The Princess Slave

Chapter 61

Violette POV

There was a knock on the door and I opened my mouth to try and speak. I was getting a little bit better at it, with time and practice it was becoming easy.

“Co-me.. in,” I said. The door opened and there stood Viktor.

“Did Beatrice tell you?” He asked.

“A-bout.. my father?” I asked. He nodded his head.

“Ye..yes,” I said softly. He let out a sigh.

“May I speak with you.. alone?” He asked as he looked at me. I looked at Sylvia and she got up from the bed. Lillian had already joined Cedric for the day.

“I’ll see you later, Princess.” Sylvia said as she walked passed Master, eyeing him carefully before continuing out of the room.

“What was that all about?” He asked as he sat on the side of my bed. I sat down my book and shrugged my shoulders.

“I.. don’t kn-ow.” I said.

“Alright.. So, with your Father marrying Princess Amelia.. things have already begun to drastically change. With them as his ally.. they have double the numbers I do. An attack on them would be ignorant.. I won’t be able to get to him anytime soon.” He said. I looked away but he stopped me with his hand under my chin.

“I will make him pay. I promise you.” He said. My mind went back to the conversation with Sylvia and Lillian the other day.. and I’d almost asked him about it but I stopped myself.

“It’s.. ok-ay.” I said softly. He furrowed his brows and shook his head.

“No, Violette. It’s not. He’s tried to kill you twice under my protection. He tried to take you from..” he stopped himself and looked away.

“I-I’m ali-ve.” I reminded him.

“And how long can we keep that hidden? Minerva already suspects it.. and though I trust her not to spread the word, that doesn’t mean someone else won’t find out..It’s already been a month.” He said.

“You.. need to ma-rry.” I said plainly. He looked at me incredulously.

“I do not.” He said. It seemed to anger him that I’d even mentioned it.

“Yo-you said it your-self.. you do-n’t have the.. the nuuumbers.” I said.

“I do not need to marry. And I won’t. So do not bring it up again.” He growled. I snapped my mouth shut and he sighed. I didn’t understand why that angered him so much..

It had to be done.. even with my feelings for him, he could never marry his slave. Nor would he ever want to. I’m still the b***d of his enemy, after all. There’s no way he could harbor feelings for me.

He stared at me for several moments before standing up.

“I.. Beatrice is coming to check on you. I will leave you.” He said. He made way for the door and opened it, allowing Beatrice in and he stepped out.

When Beatrice closed the door she looked at me curiously.

“What has him so angered?” She asked. I let out a sigh.

“I told h-him he needs to ma-rr.. marry,” I said. Her eyes widened as she shook her head.

“And by the look on his face that didn’t bode well for him.” She said. I shook my head.

“It.. would be the sma-smart thing.. to do,” I said softly. She gave me a sad look.

“But you don’t want that.. do you?” She asked. I furrowed my brows.

“What’s.. that sup-posed to mean?” I asked.

“Nothing I just.. thought you two were getting close, is all.” She threw her hands up in surrender.

“Wh-why does.. everyone.. think that?” I asked. I grabbed my sore throat and coughed.

“Here dear, let me make your drink.” She said. She walked to my dresser and began mixing it up.

“He cares for you greatly.. how do you not see it? He doesn’t want to marry because of you.” She said. My eyes widened and I shook my head.

“Why.. why bec-ause of me? I’m still his slave. I’m still the daughter of his enemy. Why would he not want to marry, just because of me?” I asked. I massaged my scar as the pain rolled through me.

“Dear, you will have to ask him that yourself.” She said. I furrowed my brows.

“I.. could ne-ver.” I said. She walked over to me with the drink and handed it to me.

“Then you may never know.. because it is not my place to tell you.” She said. So she does know.. but she won’t tell me? I tilted the cup to my lips and quickly drank the contents.

“Any pains?” She asked.

“No-thing.. besides my t-throat.” I said. She nodded.

“Lillian has been begging to see you.. so I will send her your way. Unless you’d rather go find out what you want from the King.” She said. I shook my head.Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Send.. Lillian.” I said. She let out a sigh and nodded before walking to the door.

She turned and looked back at me once and spoke.

“He’s gone through a lot of trouble to keep you.. he won’t give you up so easily.” She said. She opened the door and walked out.

I lay back in my bed and took a deep breath. Of course, I don’t want him to marry.. but he won’t be able to protect himself and the kingdom if he doesn’t have the numbers.. nor will he be able to get to my father as he so desperately wants.

I lay there for several minutes until the door opened and in walked Lillian.

“Are you alright, Princess?” She asked. I nodded my head.

“Co-me lay.. with me?” I asked. A smile appeared on her face and she rushed to me and jumped on the bed.

“I’ve missed being your roomie.” She said as she cuddled up to me.

“Me.. too. We-ve had a lo-t of fun toget-together throu-ought these ma-ny years. I forgot wh-at it was like to no-not have you aro-around as often. We’ve been best frie-friends since we were just lit-tle kids. Aside from that.. tell me ab-out living with.. Cedric.” I said. My throat felt better but my voice kept constantly cutting out. I just wish it would be normal again.

“It’s been.. different. He snores. And it drives me bonkers! Other than that and a few small things.. I love it. I just miss you constantly, Princess.. It’s not the same. I know we still see each other every day.. but I loved spending my nights with you, curled on the bed reading or laughing about stupid things. I just miss it.. and I miss you.” She said. I patted her head and sighed.

“I miss.. you too..”


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