The Mating Rules

Book 3 – Chapter 21

Isaac’s POV

I roll over as the light streams through the gap in the curtains that I left last night after sitting rigidly on my bed until one am. The breath in my lungs had finally released as I’d looked out into the blackness, thankful for my werewolf sight to find that all the guards were gone, the claiming was over for another month and again, I hadn’t heard anyone.

I climb out of bed and hurry through my morning routine, dragging on some jeans and a shirt before hurrying out of my room and down the stairs toward the dining room.

I’m just hungry and eager to see if any of my pack found their mates, I tell myself firmly as I step onto the bottom step just as a young she wolf rushes across the hall, the youngest warrior from our pack, Lance, behind her.

‘Baby please’ he calls out desperately.

The she wolf spins around and glares at him, ‘don’t call me that’ she snarls, ‘I am NOT your baby! I don’t know what the hell happened, but this is a mistake!’

My warrior looks like he’s about to cry and I go to step forward just as Ford darts past me and grabs the girl who growls loudly at him.

‘Watch yourself Mercedes’ the Beta warns the younger girl firmly, ‘we might be family, but you will respect me.’

The two glare at each other in a silent battle of wills before the young girl reluctantly drops her gaze.

‘It’s not fair’ she whimpers, her shoulders dropping, ‘this isn’t how it’s supposed to go! I’m Beta b***d, I was meant to be a Beta female or a Luna, not a warrior’s mate.’

‘Cedes’ Ford soothes, reaching out and wrapping his arms around who I assume is his sister by the strong resemblance. ‘The Goddess has a plan for all of us, I’m sure . . ‘ he looks over at my warrior questioningly.

‘Lance’ the kid whispers back sadly.

‘Lance, is a great guy! Maybe you just need to get to know him? This isn’t the end of the world, you’re being a little bit spoilt if I’m being honest here’ the Beta finishes with a shrug.

Mercedes rips herself from her brother’s arms, shaking her head as her temper flares again. ‘How could you! I’m not being spoilt! I’m supposed to be mated to a Beta at least and something has gone wrong!’ She throws her hands up furiously, ‘maybe this is a test?’ she adds a spark of hope flashing in her eyes. ‘The Goddess wants to see if I’m strong enough to reject this one and then she’ll give me my real mate.’

I hear the audible whimper comes from my warrior as she spins toward him determinedly.

‘I Mercedes Fullborn, reject . ‘ she states firmly.

Lance literally throws himself at the woman, pressing his hand to her mouth as he cuts off her words. I can see the affect of the mate bond in action as she not only stops talking but doesn’t fight the man at all, just standing dazedly with his hand pressed to her lips.

‘Please’ he croaks, ‘don’t say it, I’m begging you, don’t say those words.’

I glance at Ford who is shaking his head angrily as he glares at his sister before Ford’s father and who I assume is his mother hurry through the front door toward their children.

‘What is going on?’ The older Beta demands, glaring from his son to his daughter who is still staring at Lance, unmoving.

The warrior slowly lowers his hands, pulling back from her with physical grief washing over his face.

‘Mercedes is trying to reject her Goddess gifted mate because he’s a warrior’ Ford spits angrily with a look of disgust at his younger sister.

‘Mercedes!’ her mother shrieks, her hand flying to her mouth.

The young girl looks around her family before her gaze falls on Lance, a small sob leaving her as she stares at him for a second before turning on her heel and running from the pack house.

Her parents rush after her, and with a comforting pat to Lance’s shoulder, Ford follows suit, the front door slamming behind him.

Walking over to Lance’s side, I grip his shoulder comfortingly, ‘what happened?’ I ask softly.

The warrior shrugs, his gaze on the floor, ‘I heard her’ he mutters, ‘it was so amazing man, like her soul was calling to mine, I’d never heard anything like it and I knew that if I didn’t follow, my life would be over. Lancaster took over, raced us to the forest, drawn by a pull I can’t describe. Even though I knew there were other girls in the woods, I didn’t see them even if I passed them, all I saw was her. I stepped into the clearing and she shone, like a beacon, you know? Lancaster called out for her and her wolf turned to us and claimed us back. I grabbed her and kissed her, I’d never felt so complete, it was like I’d been living a half life up until that moment and I didn’t even know.’

He gulps in a lungful of air, blinking rapidly as tears start to roll down his cheeks. ‘I felt the shift’ he whispers, ‘felt Mercedes take over.’ His face literally lights up as the woman’s name falls from his lips and I see a man truly in love beside me. ‘She pulled away from me, said I couldn’t be her mate . . she . . she ran from me.’

I tracked her to her room but she wouldn’t answer the door, I sat outside all night, just waiting for her to come out. When she did, she told me to stay away from her, that I wasn’t her mate. I chased her down here and . . well you saw the rest’ he finishes sadly.

‘I’m sorry man’ I reply sincerely, ‘but maybe it’s for the best? You might get a second chance . . ‘

Lance growls, cutting me off as I blink in surprise, he’s never been one to disrespect a higher rank.

‘No’ He states stubbornly, ‘Mercedes is my mate, we are meant to be together.’

‘But if she won’t have you . . ‘I continue as I squash down my own wolf who wants to yank the warrior up for his insubordination.

Lance shakes his head, ‘she just needs time’ he mutters to himself, ‘to get to know me, see that I’m not useless just because I’m not a Beta. I can win her over’ he adds, his gaze finding mine, ‘I . . .’ he licks his lips nervously, ‘I want to swap packs, stay here’ he tells me.

I stare at him for a second, ‘Lance’ I start uncertainly, ‘if she won’t accept you, then . .’

‘I know Beta’ he sighs, ‘but we can do a trade can’t we? If you and Alpha Grant agree. Me for a member of their pack, if one of their members wants to move to our pack and you and the Alpha feel it’s a fair trade, I can stay here right?’

I nod slowly, it’s very very rare that our pack trades members when it’s not due to a claimed mate situation. ‘She can still reject you man’ I point out, ‘and if she does, you’ll be stuck here regardless, seeing her everyday as you will no longer belong to Diamond Star pack.’

Lance nods stubbornly, ‘I know’ he mumbles, ‘but I have to try, I can’t walk away from her, she’s my everything.’ He looks at me with such helplessness that I find myself nodding in agreement to his request.

‘OK’ I say, squeezing his shoulder, ‘I’ll talk to Alpha Grant, see if any of his warriors would be interested in joining our pack. I can’t guarantee he’ll agree or we’ll find anyone, but I will put forward your request.’

Lance’s face lights up as he hugs me before releasing me quickly and baring his neck, ‘I am so sorry Beta’ he stutters, ‘I don’t know what came over me.’

I chuckle, patting his back, ‘go find your mate’ I tell him, ‘you have until the next full moon to convince her that you are the one for her, better get started.’

The warrior nods, beaming widely before giving me a small bow and rushing from the pack house in search of his reluctant she wolf.

Deciding I’m not that hungry, I follow the man slowly, stepping out into the morning sunlight and looking over the empty training field. There is usually never training the morning after a full moon to give those that found their mate a time to bond and those that didn’t time to come to terms with the disappointment.

I turn left, heading around the building, remembering vaguely that there was a small flower maze that was planted by a previous Luna years ago. If my memory is correct, there is a pretty fountain in the centre with stone seating arranged around the edge.

Walking through the entrance, I feel my body relax as the variety of scents surround me, each one complimenting the other telling me that whoever designed it put great thought into the comfort of the wolves that would visit it.

I stroll slowly along the path, feeling like I’m in my own little world as the tall hedges that surround the area block everything outside from view.

As I round the corner, the path opens up to the carved stone fountain that tinkles softly from the water falling into the round basin at the bottom. I immediately spot someone on the far side, partially blocked from view by the ornate structure. Not wanting to impose, I step back, stumbling as my shoe catches on a stray stone. The noise causes the other visitor to snap her gaze to mine, stepping around the fountain as my breath catches in my throat.

‘I . .I’m sorry, I didn’t realise anyone was already here’ I ramble, ‘I was going to leave, I didn’t mean to disturb you.’

Raelyn smiles across at me, her hand clasped to her chest as she tilts her head slightly. ‘You don’t have to leave’ she replies softly, ‘this is a communal area, everyone is welcome.’

I take a slow step toward her, ‘you looked like you were deep in thought’ I admit, ‘I didn’t want to impose.’

Raelyn laughs, and I swear I could listen to that sound all day, ‘I was just making a wish’ she replies, holding out her hand that I realise holds a penny.

Moving to her side, I frown down at the fountain noticing that the bottom is strewn with coins.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

‘A wish?’ I repeat, turning back to her as she once again stares at the fountain, her eyes closed as she grips the penny tightly between her fingers.

She opens her eyes again, meeting my gaze, ‘it’s kind of a tradition’ she admits, blushing slightly, ‘wolves come here and make a wish on a penny before throwing it into the fountain. You tend to find lots of coins in here around the full moon, I think a lot of them wish for their mate’ she says.

I glance around us, realising that she’s alone, ‘I’m sorry’ I blurt out before inwardly cringing.

She looks up at me in surprise, ‘what for?’ she asks in genuine confusion.

I wince, I really should learn to keep my mouth shut sometimes, ‘about your mate’ I mutter, ‘I assumed, as you are here alone, that you didn’t find your mate last night when you went out into the woods?’

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