The Vampire Prince's Toxic Consort (BL)

Chapter 5 The Wedding Night

Lucius stood in Dorian’s bedroom like a lost lamb as the doors closed behind him. The slamming sound jolted him a little. The room was spacious but dimly lit, and a light musk scent fermented the air. A giant four-pole bed already made by the servants.

Lucius turned around and was startled by the closeness of the vampire prince. In the obscure light, something ominous and dark was expanding on his shadowy countenance, making Lucius’s stomach twist in disquiet.

“Your highness, I.....” Before he could finish, a powerful hand clutched his shirt and threw him onto the bed like a ragged doll. Lucius yelped in surprise and fear, and before he could prop himself up, a heavy body loomed over him and pinned him down like an unmovable mountain.

Dorian gazed down upon him like a beast about to take his first bite, and the coldness in his dark irises made Lucius shudder.

“No need to continue your charade. I know you are not him,” said the prince in a contemptuous snarl.

Just like that, all the courage that Lucius tried to muster up for the past month sundered to pieces. They didn’t even have a chance to talk! How come he knew already?

Lucius didn’t expect to fail his mission so quickly, and for a moment, his mind was blank except for one word: shit.

“You are his twin brother, aren’t you?” Dorian’s finger trailed along his eyebrow and cheekbone, “even though you look just like him, your smell is different, and I can tell it the moment you walked toward me in the ceremony. Do your cunning prime minister and that fatuous king really think such trickery can fool me?”

The smell! But how did Dorian know Julian’s smell? Did they meet before? Then why no one told him so?! Lucius’s thoughts churned rapidly as he replied in panic, “What are you talking about? I’m Julian Rosenfield!”

“Stop lying!” Dorian pounded the bed furiously right next to Lucius’s face, and Lucius squeezed his eyes shut as he trembled. Would he die on his wedding night?

“I’m not lying! My name is Julian Rosenfield.”

Technically he was telling the truth since his parents had changed his official name before Anthor accepted the treaty conditions.

Dorian’s nostrils flared in anger, his fangs protracted longer, and his body seemed to grow larger and stronger with all the muscles bulging, heavily pressing Lucius into the bed, “Why are you still trying to cover for them? They send you here to be my whore so they can protect the High Priest, don’t you know? Or do you prefer the role since you are already used to being a whore, based on your reputation?”

Lucius couldn’t breathe from the weight on him, yet listening to the words fall from the prince’s mouth hurt even worse. He struggled to retort, “if you are so sure, why didn’t you expose me and break the treaty in the ceremony?”

Dorian bared his teeth as he answered in spite, “because I don’t want to be humiliated in front of everyone in the court and become a joke for the next decade. ”

“So you’d rather marry a ‘whore’ rather than the holy and pure High Priest you want so much just to save your face?” Jibed Lucius. Probably not a good idea, but he couldn’t help it.

And the way Dorian glowered at him made Lucius think the vampire would rip his throat out in the next second. But the weight on him suddenly lifted. Dorian stood straight and regarded him with such repugnance that made Lucius feel worthless.

“Get off my bed. Tonight you will sleep on the couch.”

Lucius blinked in confusion and hesitated for a second. But Dorian didn’t have much patience for him, “go on, get off. I’m not interested in fucking an imposter.”

Lucius’s face reddened in mortification. It was ironic since Lucius had been dreadful about consummating the marriage, but now that the prince didn’t even want to touch him as if he was something dirty, he felt so much worse. He bit back the retorts, knowing it won’t be wise to infuriate Dorian more. But why did the vampire have to be such an asshole?!

It was not like he wanted this!

Lucius scrambled out of bed and went to the couch. He figured that Dorian still wanted other people to believe that they had spent the night together, which meant the prince was hesitant to break the treaty for some reason.Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

He sat on the couch, noticing Dorian was taking off his clothes and preparing for sleep. And though he hated this man for belittling him throughout the whole night, he couldn’t deny how attractive Dorian was. Those beautiful curves of the eight-pack muscles on his abs, the streamlined mermaid lines, the soft light trickling across his velvety sun-kissed skin. If there were an incarnation of Lucius’s wettest dream, this would be it.

Dorian felt his gaze and leered at him annoyingly, “what?!”

Lucius blushed as he was caught staring. He cleared his throat, “do you have an extra blanket?”

Dorian rolled his eyes, peeled off the blanket on top of the comforter, and threw it over Lucius’s head. Lucius murmured a thank you, took off his tunic and slid under the blanket.

However, Lucius couldn’t fall asleep. It was eight in the morning, and he was not used to vampires’ schedule. Even though the heavy drapes shielded the sunlight and he was exhausted, his body still told him it was time to rise and shine. Besides, how could he find a trance of sleepiness when the other person in the room was a vampire that might go into a blood frenzy and suck him dry, and he could do nothing to stop it?

He tried to get up quietly and find something to do, maybe find a book or a tablet so he could watch a movie, but as he was sitting up, Dorian’s grumpy voice came from the bed, “what are you doing?”

Lucius cursed silently, “I can’t sleep.”

“Try count sheep.”

“Can I just read a book by the window? I will be quiet.”

“No. Lie down.”

Pissed at Dorian’s domineering tone, Lucius didn’t obey but tried to stand up, but then Dorian’s voice got darker, “lie down, or I will bite you. Our venom has a certain soporific effect.”

Lucius froze, “you can’t do that! It was in the treaty!”

“And yet they send me a fake Julian,” Dorian propped his body up to look at Lucius, “I only promised not to turn you against your will. Merely biting you won’t turn you into a vampire.”

Lucius pouted for a short while and decided not to take the risk. He lay back on the couch and stared into the heavily ornate ceiling. He wasn’t sure if Dorian was asleep or not. He couldn’t even hear his breath.

What would Dorian do to him in the morning? Would he keep the front or tear him apart? The latter was relatively unlikely as he wouldn’t have been alive now should Dorian want to break the treaty. But why wouldn’t Dorian wish to break the treaty?

Eventually, Lucius fell asleep at some point during the day and was awakened by a strange noise.

Someone was moaning.

Lucius sat up and looked at the bed, and his eyes widened. Dorian crawled on the bed, and the comforter was draping from his waist. A beautiful tattoo of a gloomy mountainous landscape covered almost his back. The muscles underneath the tattoo moved and undulated, and a thin layer of rosy red seeped out from the dark skin. And his wavy hair fell from his forehead, covering his eyes and his blushing face. Albeit the essential part was shielded by the cover, it wasn’t hard to make out what he was doing.

Dorian was pleasuring himself.

Lucius blinked in astonishment, but he didn’t look away. The scenery was too beautiful to look away from. If Dorian didn’t mind performing such an astounding act in front of him, he would not let it go to waste, no matter how much of an asshole the prince was.

And as he observed shamelessly, an amorous heat was also growing inside his body. And as Dorian’s moan grew loader and eventually culminated into a deep growl, Lucius shivered, almost wishing himself was the one that made him growl like that.

But that was a stupid thought. Especially when he heard the vampire mutter a name.

It was faint and damped, but Lucius found the name eerily similar to “Julian.”

He must know Julian, thought Lucius. But when? And under what occasion? As far as Lucius knew, Julian had been sheltered well and had never been exposed to dangerous situations like nearing a murderous vampire.

Dorian panted for a few moments and then threw the cover back, revealing his fully naked, sculptural body. He stretched himself a little, pulled on a pair of shorts and then turned his eyes to Lucius nonchalantly.

“That was quite a show,” Lucius commented blatantly.

“And you obviously enjoyed it,” Dorian leered at him as he buttoned up a shirt, “come here.”

Lucius didn’t move.

“Must I repeat every single one of my commands? I thought you at least wouldn’t be dumb since you are Julian’s twin.”

“And how did you know Julian?”

“That’s none of your concern. Now, come here.” The tone of the prince got more serious and dangerous, and Lucius knew he better comply. He stood up from the couch and took a few steps.

“Closer. I won’t bite.”

Lucius inched closer cautiously. The smell of semen grew stronger, and he could see the stained bedsheet. He looked away.

“Oh, we are shy now, aren’t we,” Dorian scoffed, “no need to pretend you are Julian if it’s just us.”

It was not like he was faking the embarrassment! Lucius glared at him, “what do you want?”

Dorian took a small knife from the nearby fruit tray and tossed it on the bed next to the stain, “cut yourself.”


Dorian sighed as if talking to a stupid child, “if you don’t want to restart the war, the servants who will be cleaning this room shortly have to be convinced that we consummated the marriage. And since Julian is a virgin, it is only logical to assume that he may hurt a little during our passionate lovemaking.”

Lucius rolled his eyes, “and how do you know he is a virgin?”

“He is one of the five high priests of your country, isn’t he? They can’t be high priests if they are not virgins.”

“Ok, even if so, he doesn’t have to bleed if you are a skillful and careful lover.” Lucius crossed his arms.

“Well, the alternative is that you do the same as I did. Vampires have a keen sense of smell. They can tell if it was only my scent on this bed.”

“I’m not going to masturbate in front of you.”

“I’m not asking you to,” Dorian glanced at the knife, “Blood has the strongest smell of you and will distract them.”

“Or, you can just leave the room, and I will do what you did, “Lucius said sternly, “cutting is painful, and I hate pain.”

“I can’t leave. We have to leave this room together, and I have to take you to the dining room to meet the royal family on the first wedding night.”

“Then go to the washroom!”

Dorian clicked his tongue and gave in, “fine.” He walked toward the washroom door while saying, “I thought you’d prefer to drop a little blood.”

“And why do you think of that? Why do I have to harm myself when all I need to do is have some fun with myself, which I was already doing pretty much every morning,” Lucius answered venomously, “or did you mistake me for my brother?”

Dorian answered by slamming the washroom door shut.

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