The Super Warrior

Chapter 051 – On the spot fury!

The officer in charge of recording is really amazed – everyone knows Detective Caine has big breasts, but who dares to talk about it? Not even dare to take a look at it!

This is good, this guy actually dare to insinuate that Detective Caine relies on his breasts to get to the top.

And still the hopeless kind!

Sure enough –


Taylor slammed her palms on the table, she stood up, the atmosphere in the whole room was cold all of a sudden, her soft goose egg face was as cold as ice, the gaze in her eyes was about to spurt out angry flames, she stared at Jason and asked word by word, “Jason, what did you just say?”© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

Jason raised his head slightly and looked upwards at a 45° angle, Taylor rose up in anger, her torso trembled, and her bounty trembled sharply, like two depth charges hanging, shaking and ready to explode.

From this angle, it is indeed pleasing to the eye, such a spectacular scene, for Jason has been in love for many years, but is also not often seen.

“You, you damned bastard, so brazen, must not be any good!”

Taylor was immediately irritated and her face flushed, and she was able to see which part of her body Jason’s gaze was focused on at the moment, even though she was always thick-skinned.

Taylor is recognized as the most beautiful woman in the police department, but her fiery personality and thunderous actions, she is also recognized as the mother tiger in the police department!

Those who know her temper well, how dare they stare at her with such a gaze?

Especially staring at her boobs!

None of the prisoners who dared to look at it this way ended up in a good place.

The other day, she just kicked an unlucky guy in the balls!

This time, another shameless person who does not know how to live.

Jason sighed lightly and said, “Madam Caine, slapping the table so hard, your palms are hurting, right? Don’t hold on hard, you’d better rub it first.”

Taylor’s whole body froze when he heard it.

This is the time, this shameless bastard actually still have the heart in the old mother’s joke?

“Jason bastard, it looks like it’s really time to interrogate you properly! You’re not a good person with that shameless face! You said you had to stand up for two security guards because they were beaten up tonight, but Dan’s gang is so powerful and has so many thugs, you’re standing up for two security guards? Don’t lie to me! There must be some hidden motives and secrets here!” Taylor said in a cold voice.

Jason’s face gradually gloomy down, there is a hidden invisible pressure in the diffuse, he said: “According to your meaning, Dan’s gang no evil, they took the lead in attacking me, in the end, but I am guilty? Instead, I have a motive that is unseemly? What about Dan’s group? They are innocent, right? How much do you cops know about what they do? Do you even fucking care? Or did you know about it and let the victims, like the security guards they injured in retaliation and the innocent students, continue to be persecuted?”

“Watch what you say!” Taylor said in a cold voice.

“I’m a rough guy, I can’t say anything elegant! If I had known your police attitude was like this, I should have killed Dan and the others and gotten rid of it!” Jason said.

Taylor got angry and said, “You’re really lawless! And you want to beat people to death? Even if they have any wrongdoing, that’s still for the police to handle.”

“Really? Do you know how many students Dan’s gang has extorted from Oakshire University? They are especially interested in the poor students who have no power, and every year, during the registration period, they are in the area of Oakshire University to intimidate and extort, and if they do not comply, they will be fist and kick, have you police fucking control?”

“It is extremely difficult for a family that is not rich to provide for a college student. Sometimes, each year tens of thousands of dollars of registration fees, is a family’s annual savings, or even need to borrow money from relatives and friends to give the child to collect tuition! However, these tuition fees are extorted away by those unscrupulous guys. How much damage will this do to those poor students? It may ruin a student’s future and indirectly ruin a family!”

“All this, have you police ever managed? Just today at noon, a student encountered blackmail, and he took the opportunity to escape back to the student’s security room. Dan’s gang chased after them and threatened to make our security guards hand over the man! They have been arrogant and cocky to such an extent that I left them with a dog’s life, which is the greatest gift to them!”

Jason got angry and just snapped, yelling out at Taylor.

Taylor froze, and frankly, she really didn’t know about these things. Even if Oakshire University had previously called the police, but the officers sent to the police were not from her side, but the police department responsible for the Oakshire University area.

Taylor character although violent as fire, but is a cynical, public and private people, hearing such things, her heart is really a surge of anger.

She took a deep breath and let her emotions calm down a little. She said, “Is what you said true? If it is true, then I will personally look into this matter, and I will definitely pursue the matter of extorting students’ tuition fees to the end, and I will never allow such a thing to happen again.”

“What were you doing earlier? Only now are you saying things like that! Forget it, you’re working in the police department based on your appearance anyway, so it’s not your fault.” Jason disliked the sentence.

Taylor herself was angry, holding a fire in her chest, and when she heard Jason’s words, it was like pouring oil on the fire, she got angry and said in a loud voice: “Jason, do you really think I can’t cure you? I have to teach you a lesson today!”

Taylor is also really angry, the chest of the fire naturally vented towards Jason, her words just fell, is leaned over to reach over and grabbed Jason’s collar, trying to pick Jason up the whole person.

But being angry she seemed to forget that Jason was sitting on a special interrogation chair with a horizontal plate in front of him, and she leaned down and carried him with both hands, but naturally she couldn’t pick Jason up.

Taylor’s anger was so great that she pulled hard and failed to pull Jason up, and naturally she was hit with a reverse force.

Jason’s eyes flashed a meaningful smile, his body leaned back, the force of the backward lean was pulled toward Taylor, which made the leaning over Taylor’s body immediately lost its center of gravity, and immediately –


Taylor opened her mouth and exclaimed, the whole person has turned pale, because she saw that her whole person is actually directly towards Jason’s body fell down.

Even with her excellent physical fitness and her own good flexibility, but this time want to collect the body has been too late, simply can not be collected.

I could only watch as my whole body slumped towards Jason.

This scene is like a great throwback.

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