The Omega For Sale

Chapter 74

I could hear the screams and howling that were coming from the distance and from Jessy’s window I could also see the fire that had spread throughout the pack.

My heart had not stopped racing since Greyson left the room, neither had the tears stopped falling from my eyes.

Yes, he was Alpha King and yes he was strong and powerful, but what if he was specifically targeted by the majority of the attacking clan? We have just had so many threats, warnings and attempts that it was hard to stay calm and believe that all would be well.

I didn’t doubt his fighting skills, I just had a feeling that the intentions of the attacking clan had something to do with him.

Plus, I could hear the screams and rage coming from the ongoing attack and the determination in it even from such a distance spelled doom. It didn’t sound like there were going to be a lot of people that were going to come out of it all alive.

And that scared me to my bones, here I was with our four years old and our unborn babies in my stomach. I didn’t want to raise them alone, I understood that Greyson had to defend his land, protect his pack, but I didn’t want him caught in the cross fire. I wanted him very far away from that scene as selfish as it sounded.

Jessy stirred a bit and in the next second she flipped open her eyes. She looked shocked to see me at first but soon her face broke into a smile and she moved to wrap her arms around my neck in a hug.

“Hi Mommy! Wanna sleep here?” She asked patting the space beside her.

I smiled slightly despite the situation. That was the power of Jessy. She had the ability to make everything better and with her it was always easier to breathe. In this moment, I wished more than anything for her innocence and oblivion.

Jessy still had sparkles in her eyes and a giggle on her lips, that was until she noticed the tears in my eyes. Her own blue eyes immediately mirrored my sad eyes and her lips wobbled.

“Sad mommy?” She asked, and I’m most situations like this, I would lie.

Just to save her from being sad too. But not this time, I didn’t have it in me to lie this time. I needed comfort and Jessy was the perfect person to give it to me at the moment.

“Yes baby, I’m a little sad.” That was all I needed to say.Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

Jessy wrapped her little arms around me once more in a hug and I allowed her scent calm me down. We stayed in that position for what felt like hours and when we pulled away from the hug, my heart was back to beating normally.

I was still very scared and worried about Greyson but at least I wasn’t crying or hyperventilating about the situation anymore.

“Let’s go back to sleep honey.” I coaxed Jessy, she scooted over so I could climb into her bed but she refused to lay down.

“Where’s daddy?” She asked.

“He’ll be here soon okay? Just go to bed and when you wake up daddy will be here.” I said gently to her.

It took a couple of minutes, especially with Jessy being stubborn and trying to fight the sleep but eventually her eyes dropped and she fell asleep again. I stayed with her for a few minutes, stroking her back and making sure she was fast asleep, before I slipped out of the bed.

I also had a responsibility. I could hear the noises coming from downstairs and I knew that it meant people were seeking refuge here and from the sound, it was mainly women and pups. With Jessy fast asleep and safe, I needed to make sure that others were safe too and offer an extra hand if need be.

I understood the instruction that Greyson has given. Not to leave the room no matter what. But if he was going to go out in a raging fire and fight then I could also try and help in whatever way that I could.

I opened the door and true to his words a guard had been stationed outside the room.

“Ma’am you can’t leave at all. The Alpha has instructed that you remain within the room at all times, please go back inside.” The guard said gently to me.

His tone was very respectful and I could see that he was taking his job seriously, but in this moment he was pissing me off.

“I need to pee.” I said pointing to my bulging stomach.

His eyes widened in surprise and he moved out of the way to let me through.

“No matter what happens, protect the girl inside with your entire life.” I said and he nodded in understanding.

I moved towards the grand stairs and descended from it, the voices were much stronger downstairs and for a moment it felt like the room spun.

My mind filled with confusion for a full minute and I could only stand and watch for a while. The amount of people inside the house was outrageous.

Some people were gathered in groups, others just by themselves. I could also spot a few injured ones but thankfully the maids were going around and attending to everyone. I felt it before I heard him, the tug at my pajamas bottoms.

“Hi Jessy’s mommy!” Simon’s little voice came.

I smiled at the boy and bent down so I was at eye level with him and that was when I frowned, he had an eye that was almost swollen shut and a cut on his lips.

The bruise on his eye was nasty looking and I tried to come up with an explanation as to why that was there. It looked very fresh too and I couldn’t help but wonder if he had gotten into a fight with another kid recently.

But that seemed far fetched. Asides from the fact that Simon was the sweetest kid and would never get into a fight, I also knew that it was impossible for a child his age to be able to cause that much damage.

“What happened sweetie? Are you okay?” I asked gently.

Simon opened his mouth as if to say something but he seemed to think against it, Instead he broke eye contact and looked away from me, his hands were in front of him wriggling in what I could only describe as fear.

“Hey Freya. Why are you downstairs? Master said to make sure you don’t come down here.” Christie said, appearing by my side.

I stood up from my kneeling position to face her and I could see the exhaustion in the maids feature.

“I came down to pee.” I said, telling the same lie I had told the guard. Christie only rose a brow at me. A sign that she knew I was lying.

“I’m pretty sure there’s a bathroom in Jessy’s room and you could have just used the one in the Master’s bedroom if at all you wanted a different one. You didn’t have to come down.”

“Yes, yes I know. But I couldn’t stay up in the room for much longer. I wanted to help Christie.” I whispered to the maid.

I didn’t expect many people to understand me. After all it looked like I had it all good and I barely had to lift a finger but that was far from the truth and of course Christie understood that, she probably wouldn’t be my best friend if she didn’t.

“Okay. But Stay where I can see you please.” She said and I nodded in understanding.

All this while we were talking, Simon was stuck to my leg like glue, he buried his face in my pajamas and I could only stroke his hair and hope that it brought him at least a little comfort. Once Christie left, I knelt in front of him once more.

“Simon, what happened to your eyes?”

“Can I see Jessy? Please?” The boy asked politely instead and I frowned in confusion. The sadness in his voice was more than any four years old should have.

His good eyes was filled with sadness and I could see his bottom lip wobble like he was about to cry. I quickly wrapped my arms around him in a hug and to my surprise the little boy hugged me even tighter.

Why wouldn’t he just answer my question? I was scared that Simon was being abused but that was a very heavy accusation and I needed something from the boy to be able to help him at all. But I also did not want to upset him or push him into a corner that made him feel unsafe with me so I decided to let it go. For now.

“I’m a little hungry. Do you want to pick up a snack in the kitchen and then we can go check up on Jessy upstairs?” I asked him and for the first time that morning a small genuine smile appeared on his lips.

He nodded his head and took the hand that I offered, wrapping his own tiny ones around it. We headed towards the kitchen were I fetched a snack for my self and for him. I took a bottle of water too and once we were done we began heading out towards the living area again.

Naomi appeared in the door way from seemingly no where and the panic in her eyes sent a straight fire through me. I didn’t need to know the situation to understand that it was bad from the look in her eyes.

“Freya, thank Goddess. Come with me please, she’s dying. Most of the maids are busy and there’s no one else to help.” Naomi said in a rush and I struggled to understand her words.

Who was dying?

“Naomi calm down please. What’s going on? Who is dying?”

“I don’t have the time to explain please come with me.” The maid had tears steaming down her face and that scared me a lot.

I began to move with her but Simon had a firm grip on my two fingers.

When I turned to the boy, the fear in his eyes was even worse than it had been a few minutes before. He was also shaking his head.

“What’s the problem Simon? I have to go and help someone. I’ll be right back and we can go to see Jessy okay?” I whispered to him but he wasn’t having it and he begun crying and shaking his head no.

“Freya please. I don’t think we have a lot of time.”

I pulled Simon into a hug and dropped a small kiss on his forehead.

“Go into the living area and wait for me honey. I’ll be out soon okay.” I urged but he only remained in his spot with tears falling down his eyes. I nudged him in the direction of the living area and thankfully he began walking there.

I turned back around and began following Naomi in the direction of the maid quarters.

“Who do you say is dying again? And why are they in the maid quarters? They should be out in the living area where most of the supplies are and where they can get the utmost ca-”

We had just crossed into the maid quarters and I could only see the flash of movement from the corner of my eyes and even with that I wasn’t fast enough to react.

It happened so fast, one moment I was coming in through the door while talking and in the next moment there was a heavy bang. It sounded far away but the racking pain on my head brought the realization that I had been hit and the sound was actually from inside my ears.

Blackness immediately took over my vision and the last thing I heard before I completely blacked out was Naomi’s voice.

“We need to move her fast. That fucking child was with her and I’m sure he’s going to get help.”

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