The Villainess Wants To Go Home

Chapter 60 - The witch of Viridis

Chapter 60 - The witch of Viridis

I choked on my milk, feeling the warm liquid block my airway. I slammed my fist on my chest resulting

in me coughing.

After a while of coughing and choking, I was able to breath again. 'That took me by surprise'.

Bringing my attention back on the witch, she was staring at me suspiciously. Her owl-like eyes looking

straight through me, I tried to avoid the eye contact, but my eyes found it's way back to her.

"What are you trying to say that he was destined to die?" I asked the witch resting my chin on the back

of my hand, pretending I had no clue of this because in reality he was destined to die but because of

my sudden appearance in this novel world he isn't.

The witch still hadn't avoided eye contact as she took her last bite of the porridge. She staggered up

from her seat and picked up her plate and cup, ignoring my question. I watched her waddle her way to

the front of the room and put her dishes in a wooden tub.

"There are some witches in the world that are able to foresee the future while others can see people's

destiny" The witch spoke in a soft tone then before as if she was intrigued in her own speech.

"And you can foresee someone's fated destiny?" I rose an eyebrow in disbelief as I took the last of the

now cool milk.

"I'm witch of course I can" she smiled revealing her crooked yellow stained teeth to me.

"So, what changed the prince's destiny?" I asked even if I knew the answer to it, but I can't let people

know I know what's going to happen in the future or was going to happen.

The witch eyed me suspiciously again. "Why are ya so suddenly interested in this matter?".

"Because I'm going to diagnose him" I grabbed my wooden and cup and made way to the wooden tub.

The witch cackled a creaky laugh.

"Ya – HAHAH" she pointed her long bony finger at me. "Heal the prince – HAHAHA."

"WHAT IS THIS UGLY OLD HAG LAUGHING AT?" I heard Homura yell from the other side of the

room. "Artemis don't listen to her; she's being oblivious to your skills. She just needs a good bite on the

leg" he bared his teeth ready to attack her.

I wanted to scoop Homura up and hug him for appreciation but then he would attack me and take back

what he said about me.

"Ya woman, Artemis. They won't let a woman near their prince" she said calming down. I tripped on my

own stupidity. I had forgotten that women had no rights in the ancient world especially in fantasy


Woman don't have to right to become or do anything except to become a seamstress or maid at a

wealthy household. They aren't allowed to have equal education like the men and only given little such

as reading and basic maths, but they can't go any further into academics before they are married off.

Noble women however get to learn more such as art, poetry, language and etc but they are all taught

so they can impress the guy and get a decent husband. Mostly everything they learn is to impress a

guy, marry them, have kids, and look after the household while their husbands is at work with no

freedom of right-handed to them. Women are downright nothing in the eyes of this ancient society and

only seen as baby making machines so they can continue the lineage of the husband.

That's just bullshit men belief that needs to be knocked out of their heads by someone. I volunteer to

do it if no one is willing to do it.

'Does that mean I have to dress up as a guy to diagnose the prince? That's going to be a pain in the


"Who said I'm going as a woman?" I placed my hands on my hip and grinned. The witch stopped

laughing and just stared at me as if I was the dumbest person in the world.

"I have never met such a foolish young lass before"

"Excuse me?" Homura and I said in sync.

"Once ya go in the palace ya will be forced to strip clean so they can do a body search for any

weapons on ya." She explained wagging her finger at me like a mother lecturing her daughter. "Those

bastards have high security in the palace" the witch mumbled staggering her way to the main door of

the old creaky cottage.

'When was that a thing in the ancient world? And how come I never knew about this'

"Is there some sort of potion to change my gender?"

The witch looked at me with a sneer. "No such thing as gender changing potion" she aggressively

opened the door and a gust of warm air burst in bringing in the fresh air in the place and shining in

more light in the dim room.

She stepped outside and disappeared from my view. "I hope she never comes backs" Homura

mumbled. "And what was that all about ignoring me" he looked and sounded offended.

"Sorry Homura but it's best if no one knows about my ability to speak to animals. Saves me the trouble

of bringing unwanted attention to myself"

Homura sneered at me and laid his head on his paws mumbling something I couldn't quite catch.

"Aren't ya coming" the witch peeked her head out from the door to look at me. I gave her a baffled

expression as I crossed my hands. "Taking shelter here isn't free ya know. I need help with work, this

old body can't do itself anymore. Can it?"

'Yet you have been doing perfectly fine since I arrived'

I sighed in agreement and strolled my way to the door and followed her out. I sheltered my eyes when

coming face to face with the sun that blinded my vision. Adjusting my sight, I saw stone stairway

leading down covered in little vegetation and garden fire lamps planted on both sides leading the way

down. There was gardens of flower beds beside the stair way.

I turned around to get a look at the witch's cottage and my jaw dropped. It was circular instead of

square, and it was under a giant tree that grew diagonally down in an arch. Pot plants hung under the

windows and a small chimney attached on the roof as the smoke of the fire steamed out.

I had thought the witch would have lived in an ugly small hut in the forest but this, this looks like a fairy

would live in it.

"Artemis, I don't have all day we must go quickly and collect some burch wood mushrooms before

those scrawny little devils takes them all" she groused, and I heard a faint bone crack.

I turned around to see the witch, but my eyes caught the magnificent greenery of the forest in front of

me. It was breathtaking to look at it. Trees growing all around with lushes green leaves yet some grew

a purplish shade flowing gently against the slight wind current and there was something attached to the

branches. Squinting my eyes to get a better look at what hung down from the trees, there were little

flower like houses hung down the tree trunks and branches. It looked like a little fairy village in the


The field of grass was a bright green with flowers growing all around and there seemed to be little

sparkling particle hovering around the red mushrooms that grew beside the trees.

I heard a stream coming from beside the house, I approached the edge of the little cliff the house was

built on and saw a long river flowing by and mythical looking creatures of all sorts waddled or rested by

the rivers banks and little fairies flying by the water.

*My eyes widened in amazement, and I mouthed a wow. 'So, this what a fantasy forest looks like. I

wish I had my phone to take a picture of it and show it to...'* I stopped what I was thinking and clenched

my fist. 'What am I saying. That traitor is a bastard'.

"Ya never seen fairies before?" the witch appeared beside me startling me out of my thoughts. She

looked over at the river like it was a normal thing to wake up to.

I shook my head. "Well then, this part of the forest consist of many. Better get used to it"

I watched her walk away with a basket in her hand which I have no clue when, where and how she got


"Come on young lass we have a lot to do today" she put her hand in mid air gesturing me to follow.

"Wait" I called out for her. "What is it?" she quickly spoke in a harsh and impatient tone.

"What do I call you?"

She licked her lips and stared at me with the same suspicious stare she did the whole morning.

"Elisaria" she answered. "Elisaria" I echoed back silently. 'What a pretty name'

I bowed "Thank you Elisaria for the kind hospitality, food and for healing me back to health after my

injury" I was in her debt for saving me even if she seemed suspicious at first.

"But I must be on my way" Elisaria continued to stare at me, squinting her owl-like eyes she answered

with a quick monotone tone. "No"

I stared back dumbfounded at her response. "Excuse me?"

"Is there dirt trapped in ya ears. I said No. Ya not leaving" she glared at me and continued to taste her

mouth. "I'm sorry but there is a life on the line that I need to save"

"Ya leave this cottage and step outside this path that boy's life ain't going nowhere but to Debesis"

Elisaria pointed her finger at me with mockery in her tone.

'What is Debesis again? I read it in the story, but I can't remember what it was'

I crossed my hands and sent daggers her way and she in return narrowed her eyes. We were in a

complete staring competition for a few minutes waiting for the other to avert eye contact. The howls of

the wind echoed through the air, the gardens bells rang when the wind blew past them, and the sounds

of the running river was loud.

"Ya injury isn't healed properly and ya in the dark parts of Viridis meaning ya won't be able to walk

through the forest path without having those monster wanting to feast on ya and ya little fox buddy

don't forget ya dragon has sustained an injury on the wing preventing him to fly" she spoke as if she

won the argument.

I clench my jaw shut and pressed my lips together in anger. 'This old hag. Can't she see I'm in position

where I can't waste any time. I only got less than 3 weeks before he dies'. I had no time to muck

around and wait for my injury to heal, Ben's treatment is more important then this stupid wound of


Waiting for my wound heal would take days and maybe a week and getting to Ventus would take an

estimated 2 weeks if I flew and add the days to figure out the problem with Ben's health and make the

cure is going to kill him.

This sucks big time.

She let out a sigh of an apology "Stay here and rest. Let the wound heal properly and the dragon's

wing. When the times come to leave, I will show ya a way to get to Ventus instantly without flying"

Elisaria turned around and slowly took a step down the stairs.

'A way to arrive to Ventus instantly? Like teleportation? Can witches even do that? When was that a

magic in Alphyria?'

"No, I cannot teleport someone even if I wanted to not there is such person that wields that sort of

magic like that in Alphyria" the old witch had somehow read my mind. She was not even halfway down

when she stopped and looked at me.

"Coincidently ya have arrived near the time when the Andmine Arbor is nearly blooming"

"Huh?" I titled my head in confusion. Never heard of this Andmine Arbor in the novel or in any of the

books I read in the Glacies library. Is it some sort of flower?

"A tree that holds a remarkable power that takes people to their desired destination" Elisaria explained

realising I didn't know what it was.

*'A desired destination'* my eyes widened, and the beating of my heart stopped. 'Could I use this to get


"Yet this tree can't take ya anywhere but in Alphyria" I frowned, and my shoulders slumped down in

defeat. All my hopes of returning home quickly disappeared. 'I got my hopes up to quickly. Wait...'I

paused my thoughts and looked at the woman dumbfounded.

'How the **** is she able to read my mind. Is she some Physics witch I don't know of?'

"No, I cannot read people's mind sadly but I can tell by people's expressions and their story by looking

through their eyes" Elisaria had called out from the end of the stairs. I flinched. 'She did it again'

'I'm going keep an expressionless face and avoid eye contact from now on' hugging myself for comfort

and mentally noting to myself before Elisaria called out to me to come.

\~Ariana P.O.V\~

I took a sip of the black tea, enjoying the loving taste of the warmth on my tongue and the fresh aroma.

"Have you heard the rumours of that arrogant lady, Diana?" Aedlin, a noble lady of the Albrecht estate,

the daughter of the well-known Baron of Aureum. A lady with curly blond hair that shone like gold under

the scorching hot sun, olive skin and hazel eyes that compliment her well. However, she wasn't

beautiful nor ugly. She had a long nose that looked crooked when looking on the side yet a birthmark

under her right eye.

Furthermore, her high-pitched voice irritates me whenever I listen to her.

Aedlin was one of the nobles that would never stop talking about people's business to the world adding

exaggeration for the tea just like her mother does. She was the light of the gossip circle according to

some aristocrats. A hypocrite of a woman that daughter of the Baron she is, always clinging to

handsome men and to powerful ladies just to keep her social party the top of Aureum.

I'm not so fond of her or her family, neither is my mother but she does give me reliable information

about the other Aristocrats even if they are a little overly exaggerated.

"The rumours of Diana has spread through Aureum in one night, we all have heard of it" Lady Morana

said in a quick of annoyance, placing her cup on the saucer elegantly.

Morana Courtenay the daughter of the count. She is a beauty I must say so myself, how I envy her. Yet

her beauty couldn't stand against Diana, unfortunately.

She had silky long ebony hair, that is envy of all girls in the country even myself I admit. Her lavender

eyes contrasted her hair and milky white skin so well, her nose was perfect and so was her jawline. As

I said one of the beauties of the Aristocrat social circle.

However, her personality isn't quite beautiful. She is cold and tended to stay out of the social events

never minding anything around and rarely attending any gatherings even if she did, she is always the

wallflower. She always has a quick-witted tongue, that's why I regularly stay a few metres away from


Morana is a prodigy among us. Smart in arts, literature, and the ancient arts. As I mentioned before an

envy among the Aristocrats.

But what makes my blood run is the fact that she is the next candidate to be the empress of Aureum

since Diana's engagement is annulled. 'Tch, as if I will let her take Damon away from me. He danced

with me not you.'

"It doesn't appoint you any special reward that you are the only one that heard of it" Morana said coldly

taking a sip of her tea in the floral decorated cup again resulting in Aedlin to shrunk her head behind

her fan.

"Lady Morana, I was only mentioning it due to your presence being absent in the Argentum most of the

time. So, I assumed you haven't heard of it and I wanted you to know so your ladyship wouldn't be left

out of the discussion" Aedlin had turned the situation around hitting Morana weak point with a hint of

smirk hiding behind her fan but was seen by me which she got a cold stare from Morana.

"I appreciate your consideration" she said coldly taking a bite of a pink macaron.

Aedlin faked a smile and continued to speak with her irritating high-pitched squeak. "Damon has

suddenly grew interest of lady Diana"

My teacup stopped midway near my mouth, and I sat there frozen in my place. I felt like my heart

stopped beating and the air way shortening. All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

I sensed the pairs of eyes avert to me waiting for my response. 'Damon had grown interest towards

Diana. That's impossible, he never paid any attention to her not even once. So why? Why did it

suddenly turn around and Damon is chasing Diana instead of her?'

"The maids in the palace have notice how worried his been since Diana disappeared and never

returned home that he is setting off to Isvand to look for her their believing Diana went to her

grandparents" I could tell she was aiming at me.

'Impossible. He wouldn't. Damon doesn't like her. Never has and never will. He only has eyes for me' I

could feel my heart beating so quickly and the tears that is forming in the corner of my eyes.

"What do you see of this Lady Ariana. She is your dear older sister; you must know where she is"

Elisabeth spoke as well.

I looked into her blue eyes and forced a smile. I wanted to speak but my throat had went dry and I

couldn't force anything out but only a smile.

"Ariana is lost for words it seems like it" Morana said giving me arched eyebrow.

"I-I am. My dear sister is very precious to me. The day she left; it broke me. Even if she was quite rude

and selfish towards myself, I still love her. So, Damon going after makes me happy that she has

someone else caring for her" I forced the lie out even if it killed me to little bits. I wanted to cry, I wanted

all to be lie but Aedlin never spouts nonsense.

'No, it can't be. I must consult father about this later. If Diana left for Isvand then all my plans are

ruined. I can't let Damon leave but how I am supposed to do that?'

I was unaware that Oriana was calling my name. "Is there something the matter Lady Ariana? Your

face has gotten a little pale. Are you feeling alright?" she asked in pit of worry it even reflected through

her brown eyes. "I'm alright thank you for your concern but my sister's disappearance and the mention

of it has taken a dear toll on my health." I spoke with a fake sad tone to get the sympathy of others.

"Your such kind a little sister to Diana it's a shame she's too blind to see it. If only you were born into

my family, I would have been a great sister to you" Oriana said. 'Who wants you as their sister, I

already had it hard enough with Diana on the loose I need you'

I forced another cherished smile, seeing how their faces softened when I smiled warmly towards them

except for Morana who somehow was immune to my smiles and could see right through it.

'That bitch is so annoying just wait until I become queen, I'll marry you off to a fat merchant'

"A kind sister wouldn't dance with their fiancé at the ball while she is not present. It seems like the

apple doesn't fall far from the tree, Lady Ariana" Morana had risen up from her seat and stared at me


I realised her last statement was thrown at my dear mother. "If you excuse me, I shall be going now.

Thank you, Elisabeth, for the kind invention." she bowed her head gracefully. "I-it's my pleasure Lady

Morana" Elisabeth rose from her seat and bowed back in respect.

"Ladies, farewell" Morana bid goodbye before turning away to leave.

I rose up from my seat. "Thank you, Lady Elisabeth, but I remembered I have some urgent news that I

had mistakenly forgotten to inform my father about before I left but I the tea party was amazing" I said

bowing with courtesy.

"Oh, I see. That is alright Lady Ariana. It brings me joy that you attended" Elisabeth bowed as well.

"Ladies farewell" I bid goodbye and turned my heel and left with my maid.

'That sly bitch just you wait, I will not tolerate you slandering my mother and Diana don't think you will

win because I always get what I want '

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