The Mate He Hates

I can help you

Amanda’s POV

“Please don’t leave me, mother!” I cried out to my mother, who had her back turned against me. Ignoring my pleas, she continued walking away. I tried to go after her but realized my feet were stuck to the ground. “Mother!” I yelled bitterly, but she paid no heed to my cries and continued walking until she disappeared. “Please, mother, don’t leave me here!” I cried out and fell to the ground.

Opening my eyes, I realized it was another of the usual dreams that I had been having for the past three days. The dream kept repeating itself, and I was already getting used to it.

With a sigh, I sat on my bed, looked at the wall clock, and realized it was 2 a. m. Clara and Lina were still fast asleep, unaware I had woken up.

I felt something on my cheek, and when I touched my face, I realized there were tears. While crying in my dreams, I also ended up crying in reality. Inhaling deeply, I decided to leave the room and get some fresh air, at least to clear my head. Making sure not to make a sound, so I wouldn’t wake Clara and Lina, I left my bed and the room.

I left the servants’ quarters, a building attached to the main mansion. Getting outside the building, I realized the weather was chilly, and I should have come out with a jacket. Not wanting to go back to my room, I decided to go to the garden and breathe in the fresh air coming from the flowers.

Walking towards the garden, I met some guards patrolling the mansion. They questioned me, and I told them I wanted to get some fresh air since I couldn’t sleep. After explaining to them, they let me go. I walked into the garden, sat on the grass, and then closed my eyes, inhaling the comforting feeling of the garden. Ever since I was a child, I have always found comfort in flowers. Whenever I feel lonely, sad, or troubled, I always visit the garden. It’s miraculous how it calms my spirit and gives me peace.

While in my comforting embrace, I felt a presence around me. Curious to know who it was, I turned around and was shocked to see Beta Matthew standing a few steps away from me. Just like me, he had a surprised and confused look on his face.

“Beta…” I stumbled to my feet.

He only furrowed his brow and walked closer to me. When he got to where I stood, he glanced at me with questions in his eyes, probably wondering why I was in the garden at such an odd hour. “Emmm… I wanted to get some fresh air,” I explained without being asked. He didn’t respond; instead, he just kept gawking at me.

“I will take my leave now…” I mumbled as I tried to run away, but he was quick to hold my wrist and stop me. “Stay, you don’t have to leave,” his expression softened as he spoke, his touch gentle yet firm on my wrist.

I hesitated, feeling a mix of surprise and uncertainty. Beta Matthew was someone I didn’t interact with often, being from different circles within the mansion. But his presence here, in the garden at this hour, felt oddly comforting. “Are you alright?” he asked, his concern genuine.

I nodded slowly, unable to find my voice at first. “Just… couldn’t sleep,” I finally managed to say, offering a weak smile. He nodded understandingly. “I know the feeling. Sometimes, the night holds too many thoughts.”

His words resonated with me, and for a moment, I felt a connection, a shared understanding that eased the weight on my shoulders. His presence felt so familiar and comforting at the same time. We stood there in silence, the only sound being the gentle rustle of leaves and the distant chirping of crickets. It was as if the night embraced us, offering solace in its quiet embrace.

“Have a seat,” he finally let go of my hand and sat on the grass while I hesitated, watching him. “Sit.” He tapped the space beside him, and I gulped before obeying his words, but I gave as much space as possible.

An uncomfortable silence hung in the air as we both pondered our thoughts. Looking at Beta Matthew, I noticed his eyes were closed, but I knew he wasn’t sleeping; he was just in deep thought. Unable to take my eyes off him, I kept staring at him. There was something about him, a force I couldn’t explain. There was this familiar aura around him that I couldn’t seem to place.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and caught me staring, and out of nervousness, I looked away.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“Why can’t you sleep?” He asked, and I gulped.

“I had a dream,” I responded.

“Me too,” he responded, and I looked his way, wondering what kind of dream would make someone like him unable to sleep. “I occasionally have these dreams, but for the past weeks, they have been frequent,” he sighed and lay on the grass on his back, using his arms as a pillow.

I watched him stare into the sky long before he finally looked my way. “Tell me how it happened,” he urged, and I furrowed my brow, confused at his words.

“Tell me how she died,” he clarified. I swallowed in pain and looked away. The memories of that day replayed in my head, causing my heart to clench in my chest. “Tell me the truth,” he urged, and I remained silent. I contemplated telling him about saving Alpha Edward and how my sister took the credit. The desire to confide in someone who seemed genuinely interested in understanding was strong. But I doubted if he would believe me. So, I hesitated, unsure of how much to disclose.

“I didn’t kill her,” I finally admitted, the words coming out in a whisper. “I found her… I found her already… already gone.” The pain of that moment resurfaced, raw and unyielding.

Beta Matthew nodded, his expression solemn. “I believe you,” he said softly, his voice carrying a sincerity that eased some burden on my shoulders. Confused, I looked his way, wondering why he would believe me so easily, even without evidence.

“But why does Alpha Edward suspect you?” I sighed, the weight of my secrets pressing down on me. “He walked in just as… just as I found her,” I explained.

He remained silent for a long time, and I wondered what he was thinking. Maybe he was having doubts about my innocence. “Who do you suspect might have done it? Who do you think would want to kill her?” He threw that unexpected question at me, and I froze.

I had been so consumed with my pain and suffering that I hadn’t really thought about it. Since I wasn’t the one who killed her, then someone else did, and they are roaming around freely while I am here paying for a crime I didn’t commit.

“I can help you if you want me to,” Beta Matthew declared, his voice showing determination.

“But I need you to think, Amanda. Who do you suspect might have done it? Who do you think would want to kill her?”

Dumbfounded, I glanced his way, and he glanced back at me. As I stared at him, I was confused, wondering why he would want to help me, why he would believe me so much that he offered to help me.

“Think, Amanda. Think. If you are truly innocent, then the guilty one is out there, living their life, and you can’t just sit and watch. So, I want to help you, but you have to give me some clues. Tell me the names of people who you think could possibly kill her.”

His words spurred me into action, forcing me to confront the reality of the situation. I knew I couldn’t afford to dwell on my pain and suffering while someone else might be responsible for my sister’s death. Taking a deep breath, I began to consider the people in our lives, trying to piece together any potential motives or grudges.

Elisa was a free-spirited person. In school, she was pretty popular because she dated the famous dudes. She changed boyfriends every year. To her, no emotion was attached. She received so much attention from our peers, but that also made her a target for jealousy and envy from most girls who thought she was stepping in their way.

Despite Alpha Edward declaring his intention to marry her when he comes back from his training, Elisa didn’t stop dating; she secretly dated dudes until the day of her death.

There were a few classmates who seemed resentful of her success and popularity, but I couldn’t imagine any of them going so far as to commit such a heinous act. As I pondered these thoughts, Beta Matthew remained by my side, silently and patiently waiting for me to speak up.

“I… I’m not sure,” I finally admitted, feeling a sense of frustration at my inability to provide answers. “There are people who might have had reasons to dislike her, but I can’t say for certain who would go so far as to… to do this.”

Beta Matthew chuckled loudly as if I had made a silly joke. “This world is deeper than you can imagine, Amanda. Trust me, I have seen things. Mothers killing their children, husbands killing their wives, and even siblings killing each other. People you will never guess will do such.” He sighed and got up, while I also did the same.

“Don’t worry; I will look into the matter and see what I can do.” His words of assurance brought a glimpse of hope to me.

“Why are you helping me?” I asked, my voice filled with curiosity and gratitude.

He paused, his gaze distant for a moment before meeting mine. “I don’t know,” he admitted softly. “I just… feel compelled to. Sometimes, the heart knows things the mind can’t explain.”

His words resonated with me, and I nodded understandingly, though a part of me still puzzled over his sudden willingness to aid me in my plight.

“Have a good night’s rest.”

As he began to walk away, I called out to him, my voice tinged with uncertainty. “Thank you… for everything.”

He glanced back at me, a small, enigmatic smile playing on his lips. “You’re welcome, Amanda. Take care of yourself.”

And with that, he left, leaving me standing in the garden, feeling a glimmer of hope.

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