The Seductress


Fiona eyes flutters open at the ringing sound of the alarm clock.

“Shit!” She groans groggily, palming the alarm clock till it went off. She swung her legs out of the bed and trudged to the bathroom tiredly.

She’s damn worried. Wayne has not arrived since last night and she’s worried sick. Mom hadn’t been able to go to bed till very late at night cos he hasn’t been picking any of his calls nor replying his texts.

She was so worried she had tried dailing Selene’s home line but it was a maid who had answered, informing her she isn’t back at home too. Fiona sighs and wash up her face, packing her hair up and striding out of the bathroom.

Maybe she’s got to tell mom about the note. She couldn’t shake off the bad feeling that something had gone wrong. That on her mind, she proceeded into the living room to find Susan on a call, her back facing her.

“Yeah!… t-thats me!… Alright!… I’d come right away!” Susan voice was shaky as she replied whoever was on the phone before slamming the receiver on the cradle.

“Oh my God!…. this can’t be true!” She croak out.

“Mom?… what’s the problem?… Are you okay?” Fiona knots her brows at her. She turns and her eyes are filled up with tears.

“Fiona!… it’s your brother!, he’s at the hospital… he got into an accident!” Susan clutched at the pendant on her neck as Fiona gasps.

“What!…. how did that happen!” She blurt out, her face paling immediately. Susan sniffs and shakes her head.

“They didn’t say that much Fiona!…. we need to go right away… come on!” Susan says and strides past her quickly. Dazed, Fiona hurries after her, feeling sick at the pit of her stomach…. Wayne! he’s got to be fine!, no harm should come to him!… none!.

Bill leans against the doorframe as he watched Selene’s unconscious figure on the hospital bed, an IV fluid bag connected to her wrists and the EKG machine beeping steadily.

She still looked beautiful as always, like a sleeping Angel. He sighed and rubbed his chin as a doctor appears.

“Doctor… how’s the patient?” He inquires, fixing his gaze on the doctor clad in white.

“She’s still unconscious due to the shock. Save for some bruises on her arms and butt, she’s gonna be alright… ” He replies.

“And… the other one?” Bill continues, stuffing his hand into his pockets. The doctor huffs and shakes his head

“I’m afraid his condition is critical… He is still In the Intensive care unit. It appeared he got the worse hit. He has a head injury and due to the pain…. has gone into coma, it’s a good thing you brought them in on time Sir, or he wouldn’t have made it to the hospital” He informs. Bill nods.

“Is there any chances he’d make it alive?”

“Uhhh… for now, we just have to hope he’d push through. Asides having a head injury, he sustained a lot of fractures to the ribs and arms…. If you’d excuse me I’d like to check on her” He smiles and move into Selene’s ward. Bill stalks back to the bench and lowers himself on it.

If he’d ever be told he would save Selene and Wayne one day then he’d never believe it. But he had done that anyways, putting aside his anger for Wayne and fulfilling his promise to Mrs Grace that he’d always protect selene.

He whips his head sideways at the sound of hurried footsteps and it’s Wayne’s sister and what looks like his mom. They’re walking towards him and he gets off the chair as they approach him..

Fiona wipes her wet cheeks and dilates her eyes at the tall guy in front of her…. Bill.

“What the fuck are you doing here!” She yells, staring right at him in anger.

“What did you do to my brother you asshole!” She shoved him hard and Susan holds her back.

“Fiona!… what is going on!..” Susan gasps out in surprise.

“Mom!… this dimwit here gave me a note!… telling Wayne to watch his back!.. and I’m super sure he did something to him!, I’m sure he’s responsible for this!”

“Could you atleast calm down!… this is an hospital kiddo!” Bill says, glaring at her. Fiona scoffs.This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

“I’m not a kid mister…” She blurts out, scowling at him.

“Then stop acting like one” He groans.

“Fiona!… you need to calm down okay!…. Wayne’s in the hospital, the last thing you should do right now is getting into a fight!” Susan reprimanded.

Fiona rolls her eyes at him. “I’m sorry mom” She mutters lowly.

“You’re the caller aren’t you” Susan asks impatiently and he nods.

“How’s he!… how’s my son?”

“Wayne is in the ICU…. I, the doctor says Wayne might be able to pull through. I managed to rescue them and bring them to the hospital. Selene would recover soon but I’m afraid Wayne is in coma” Bill starts after giving Fiona a look. Fiona covers her mouth with her palm as her eyes fill up in tears. Susan heart clenches in pain.

“Them!?… you mean it wasn’t only Wayne who got into an accident?” Susan voice out in surprise.

“Yeah.. Selene was involved too… it took place last night. I was lucky to have found their unconscious bodies on time” Bill continues..

“How were you able to find them mister… if you weren’t behind what happened” Fiona says icily. Bill sighs.

“If I were behind this do you think I would be here!.. huh?. And if you don’t know what I meant in that note you should quit jumping into conclusions!” Bill says with a deep scowl. She looks away, running her hands through her. Bill tears his gaze away from her and they stop on Susan’s worried ones.

“All of Mrs grace cars were installed with tracking devices. Which were connected to a laptop… my laptop” Fiona archs her brows at him.

“It’s able to give signals whenever the car is been tailed continuously by someone else…. and that was how I noticed a particular car has been tailing Selene’s. I was gonna tell her about it… but I was angry cos of how she fired me” He paused midway and Fiona gaze softens and Susan sighs.

“It wasn’t Wayne’s fault Bill” Fiona shrugs and he nods.

“Yeah… I realized that, that was the reason I followed you to your college to warn you about it.” Bill says with a huff.

The doctor walks out of Selene’s ward and they all turn to him.

“Are this Mr Anderson’s relatives?” He queries.

“Yeah doc pls. I’m his mom” Susan voice out hastily.

“Alright…. Come with me to the office, so I could brief you of your son’s status and the bills.” Susan nods almost immediately and she follows him out.

Fiona stares at Bill and manages a small sincere smile.

“Thanks!… you aren’t a bad man afterall” She mutters lowly. Bill chuckles.

“I promised Mrs Grace to look after Selene, so you don’t have to thank me kiddo” Bill replies, smirking at her as she sent him a glare.

“Wayne!… please d-on’t l-eave me!. Stay w-ith me p-lease!” Blood dribbled down his face as she muttered those words, cupping his cheeks tenderly.

“Wayne?… Wayne!” She panicked as his eyes shut close. She grabbed his collars and shook her head vehemently, letting out a strangled cry.

Selene eyes flew open as she gasped for breath, her hair sticking to her sweaty face and breathing ragged. Her vision is blurry and she felt numb.

Seconds later her vision becomes clearer and someone is hovering over her, calling her name and palming her cheeks. he’s familiar…

“Selene…” Bill stares her down worriedly. She was having a nightmare. Thrice since they brought her in a day ago and it’s worrying him a great deal. He held her palm in his as she squinted her eyes.

“It’s Bill… you’re safe… Wayne safe” He mutters reassuringly. Selene blinks slowly, finally adjusting to the bright light. The smell of antiseptic hits her nose and she winces. Hospital.. How did she get here!?

“Bill!” She voice out weakly, looking around her as if lost.

“W-here’s Wayne!” She voice out

tearily. Bill sighs, watching a tear roll down her cheeks.

“Wayne’s okay…” He says softly.

“He’s not d–dead right!… it was some stupid nightmare huh?.. wayne’s not injured is he?” She blinks as her head pounded and he nods.

“Yeah Selene it’s just a bad dream… Wayne is not dead Selene… He’s gonna be fine”

“Then where is he!… I n-eed to see him!” She croak out and tries to sit up, lying back with a groan.

“Don’t Selene!… you aren’t stable enough” Bill says holding her back gently. She suck in her breath and shut her eyes. Everything came rushing back at her like a nightmare. Wayne’s bloodied face, and her screaming self. She had tried to call for help using wayne’s phone but she couldn’t.

She had crawled back to Stacey’s unconscious self and had retrieved the camera, smashing it continuously until it was finally shattered. She was totally drained and exhausted and all her body hurt from the fall. She tried dailing the first contact she had seen on his phone, which was his sister’s but it was pointless, there was low coverage around that area and after dailing for God knows how long, she too had blacked out.

“Bill!.. How did I get here… what are you doing here huh?” She manages to voice out. The least person she had expected

to see was Bill, the guard she fired.

“Making sure you’re okay Selene… is there anything wrong with that?” He cocked a brow.

“Who brought us here?…”

“I did… I found you two unconscious downtown of Miami and drove you to the hospital, in your car” Selene sighs and bite down at her lips. There was a lot of things she wanted to ask, but the pounding in her head increases and she shut her eyes. Wayne is alive, that’s what matters right now.. He didn’t leave her just as she thought and that’s the most important thing to her right now..

| A week later|

Selene stared at Wayne on the hospital bed as she sobbed quietly. Her heart bled a hundred times over and she wished with all her might that she could swap places with him. She was fine now but Wayne wasn’t.

He doesn’t deserve to be here, he doesn’t deserve someone like her, but he had chosen to love her despite her flaws.

If only she could turn back the hands of time then she would have been more careful. Wayne wouldn’t be here and everything would have ended but things chose to go wrong when she wanted to finish all this up. How she wished he could find the bastard who had hit Wayne. He hadn’t even been able to help. The motherfucker had left them to their own fate. She never believed Wayne would make it… if Bill hadn’t found them.

The police had raided the place the next day, and as usual… they weren’t able to find any evidences against her. Bill had taken her car away from there and hadn’t informed the police so they had obviously found out themselves. Selene gets off the chair and sighs. It wasn’t her intention to shoot Stacey. But she couldn’t bear the thought of going to jail when she had decided to end things. She couldn’t bear the thought of loosing Wayne just when she had found him.

The door of the ward opens and Susan walks in. Selene bite down at her lips. She had thought Wayne’s mom would be mad at her for putting her son in harm’s way but she had surprised her when she said she wasn’t. Selene couldn’t be anymore happier and it had helped ease the guilt she felt.

“Evening ma’am Susan” She voice out. Susan gives her a small smile and moves to his bed.

“The doctor says the head injury is healing up fast, same as the fractures he sustained.. we just have to keep hoping he gets out of coma” Susan voice out sadly. Selene nods ambling to her as they both watch Wayne.

“Your son is too good to be true… I pray he makes it.. I have a lot of apologies to say to him” Selene sniffles.

“He would!….. Wayne’s always been a fighter. You just have to believe okay?” Selene nods slowly, wiping off her tears.

She’d make good use of her powers after Wayne is finally okay. She couldn’t use her powers on him because she was scared it would alter his condition. Head injury was a delicate one and she couldn’t do anything that would put him under stress. She returned her gaze to him as his fingers moved ever so slowly.

Selene gasps, same as Susan and they watch Wayne move slightly on the bed before his eyes flutters open. She sank down to her news and slowly took his palm in hers.

The first he does as his eyes stops on Selene was to give her a little smile that send her heart racing and happiness shooting right through her. Tears slid down her cheeks.

“Wayne!” She croaks “You’re alive!”..


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