you, man! Call me when you have info on this person.” He spoke to the man but kept his eyes on Cherry.

“Sure thing, bro.” the man walked away.

Cherry’s eyes followed him in disgust. “I hate humans. I hate it more when you interact with them and they call you ‘bro’, ‘man’, ‘dude’. You’re an Alpha.”

Johnson exhaled. “Forget that. Who do you think would be after you to break your ankle and give you a deep knife cut?”

Cherry frowned. “I said he’s after you! Also, it’s not so bad. At least, I wouldn’t go to school.”

“Fine. But you couldn’t get anything off the person. Was it a werewolf or..?”

Cherry’s eyes widened. “Damn. It wasn’t or I could’ve caught his smell. He was fast, really fast. And he seemed like he knew you well to know I’m your cousin. Only few folks know.”

Johnson swallowed down hardly. Someone who knew she was his cousin, that person was to be feared than even the Pure Silver Alpha he was dealing with now.

He was very sure she wasn’t the one. Alpha Luciana wouldn’t be petty to go after his little cousin, if she knew she was his cousin.

He made it a policy to hide his loved one so they wouldn’t be used against him. He made the first mistake with Garcia.

He had revealed she was his mate and made her pack make her choose between her pack and him. He wasn’t putting a loved one in the line again.

“Since you don’t like school, you’d stay here at home till your leg heals and till I catch this man.” He told Cherry.

She nodded. “Take your time, I hate school.”

He got up to leave but few steps out of the door, a memory flashed into his mind. He went back in. “Lead Warrior, come in now!” he barked.

The lead warrior came in. Johnson frowned. “Have you gotten any information on what type of creature Nathan is?”

The young man shook his head. “There wasn’t any other creature that exist around us. I am still making research of creatures around the world.”

Johnson wanted to yell but Cherry interrupted. “Oh, and I saw Gabi today. She’s alive. I saw her with Model Garcia. Just wanted to say.”

The men turned to her with questioning looks.

“Gabi. The omega girl you sent to steal from Alpha Luciana. The one I call garbage. I bet she doesn’t know her real name. She’s alive and with Garcia. I guess Alpha Luciana spared her. I really don’t want that girl succeeding.” Cherry sighed.

The lead warrior narrowed his eyes at Cherry but looked away. “I’d find more information, Alpha. Forgive me.” He walked away.

Johnson frowned at Cherry. “You know he hates it when you speak badly of omegas. He was once an omega before becoming what he is now.”

Cherry shrugged. “I don’t care. He got lucky. But won’t Gabi ruin you and Garcia’s already ruined relationship? Make her hate you more?”

“As you said, Garcia and I have an already ruined relationship. And I’m guessing the man after you was Nathan.”

Cherry frowned. “Why? You’ve returned his secretary’s little sister. What else?”

“Well, he’s angry for the fact you even took her. I saw him run very fast like the wind. Also, if you were stalking Garcia again, stop. He may not like that too.” Johnson rubbed his temples.

Cherry’s jaw dropped. “What? I thought he’s into his secretary, Stephanie?” Had all she been clueless about what was going on?

“Nathan and Garcia have something together. Stephanie is just a pawn, she’s human. And it may look like nothing as he’s human too except he’s not human. I’d get to the bottom of it.”

Cherry smirked. “Oh, so Nathan is just using Stephanie? Oh, okay. So is she still a target or not? Cos we can’t target your mate.”

Johnson nodded. “Yes, Stephanie is still a target. Nathan has a good history of being a playboy. Maybe Stephanie is a very close fling of his. She’d be surely useful.”

Cherry agreed, taking everything in. She glanced at the knife that had come out of her leg.

If her cousin would let her, she’d like to drive it through Nathan’s groin. Or Stephanie’s. But she’d like her enemies to how pain felt.

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