The Seductress


Melissa walks into her room to find Zoey sitting on the couch. She sighs and stalk to the closet.

“Really Zoey, it’s morning… you should get dressed for work already!” She gave her a disapproving look and threw her closet door open.

“Chill out oldie aren’t you gonna hear what I’ve got to say” Zoey mutters with an eyeroll.

“Fine…. but be quick about it” Melissa groans and shut the closet door close.

“I went through Stacey’s phone last night” Zoey folds her arm and watch Melissa’s shocked features.

“Godammit Zoey what the fuck is wrong with you!, what if she had caught you.. then we’d be in big trouble and you know that!” Melissa palms her temple in exasperation.

“Well she didn’t so cut the crap already!. She was in the bathroom while I went through her phone. I checked her emails, pictures and all but I didn’t find anything until she was done having her bath… ” Melissa watched Zoey with an upturned nose.

“What did you find then” She mutter, running her palm through her hair. Zoey glanced at the bedroom door before returning her gaze to her and bringing her voice down a notch.

“She sent those pictures to selene…. and she accused Wayne of taking those pictures!” She deadpans. Melissa widened her eyes in disbelief.

“Holy crap!, how could she do such!” Her voice was barely above a whisper and Zoey sighed.

“We’ve got to act fast Mel. I can’t watch Stacey ruin her life because of some stupid love she has for Wayne. There are other guys out there! Stacey should focus on them already” Zoey blurts out. her cheeks just as the door opens. They whip their head to the door as Stacey steps in.

“Zoey… Melissa, what the fuck are you guys doing up here!” Stacey says as she slams the door shut. Zoey straightens up and exchange looks with Melissa.

“Uh… we were discussing some things about the spa Stacey…. aren’t you coming along with us? Melissa cover up hastily. Stacey arched her brows at them before shaking her head.

“No… I’d catch up with you guys at noon… you two just hurry up and get to work” She turned to walk out of the door.

“Stacey…” Zoey calls as she gets to the door. “Is there something bothering you?, we are your friends remember you don’t have to keep things from us” She says in concern. Stacey doesn’t turn around.

“There’s nothing I’m worried about Zoey, I’m just working on something…. and I’m certain y’all are gonna know what its all about soon” She smiles wryly before throwing the door open and walking out. Melissa shook her head sadly and shrugged.

Miguel glanced at Fiona as he drove back home. She’s been quiet throughout the ride and he couldn’t help but feel worried.

“Fiona…. what’s eating you out huh… is it about the entrance examination fees. I already told you not to worry about that didn’t I?” Miguel queries. Fiona stares at him distractedly.

“Huh…. it’s not about that Miguel. I’m just tired I guess” Fiona returns her gaze out of the window, fiddling with her fingers.

She hasn’t been feeling too good ever since that guy called Bill had given her the note. Unfortunately she has not been able to read what was on it as Miguel had been with her while she was registering for the entrance examination.

She couldn’t help having this bad feeling that something was wrong somewhere.

She sighed in relief as Miguel pulls up at their apartment minutes later. She unstraps her belt and stepped out immediately.

“Uhmm, Miguel…. I’m kind of e-xhausted, so I’d go take a nap in my room” She mumbles and hurried to the front porch before he could reply. Fortunately Susan was out buying groceries. Fiona pushed the door open and padded to her bedroom. She slammed the door shut, slipped in the lock and tossed her bag on the bed.

Reaching for the note in her pocket she stared at it, heaving slowly. Fiona sucked in her breath before opening the paper. She read the word out.


Fiona gulped as she stared at the note. For one Bill had a nice handwriting… too bad she couldn’t see that now. Why the heck would he give her such note.

“First of…. I’m not a kiddo!. I’m Nineteen mister!” Fiona blurts out as though he was with her. She dropped the note on bed and reached for the bottle of water on the nightstand. She gulped down some of it to calm her nerves. She was literally shaky right now. She read the note once again and shuddered fearfully. Is Bill planning on hurting Wayne?. She remembered Wayne had told her Bill was sacked by Selene. Could it be he wants to get back at him?.

“Oh goodness he can’t do that!…. Wayne did nothing wrong!” She muttered and plonked down the bed. She had no doubts that wayne was having an affair with Selene, though he failed to admit it. He had slept out last night and she had seen him in numerous gossip magazines. His eyes were all over in every damn picture.

She couldn’t bear the thought of Bill sabotaging thier bliss. She needs to warn Wayne about him. He’s got to be careful-he needs to be careful.

“Hey ma’am…. I brought you some coffee!” Gwen says excitedly as she steps into Selene’s office. Selene looked up from her laptop with an exaggerated smile.

“Awww Gwen… I hope that’s just what you’ve come to do… serving me coffee” She glared playfully at her as she set the tray on the table. Gwen chuckled softly.

“C’mon ma’am you know I’m dying to hear about how your date with your prince charming went” She winked at her and Selene palmed her cheeks.

“Oh boy!… you’re real trouble Gwen…. my date went well thanks… but could you just let me be… I’m damn busy!” She takes the mug of coffee and sipped some of it.

“Huh?… it went well. I know it would…. I’m just asking so I would know if you need a packet of… contraceptives” Zoey mutters. Selene gasped softly.

“What the hell Gwen!… have you forgotten I’m your boss!… I could fire your ass right now you know!” She feigned anger as she struggled not to laugh.

“Oh!… my bad… I tend to forget things a lot, I’m just trying to help” She grinned mischievously and Selene rolled her eyes.

“For fuck sake Gwen just get the fuck out already” She chuckled lowly and Gwen shrugs.This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

“Alright ma’am but you can give me a shout if you still need it” She smirked before walking out of the office.

“Jeez!… such a snoop!” Selene chortles and sets the mug down. She return her gaze to her laptop and sighed softly.

She had intensified her search for the last guy. She hated that it was taking too long and that only made her blood boil. The door pushed open and Wayne stepped in.

“Hey…. you good?… Gwen was pestering you right?” He asked as he shuts the door. Selene chuckled.

“Hell… she’s such a blabber beak.” Selene gets off the swivel and walks up to him.

“A client wants to see you…” Wayne says as he pulls her close and planted a kiss on her temple.

“Arrgh… really, but I don’t feel like seeing anyone right now… ” Selene groused as she withdraws. “I just wish I could be in your arms right now” She lean her head on his chest and smiled at the familiar scent of his cologne.

“You once told me you want Diamond corps to be at the top remember… and you won’t achieve that by flirting with me” Wayne cocked his brows and she swat his arm playfully.

“You don’t need to be harsh green orbs” She rolled her eyes as he unwrapped his arms from her waist.

“So… should I let him in?…. it’s fine if you wanna reschedule” He asks and she shook her head.

“Let him in… I’m not busy anyways.” She says and he nods before walking out of the office. Selene returned back to her seat and returned her gaze to her laptop. The door swings open minutes later and Wayne stepped in with the client. Selene stared at the man who’d come in and her heart thumped rapidly. She glanced at Wayne, her face going pale immediately.

Wayne furrows his brows…. wondering why she looked so shocked…


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