The Rise of the Omega Supreme

Chapter 26: Lost Memories and the Call of the Moon

(POV: Nicollas)


That’s what I sense even before opening my eyes, indicating that I am still alive. I lift my neck and feel my head spinning for a few seconds. My eyes burn as they adjust to staying open after being closed for so long. I move my arms and legs, checking every inch of my body.

They ache, not from wounds, but from being immobile for a long period of time.

After completing the check, I sit on the ground of dirt and grass and begin to observe the place where I find myself.

From the dark and humid environment, I know I am in the dark forest. But how? I have wandered every corner of it and never arrived here before. Another question, how did I end up here?

As I continue to observe the forest around me, memories of recent events come to mind.

I remember Lina falling to the ground, bleeding and unconscious. Anguish fills my chest. I also remember the baby voice calling me father and asking for help.

My heart starts racing… my pups… I know they are not dead because I don’t sense the pain of loss, but I don’t know where they are. No matter how hard I try, I can’t sense them.

The memory of the wolves under my command dying on the battlefield comes to mind, and I sense the loss of each one of them. Damn it! Even though I am the strongest, I couldn’t prevent so many casualties… did I lose them all? Am I the only one alive?

Curse you, Lina! Why did you join Deniel? Why did you betray your own kind? Why did you do this to me, your mate?

A pain called disappointment fills my mind, and tears roll down my eyes.

I hate crying, tears in a man are a sign of weakness! Especially as the supreme alpha. It’s too shameful for anyone to see me crying.

Amidst the tears, I sense fury taking over my mind. Lina left, taking my children with her. She abandoned me and took away my chance of having a family…

Damn it! I refuse to believe that Lina was capable of doing this to me. I simply refuse! The goddess would not have put her in my life if she wasn’t the right person for me. The goddess would never make such a mistake.

With a deep sadness trapped in my soul, I rise from the ground and transform into a wolf.

As soon as my paws touch the damp ground covered in thick mist. I sense the thread connecting me to Lina and now also to my children. The sensation of anxiety and excitement mix and spread in my heart.

“Nicollas, our mate and pups are close! We can finally sense them!” Ryan says, only as happy as I am about it.

“Yes!” I say excitedly. “Let’s search for them, Ryan!” I say hastily, not wanting to spend another minute away from them.

“No need to tell me twice,” he says, determined like me to find them.

I start walking, sniffing the ground and the air, searching for the scent of my family.

(POV: Lina)

I look attentively at the girl in front of me, and she stares at me as if she can’t believe what I only said.

But what did she want? I have no idea who she is and why she referred to me as Lina.

“Well, since you don’t want to answer me, I’ll take a walk,” I say, getting up.

“I… my name is Sophie, and I’m your friend. Your name is Lina, Lina,” she replies.

I can’t believe it, my name is Lina? Then why don’t I remember?

As I was about to open my mouth to say something, the door of the place where I am opens, and a big, muscular man appears. Upon seeing me, I break into a huge smile.

Without saying a word, he runs towards me and, without taking his eyes off mine. He embraces me, catching me completely off guard.

“Good to see you awake, Lina!” he says cheerfully.

“Who are you?”

He apace releases the embrace, which I did not reciprocate. He looks at me as if he can’t believe what he only heard.

“You don’t remember me?” only like the girl earlier, the man now asks incredulously.

“If I remembered, I wouldn’t be asking!” I reply rudely. I have no idea who he is, and what kind of familiarity gives him the right to hug me like that?NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

“You don’t remember me, but the sassy tongue remains the same,” he whispers softly. But for some reason, I can hear him perfectly.

“Are you going to tell me who you are or not?” I ask impatiently.

He says nothing, just looks at me with a sad and lost gaze. We stare at each other for a while until he gets tired and leaves the room.

Still confused, I get up from the bed and feel a dizziness hit me. Gentle hands hold me and help me regain my balance. As soon as I regain control over myself, I step away from this stranger.

“Thank you!” I say out of politeness.

I look around and have no idea where I am.

“Sophie, that’s your name, right?” She nods affirmatively. “Where am I?”

“You’re in Deniel’s castle, the one who only left,” she answers and points to the door. “This,” she spins her index finger to show where we are, “is the castle’s laboratory.”

“Alright! Why am I here?” I inquire.

“You were recovering,” she responds.

“Recovering from what?”

Sophie hesitates for a moment before answering.

“From the war we fought hours ago.”

My eyes widen. War? I fought in a war? Am I a warrior?

“I want to take a walk,” I say, feeling my head spin with all this information. I’m inside a castle, don’t remember my own name, fought in a war, and got badly injured.

I need to organize my thoughts.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea, Lina,” Sophie says.

“I didn’t ask for your opinion,” I reply sharply and walk past her.

“Sorry, Supreme,” she says softly, but I can hear her and sense the sadness in her voice.

I don’t care; I don’t know who she is, and I have no idea why she calls me “Supreme,” but my mind is already overwhelmed.

Curiously looking around, I walk down a long corridor. I walk without thinking about anything. I don’t know what to think.

Lost in thought, not thinking about anything at all, I stop walking as I come across a garden. All the plants are dead. I look up and see the full moon shining.

The stars also twinkle brightly, but none compare to the moon, and for some reason, I sense an immense urge to howl at it.

Howl? Did I turn into a wolf now? How ridiculous.

Unable to look away, I remain entranced by the moon. It’s so beautiful… suddenly, its brightness intensifies. It becomes so intense that I can no longer keep my eyes open. I use my forearm to cover my eyes, but the light continues to be too strong.

After a few seconds, the light disappears completely. I open my eyes and come face to face with a

woman. Her skin is completely silver, and she looks at me with a sweet and welcoming gaze.

I’ve seen those eyes before… where?

“Hello, Lina!” the woman says, smiling.

“Who are you?” I question for the third time.

This is getting irritating. The third person who calls me and I have no clue who they are.

“I am the moon goddess, your mother.”

My eyes widen. She must be joking with me. Or maybe she’s completely crazy. Whatever.

“This isn’t funny, Ms. Moon Goddess,” I say, mocking the “Ms. Moon Goddess” part.

She says nothing, only keeps her eyes fixed on mine, walking towards me. With each step she takes forward, I take a step back until I’m cornered between her and the wall.

My breathing becomes irregular, and my hands start to sweat. The “moon goddess” extends her hand and points her index finger at my forehead. On impulse, I close my eyes.

A bright flash forms inside my head, and as apace as it appears, it subsides. Scenes from my life form in my mind… now I remember everything… holy moon…

I open my eyes and no longer see the moon goddess, my mother.

I look up at the sky and find her in her round, shining form. Tears fill my eyes. It all comes rushing back at once.

I look ahead and come face to face with a large black wolf with red eyes.

Those eyes… fragments of memory come to my mind, and I remember him. I don’t know what happens, but I lose control over my body and transform into a wolf. Luna takes control.

Without waiting another minute, I run with all my strength towards Nicollas’ wolf: Ryan.

I knock him down and end up on top, starting to lick his snout and his entire furry face.

Oh, how I missed this scent!

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