The Outlaw

Chapter 1

The courthouse was tense as I halted at the smug lawyer I was fighting against.

“Your honour, all the evidences presented by the prosecutor are fabricated. Not one shows that my client is guilty.” He said looking at the judge who listened to him without any trace of emotion on his face. He passed a bunch of files to the jury and the clerk beside the judge. They all examined the file for a couple of minutes before looking up at me.

“You really would go so far to fabricate evidences just to win? You want to win so bad that you are framing an innocent person?” He mocked looking at me. If I were I cartoon steam would be coming out of my ears but that’s all in my head. I am as cool as an ice cube right now.

I gave him a smirk even though I wanted to smash his face against the wall. The judge hmm as he read the files, “What does the prosecutor has to say about the the said allegations by the defense?” The judge asks me. I stand up and walk over in the middle.

“May I request, Mr. André to come to the podium, your honour.” I ask the judge who nods, “Granted” he says as the defense comes to podium with a smirk.

“Mr. André, you said the evidences presented by me were all fabricated. When did you learn of this?” I ask with my hands behind my back.

“A week back, on Thursday.” he answered.

“At what time?” I ask making him roll his eyes.

“I don’t remember clearly but I think it was around afternoon.” He said with his brows furrowed.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

“So, just to be on the safe side I can say from 10-1 at least?” I ask.

He nods his head, “Yes exactly between that time.” He said confidently. I smiled at him and went to the table where a file was kept, “Where would you say you were at that time?” I ask reaching for the file along with a tape.

“My office.” He answered back.

“If you were in the office between those time then, who was in the resort with your secretary in wantage?” I ask giving the juries and the judge the file that had colourful pictures of Mr. André and his secretary.

The defense’s eyes went wide in realization. When I handed him a file as well with a smirk on my face.

“I also have the recording of Mr. André masking the evidences presented by me in all the previous session. It’s with the pictures.” I say as I look at the defense who was almost shitty his pants.

“Your honour I would also like to show the court a video where, Mr. Fligton, has been clearly seen strangling his late mother.” I narrow my eyes at the monster who was standing with the police.

My colleague looked at me in shock, I know why this bastard tried to destroy this tape the very first time he got the case.

“Your honour when I first went to collect the video, the owner told me that a lawyer already came and took it. I asked for the video evidence of that lawyer taking that video and it was none other than Mr. André. You will see him going out of the store and braking the tape.” I said with a smirk looking at the defense who was pale as while.

The judge allowed me to play the video. The entire courtroom was shocked to see the man who everyone consider an angel, strangling his mother. There were gasps and snarl coming from the people. My client, the late woman’s daughter cried loudly seeing such a horrifying scene. Her husband consoles her while glaring daggers at his brother-in-law.

“THAT BITCH WOULDN’T GIVE ME THE HOUSE! I WAS IN DESPERATE NEED OF IT! I NEED MONEY” Mr. Fligton yelled looking at the video making me smile. Yeah I have won. I knew reliving the crime making a lot of guilty people talk.

After a couple of minutes of the jury discussing and the judge asking them of their opinion the defense was found guilty as was served life imprisonment without parole. The judge also ordered investigation on Mr. André for destroying and covering the evidences and till the investigation is over his license as a lawyer is suspended. As the court adjourned and the judge and the jury left, my client came running towards me and hugged me tightly.

“Thank you so much Ms. Bruton! My mother’s soul must be resting in peace now that the guilty will rot in jail.” She said with a smile as the tears leaked out of her eyes. I smiled sweetly at me, “It was my job, Mrs. Ilmore and moreover I have a mother too. If something or someone did bad to her, I wouldn’t let them get away easily. I understand your pain.” I said nicely as she thanked me once again and left with her husband.

Mr. André came to me with an annoyed expression on his face, “You fucking have guts bitch. It’s my fault I took you lightly but not the next time. I will hunt you down in the worth possible way.” He hissed at me making me smirk.

“Oh you poor little delusional thing! You want to hunt me? A lioness? Sweetie no matter what you do, a deer cannot hunt a lioness. Also we will meet in court next time, but you will come with another lawyer.” I smirk making him furrow his brows.

“You should really consider who you make enemies with. You know the old saying? Enemy’s enemy is a friend? Well thanks to those friends of mine, you’ll be going in for a very long time” I smiled as my phone began to ring. My smile widen when I saw who was calling.

I looked him in the eye as the picked up the call, “Yes, Mrs. André. I have already posted the divorce papers to your house. And so are the things you whished for. I’ll meet you in a week. If you have any doubts please feel free to contact me” I say ending the call as I looked smugly at him.

He had tears in his eyes, “You ruined my life. You won’t get away that easily. You’ll pay, all those involve will pay” he said calmly looking dangerously at me.

“First get away from your home, lover boy. You wife just kicked you out.” I said walking away with a smile, “YOU WILL REGRET THIS, LILITH BURTON!” he screamed at me. I scoff and walk out of the courtroom like a boss.

Mr. André is one of the most corrupt lawyer in England. Okay that’s an exaggeration, but he is a fucking corrupt. He has no morals or backbone. Most of the clients he handles are criminals. I know I know, being a lawyer myself I shouldn’t be saying this because we ourselves are professional liars. We conceal crimes and somewhere down the line kind of an accomplice. But we.. at least all those people I know and me, defend small criminals like burglar or mugging etc the guilty often down in guilt and in our request they pay back whatever they can to the victim. But this motherfucker right there is a fucking criminal himself, he has made enemies with so many people, big and small that they all want him down. And I am one of them.

When I first came to a law firm as a newbie, fresh out of college. This asshole made my life hell, he not only verbally molested me but also all the other women in the firm. But words weren’t where he stopped he did have the audacity to sexually harass one of my co worker. She cried and went to the owner of the firm and filed a complain. This was the starting point and it ended up with almost 15+ complains against him in our firm alone. Though he was thrown out of the firm and there were restraining order against him to not to be close to any person of the firm and the firm itself, apart from when they meet in court. Nothing really stopped him, he had many people mess with the poor woman. Now he will pay for what he did.

My assistant came to me and handed me my trench coat and my sunglasses, “You’re free for the day ma’am” she said timidly.

“You can go home, I’ll meet you next week.” I say walking towards the parking lot outside the courthouse with my head held high.

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