The Mating Rules

Chapter 38

I haven’t stopped smiling since last night, I can’t help it, Caden is so different from who I got to see growing up. A little part of me feels guilty, though I didn’t sleep with the Alpha, he did go a lot further than an innocent date and I don’t know whether I should tell Hadley about it.

Part of me feels like its wrong to keep what happened from my other mate but I’m also worried that I will hurt Hadley by telling him, that he’ll feel like I cheated on him or that I’ve made my decision and start to pull away again.

‘So where is lover boy number two taking you tonight?’ Ashleigh asks as she breezes into my room and throws herself down on my bed, raising an eyebrow at my date attire.

Ignoring her blatant aversion to my choice of outfit, I continue to apply some eyeshadow to my eyelids. ‘We are staying in’ I reply to her question, avoiding her gaze entirely.

‘Reeeeeeeeally?’ my best friend drawls, a huge smile on her face as she sits up, devoting her attention to me all of a sudden. ‘Maybe you’ll get some action with hotty mctotty as well’ she adds before cackling like a witch.

I really need to learn to keep my mouth shut, but it was so damn good I couldn’t not share my date information with my bestie. OK I didn’t go into details but she knows enough that she went back to her room and now Dexter is limping slightly so she might have broken him. He has an equally large grin on his face all day as well so whatever she got him to do, he was a willing participant.

‘Can you not call my mate hotty mctotty’ I mutter, ‘you have your own mate!’

‘I do, and he is like chocolate on legs, I could happily lick him raw, but damn girl, have you seen your men? Having a mate don’t make a girl blind, I got eyes!’ she replied dreamily.

I shake my head, since discovering Caden and Hadley I haven’t even looked toward another man so I don’t actually understand what she’s saying. If my guys are nearby I automatically seek them out, drinking them in. Other guys are just . . . well guys, I don’t think about how good looking they are.

‘I have to go’ I interrupted my best friend as she starts to tell me about something Dexter did to her this morning before he left for warrior training. ‘Hadley asked that I be there for seven thirty.’

Sighing deeply, Ashleigh drags herself from my bed, ‘since you got two mates we never hang out’ she grumbles. ‘I always made time for you after Dex but it’s like I’m now some old holey sock that you forgot to throw away. You pick me up in surprise when you find me and then drop me back on the floor like you’ll deal with me later.’

I glance at my dejected friend, seeing her upset expression and standing up to go over and hug her. ‘I have been a bit of a rubbish friend haven’t I’ I admit. I hate even more right now that I can’t tell her about the choice I have to make. After the full moon I’ll have more time but right now I need to spend every minute with my mates so I can make the right choice. I push aside the ache that forms in my chest at the thought of letting one of my guys go. The more I get to know them, the more I fall in love with them. Not just mate bond love that I already had, I like them! They are so different but seem to compliment me in different ways. I tried not to focus on my changing feelings but I can’t keep denying it, I love them both.

Ashleigh waves her hand dismissively, ‘it’s fine’ she sighs, ‘I’m just being moody. You have a brand new mate, well two in fact, you are going to be in that honeymoon phase.’

I study my friend’s face, a frown crossing my own, ‘what’s wrong Ash?’ I ask, finally seeing that she’s well . . . off.

My best friend forces a smile, shaking her head, ‘nothing, nothing, we’ll talk another time, go be s***d up by sexy warrior man.’

I hold her tighter to me, suddenly unsure about leaving her, ‘I could cancel, Hadley would understand . .’ I start uncertainly.

Ashleigh feigns horror, ‘no way! You need to get your mouth on that walking dessert’ she huffs, suddenly back to her old self. ‘If you can get him in your mouth then you know Caden will want it as well’ she taunts with a smirk as I squirm. Yeah I may have mentioned to her in my mind link gab fest that I was a little disappointed to not be allowed to reciprocate to my mate. she’s right, if I can get my hands and mouth on Hadley, Caden is going to be throwing himself at me for the same treatment. A smile crawls across my face, maybe I do need to let Hadley know about last night, as the Alpha said, what one gets the other one does.

‘Go get your man’ Ashleigh grins, bumping my shoulder with hers before standing up and leaving my room.

Checking myself in the mirror, I give a quick nod before heading out, walking out of the pack house and across the grounds toward Hadley’s house. I can see his porch light on in the distance, guiding me toward him and can’t help the smile that tilts up my lips at his thoughtfulness. It’s not overly dark and I’m a werewolf so my night vision is spectacular, but the fact he thought to light the way for me touches my heart.

Climbing the steps to his front door, I take a deep breath before lifting my hand to knock loudly.

Seconds later and the door swings open to reveal my very tall and very delicious looking mate who leans against the door smiling down at me. I take in the low slung jeans and tight top that show off all those yummy abs to my starved eyes.

‘Hey sweetheart’ he greets me, drawing my eyes reluctantly from his body and up to his face where he’s smiling down at me in amusement.

‘Hey!’ I reply, trying to cover up my obvious staring, seriously, we m**n about men objectifying us but damn! I’m falling into letchy territory with the way my gaze fixates on the bodies of these men bonded to me.

Waving me inside, Hadley holds the door out of the way as I scoot quickly inside the door shutting behind me as my arm gets snagged and I’m pulled backwards. My back hits the door as I’m hoisted up by two strong arms and pressed against the wall, his lips finding mine.

Slowly exploring my mouth, the warrior takes his fill before reluctantly pulling away and placing me back on my feet.

‘Wow’ I breathe, ‘can I go back out and come back in for another hello?’

Hadley chuckles as he laces his fingers in mine and draws me toward the living room which has a nice homely feel to it. Looking around, I spot lots of photos of Hadley growing up and loads of two adults together or with him, pure affection for each other in every picture.

‘I missed you’ Hadler rumbles, stealing back my attention where I find him watching me, an embarrassed smile on his face.

‘I missed you too’ I reply honestly, releasing his hand and wrapping my arms around his torso, leaning my head against his chest where I can hear his heartbeat thrumming comfortingly. ‘I like your home’ I add, glancing around us again, ‘it’s really nice, I didn’t really get a chance to look the last time I was here.’

The warrior blushes, following my line of sight to the well worn couch and décor that has an obvious woman’s touch. ‘My mum decorated it’ he mumbles, ‘I didn’t really change anything, you know . . . after, just left it as it was.’

I nod, pulling away so I can move around to inspect things, ‘it’s homey’ I reply, ‘I love everything about it.’

I glance back at my mate to see his shoulders relaxing at my words, and I divert his attention by lifting my face and sniffing, a smile spreading across my face. ‘Something smells amazing’ I g***n, ‘what is it? Did you get take out?’

The warrior is blushing again, glancing at his feet as he nervously shakes his head, ‘no, I um . . cooked’ he replies making my eyes widen.

‘Shut up!’ I yell slightly louder than I meant too, ‘you cook? What did you make?!’

My feet are moving, following the tempting smell automatically as I push through the far door into a rustic kitchen where a small kitchen table is set for two. A candle is positioned between the two place settings and each one has a napkin that’s been twisted into a bird of some kind. A bottle of wine is laying in an ice bucket, two wine glasses beside it. Everything rests on a perfectly pressed white table cloth and a soft music plays from a nearby stereo.

Placing my hand over my heart, I drink in the view as my mate hovers behind me. ‘You did all this?’ I ask, turning toward him as he nods again.

Throwing my arms around him, I hug him tightly, ‘thank you, this is possibly the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me’ I murmur, pulling his head down so I can press my lips to his.

‘I wanted you all to myself’ he admits, unwrapping me from him so he can take my hand again and lead me toward the table, pulling out my chair as I take a seat eagerly.

Once I’m seated, he lights the candle before heading toward the oven and pulling it open, taking out a deep dish that makes my mouth water.

Cutting into the food, Hadley places a slice on each plate already waiting on the side that has salad pre prepared on it before taking out a tray of garlic bread and placing two slices next to the meal.

Picking up the plates, he walks back to me, placing one on my place setting so I can see it’s lasagne. ‘I inhale deeply, moaning in appreciation as the scent surrounds me. ‘This looks amazing, did you really make this?’ I ask, itching to grab my fork and dig in but trying to show at least some semblance of having table manners.

Hadley nods as he smiles shyly, taking the seat across from me and opening up his napkin to drape across his lap. Seeing his movement, I pick up my own, pouting slightly, ‘it seems such a shame to mess it up’ I murmur, inspecting the dove that makes up my napkin.

Hadley smiles, ‘I can make you one out of paper to keep if you want’ he offers making me grin as I nod quickly and lay my napkin over my lap.

I can’t wait any longer, my stomach is about to growl in the most unladylike fashion so I cut a big chunk off the lasagne and pop it in my mouth. My eyes roll as flavour bursts on my tongue. It’s better than my mother’s, and if you tell her I said that I’ll lie through my teeth that I didn’t.

‘You like it?’ my mate’s voice asks quietly, as I glance up to see him watching me.

I nod quickly, chewing and swallowing, ‘it’s delicious’ I reply, ‘is this another thing your mum taught you?’

The warrior laughs as he shakes his head, ‘my mum couldn’t boil water’ he replies fondly, ‘this was all my dad. He loved to cook, would always be in here trying out a new idea when he wasn’t working or at training. When I was a pup, he’d let me lick the spoon when he would make cakes and stuff. He would put me on a chair so I could stir the pot on the stove, It kind of became our bonding thing. When we were training or studying, it was all business so this was where I got to see him as my dad not a trainer or a warrior, you know what I mean?’NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

I nod, my dad had also trained me, he was a completely different man on the training field and he worked all of his kids hard as he knew that what he was teaching us could save our lives one day. I was sure that Hadley’s father had been the same, pushing him harder than others knowing he was preparing him to fight for his life.

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