The Mafia’s Third Wife: Between The Devil’s Triangle

Getting The Assholes

Chapter 72 Getting The Assholes

“So he released him. He also informed me that Ramos must have gotten help from all his political allies who called Nicolas boss and ordered him to free Ramos.” Alfredo explained.

Alfonso stared at Alfredo in disbelief. “That’s insane,” he said. “I can’t believe that they would release him, even with the lack of evidence. It’s like they’re just turning a blind eye to all the crimes he’s committed.”

“It’s not just that,” Alfredo said. “I’m worried about what he might do now that he’s out. He’s obviously not going to stop his criminal activities. He might even come after us, to get revenge for putting him in jail in the first place.”

Alfonso nodded, his expression darkening.

“We need to figure out what to do,” Alfonso said. “We can’t just sit back and let him get away with all this.”

“We need to find a way to catch him again,” Alfredo said. “But we need to do it the right way, so we have enough evidence to put him away for good. Otherwise, he’ll just keep getting out, and we’ll be back to square one.”

“So what do you propose we do?” Alfonso asked. “We can’t exactly go around breaking the law ourselves. We’d be no better than him if we did that.”

“Well…. Raven said she has a plan and would discuss it with us tonight and so we just have to wait and hear her plan out.” Alfredo said.

Alfonso nodded. “I trust Raven,” he said. “If she says she has a plan, I’m sure it’s a good one. She’s a smart girl, and she’s always thinking ahead. I just hope her plan doesn’t involve doing anything illegal. We’re already in enough hot water as it is.”

“We’ll just have to see what she says,” Alfredo said. “In the meantime, we need to stay vigilant. We can’t let our guard down, even for a second.

“But wait… I thought you didn’t like her before. Why the change of heart?” Alfredo asked.

“Well you know I thought she was Ramos wife and thought that she was a gold digger who was with him because of his money, but now… hearing her story. I don’t hate her anymore.” Alfonso said.

“I understand,” Alfredo said.

“I know you were just looking out for me, and I appreciate that.

I just want you to know that Raven is a good person. She’s been through a lot, and she’s not out to hurt anyone. She just wants to make the world a better place.”

“I know,” Alfonso said. “I can see that now. I was wrong to judge her so quickly. I should have given her a chance to tell her story from the beginning.”

“It’s okay,” Alfredo said. “We all make mistakes.

So let’s just wait till evening and then we move to her room to hear her plan.”

“Alright.” Alfonso said.

“But I can’t believe this! How could the police free a criminal like Ramos all because they were ordered by some politician.

It’s just crazy I tell you crazy!”

“It is crazy,” Alfredo agreed. “But I think it’s just a symptom of a larger problem. The government is corrupt, and the police are just a part of that system.

They’re not independent; they’re controlled by the people in power. And that’s why Ramos was able to get away with everything he did for so long.”

“You’re right,” Alfonso said. “It’s like the whole system is rigged against us. How can we ever hope to make things better if the people in charge are only looking out for themselves?”

“We have to keep fighting,” Alfredo said.

“But what can we do?” Alfonso asked, his voice filled with frustration. “It feels like no matter what we do, we’re just up against this huge machine that’s impossible to stop.”

“We can’t stop fighting,” Alfredo said. “If we give up, then we’ve already lost. But if we keep trying, there’s always a chance that we can make a difference. Maybe it’s small, but it’s better than nothing.”

“I know,” Alfonso said.

Later that evening, Alfredo and Alfonso went over to Raven’s room.This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

On getting there, they knocked on her door and she answered and opened the door allowing them in.

“So you said you have a plan that we can use to stop Ramos once and for all. So we are here to hear the details of your plans.” Alfonso said.

Raven nodded, her face set in a determined expression. “I’ve been thinking about this for a long time,” she said.

“I believe that the only way to stop Ramos is to hit him where it hurts: his money. We need to go after his assets, his bank accounts, his businesses, everything.

If we can make it so he can’t make any more money, then he won’t have the resources to keep doing what e’s doing.”

“That’s a bold strategy,” Alfredo said. “But I’m not sure it’s possible.

“I know it’s a long shot,” Raven admitted. “But I think it’s our best chance. If we can find a way to get to his money, then we can dry up his resources and stop him in his tracks. And I think I know how we can do it.”

“What do you have in mind?” Alfredo asked.

Raven looked them both in the eye. “We need to go after his businesses, his shell companies, his offshore accounts. We need to follow the money trail and find a way to cut him off at the source.”

“But we’ll need help.” Raven continued.

“I think we need help from other people who Ramos has offended and hurt deeply. I think if we can convince them to help us seek revenge, they would be willing to do it.

I know it’s a lot to ask, but I think it’s our best shot.”

“I think you’re right.” Alfonso said.

“But it’s not going to be easy. We’re going to need a lot of information, and we’re going to need to be very careful.

Any mistake can give our plan away.”

“We’ll need to be meticulous.” Raven said.

“We’ll need to gather as much information as we can about Ramos, operations, and we’ll need to stay one step ahead of him. We can’t afford to make any mistakes.”

“How do we even start?” Alfonso asked.

“We don’t have any leads.”

“Sure we do.” Raven said.

“We do?” Alfonso asked, confused.

“Hell yeah!” Raven said.

“You see, while Ramos was doing all he could to make my stay at his mansion a living hell threatening to kill my uncle, I took the liberty to sneak into his office and stole some very valuable files.

What he doesn’t knew was that he doesn’t know that I have my ways around systems , so I knew exactly where he kept his valuable files and document which I took the liberty of stealing.

Those files contains where he kept his assets, bank accounts and other valuable items that we are gonna steal to break him and then we can end him once and for all.” Raven said.

“Raven, you sly snake!” Alfonso said his eye wide in surprise.

“I never knew you had that in you.”

“Well don’t judge a book by it’s cover next time.” Raven said.

“I won’t judge you again.” Alfonso said, a grin spreading across his face.

“You sure are full of surprises, Raven. I’m impressed.”

“Thanks, Alfonso.” She said.

“But you know that you also put yourself in harms way. If Ramos had caught you, he would have killed you. You know that right?” Alfredo said.

“Yeah… I know, but it’s something I knew I needed to do just incase things didn’t go exactly as we planned. We needed a plan B and a plan C.” she said.

“A plan C?” Alfonso asked.

“Yep, a plan C and that’s to take down all those politician one after the other and then Ramos would be alone since he won’t have his support system helping him again.” Raven said.

“How are you planning on doing that?” Alfonso asked.

“Well…. I took the liberty of also collecting secret information about all Ramos politicians friends and honestly I got my hands on some very interesting information about them….. interesting secrets that they wouldn’t want to let the world to know about it.

“Damn girl! You never seize to amaze me Raven.” Alfonso said.

“We not only have a plan B but we also have a plan C and that means we are gonna get that son of a bitch and all those assholes helping him.”

“Yeah… you bet your ass we will…..”

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