The Mating Rules

Book 3 – Chapter 26

Isaac’s POV

As I pack up my clothes into my bag. I try not to think about what will happen when I return to Diamond Star and have to explain to Caden that I traded one of our best warriors for an Omega.

Despite my words, I have no idea how my sister and brothers-in-law will react to Raelyn turning up as our brand-new member. Don’t get me wrong, they’ll be warm and welcoming to her, integrate her into the pack and treat her as one of our own, but me on the other hand, I’m very likely to get my a*s handed to me by each of them in turn for trading a strong warrior for a much weaker she-wolf for absolutely no reason.

OK I have a reason, but not one I can really tell Caden and Jamie Bear. I’m not sure that saying I want to strip her naked and devour her body until neither of us can move is going to win me any points.

I still don’t know what came over me, just thinking about another wolf sniffing around her and I’m offering to take her with me. I’m not a jealous man but there was nothing sane about what I just did. Once I’d said it, I couldn’t even back out as it would have made me, and our pack look untrustworthy and weak to our hosting Alpha. Plus, I didn’t want to take it back, I wanted Raelyn to come with me and even Indigo growled happily when she said yes.

More Revaros Picking up my bag. I give one last sweep over the room to check I have everything before I head outside and down the corridor toward the stairs, their the raised voices before I even reach the top step and I hurry down them to the foyer where Raelyn is standing, a suitcase by her feet as Jasper yells at everyone within earshot including his father who looks equally unhappy.

“She can’t go’ Jasper growls loudly, “I won’t allow it.”

‘It’s her decision Jasper’ Grant replies firmly even if everything about the man screams that he wants to stop this whole idea in it’s tracks.

‘Mom’ Jasper pleads, turning to the Luna who is standing between her husband and her son, gaze on Raelyn who for her part, is staring resolutely at the floor, not meeting anyone’s gaze.

“Your father is right’ the Luna replies softly, ‘Raelyn is a grown woman and she has agreed to the trade, we don’t have the right..

‘He’s the Alpha!’ Jasper roars, pointing at his father furiously, “order her to take it back, make her stay!’

Jas!’ Raelyn starts nervously, reaching out for the man, but is beaten to it by his mate who wraps a hand around his arm, pulling it downward so she can thread their fingers together.

‘Babe’ Jasper whines, looking at his mate as she silently shakes her head at him. ‘But!.:

“las’ his mate murmurs. ‘no.

Even though her words are barely audible, they have an effect on the future Alpha as his temper drains away and he stares at the Omega with despair.

‘I’ll be OK Jas’ Raelyn sighs, stepping for ward and taking Jasper’s other hand, the Alpha automatically releasing his mate so he can pull the Omega against him, wrapping his arms around her tightly.

I swallow down a growl that tries to claw its way out of me at the sight of anyone touching her. Jasper is an Alpha and mated! What the hell is wrong with me?

I clear my throat awkwardly, announcing my presence as every set of eyes turns toward me, some not as friendly as others.

Umm, we’ll need to get going in a few minutes so we can get home before dark, I can take your bag if you want’ I offer, pointing unnecessarily toward Raelyn’s suitcase.

‘Thank you’ the she-wolf replies giving me a small smile that warms me.

I step forward, picking up the case, and turn quickly, leaving the Alpha family to say goodbye to Rae.

Outside, I hand my bag and Rae’s to one of the warrior’s who stows it in the back of my vehicle before giving me a respectful nod and climbing into the drivers seat.

‘Beta’ comes a voice, and turning around I find Lance behind me, fidgeting nervously, his mate nowhere to be seen.

“Lance I greet him moving closer, my hand outstretched, taking his in a firm shake.

He gives me a tight smile as we release each other. “I just wanted to come and say.. well, thank you’ he mutters. “To you and to Alpha Caden which I hope you’ll pass on when you get back. loved being a part of Diamond Star, and I will miss everyone, but..”

I nod understandingly as his voice trails off. ‘you need to follow your instincts warrior’ I say gruffly. ‘If you and your wolf believe that you should be here then that is the right thing for you.’

Lance smiles sadly, ‘my mum’ he mutters reluctantly, ‘she didn’t really expect me to not come back … I could ring her but.. you know. she’d ask questions and, well.. could you .. ‘ he looks at me imploringly.

‘I will tell her that you found your mate and that you will be in contact with her as soon as you both have found your feet’ I reply quickly.

Lance gives me a grateful smile before bowing his head to me and backing away, heading toward the other warriors from our pack, no doubt to say goodbye.

Turning back, I find Alpha Grant beside me, watching Lance before turning back toward me.

‘Beta’ he murmurs, ‘a word if I may!’

I immediately move away from the SUV, following the Alpha far enough that our low tones will not carry to members of either pack that are congregating outside to say goodbye.

I give the man my attention as he studies me for a moment.

‘Raelyn’ he finally sighs quietly. ‘she’s a strong woman.

I nod, as I have already figured that out for myself, but assume he has more to say.

‘On the outside, she’s as tough as nails’ the Alpha continues, his gaze moving toward the door where Raelyn is being held tightly by the Luna as a few Omegas huddle nearby, waiting to say goodbye to her.

‘I’m aware I reply, my own gaze moving toward her as I watch her wipe her eyes with the back of her hands as she pulls back from the people that became her family.NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

‘Underneath all that strength, there is vulnerability’ Alpha Grant continues, his voice strained, ‘Remember that Beta.’ He brings his gaze back to me and something akin to loss ghosts his eyes. Im asking you this, not as an Alpha or someone you are bound to because of a treaty, I’m asking you this as a father who is saying goodbye to his daughter, please, look out for her. I understand she needs to spread her wings and find her own way, but just… make sure that… she’s happy!

One of my warriors calls my name, so all I can do is nod before shaking the mans hand firmly.

‘Thank you for allowing us to be part of your claiming Alpha, I am happy that so many of your and my own pack have found their fated other.’

Alpha Grant places his other hand on top of our joined ones, compassion evident in his gaze, ‘I still wish that you front, the rest behind. I point to the two vehicles I want to lead the convoy before bowing to the Alphas and their Lunas and climbing into the car, shutting the door with what feels like a deafening click.

I tap my driver on the shoulder to indicate I’m ready, settling back into my seat and pulling my belt across my chest.

Beside me, Raelyn is almost plastered to the far door, her gaze glued to the tinted window as she stares at her home.

As the car pulls out behind our convoy leads, I see her flinch, her hand moving from her lap to the pane of bulletproof glass, her fingers touching the edge of the sill as though she hopes she can reach out for one last connection to her old pack I feel a deep urge to pull her toward me, wrap my arms around her, and protect her from the sadness that is radiating off her, surrounding her like an aura. Instead, I turn my body away slightly, giving her privacy to say her goodbyes as I focus out of my own window, sightlessly staring at the landscape as we pass, and try to stamp on the traitorous thoughts that I have no right to be feeling.

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