The Russian Don – A Dark Mafia Romance


Julianna’s Pov:-

My heart kept pounding inside my chest and my throat went dry. A chill ran down my spine, I felt my palm sweating and blood drained from my face as I saw the bodies of the men laying on the ground.

My mind couldn’t process what I just saw, I know he’s a mafia don but I’d never thought I would witness a murder in my life.

He killed them.

He’s a frecking murder!!!

Jesus Christ.

My legs automatically stepped back from the window, My mind was shut down and I was so damn scared. I turned around and rushed out of the kitchen, the darkness and silence in the mansion made me more afraid.

My breathing was shaky as I climbed the stairs, my whole system was shaken as I witnessed it. I hurried towards my room and stepped inside, breathing heavily. I locked the door and pressed my back to the door while trying to calm myself.

I was terrified.

My legs moved towards the bed and after a few minutes, I found myself tucked under the covers, staring at the ceiling. My heart kept racing and no matter how many times I tried to shut my eyes it kept flashing in front of me.

He killed them!

I knew he kills people, everyone in the mafia does, but I never ever witnessed murder ever and it traumatised me.

I had been dealing with a dangerous murder till now?

Whatever I did with him, all my arguments with him rushed back to me. Now I understand why he held me here, he wanted to kill me. The thought itself horrified me. The whole night, I kept tossing and turning, scared and I couldn’t sleep at all.

The next morning, I woke up with red eyes and anyone who sees me can tell I didn’t sleep properly. The scene I witnessed yesterday kept flashing in front of my eyes, which had me on edge.

“Julia?” Flora out of nowhere touched my shoulder and I jumped in fear, I placed my hands over my chest and glanced at her. My heart was racing inside,

“Flora?” I gasped while trying to calm my breathing. Flora stared at me in confusion and there was a hint of concern in her eyes.

“Are you… alright, Julia?” she asked,Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“Yes, Yes, I’m fine,” I replied forcing a smile,

“You don’t look well? Did you have a good sleep last night?” She asked while placing her hand over my shoulder.

“Yes,” I lied,

She stared at me not buying my lie, “No,” I sighed,

“What happened?” She asked,

“I had a bad dream,” I lied again and quickly changed the topic, “Where’s Penelope?”

“She’s outside, watering the garden,” Flora said while putting on the apron,


We began to prepare breakfast, the aroma of food filled the kitchen. Penelope joined us shortly and helped us set the dining table, I ran over the dishes placed on the table and noticed that I forgot to bring one more dish I prepared.


I turned around, hitting my forehead with my palm, cursing at myself for forgetting and banged myself at something hard, “Ah!” a yelp left my lips as my feet slipped and I landed on somebody’s hard body.

My hair covered my face completely. I feel my chest pressed against something hard, and suddenly I feel something was poking my belly. I groaned while pressing my palms on the floor and trying to get up, with one hand I blanched myself and with my free hand, I pushed my hair back.

“Fuck!,” I hissed and bit my lower lip as I felt the ache in my knee, I might have hit my knee hard.

God! How can I be so clumsy?

I opened my eyes while trying to get up and… Froze.

Holy shit!

Staring at me was his electrifying blue eyes, his perfect face completely emotionless, yet I felt the rage burning underneath. All the blood drained from my face, His hot breath was hitting right my face and I could feel my hands shaking and I was losing my balance as his gaze hardened.

The thing which was poking my belly was his manhood under his tight pants, my hair was falling on his chest. The air around us was thick and there was pin-drop silence. The heat emitting from his body was making the hair on my back stand up.

My throat went dry and I just stared at him in terror. I could hear my heart pounding against my chest, the events I saw last night rushed to my mind. I feel like my lungs tightened and I could feel them burning for more air. I was breathless and it made my head spin.

The blood, those bodies were flashing in front of my eyes.

My vision was blurring and all I remember was, my forehead falling right on his soft lips before I fell unconscious right on his body.


I hear small murmurs around me, I feel my head pounding and I slowly sit up while groaning loudly. I pressed my fingers against my forehead and tried to massage it while moaning in pain. I opened my eyes and saw Nikolai standing in front of me with his hands folded over his chest.

His sleeves were rolled up, his strong arms and those damn nerves popping out of his arms made my throat go dry. I gulped hard while moving my eyes up to his face, he had a hard expression on which scared me.

I glanced at the door and saw flora going out while shutting the door behind. Go, Julia, run and get the hell out of this room, My subconscious yelled inside my head. I swallowed the lump in my throat,

Go, Julia, Run for it.

I quickly got to the bed and ran towards the door. As I grabbed the knob and was about to open the door completely, Nikolai’s large hand pressed against the door and slammed it shut. The loud sound made me jump back in fear and my back hit his large form.

I tried to run from my sides, but he trapped me with his hands pressed to the door on either side. My heart kept racing inside and I could hear my own heartbeat through my ear. I slowly turned around and came face to face with his hard and massive chest. Our bodies were way too close and we looked at each other, Predator and prey, the conqueror and the conquered.

The deadly silence was making me more scared, there was some kind of strange heaviness in the air.

With a little courage in me, I opened my mouth, “Le-Let me g-go,”

“What did you see last night?” he asked straight with his tone hard, his eyes narrowed at me.

I widened my eyes in shock, How did he know?

“N-NO, I di-didn’t” I lied,

“Don’t lie to me, Miss. Mitchell,” He said with his expression darkening, almost scary.

“I-I’m not,” I shook my head,

I gulped hard as I sensed him not believing me.

“You have a tracker on your leg, Miss. Mitchell… It clearly showed where you were last night but… I want to hear you say what you saw,” he said, looking straight at my face.

Fear, I feel raw fear right now. With his eyes locked on me and his hard expression, I was terrified of him. Before I could control myself tears began rushing to my eyes,

“Please,” I said with my shaky voice.

His expression was still the same which told me that he’s going to punish or rather kill me for sure.

“Ple-Please lea-Leave me,” I let tears roll down my eyes,

I lowered my head and covered my face with my hands and sobbed horrified, “Please don’t kill me!”

“Please, I beg you!”

“Miss. Mitchell,”

“Please… Don’t hurt me,” I sobbed,

“Don’t kill me!”

“No, please don’t kill me!” I sobbed louder as I noticed him moving his hands.

“Miss. Mitchell,”

“Please, I don’t want to die,”

“Don’t kill me,”

“Don’t… Please,” I sobbed and Suddenly he grabbed my face with his hands and forced me to look at him. As soon as my tearful eyes locked with his, he slammed his lips to mine. Knocking the air off my lungs.

I was stunned.

His lips are gentle, his palms holding my face tenderly.

Is this a dream or Am I imagining all this?

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