The Princess Slave

Chapter 70

Violette POV

It has been a few weeks of spending every day with Viktor.. though lately, I haven’t been feeling quite well. I’ve found myself feeling sick and today I’ve been bedridden.

“How are you feeling dear?” Beatrice asked.

“Not the best..” I said. I leaned over and Beatrice ran over to me with a bucket to catch my stomach’s contents.

“Oh, dear.. you’re running a fever. Let’s get you into a cool bath. Maybe that will help. It seems none of my mixtures are touching your sickness.” She said. She opened the door and called for the guards to bring cool water for the bath.

After a few moments they began filling it up, and Beatrice started mixing some new concoction she had come up with in hopes that it would help ease my sickness.

“Here, drink this and I’ll help you into the bath.” She said. I quickly downed the drink but the smell of it made me gag.. I’d almost spewed it right back up.

“Come.” She said as she held out her hands. I sat the cup down and felt lightheaded as I stood, but she held me up. Whatever this sickness is.. it’s taking a toll on me.

I untied the string between my breasts and let the gown fall to the floor. Beatrice looked me over with a concerned look on her face.

“What is it, Beatrice?” I asked.

“Nothing.. dear..” she said, but I could tell she was thinking of something.

“Oh, Goddess.” I covered my mouth as the drink came back up and she grabbed the bucket and held it for me. I spewed into the bucket, coughing as I slightly inhaled a bit. Goddess! This is horrid!

“Let me get you in the bath..” she said. Her hands shook as she walked me to the bath and helped me in. I wonder what is the matter with her.. she seems odd.

“Beatrice.. tell me what’s wrong..” I said breathlessly. She looked at me and shook her head.

“Nothing, dear.. you’re just unwell. And it pains me to see you as such.” She said. She began to wet my hair with the cool water, I started to feel better with every second that passed.

“That is much better, Beatrice.. thank you,” I said softly.

“Tell me.. have you found your mate?” She asked. I furrowed my brows as I looked at her.

“No, Beatrice. I’ve told you. I don’t know who my mate is. Why would you ask that? You know how I feel about Viktor.” I said. I’d gotten angry with her.. and I don’t understand why. This is something we’ve already talked about.

“Okay..” she seemed unsure of my answer. She continued bathing me and felt my forehead when she was done.

“Much better.” She said.

“Let’s get some food in you. You haven’t eaten much in days.” She said. She was right.. but everything I ate seemed to always come back up.

“Are your breasts sore?” She asked. I looked up at her and nodded.

“Hmm..” she thought to herself. It really bothered me that she wasn’t speaking her mind.

“And what about your heat?” She asked.

“Why are you asking me all of this, Beatrice? I know you know something.. so just tell me. Is it my mate? Am I dying?” I asked with wide eyes.

“No dear.. you’re not dying. You’re just sick. That is all.” She said. She pulled me out of the bath and dried me off, then helped me step into a gown.

“Rest. I will have food brought to you.” She said. I did as she asked and lay in bed, curled up in my blanket. I missed Viktor dearly.. he’s only just in the other room.. I wish he would come to me. I wish I could mind link him.

Beatrice disappeared out of the room before I could ask her and I sighed. What is the matter with her? She was acting strange and it was bothering me.

Not soon after, Lillian walked into the room and sat on the side of my bed.

“Violette.. have you met your mate?” She asked. I growled in annoyance.

“No, Lillian. I’ve told Beatrice.. you know what I think of my mate. I haven’t met him, I don’t know who he is.” I said angrily.

“It doesn’t make sense..” she said.

“What doesn’t?” I asked.

“I can’t say.. but it’s not good for you, Violette.” She said. Tears sprung from my eyes. I was so confused, and no one was telling me anything.

“The King is very angry.. Violette. I don’t think you can get out of this one.” She said.

“What do you mean? I haven’t done anything! Just tell me what it is!” I growled. She stood up and looked at me with sadness in her eyes.

“I can’t..” she cried. The need to vomit hit me against and she grabbed the bucket.

“It’s okay.. just let it out.” She said as he held my hair back. I don’t understand.. what’s wrong with me? Why do I feel this way?

The door opened and Viktor stormed in.. An look anger and disgust was on his face.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

“You’ve betrayed me..” he huffed.

“No.. what are you talking about?” I asked. He reached for my throat and held me tightly. I couldn’t get a breath out as Lillian screamed beside me.

“I can’t believe I ever trusted you.. I can’t believe I had feelings for you. You’re just a whore slave.” He growled in my face. I slashed my claws at his chest trying to get him away.

“My King.. please.. you can’t do that to her right now.” Beatrice cried.

“Throw her in the dungeon until she admits it.” He growled as he dropped me to the floor. I choked in breaths once I could finally breathe.. my heart aching at the words that he just spoke.

He turned around and rushed out of the room in a fit of rage. Tears streamed down my face as I looked at Beatrice.

“Please tell me..” I cried.

“My dear.. you’re with child.” She said as she kneeled down to me. My eyes widened in confusion.

What? How? This can’t be possible.. I.. I haven’t been with anyone besides Viktor..

“No.. You’re mistaken.” I said through my cries.

“I’m not..” she replied softly.

Loren and Enzo walked into the room and helped me up.

“Please..” I cried.

“I’m so sorry, miss.. I’m so sorry.” Loren said. They drug me out of the room as I sobbed.

I can’t be.. they must be wrong.. there’s no way.. I haven’t found my mate.. I haven’t touched anyone but Viktor.. I only want him..

I felt myself on the verge of shifting from stress and anger. They were lying! This is wrong! It’s all wrong!

I knew he would get tired of me. I knew he would find a way to cast me out.. to get rid of me like I never existed. It was all a plan to get me to drop my guard so that he could crush me.. just like my Father did to him.

How could I ever have believed him?

He promised me..

He lied. They all lie!

I felt my canines rip through my gums, my claws sharpened and my bones began to snap.

“Let me go! I’ve done nothing wrong! You’re all liars!” I growled. Loren and Enzo struggled to hold onto me, and once I’d finally gotten out of their grips I began to shift.

“No! You can’t shift.. please Violette!” Lillian cried. I turned around, a deadly look in my eyes as I growled. Before I could do anything else, I felt a prick in my neck and everything became blurry.

“I’m sorry, dear. It’s safe for you and the baby.. don’t worry. It will just help you sleep.” Beatrice spoke.. her voice faded in and out.. my heart slowing down and my anger dissipating.

“You.. all.. betrayed me.” I began to fall to the floor as my sight grew black. Hands wrapped around me.. and then I fell into an ocean of sleep.


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